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11/15/2009 13:59:19   
Stand Back

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  • Please use this template, no big size text, and less bold text as well as in AQ. Thanks! :-)

    Examples: Warp Star Ninja || AAA-Cell Warp Energizer || Star Knight || Heavy Gunner Model WH || WarpTrooper VZ

    < Message edited by AVA -- 3/20/2010 18:47:09 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
    11/18/2009 15:25:23   
    Outsmarting Bugs


    Index - Battlesuits by Level

    No-Drop WarpGuardian Gunner (Guardian)
    No-Drop WarpGuardian Striker (Guardian)
    No-Drop WarpTracker Gunner
    No-Drop WarpTracker Striker
    Lvl. 2 Retro (Rare)
    Lvl. 3 Star Knight Apprentice (Guardian)
    Lvl. 3 WarpTrooper I
    Lvl. 5 AAAA-Cell Energizer
    Lvl. 5 Heavy Gunner Model A
    Lvl. 5 Star Ninja Grasshopper
    Lvl. 10 Advanced Retro (Rare)
    Lvl. 12 WarpTrooper IIW (Guardian)
    Lvl. 15 Heavy Gunner Model WB (Guardian)
    Lvl. 15 Warp Star Ninja Genin (Guardian)
    Lvl. 18 Star Knight Journeyman (Guardian)
    Lvl. 24 WarpTrooper III
    Lvl. 25 AAA-Cell Warp Energizer (Guardian)
    Lvl. 27 Heavy Gunner Model C
    Lvl. 27 Star Ninja
    Lvl. 38 Star Knight (Guardian)
    Lvl. 38 WarpTrooper IVW (Guardian)
    Lvl. 40 AA-Cell Energizer
    Lvl. 40 Heavy Gunner Model WD (Guardian)
    Lvl. 40 Warp Star Ninja (Guardian)
    Lvl. 50 Advanced Star Knight (Guardian)
    Lvl. 55 B-Cell Warp Energizer (Guardian)
    Lvl. 56 WarpTrooper VI
    Lvl. 60 Heavy Gunner Model F
    Lvl. 60 Star Ninja Shinobi
    Lvl. 70 D-Cell Energizer
    Lvl. 70 WarpTrooper VIIIW (Guardian)
    Lvl. 72 Heavy Gunner Model WH (Guardian)
    Lvl. 72 Warp Star Ninja Kage (Guardian)
    Lvl. 85 9-Volt Warp Energizer (Guardian)

    Lvl. 15 A-Cell Energizer Z
    Lvl. 18 WarpTrooper VZ
    Lvl. 20 Heavy Gunner Model ZE
    Lvl. 20 Star Ninja Z
    Lvl. 30 Star Knight Z
    Lvl. 45 C-Cell Energizer Z
    Lvl. 58 WarpTrooper VIIZ
    Lvl. 60 Heavy Gunner Model ZG
    Lvl. 60 Star Ninja Jonin Z

    Shearhide Form
    Shearhide Form (Guardian)
    Shearhide Form (Z-Token)

    Added, Thanks ~Omni

    < Message edited by OmniGuardian -- 11/18/2009 21:18:37 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
    12/1/2009 9:49:37   


    Star Ninja


    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 144% Base and Random plus 153% Stats
    BTH: +0% plus Stats

    As I see, Attack give you chance to get 3 different attack: 1 hit, 2 hits, 3 his, why there just 1 formula.
    I'm not at this so can and one fix it?
    Noted, thanks! ~$b


    I see. It's just the basic Melee Attack with three different attacks.
    Every armor always has the basic Melee Attack and Gun Attack.

    If it's 1 hit, it would be as the listed damage.
    If it's 2 hits, it would be 1/2 of the listed damage each.
    If it's 3 hits, it would be 1/3 of the listed damage each.

    No need to make 3 different attacks of the Melee Attack. :p
    Otherwise it would be too much informations regarding the BATTLESUIT SKILLS
    which has many different attacks. Thanks for reminding me. ~Mysterious Strangeface
    Star Ninja

    < Message edited by Mysterious Strangeface -- 2/16/2010 16:16:29 >
    AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
    12/23/2009 2:40:49   

    also ad that the helm can be gotten off
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
    1/23/2010 12:38:29   
    Jakau Ryuu

    An image of the new Cybertech Battlesuit.

    Hope it's an okay image. ^_^
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 5
    1/24/2010 20:29:55   


    Cybertech armor
    Attack button will do the even chance of 1-3 attacks
    Gauntlet blast, as normal
    Shoulder missiles, 1 hit fire
    Thigh gatling guns, 4 hits Earth
    Chest laser, 2 hits Light
    Summon CyberTeddy
    Propeller Slice, 2 hits as weapon
    Level 15 required for the quest


    Make it a Fire armor - then the Fire conversion is +3 steps for 3 conversions, -2 steps for Unfavorable Element; Earth is -1 step for Element; light has no modifier for Element

    Missiles - full ranged Tech (Spell, uses INT)
    weapon cannot proc
    100% Spell, 110% spellcost

    Gatling Guns - full ranged Tech (Spell, uses INT)
    weapon cannot proc
    95% Spell, 110% spellcost

    Chest Laser - elementswitching attack (Gun attack)
    Needs to deal extra damage to make up for lack of weapon proc - 110%. This is alrolled into the number below. (95%*110% = 104.5%)
    weapon cannot proc
    104.5% BRS damage, fake weapon, 10% Cost

