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RE: =MtAK= Cguy

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11/13/2009 18:38:55   


:o Where?!

They're really giving out AKs to anyone nowadays >:D

Indeed they are Lelly, indeed they are. :D

Just kiddin...gratz *gratzdoomcookie for you*

Woo, thankies! :)

what does the C stand for? Cookie? Cute? Cabbage?

Cabbage!? No, it stands for my real name, Chris. :P

Now you're in a cage/box does that mean that I can't feed you my cookies anymore?

You might be able to push them through the air holes, if you mush 'em up really well. :D

*steals someone's question, noms it, and asks it* ...?

No, I am not a cheesecake yet.

Imma go afk ^_^

:o I'll come back in a few weeks. :P


*me waits*

Btw...people in this MtAK seems to have taken cookies from my jar...if you see them tell them that those where my plastic cookies...I keep my real cookies hidden for safety

I will do. :P Bye! :D

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 10:02:57 >
DF AQW  Post #: 51
11/13/2009 19:17:51   

HEY CGUY... i mean please answer these

Hi there! :D Of course I will! :D

what is the role of archknight and why are they practically worshiped on the forums?

This should explain--> Forum Ranks, Groups and Titles

do you know if he new fiday the 13th stuff drops unlucky doom esences<=( i can't spell good)

Well, I know they drop from Zorbak's new quest. ;)

i was playing PVP and people were doing godly damage(i.e. 150-250) with the doom/destiny weaps. Y?

Hmm, maybe just a particularly good attack?

dus the NBoD have a speacial?

It does. :)

if yes, what does it do?

See here---> Necrotic Blade of Doom :)

what's this about cells and beating up newbees?

It's a bit of the joke that all of the AK's have been put in cells, where they're bullied by their "masters" (the head mod of the forum they are moderating in)

hmmmm... can't think of any others


Bye! :)

*edit* Oh yeah! how doi put the links to my AQ AQW and MQ charactor pages on

Just go to your profile, inset the ID numbers of your characters, then click "Apply" at the bottom, then "OK" (also at the bottom).

*edit#2* rumer going around about a new doom/destiny upgrade. True? Where?

There have been two new doom weapon upgrades with this release, but no Destiny.

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 10:20:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 52
11/13/2009 19:21:52   
Sasuke Uchiha

*me dies* Nah, I'm just kidding, hey. :D Thanks for the color tags. :)

Yay, again! :D

WhAt sHaLl YoU fEeLs If I tPyE iN yOuR color?
Don't make me slash you. :P

Played Final Fantasy?

Have any game systems?
Xbox 360

Well, I don't like asking anymore questions, so bye until the next page comes!
Heh heh, okay. Bye! :D

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 10:22:10 >
DF  Post #: 53
11/13/2009 20:58:49   

GASP!* Hijackers! Well, they shan't have my posty!

:o Don't say that, you might draw them!

You likes mah siggy?

Very nice. :P

PS: I won't post more than 6 or 7 questions... I think.

Ooh, I will wait and see. :D

Who is your favorite person on the forums?

Artix. :P

I like wombats. What is your favorite animal?

Armadillo :)

Name that song!

"So, take your shower,
Shine your shoes,
You got no time to lose.
You are young men you must be living..."

The "songy song song" that I am too lazy to research? :D

Imma firin' mah lazar!

Eeep! *me hides*

*Yep, I did indeed do the same as my siggy.

Heh heh. Ok, bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 10:26:15 >


Keep Your Friends Close, Your Weapons Closer, and Your Enemies At An Appropriate Striking Distance.

~ Cow Face
DF AQW  Post #: 54
11/13/2009 23:09:31   
King Desoato

Hey Cguy it's Desoato for more torturing you.

:o Hey.

1. On my previous post i asked if my avatars armor made my butt look big? Is that a yes or a no?

*cough*A bit*cough* Sorry, what was that?

2. Why does the Legendary Hero like being so mean to you?
;.; I'm not mean ~TLH~

Nah, I <3 him really.

3. What is your favorite sport?

To watch- football/soccer, to play- hockey

4. What is your weapon of choice/

Brilliant Blinding Light of Destiny :)

5. What are 5 reasons why you like Dragonfable?

Different skills for different armors, "run around" gameplay, puns, about dragons, general fun gaming

6. What do you think of the two new Doom weapons?

I havn't got them. :/

7. What is that weird smell i keep smelling when i got to this page?

Do you smell it everywhere you go? :P

8. Why were you in shock when they asked you to become an AK?

Well, it was completely unexpected.

