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Issue 49 - Editor's Note (smbdoll)

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12/18/2009 14:38:06   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Editor's Note
by smbdoll

"Hit the malls with lots of credit,
Buy it all now, don't pay til January.
If you're greedy you'll regret it.
Don't forget to donate to charity."

'Tis the season, Season's greetings, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Christmas cooking, Christmas baking, Christmas shopping, Christmas sales, Christmas rush, Christmas stress...

Yes, it's easy to see why people can get grumpy around the Christmas season. Sometimes one can grow weary of simply hearing the word Christmas; especially when the ballyhoo starts earlier and earlier every year. One starts to wonder if there will come a time when the Christmas sales actually start in January! In all the hustle and bustle, the preparations and concerns, some are partial to releasing our inner grinch.

This year has been no exception for me. Unfortunately, to get to Christmas, one first has to get through most of December, which has always been a hard time for me. With the days shorter, the nights darker and the weather generally colder and greyer, I tend to get just a bit downtrodden and outright grumpy. It's a time when I'm not really that much fun to be around.

Today though, I witnessed magic. As I very irritably drove home from a hard day at the workshop, it began snowing! Now, I could go on to explain how beautiful the first winter snows are or how uplifting it is to play in the snow, but I'd rather not be so trite and foolish. Instead, I'll explain exactly what went through my twisted mind.

Have you ever witnessed the way snowflakes drift over the windscreen of a car as you're driving? The way they catch the light and seem to streak past at just the perfect angles? Yep, you've probably guessed it. In that instant of snowflake madness, I was transformed from a complete grinch, to a Star Captain! The boring drive to and from work became an unexplored galaxy, waiting to be discovered as I cranked up the music on my radio and zoomed along the highway.

It was wonderful to explore that part of my fantasy again, and to remember that the Christmas season is not about the shopping, the stress, the wrapping presents and making sure everything is perfect. Every once in a while, the inner children in all of us need to be let out to play. The experience was literally a breath of fresh air for my soul. Some would say the Christmas season is about family and friends, being together with those you love. I agree, but I feel it's also more than that.

In the darkest time of the year, Christmas is a season that serves as a reminder. The world is not dead, people are not all unkind and an inner child exists in us all. In a world where light is scarce and hope for the future seems to fade, we make our own light. We create our own hope.

If you're lucky enough to be with people you love this Christmas, turn off the computer and go spend time with them. All the Christmas updates, Christmas games, Christmas newsletters, Christmas blogs, and whatever else might be waiting will still be there when you turn the computer on again later. The time you have with your family and your friends; the time you have with your inner child, is fleeting. Don't sacrifice it.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
12/27/2009 21:25:22   

Good job! I liked your nice, heartwarming message.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
1/2/2010 6:31:20   

Thankyou. Getting feedback is always nice, especially when it's about the part of the ezine that I feel is least likely to be read!
AQ  Post #: 3
1/2/2010 10:59:34   

I read it, but apparently I didn't post. *mumbles* Could have sworn I did. *un-mumbles* Anyhoo, I was going to say stuff about how I couldn't believe that Winter made you grumpy... then again, I still don't have to drive anywhere, through anything, like ice and slush.
DF AQW  Post #: 4
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