    Propeller Slice - damage boosted normal attack; converts to Melee
    Weapon attack (uses your weapon, weapon can proc)
    Inaccurate (-4) / Powerful; on top of that, does *=1.15 for 15% spellcost

    Level	15	15	31	31	51	70	85
    Type	-	W	-	Z	W	-	W
    PLvl	15	23	31	55	55	70	88
    MPLvl	15	21	31	49	54	70	87
    MBR	160	186	212	292	292	341	400
    GBR	160	192	229	345	345	422	518
    S	183	221	260	376	376	449	536
    BtH	1	2	3	6	6	8	11
    Fire	-11	-15	-17	-28	-28	-34	-39
    Water	-4	-5	-6	-12	-12	-13	-14
    Ice	-2	-3	-4	-6	-6	-6	-7
    Wind	-4	-5	-6	-12	-12	-13	-14
    Earth 	-8	-10	-14	-22	-22	-24	-26
    Energy	-8	-10	-14	-22	-22	-24	-26
    Light 	-6	-7	-10	-17	-17	-17	-18
    Dark	-6	-7	-10	-17	-17	-17	-18
    Melee	29	31	32	36	36	39	42
    Rang	27	29	30	34	34	37	40
    Magic	27	29	30	34	34	37	40
    Price	86	86	230	1100	1490	10500	50000
    Sell	43	43	115	Z	745	5250	25000

    Added! Thanks! ~AVA

    < Message edited by AVA -- 3/24/2010 15:34:57 >
    AQW  Post #: 6
    3/14/2010 0:03:59   

    This is.. confusing. But I'll do what I can now, and try to finish later. Any help or correction is greatly appreciated.


    Cybertech BattleSuit
    Location: ???
    Level: 15 
    Price: 86 Gold 
    Sellback: 43 Gold 
    Melee: 29 
    Ranged: 27
    Magic: 27 
    Fire: 89 % 
    Water: 96 % 
    Wind: 96 % 
    Ice: 98 % 
    Earth: 92 % 
    Energy: 92 % 
    Light: 94 % 
    Darkness: 94 % 
    Hits: Equal chance of 1,2, or 3 
    Type: «As Weapon» 
    Element: «As Weapon» 
    Damage: 160% Base and Random plus 183% Stats each
    BTH: +1% plus Stats
    Hits: «As Weapon» 
    Type: «As Weapon» 
    Element: «As Weapon» 
    Damage: 160% Base and Random plus 183% Stats 
    BTH: +1% plus Stats 
    Note: This attack does not receive Stat bonuses to damage, except for LUK, and only when a Lucky Strike occurs. 
    It receives Stat bonuses to BTH normally.
    Hits: 1 
    Type: Ranged 
    Element: Fire
    BTH: ???% plus Stats
    Cost: 83 MP
    Hits: 4 
    Type: Ranged 
    Element: Earth
    Damage: ???
    BTH: ???% plus Stats
    Cost: 62 SP
    You gain Cybear(15) as a guest
    Hits: 2
    Type: Melee
    Element: «As Weapon» 
    Damage: 193.09% Base and Random plus 220.8% Stats each
    BTH: -3% plus Stats
    Cost: 9 SP
    Type: Ranged
    Element <<As Weapon>>
    Damage: Damage: 167.2% Base and Random plus 191.2% Stats 
    Cost: 8 MP
    See individual Gauntlet for MLvl, PLvl, and Element. 
    SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally 
    Hits: 3 
    Type: Ranged 
    Element: «As Gauntlet» 
    ***Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each 
    ***Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each 
    ***Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each 
    BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10% plus Stats each 
    Note: This is treated as a Spell. You can only do this attack if you have a Gauntlet equipped.
    This prototype Cybertech battlesuit is based on Dr. Crader's Research, and survived the incident on Alpha Phi.

    It has already been added! See > http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=17379278
    Also see > http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=17232360 Thanks! :) ~AVA

    < Message edited by AVA -- 3/25/2010 1:14:09 >
    AQ  Post #: 7
    3/19/2010 23:50:59   
    Legendary Miss Fixit


    Space Rogue

    Normal attack is a 50/50 chance of 2 or 3 hit, each hit dealing 2/5 the damage listed. It has +2 BtH with the appropriate damage penalty (damage *= 85/(85+BtHChange).

    Weapon Throw and Gauntlet Blast are the usual.

    Cheap Shot: Kick - 115% BRS, additional modifier to power/accuracy of -5 BtH (damage *= 85/(85+BtHChange)
    Cheap Shot: Knee - 115% BRS, additional modifier to power/accuracy of +5 BtH (damage *= 85/(85+BtHChange)
    Both "use the weapon", so the weapon has the chance to proc.
    Each costs 15% of the cost of a Skill of their level (when the weapon doesn't proc and override this).
    Cheap Shot uses SP.

    Stun Pistol
    One-hit Ranged - Gun attack.


    This is power *= 0.73 times a normal Gun attack.

    It is at +5 BtH (damage *= 85/(85+BtHChange).

    Whenever the attack connects, it attempts a Paralyze at the normal -20 difficulty (Easy Save)

    The Cost is 27.5% of a Skill.

    This doesn't use the weapon, so there is no chance for the weapon to proc.