9. Which would you rather have A BIG COOKIE OR 10 FEET OF FROZEN CUSTARD DONUTS?

Cookie. :o

10. Why does everyone ask so many questions?

'Cause I'm awesome? :P

11. Do you think you expected to become an AK soon?

Not at all. xD

12. What color is your dragon?

Yellow/gold, for light.

13. Why did i not ask this sooner?

You only thought of it in time for these sets of questions?

14. Do you want a pat on the back for becoming an AK?

Sure. :D

15. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


These are my questions, answer them truthfully. And remember TLH is watching you. muhwahhaha.
<.< >.>

Eeek. Bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 10:36:12 >


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 55
11/14/2009 0:11:45   

Wow an AK I dont know for once....I feel unspecial....


Whats your favorite staff member?

Artix. :P

Favorite AK?

I <3 them all. :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 10:37:25 >
DF AQW  Post #: 56
11/14/2009 0:22:35   

Hey Cguy i am back u remember me?

Hey again! :)

i have a question that i got from a son ahem...

Okay. :P

do you get a tan from standing in the english rain?

Um...nope. xD

if you dont then the beatles lied to me D:

Don't worry, I'm sure they were joking. :P

what is your favourite band?

The White Stripes

and what is your fav song by them?

Probably "Effect and Cause"

would u like a banjo?

If it was free. xD

if so then here if not too bad u can use it to fend off TLH by playing music *drops banjo on top of Cguy's box*

:D Wait...are you saying my music would be bad enough to fend off TLH? :(

sorry bout crusing ur card board box ill get u a mobile one :D

Woo. :P

how big would u like it?

About 100 metres by 100 metres by 100 metres would be nice. :D

say it and i will get it and add wheels :P

Wheels. :D

that is all and heres a present http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd38yrWx2o0&feature=related

Yay. :D

yea i dont know how to put words wit the link but eh

Use this:

[link=url here]What you want the link to say here[/link]

hope that song can relate to you with the other AKs

Heh heh, ok. :)

your still awsomely fun XD, you like mah sig?

Yay, thanks! It's nice. Bye! :D

New question: do you know y desoato was banned? i ask cause he my friend and it quiet while im not rping wit him :(

Sorry, but staff/AK's cannot discuss bans with anyone except the person being banned. If you want to know, you'll have to ask him.

oh and i couldnt find yer box so i got u sumtin mobile and bulky *gives keys to tank to Cguy* happy friday the 13th war

Heh heh, thank you. :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/15/2009 13:56:13 >


AQ DF  Post #: 57
11/14/2009 3:27:25   

Ohaider Slasher

Hey Razackie! :D

Remember me :P

Of course I do. :P

My ultimate MtAK question: marmite - love or hate?

:o Never actually tried it...

like sports?

Some are good.

favourite band / singer?

The White Stripes

Got CoD MW2?

Nope, but a lot of my friends have it.

If so is it good?

Supposed to be.

I really need to upgrade on AQW again

Mmmhm. :/

Been arting a lot lately?

Not at all really. :l

Oh yeah congrats :D

Thanks! :D

152 x 62341.96 divided by 14.52 + 42 = 652657.55922865013774104683195592?

= The wrong answer. :P

What's your name again?


What's my name again?


Are you still my friend on AQW?

Of course! :D

Thats all for now :)

Okay, thanks. Bye! :D

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 10:47:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 58
11/14/2009 11:06:16   
Lady Azjurai

Congratumolations on the amazing gooderness of this thread and it's chewy goodness.

Woo! :D Now THAT is an intro. :D And hey. :)

Chosen an animal for your AKnesship yet?

Ooh, not really. Although my favourite animal is an armadillo, so I guess I could be that. xD

You know if it's not a Raccoon you already lose?

D: You and your raccons!


... :D

I mean for me, not you. Ha! No question on this line. I think?

... D:

Will you help get User away from his life of crime as a bike thief?

Most definately. Definately needs to be put in a box for a bit, that'll set 'im right.

Coyote and his fancy pasta snack pilfering ways (vafrous indeed) too?


Instead of giving things away in threads, I like to take them. This isn't a question, just a friendly warning *steals coffee* that I take things. 'Cause that's how we roll in the shire.

*sigh* I guess it comes with the insanity.

You get the reference in the above end sentence?

'Fraid not, my ignorance becomes me. :D

Here's a math problem for you - What's an odd perfect-number? ^^

7.874389 reccuring?



Raccoon ninjas, Raccoon wizards or Lazy Raccoons with coffee?

The last one. :P

You know there's only one right answer to the above?