    The weapon Base/Random/BtH is internal:
    Base = round((2 + 0.25 * PowerLevel + 0.0025 * PowerLevel^2) / (1 + 0.03 * PowerLevel))
    Rand = round((6.5 + 0.625 * PowerLevel + 0.0025 * PowerLevel^2) / (1 + 0.03 * PowerLevel))
    BtH = floor(intPLvl / 8)

    The Gun requires Energy (MP).

    Level	10	27	10	44	61	78	95
    Type	-	G	Z	-	-	-	G
    PLvl	10	34	44	44	61	78	98
    MPLvl	10	32	35	44	61	78	97
    MBR	104	162	186	186	226	267	315
    GBR	104	177	212	212	272	337	399
    Stat	115	200	235	235	295	355	425
    BtH	1	4	5	5	7	9	12
    Fire	94	84	80	80	74	72	70
    Water	110	110	105	105	105	100	100
    Ice	100	95	90	90	85	80	75
    Wind	100	95	90	90	85	80	75
    Earth 	94	84	80	80	74	72	70
    Energy	90	78	74	74	66	60	53
    Light 	110	110	105	105	105	100	100
    Dark	90	78	74	74	66	60	53
    Melee	26	30	31	31	34	37	40
    Rang	29	33	34	34	37	40	43
    Magic	22	26	27	27	30	33	36
    Price	75	170	600	750	4000	23500	135000
    Sell	35	85	Z	375	2000	11750	67500

    Standard Skill cost (in MP) is round(38.1 + 2.3375 * MPLvl + 0.01125 * MPLvl^2) (Minimum 1)
    Standard Skill cost (in SP) is 75% of the above (Minimum 1).

    Done! Thanks! :p ~AVA

    < Message edited by AVA -- 3/26/2010 4:32:40 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
    3/20/2010 7:09:59   
    Legendary AK!!!


    Cybertech Battlesuit series has got wrong description. It should be This prototype Cybertech battlesuit is based on Dr. Crader's research, and survived the incident on Alpha Phi.

    Additionally, there's a small mistake:

    SP Cost: 9
    Hits: As Weapon
    Element: As Weapon
    Type: Converts to Melee
    Damage: 96,54% Base and Random plus 110,42% Stats each
    BTH: -3% plus Stats

    It should be 2 hits.
    Fixed! Thanks! ~AVA

    < Message edited by AVA -- 4/24/2010 11:30:24 >
    AQ  Post #: 9
    4/23/2010 23:26:47   
    Legendary Miss Fixit


    Cyborg Battlesuit

    Level	60	60	80	100	100	120
    Type	-	Z	G	-	Z	G
    PLvl	60	73	83	100	110	123
    MPLvl	60	69	82	100	107	122
    MBR	280	319	349	400	430	469
    GBR	337	398	446	504	531	566
    S	364	421	465	540	584	641
    BtH	7	9	10	12	13	15
    Fire	-22	-22	-24	-24	-27	-29
    Water	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Ice	-10	-10	-10	-10	-10	-11
    Wind	-22	-22	-24	-24	-27	-29
    Earth	-10	-10	-10	-10	-10	-11
    Energy	-33	-38	-41	-48	-51	-54
    Light	-33	-38	-41	-48	-51	-54
    Dark	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Melee	35	37	39	42	43	45
    Rang	35	37	39	42	43	45
    Magic	35	37	39	42	43	45
    Price	3720	2750	29600	238500	8150	1950000
    Sell	1860	Z	14800	119250	Z	975000
    Done! Thanks! AVA

    < Message edited by AVA -- 4/29/2010 17:37:47 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
    4/26/2010 13:24:49   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Cyborg Battlearmor (series)
    Location: The Bridge > Queen Pra'Mithia > WARPFORCE SAGA! > OMNUS
    Element: Energy

    This battlesuit sports nanomachines harvested from Omnus that can enhance your arm or leg strength manyfold!
    You gain acces to a new attack based on your active enhancement.


  • The Helm can be removed by clicking on it.
  • Done! ~AVA

    < Message edited by AVA -- 4/29/2010 17:39:21 >
    Post #: 11
    5/24/2010 19:07:40   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Just a note:
    Since the Stat Change has happened, I'm going to change all the stat bonus to damage (in the pedia entries) from INT/8 to INT/4
    At first I'll do the Skills/Techs section, then the Battlesuits section, then maybe the other sections if needed.
    I think it'll take a few hours or days.
    Thanks for reading! :p
    Edit: Skills/Techs and Weapons - Done! :D

    < Message edited by AVA -- 5/24/2010 21:57:03 >
    Post #: 12
    8/21/2010 17:37:33   
    Legendary Miss Fixit

    Dune Warrior

    Level	35	55	45	75	95
    Type	-	G	Z	-	-
    PLvl	35	59	63	75	95
    BR	205	277	289	325	385
    S	331	489	516	595	727
    BtH	4	7	7	9	11
    Fire	-16	-26	-28	-30	-33
    Water	-11	-15	-16	-17	-18
    Ice	-5	-10	-10	-10	-15
    Wind	30	20	15	15	10
    Earth	-20	-33	-35	-40	-46
    Energy	-11	-15	-16	-17	-18
    Light	-5	-10	-10	-10	-15
    Dark	-16	-26	-28	-30	-33
    Melee	29	33	33	35	39
    Rang	36	40	40	42	46
    Magic	29	33	33	35	39
    Price	323	2230	1650	17600	142000
    Sell	161	1115	Z	8800	71000
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
    8/28/2010 13:01:47   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Doon Warrior Series
    Location: Sick Bay > Dr. Mendas > MISSIONS > EXPLORE ERAKKIS


    Fire: %
    Water: %
    Wind: %
    Ice: %
    Earth: %
    Energy: %
    Light: %
    Darkness: %
    Kick            Power Punch
    Ram             Knee
    Gauntlet Blast  Knee & Punch
    This armor was designed to protect against the sands of Doon...

    Thanks to
    Post #: 14
    9/25/2010 16:06:43   
    Legendary Miss Fixit

    Space Pirate


    *= 1.1 damage for 28% spellcost
    -2 bth
    DOES check for weapon specials

    power double swing
    *= 1.25 damage for 40% spellcost
    +3 bth
    DOES check for weapon specials

    poison cutlass
    Two hits
    Starts at normal spell damage, normal spell SP cost
    If one hit connects, it attempts to poison at +0 Save Bonus (normal); if both hits connect, it attempts to poison at -10 save bonus (Difficult)
    Deals *= 0.7 BRS to compensate for the poison.
    The poison should deal Harm damage.
    DOES NOT check for weapon specials

    weapon throw
    conversion to ranged

    gauntlet blast
    uses new spell stats

    Level	40	60	40	80	100
    Type	-	-	Z	G	-
    PLvl	40	60	60	83	100
    MPLvl	40	60	55	82	100
    BR	198	252	252	314	360
    Stat	328	446	446	583	684
    BtH	5	7	7	10	12
    Fire	-19	-30	-30	-35	-40
    Water	10	10	10	10	10
    Ice	-24	-34	-34	-42	-48
    Wind	-10	-15	-15	-19	-19
    Earth 	10	10	10	10	10
    Energy	-19	-30	-30	-35	-40
    Light 	10	10	10	10	10
    Dark	-10	-15	-15	-19	-19
    Melee	30	33	33	37	40
    Ranged	37	40	40	44	47
    Magic	30	33	33	37	40
    Price	510	3720	1400	29630	238500
    Sell	255	1860	Z	14815	119250

    < Message edited by moneybags -- 9/25/2010 23:56:32 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
    9/25/2010 23:14:20   

    The Question



    power double swing
    *= 1.25 damage for 40% sellcost
    +3 bth
    DOES check for weapon specials

    - Should be spellcost? Got my shocked for a moment when it said sellcost.

    Edited Ael's post. Thanks ~$b

    < Message edited by moneybags -- 9/25/2010 23:56:54 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
    10/2/2010 13:44:24   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    "Power Punch" for each member of the Star Ninja series is a MELEE attack, not a Ranged one.
    Some of those, not all series. Fixed, thanks. ~AVA

    < Message edited by AVA -- 10/2/2010 15:08:43 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
    10/7/2010 17:50:09   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    Space Pirate I
    Location: Engineering -> Gravlax -> Missions -> NICE PIRATES
    Element: Ice
    Level: 40
    Price: 510 Gold
    Sellback: 255 Gold

    Melee: 30
    Ranged: 37
    Magic: 30

    Fire: 81%
    Water: 110%
    Wind: 90%
    Ice: 76%
    Earth: 110%
    Energy: 81%
    Light: 110%
    Darkness: 90%

    Hits: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Damage (Total): 198% Base and Random plus 328% Stats
    BTH: +5% plus Stats

    Hits: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Damage (Total): 198% Base and Random plus 328% Stats
    BTH: +5% plus Stats
    Note: This attack receives DEX/40 stat bonus to damage and LUK/2 stat bonus to damage, but only when a Lucky Strike occurs.
    It receives Stat bonuses to BTH normally.


    PLvl: 40
    MPLvl: 40

      Hits: 1
      Type: Melee
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: 222,9247...% Base and Random plus 369,2894...% Stats
      BTH: +3% plus stats
      SP Cost: 42

      Hits: 1
      Type: Melee
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: 238,7647...% Base and Random plus 395,5294...% Stats
      BTH: +8% plus stats
      SP Cost: 60

        Hits: 2
        Type: Melee
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 32-103 (Total)
        BTH: 5% (Plus Stats)
        SP Cost: 150 SP
        Effect: If one hit connects, it attempts to poison at +0 Save Bonus (normal); if both hits connect, it attempts to poison at -10 save bonus (Difficult).
          Level: 40 vs MonsterLevel
          Major: ??? vs ???
          Minor: ??? vs ???

        Note: This skill does not check for weapon Specials.
        Note (2): This skill is currently bugged.

        Hits: 1
        Type: Ranged
        Element: «As Weapon»
        Damage: 198% Base and Random plus 328% Stats
        BTH: +5% plus Stats

          See individual Gauntlet for MLvl, PLvl, and Element.
          SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally
          Hits: 3
          Type: Ranged
          Element: «As Gauntlet»
          ***Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
          ***Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
          ***Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each
          BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10% plus Stats each
          Note: This is treated as a Spell. You can only do this attack if you have a Gauntlet equipped.

      This armor was found deep in the Space Pirates' armory, and Gravlax suspects it was designed for use after they froze a world...