That's me done for then. :P

If I have two coffees and you have two coffees, how many coffees do I have in total? Hint - I does not be sharing of my coffee >:3

4- you've just taken my coffee because you are CRAY-ZEE like me! :D

*steals more coffee*

You have rather proved my point. :P

So, pants these days. What's up with the fashion trends? Scary things.

Uh huh. I'll just be running over there, don't mind me. :D

What's your favorite eye-shadow or eye-liner? Claiming no knowledge is no excuse, I want answers or I'll throw slippers!

Errr...Rimmel London (that's the only one that springs to mind, and I fear slippers more than TLH :o)

How many questions is this so far? Think I can ramble more?

It's beyond my counting abillity I'm afraid. :P

That was one line, so it's only one question. That's how raccoon logic works.

I'll take your word for it. :)

I guess I should ask something about you, so.. favorite non-mainstream classical composer? Why them?


You a fan of E.A.Poe? *steals more coffee*

Havn't heard of it/them, so I guess not.

Cookie again?

Why must you taunt me so?

That's right. My cookie, not yours! You have have one of Coyotes fancy pasta snacks though ^^

Woo! :D

I'm running out of questions, so, plan to work hard here on the boards?

Planning and reality are very different, but I'll certainly try. :)

That is all, happy Aknesshipings ^^

Ok, thanks very much! Bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 11:17:34 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 59
11/14/2009 11:33:08   
More than a Game


Heh, Hey moneybags! :D Thanks for the tags. :)

Haha... No one's making fun of your name here?
Not too much. :P

Just congratz, good luck, and have fun. Bye!
Well, thanks very much. See you! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 11:34:12 >
Epic  Post #: 60
11/14/2009 12:32:32   


Hey. :)

gurren lagann?

watch it.

Uh huh.


Yummy. :D

is good right?

Yep. :P

so how are you man!

I'm good thanks. :)

does tokyo smell like ham

I wouldn't know. o_o


The wrong answer. :P

what is your favorite NON ae game?

Hmmm...Burnout Paradise

JUST WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK I AMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neopie? :P


Thanks, bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 12:34:48 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 61
11/14/2009 13:11:56   

As a warning in front, you'll find I like to prove people wrong.. So I'll start with moneybags.

Hello to you too. :P Y'know what? I'm going to randomly give you some coffee. :D

Hey, I see a guy!

:o Where!?

Do you like Dragonball Z, guy?

Never really seen it to be perfectly honest. Or, to lie and avoid a beating, it's great! :D

Are you an artsy guy?

Used to be...but my Gallery has long since passed away...

Or more of a sea guy?

:P Actually, I do like the sea. :D

Do you care how people see your guise?

Clever, clever, clever. Well, I care, but I can't do anything about it. :P

Okay, okay, enough semi-horrible puns.

*phew* One more and I might have died. :D

You answered Azj's question incorrectly btw, you're favourite raccoon would be: Elnaith, 'the non-raccoon at all' Owl.

Oh dear, how very right you are.

Glad to be of service.

Thank you for showing me the error of my ways, oh master coffee-loving owl-one. ;D

Anyways, have a nice AKship.

Cheers, bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 13:19:48 >
AQ DF  Post #: 62
11/14/2009 13:26:46   

hey cguy

Hey there! :)

how are you?

I'm very good, thank you. :D

well i dont got alot of thing to say so
till next time and congrates on becoming AK

Ok, thanks again! :) Bye! :D

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 13:28:22 >
DF MQ  Post #: 63
11/14/2009 13:47:30   

Yo Slasher!

Hey! :D

What would happen if I sliced you?

I would have to slash you. :P

What would happen if you sliced me?

You'd get angry/die?

You like slicing pie? :D

Pie r gud. :D

Well thats all for now.

Pie! 8D

Ok then, bye! :D

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/14/2009 13:48:56 >
Post #: 64
11/14/2009 22:33:52   
N Zero

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.

:o Hey. :)

Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.

*looks down the list* A COUPLE? :P

1. What is you Element?


2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)

Hmm, probably not.

3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)

If you want to. :P

4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?


5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?

6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?

7. What is your Dragon's element?

Light. :)

8. Do you believe the power of the human spirit?


9. What is you Base class of choice?

Warrior. :D

10. Are you a tratior to AE, by playing any other Online RPG's/MMO's?

Nope, not at all. :)

11. What is Cysero to you?

Awesome fun.

12. Gorrilaphants?

Cuddly. :D

13. What ore your feelings on The Ebil Togmaster, Rolith, the Tog Challenges he continues to come up with, and Togs in general. Also DOOOOOM it's #13!

He r evil! D:

14. Don't you hate when people do DOOOOOM for that Question?

Meh. It livens me up a bit. :P

15. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean?

Mmhm, I used to see her a lot in DF GD back when I was a normal member.

If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.

Please tell me it's a toffee apple....I NEED sugar! :D

If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my HSRoD and my BBLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.


That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...

Ok, thanks! Bye! :D

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/15/2009 6:40:09 >


Enjoy. (N)ightmare Zero
AQ DF  Post #: 65
11/14/2009 23:04:44   

Hey Slasher!

Hey there! :D

I'm from the AQ Worlds Q&A!
Onto teh questions

How are you going to edit my post if I stole your colour? XD

I won't...as that isn't my colour or style. :P

Why are you a AK when Razzy isn't!?! This is blasphemy! This is MADNESS!

He just retired for a bit, but he was one. :P

I see you in Razzy's vids, do YOU see me? (I'm not even in any of them!)

Might've. :P

Ima in your closet, stealing your rarez


That's it for now, later Slashy!

Okay, thanks, bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/15/2009 6:43:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 66
11/14/2009 23:50:23   
The Final Hollow

What is your favorite weapon in DF?

Brilliant Blinding Light of Destiny. :)

Why cant you eat peanuts?

I can. :o

Do you cross your heart and hope to diet?

Not as far as I know. :P

did you know I have my own website?(click my sig)

I do now. :p

Did you like it?

Maybe. :P

Would you sign up?

Maybe. :P

Did you know that you stoll my favorite color?

:o Forgive me. Anyway, bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/15/2009 6:46:28 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 67
11/15/2009 12:38:17   
Constructively Friendly!

SLAAAAASHYYYYY!!!!!! gratz gratz gratz and gratz gratz gratz :D

Hey Mech! :) Thanks very much. :D

1. *unshackles Slashy* RUUUUUUUUN RUUUN LIKE THE SLASHING AK YOU ARE and while we are running can i have a cookie? if so you can have one i made :D

Ahh....but I can't find my way out of my box!!! D:

2.Am i one of your best freinds on AQW?

Yep. :)

3. When Guilds come out in DF will you make a guild with me?

We'll see. ;)

4. Want some Moccha? (meheheheh Azujraj will hate me for this a. for possibly spelling her name wrong b. for giving you Moccha not coffe)

xD Yes please. Coffee helps with the severe lack of sleep. :P

5.if i give you a pin what will you do?


6.uh uh oh i think TLH i coming should i throw something at him?

Probably not a good idea, he might eat you...

SEVEN!!!! (i quoted Len Goodman then :P) if i give you cookies will you revive your gallery and start making comics again?

I'm too busy. D:

8. can you finish Zorbak's Quote? "Unicorns R Dumb N Mechajin Hurt mai feet"

9.if i give you my card with my phone number on will you use it to call me if the AK's catch you again?

TLH took all my belongings, so I don't have a phone now. :P

I'm done for now but i promise you I SHALL BE BACKLES To Give you Caek :D

:D Okay then, bye! :)

:O i dunt hurt Zorbaks feet its Rainbows who do that

< Message edited by Mechajin -- 11/15/2009 13:00:50 >
DF  Post #: 68
11/15/2009 13:29:42   


Hey there! :D

You may not remember me, but you helped he out a LONG LONG time ago! Thanks! (You had the Cysero avatar and you were telling me how to get my own!)

My pleasure, I'm pretty sure I recognise your name. :)

So...Do you play AQWorlds? If you do, what level? What's the name?

Mmhm, I do. :) I'm level 20, and my name is Slasher. Maybe I'll see you one day. :)

Congratz on becoming an AK! I hope you do a good job! (Not that I think you won't do one...but I hope you do...)

Hehe, thanks very much. ;)

Good luck,

Thanks again, bye! :D


< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/15/2009 13:32:22 >
DF MQ  Post #: 69
11/15/2009 14:10:10   

why does everyone ask you insane/unanswerable/stuff they already know

Because it's fun? :D

why is your AQW username slasher

It's a warrior name. :D

do you get a custom item in AQW


are you in a clan

Yep, Firey Affliction. ;)

would you buy a SPECIAL CYRESO SOCK GHOST {in real life}

Depends how much it cost. :P

since you are light element I FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION


ps who is your favorite pet that came out of the mogloween guords

I didn't get any, so not really sure. :/ Anyway, bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/16/2009 11:05:37 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 70
11/15/2009 15:16:03   
The True Assassin

Back again!

Welcome back. :D

So this time here is the shovel....

:o Shineeeyyyy

This is what you have to do.

  • When the guards aren't looking start digging in the far left hand corner.
  • Dig down 3 meters.
  • Dig to the left under the wall 5 meters.