      Space Pirate II
      Location: Engineering -> Gravlax -> Missions -> NICE PIRATES
      Element: Ice
      Level: 60
      Price: 3720 Gold
      Sellback: 1860 Gold

      Melee: 33
      Ranged: 40
      Magic: 33

      Fire: 70%
      Water: 110%
      Wind: 85%
      Ice: 66%
      Earth: 110%
      Energy: 70%
      Light: 110%
      Darkness: 85%

      Hits: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Damage (Total): 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
      BTH: +7% plus Stats

      Hits: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Damage (Total): 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
      BTH: +7% plus Stats
      Note: This attack receives DEX/40 stat bonus to damage and LUK/2 stat bonus to damage, but only when a Lucky Strike occurs.
      It receives Stat bonuses to BTH normally.


      PLvl: 60
      MPLvl: 60

        Hits: 1
        Type: Melee
        Element: «As Weapon»
        Damage: 283,7223...% Base and Random plus 502,1435...% Stats
        BTH: +5% plus stats
        SP Cost: 61

        Hits: 1
        Type: Melee
        Element: «As Weapon»
        Damage: 303,8823...% Base and Random plus 537,8235...% Stats
        BTH: +10% plus stats
        SP Cost: 88

          Hits: 2
          Type: Melee
          Element: Earth
          Damage: 52-158 (Total)
          BTH: 7% (Plus Stats)
          SP Cost: 219 SP
          Effect: If one hit connects, it attempts to poison at +0 Save Bonus (normal); if both hits connect, it attempts to poison at -10 save bonus (Difficult).
            Level: 60 vs MonsterLevel
            Major: ??? vs ???
            Minor: ??? vs ???

          Note: This skill does not check for weapon Specials.
          Note (2): This skill is currently bugged.

          WEAPON THROW
          Hits: 1
          Type: Ranged
          Element: «As Weapon»
          Damage: 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
          BTH: +7% plus Stats

            See individual Gauntlet for MLvl, PLvl, and Element.
            SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally
            Hits: 3
            Type: Ranged
            Element: «As Gauntlet»
            ***Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
            ***Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
            ***Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each
            BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10% plus Stats each
            Note: This is treated as a Spell. You can only do this attack if you have a Gauntlet equipped.

        This armor was found deep in the Space Pirates' armory, and Gravlax suspects it was designed for use after they froze a world...

        Space Pirate IIZ
        Location: Engineering -> Gravlax -> Missions -> NICE PIRATES
        Element: Ice
        Level: 40
        Price: 1400 Z-Tokens
        Sellback: 1260 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 700 Z-Tokens

        Melee: 33
        Ranged: 40
        Magic: 33

        Fire: 70%
        Water: 110%
        Wind: 85%
        Ice: 66%
        Earth: 110%
        Energy: 70%
        Light: 110%
        Darkness: 85%

        Hits: «As Weapon»
        Element: «As Weapon»
        Type: «As Weapon»
        Damage (Total): 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
        BTH: +7% plus Stats

        GUN ATTACK
        Hits: «As Weapon»
        Element: «As Weapon»
        Type: «As Weapon»
        Damage (Total): 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
        BTH: +7% plus Stats
        Note: This attack receives DEX/40 stat bonus to damage and LUK/2 stat bonus to damage, but only when a Lucky Strike occurs.
        It receives Stat bonuses to BTH normally.


        PLvl: 60
        MPLvl: 55

          Hits: 1
          Type: Melee
          Element: «As Weapon»
          Damage: 283,7223...% Base and Random plus 502,1435...% Stats
          BTH: +5% plus stats
          SP Cost: 56

          POWER PUNCH
          Hits: 1
          Type: Melee
          Element: «As Weapon»
          Damage: 303,8823...% Base and Random plus 537,8235...% Stats
          BTH: +10% plus stats
          SP Cost: 80

            POISON CUTLASS
            Hits: 2
            Type: Melee
            Element: Earth
            Damage: 52-158 (Total)
            BTH: 7% (Plus Stats)
            SP Cost: 201 SP
            Effect: If one hit connects, it attempts to poison at +0 Save Bonus (normal); if both hits connect, it attempts to poison at -10 save bonus (Difficult).
              Level: 60 vs MonsterLevel
              Major: ??? vs ???
              Minor: ??? vs ???

            Note: This skill does not check for weapon Specials.
            Note (2): This skill is currently bugged.

            WEAPON THROW
            Hits: 1
            Type: Ranged
            Element: «As Weapon»
            Damage: 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
            BTH: +7% plus Stats

            GAUNTLET BLAST
              See individual Gauntlet for MLvl, PLvl, and Element.
              SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally
              Hits: 3
              Type: Ranged
              Element: «As Gauntlet»
              ***Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
              ***Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
              ***Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each
              BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10% plus Stats each
              Note: This is treated as a Spell. You can only do this attack if you have a Gauntlet equipped.

          This armor was found deep in the Space Pirates' armory, and Gravlax suspects it was designed for use after they froze a world...

          Added, thanks. ~AVA

          < Message edited by AVA -- 10/8/2010 5:12:23 >
          AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
          10/7/2010 22:04:09   
          Joseph M


          Those are wrong for the Space Pirates, they don't have Power Punch, they have Power Double Swing.
          Fixed, thanks. ~AVA

          < Message edited by AVA -- 10/8/2010 5:11:49 >
          Post #: 19
          10/8/2010 6:29:58   
          ArchMagus Orodalf

          ... And because it's called a "double" swing, it has two hits. Sorry. Also, you should capitalize "POWER DOUBLE SWING" for uniformity, Mysterious Strangeface. In addition (I'm sorry for making so many stupid mistakes) the number of hits on the "MELEE ATTACK" is actually 1, 2, or 3, with each hit having 50% damage, as in all other Guardian-type armors (like Star Knight, or Star Ninja).

          < Message edited by ArchMagus Orodalf -- 10/8/2010 6:32:43 >
          AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
          10/23/2010 2:55:08   
          Legendary Miss Fixit

          DarkSeeker Battle Suit

          Normal attack - 2 hits, normal damage, follows weapon element.
          Trigger - 95% damage untriggered, 105% damage vs Undead, 110% damage vs. Vamp and Were

          Silver Bullets
          Full Spell Power skill, built in Gun.
          *Ranged with normal stats for Ranged
          *No penalty for a spell using the wrong Type
          Costs normal SP cost
          Deals *= 0.95*0.975 Earth damage untriggered (0.95 for the extra element (Earth) on the armor, 0.975 for the downtrigger)
          Deals *= 0.95*1.1 Fire damage triggered
          Triggers on "were"
          Does not check for specials

          Weapon Throw
          As usual - converts to Ranged, no cost, follows weapon element
          Trigger - 95% damage untriggered, 105% damage vs Undead, 110% damage vs. Vamp and Were

          Follows weapon element
          Converts to Melee (even when using a Gun)
          Partial Skill
          Costs 40% of spellcost in SP
          Deals *= 0.95*1.25 damage untriggered
          Deals *= 1.1*1.25 damage triggered
          Triggers on Undead

          Stake 'Em
          Full Spell Power skill, built in stake.
          *No penalty for a spell using the wrong Type
          Costs normal spell cost in SP
          Deals *= 0.95*0.975 Earth damage untriggered (0.95 for the extra element (Earth) on the armor, 0.975 for the downtrigger)
          Deals *= 0.95*1.1 Light damage triggered
          Triggers on "vamp"
          Does not check for specials

          Lvl	45	65	48	85
          Type	-	-	Z	G
          PLvl	45	65	65	88
          MPLvl	45	65	60	87
          BR	235	295	295	364
          S	397	529	529	681
          BtH	5	8	8	11
          Fire	-15	-16	-16	-17
          Water	-15	-16	-16	-17
          Ice	-15	-16	-16	-17
          Wind	10	0	0	0
          Earth 	-25	-35	-35	-43
          Energy	-15	-16	-16	-17
          Light 	10	0	0	0
          Dark	-25	-35	-35	-43
          Melee	32	36	36	40
          Ranged	32	36	36	40
          Magic	32	36	36	40
          Price	820	6230	1850	49900
          Sell	410	3115	Z	24950
          AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
          11/16/2010 16:35:15   
          ArchMagus Orodalf

          After an apologetically long time, repost:


          Space Pirate I
          Location: Engineering -> Gravlax -> Missions -> NICE PIRATES
          Element: Ice
          Level: 40
          Price: 510 Gold
          Sellback: 255 Gold

          Melee: 30
          Ranged: 37
          Magic: 30

          Fire: 81%
          Water: 110%
          Wind: 90%
          Ice: 76%
          Earth: 110%
          Energy: 81%
          Light: 110%
          Darkness: 90%

          MELEE ATTACK
          Hits: «As Weapon»
          Element: «As Weapon»
          Type: «As Weapon»
          Damage (Total): 198% Base and Random plus 328% Stats
          BTH: +5% plus Stats

          GUN ATTACK
          Hits: «As Weapon»
          Element: «As Weapon»
          Type: «As Weapon»
          Damage (Total): 198% Base and Random plus 328% Stats
          BTH: +5% plus Stats
          Note: This attack receives DEX/40 stat bonus to damage and LUK/2 stat bonus to damage, but only when a Lucky Strike occurs.
          It receives Stat bonuses to BTH normally.


          PLvl: 40
          MPLvl: 40

            Hits: 1
            Type: Melee
            Element: «As Weapon»
            Damage: 222,9247...% Base and Random plus 369,2894...% Stats
            BTH: +3% plus stats
            SP Cost: 32

            Hits: 2
            Type: Melee
            Element: «As Weapon»
            Damage: 238,7647...% Base and Random plus 395,5294...% Stats total
            BTH: +8% plus stats
            SP Cost: 45

              POISON CUTLASS
              Hits: 2
              Type: Melee
              Element: Earth
              Damage: 32-103 (Total)
              BTH: 5% (Plus Stats)
              SP Cost: 113 SP
              Effect: If one hit connects, it attempts to poison at +0 Save Bonus (normal); if both hits connect, it attempts to poison at -10 save bonus (Difficult).
                Level: 40 vs MonsterLevel
                Major: ??? vs ???
                Minor: ??? vs ???

              Note: This skill does not check for weapon Specials.
              Note (2): This skill is currently bugged.

              WEAPON THROW
              Hits: 1
              Type: Ranged
              Element: «As Weapon»
              Damage: 198% Base and Random plus 328% Stats
              BTH: +5% plus Stats

              GAUNTLET BLAST
                See individual Gauntlet for MLvl, PLvl, and Element.
                SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally
                Hits: 3
                Type: Ranged
                Element: «As Gauntlet»
                ***Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
                ***Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
                ***Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each
                BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10% plus Stats each
                Note: This is treated as a Spell. You can only do this attack if you have a Gauntlet equipped.