Shiineeeyyy spade....

You are now in the cookie stock cellar, now grab me some cookies :)

Look- this thing is shiney! :D

Now here are some questions.

Woo. :P

What's your favourite colour?

Probably green, but very close in second would be blue. :)

Slashing? Is this what I think it is?


How are you today?

Good thanks. :)

You busy?

A bit, but it's not too bad. ;)

Need a cookie?

Always. :D

Anyway, see you around!

Thanks, bye! :)

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/16/2009 11:09:02 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 71
11/16/2009 0:16:10   
Elemental Archmage

*Cracks knuckles* I told you I would be back...


So, how did you like my prize? 10 minutes of Rick Astley knowing the rules...I liked it...(ANSWER WITH THE CORRECT STATEMENT AND WIN A COOKIE!)

Eeek. *BZZT* Wrong answer. The correct answer was: And so did I!

So, how is your life? My life is average.

Good thanks. :P

Here are the REAL questions.


Pi? If so, how much? Multiply that by 1 gajillion, divide it by 2, add 666, subtract 42, multiply it by 777 and multiply it by zero.
What is your answer?

My brain hurts o_o. *BZZT* Wrong answer. The correct answer was 0.

If D(F)xM(Q)=0 and D=235, F=999, and M=666, what is the value of Q?

Too hard a number to work out. :P Forgive me, I've had 2 exams today. xD *BZZT* Wrong answer! The correct answer was Q=0

Mathz hertz.


Solve these riddle. Two Twillys are walking in FalconReach when a griffin grabs one and takes it to its nest. 0 are left. How is this possible?

They were tied together? *BZZT* Wrong answer. It was a trick question. There is only one Twilly.

Zorbak is walking down a street. There are no street lights on and the streets are empty. He is not holding a flashlight or anything else that can provide light, but he can still see. How is this possible?

It's day-time. :P *Ding-Ding-Ding!* Correct! *Hands CGuy a cookie*

Logix horts asvell.

If you somehow survived and got the correct answer, you are rewarded with a... BOOT TO THE HEAD!

Wait...was that a reward? O_O *Yes that was the reward...along with a rabid Tasmanian devil to be placed in your trousers.

Ciao for now. See ya around the Q&A.

Hehe. Ok, thanks. Bye! :D


< Message edited by Elemental Archmage -- 11/17/2009 0:21:30 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 72
11/16/2009 14:38:35   
Soph the Crazed One

Hello! Congratulations for your topic! I see that it is successful!

Hey. :) Thanks very much!

Well, my questions :

Do you play DragonFable?

Heh heh, most definately. xD

If so, then what level are you?

46 at the moment.

Do you have a Dragon Amulet?

Yup. :P

If you have played PvP, then can I give you my character ID so that you will be able to try and challenge me?

Sure. :D

My ID# is 29938613. And my questions are done. Well, cya!

Ok, thnaks. Bye! :)

< Message edited by sophieaf -- 11/18/2009 13:43:05 >
DF AQW  Post #: 73
11/16/2009 21:56:13   
Sky Ever

Hey you! Gratz you!

Hey Sky, thanks! :D

So would you like a random or fact questions? fine! fact it is :o!

Random? xD

How many provinces does Canada have?

No idea. o_o

Name the Falls that connects US to Canada

Err...the Niagra Falls?

How many islands does Philippines consist?

7107 (thanks Wikipedia xD)

How big is Russia?

Big enough. :P

How much population does china have?

Over a billion?

Whats the 2 parts of the Plant cell that human cells dont have?

I did this in Science....cell wall and...that's all I remember. D:

How many muscles does our body have?

A lot. :P

In scientific way, how does human existed?

We evolved from monkeys?

Who's the first ever scientist who discovered medicines?

No idea. :P

If i combines Florine & Hydrogen whats gonna be the elements name?

Longcomplexelementogen? :D

Are my questions harsh?

Nah. :D

learning's fun?

See the answer directly above. :P

I'm not being evil am i?

Course not. :)


/me jumpattacksnugs Sky

btw you have to visit cydef sometimes, I knew you were a member :) and eerm if I passed the limit number of questions,
I'm doing a great job then :) Good Luck!

Technically I quit over a year ago. :P Anyway, thanks very much! Bye! :D

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/17/2009 11:37:51 >


DF AQW  Post #: 74
11/16/2009 22:51:58   

Cguy i has a Question, and congrats.

Hey. :) I don't see any question, but thanks. :D Bye!

< Message edited by Cguy -- 11/17/2009 11:40:15 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 75
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