            This armor was found deep in the Space Pirates' armory, and Gravlax suspects it was designed for use after they froze a world...

            Space Pirate II
            Location: Engineering -> Gravlax -> Missions -> NICE PIRATES
            Element: Ice
            Level: 60
            Price: 3720 Gold
            Sellback: 1860 Gold

            COMBAT DEFENCE
            Melee: 33
            Ranged: 40
            Magic: 33

            Fire: 70%
            Water: 110%
            Wind: 85%
            Ice: 66%
            Earth: 110%
            Energy: 70%
            Light: 110%
            Darkness: 85%

            MELEE ATTACK
            Hits: «As Weapon»
            Element: «As Weapon»
            Type: «As Weapon»
            Damage (Total): 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
            BTH: +7% plus Stats

            GUN ATTACK
            Hits: «As Weapon»
            Element: «As Weapon»
            Type: «As Weapon»
            Damage (Total): 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
            BTH: +7% plus Stats
            Note: This attack receives DEX/40 stat bonus to damage and LUK/2 stat bonus to damage, but only when a Lucky Strike occurs.
            It receives Stat bonuses to BTH normally.


            PLvl: 60
            MPLvl: 60

              Hits: 1
              Type: Melee
              Element: «As Weapon»
              Damage: 283,7223...% Base and Random plus 502,1435...% Stats
              BTH: +5% plus stats
              SP Cost: 46

              POWER DOUBLE SWING
              Hits: 2
              Type: Melee
              Element: «As Weapon»
              Damage: 303,8823...% Base and Random plus 537,8235...% Stats total
              BTH: +10% plus stats
              SP Cost: 66

                POISON CUTLASS
                Hits: 2
                Type: Melee
                Element: Earth
                Damage: 52-158 (Total)
                BTH: 7% (Plus Stats)
                SP Cost: 164 SP
                Effect: If one hit connects, it attempts to poison at +0 Save Bonus (normal); if both hits connect, it attempts to poison at -10 save bonus (Difficult).
                  Level: 60 vs MonsterLevel
                  Major: ??? vs ???
                  Minor: ??? vs ???

                Note: This skill does not check for weapon Specials.
                Note (2): This skill is currently bugged.

                WEAPON THROW
                Hits: 1
                Type: Ranged
                Element: «As Weapon»
                Damage: 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
                BTH: +7% plus Stats

                GAUNTLET BLAST
                  See individual Gauntlet for MLvl, PLvl, and Element.
                  SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally
                  Hits: 3
                  Type: Ranged
                  Element: «As Gauntlet»
                  ***Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
                  ***Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
                  ***Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each
                  BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10% plus Stats each
                  Note: This is treated as a Spell. You can only do this attack if you have a Gauntlet equipped.

              This armor was found deep in the Space Pirates' armory, and Gravlax suspects it was designed for use after they froze a world...

              Space Pirate IIZ
              Location: Engineering -> Gravlax -> Missions -> NICE PIRATES
              Element: Ice
              Level: 40
              Price: 1400 Z-Tokens
              Sellback: 1260 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 700 Z-Tokens

              COMBAT DEFENCE
              Melee: 33
              Ranged: 40
              Magic: 33

              Fire: 70%
              Water: 110%
              Wind: 85%
              Ice: 66%
              Earth: 110%
              Energy: 70%
              Light: 110%
              Darkness: 85%

              MELEE ATTACK
              Hits: «As Weapon»
              Element: «As Weapon»
              Type: «As Weapon»
              Damage (Total): 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
              BTH: +7% plus Stats

              GUN ATTACK
              Hits: «As Weapon»
              Element: «As Weapon»
              Type: «As Weapon»
              Damage (Total): 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
              BTH: +7% plus Stats
              Note: This attack receives DEX/40 stat bonus to damage and LUK/2 stat bonus to damage, but only when a Lucky Strike occurs.
              It receives Stat bonuses to BTH normally.


              PLvl: 60
              MPLvl: 55

                Hits: 1
                Type: Melee
                Element: «As Weapon»
                Damage: 283,7223...% Base and Random plus 502,1435...% Stats
                BTH: +5% plus stats
                SP Cost: 42

                POWER DOUBLE SWING
                Hits: 1
                Type: Melee
                Element: «As Weapon»
                Damage: 303,8823...% Base and Random plus 537,8235...% Stats
                BTH: +10% plus stats
                SP Cost: 60

                  POISON CUTLASS
                  Hits: 2
                  Type: Melee
                  Element: Earth
                  Damage: 52-158 (Total)
                  BTH: 7% (Plus Stats)
                  SP Cost: 151 SP
                  Effect: If one hit connects, it attempts to poison at +0 Save Bonus (normal); if both hits connect, it attempts to poison at -10 save bonus (Difficult).
                    Level: 60 vs MonsterLevel
                    Major: ??? vs ???
                    Minor: ??? vs ???

                  Note: This skill does not check for weapon Specials.
                  Note (2): This skill is currently bugged.

                  WEAPON THROW
                  Hits: 1
                  Type: Ranged
                  Element: «As Weapon»
                  Damage: 252% Base and Random plus 446% Stats
                  BTH: +7% plus Stats

                  GAUNTLET BLAST
                    See individual Gauntlet for MLvl, PLvl, and Element.
                    SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally
                    Hits: 3
                    Type: Ranged
                    Element: «As Gauntlet»
                    ***Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
                    ***Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
                    ***Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each
                    BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10% plus Stats each
                    Note: This is treated as a Spell. You can only do this attack if you have a Gauntlet equipped.

                This armor was found deep in the Space Pirates' armory, and Gravlax suspects it was designed for use after they froze a world...

                It's there. AVA took care of it :) ~$b

                Finally after all. :p Done! Thanks AMO and $b. :) ~AVA

                < Message edited by AVA -- 11/17/2010 23:24:36 >
                AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
                11/30/2010 4:08:15   

                Star Knight Journeyman

                There is an error in the image link:

                The others are fine.

                Fixed, thanks. :) ~AVA

                < Message edited by AVA -- 11/30/2010 9:41:37 >
                AQ  Post #: 23
                12/7/2010 21:32:47   

                Star Ninja Grasshopper is listed as level 5, but the battle suit level index is listed as level 10. Something is in error, but I don't know what.

                Fixed. Thanks. :) ~AVA

                < Message edited by AVA -- 12/8/2010 2:55:42 >
                AQ  Post #: 24
                12/9/2010 6:59:12   
                ArchMagus Orodalf


                DarkSeeker X, others are up-coming:

                DarkSeeker X
                Location: Sick Bay > Dr. Mendas > MISSIONS > AID THE TRANSILVAN
                Element: Earth
                Level: 45
                Price: 820 Gold
                Sellback: 420 Gold

                COMBAT DEFENCE
                Melee: 32
                Ranged: 32
                Magic: 32

                ELEMENTAL MODIFIER
                Fire: 85%
                Water: 85%
                Wind: 85%
                Ice: 110%
                Earth: 75%
                Energy: 85%
                Light: 110%
                Darkness: 75%

                MELEE ATTACK
                Hits: «As Weapon»
                Element: «As Weapon»
                Type: «As Weapon»
                Damage (Total): 235% Base and Random plus 397% Stats
                BTH: +5% plus Stats

                GUN ATTACK
                Hits: «As Weapon»
                Element: «As Weapon»
                Type: «As Weapon»
                Damage (Total): 235% Base and Random plus 397% Stats
                BTH: +5% plus Stats

                BATTLESUIT SKILLS

                PLvl: 45
                MPLvl: 45

                  SILVER BULLETS
                  Hits: 3
                  Type: Ranged
                  Element: Fire against monster category "Were," Earth against anything else.
                  Damage: 35-110 (total)
                  BTH: +11% plus stats
                  SP Cost: 125
                  Note: This is treated as a Spell, not a normal Player attack or weapon Special. Your weapon Special can't occur.
                  Note (2): Stat bonus to damage is 2*(DEX/40 + STR/10). Stat bonus to BTH is (DEX/8 + LUK/20).
                  Note (3):
                • Against monster category "Were," deals 110% damage.
                • Against anything else, deals 97.5% damage.

                  Hits: 1
                  Type: Melee
                  Element: «As Weapon»
                  Damage: Against monster category "undead," 323.125% Base and Random plus 545.875% Stats. Against anything else, 279.0625% Base and Random plus 471.4375% Stats.
                  BTH: +5% plus stats
                  SP Cost: 50

                  STAKE 'EM
                  Hits: 2
                  Type: Melee
                  Element: Light against monster category "Vamp," Earth against anything else.
                  Damage: 37-116 (Total)
                  BTH: +11% (Plus Stats)
                  SP Cost: 125 SP
                  Note: This is treated as a Spell, not a normal Player attack or weapon Special. Your weapon Special can't occur.
                  Note (2): Stat bonus to damage is 2*(STR/8). Stat bonus to BTH is (DEX/8 + LUK/20).
                  Note (3):
                • Against monster category "Vamp," deals 110% damage.
                • Against anything else, deals 97.5% damage.

                  WEAPON THROW
                  Hits: 1
                  Type: Ranged
                  Element: «As Weapon»
                  Damage: 235% Base and Random plus 397% Stats
                  BTH: +5% plus Stats
                • Against monster category "undead," deals 105% Base, Random and Stat damage.
                • Against monster categories "Vamp" and "Were," deals 110% Base, Random and Stat damage.
                • Against anything else, deals 95% Base, Random and Stat damage.

                  GAUNTLET BLAST
                    See individual Gauntlet for MLvl, PLvl, and Element.
                    SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally
                    Hits: 3
                    Type: Ranged
                    Element: «As Gauntlet»
                    ***Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
                    ***Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each
                    ***Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each
                    BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10% plus Stats each
                    Note: This is treated as a Spell. You can only do this attack if you have a Gauntlet equipped.
                    Note (2):
                  • Against monster category "undead," deals 105% Base, Random and Stat damage.
                  • Against monster categories "Vamp" and "Were," deals 110% Base, Random and Stat damage.
                  • Against anything else, deals 95% Base, Random and Stat damage.

              • Against monster category "undead," all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials deal 105% Base, Random and Stat damage.
              • Against monster categories "Vamp" and "Were," all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials deal 110% Base, Random and Stat damage.
              • Against anything else, all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials deal 95% Base, Random and Stat damage.

                A supreme hunter of undead, vampires, and werewolves... IN SPACE!

              • Added. Thanks. :) ~AVA

                < Message edited by AVA -- 12/9/2010 8:28:21 >
                AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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