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=MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Oldest New DFGD (And AEGD) ArchKnight!

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12/20/2009 18:32:56   


I understand it is of popularity for a new ArchKnight to post a topic about his newness in his designated forum to be ruthlessly interrogated by the visitors therein. To such ends, I post such a topic here.

Do your worst. :P

I am Tolan, if you haven't gathered, Wielder of the Almighty Cane, as my title says. I am the latest addition here, to try and keep you all in line. :P

Rules: I am not obligated to answer all or even any questions. If it is inappropriate or I don't want to answer it, I wont. If there are a lot of questions and I don't want to answer all of them, I wont. I don't have any set question limit, but use discretion; the more questions you have in one post, the less likely I am to answer all of them. I also encourage splitting up questions across multiple posts, if you have so many, as long as you don't double-post, of course.

AGAIN: I will answer as many questions as I feel like, when I feel like it. I know this is fun, but my first priority is life, and my second is actual maintenance of the board. That makes this topic third at least.

Also, since I was in AE GD before this, I have quite a lot of questions answered. While I don't require it, I encourage you to read through them to avoid asking repeat questions. If a terribly common question is asked again, I may just reply "/answered".

I'll be responding like this.

All your MtAKs are belong to us! *hijacks* *steals cane* ~Nex
You are on your way to destruction make your time! *Commandeers.* *Summons it back.* -Tolan
/me appears out of nowhere and steals the Almighty cane and then vanishes without a trace ~Evo
*Laughs.* They just never learn... You can not hide what is part of me. :P *Summons it back again.* -Tolan
Hey there friend! No thread jacking from me ~Omni
Thanks, Omni. :P
Rawr! ..Verlyrus
Silly Verly! This ship has been comandered by me again. Thanks for steering while I napped, though. :P -Tolan
I'm in ur MtAK, hijacking ur threadz ~Karika

< Message edited by Karika -- 3/19/2010 14:27:02 >


We have enough people who tell it like it is;
we need more people who tell it like it should be.
--My motto for life.
MQ  Post #: 1
12/20/2009 18:56:12   

Noobish first post! Now then, on to questions.

But one question for you today. You are on a island and a volcano explodes, instantly wiping out the only radio tower and two of the three inns. What do you do?! :O
Take the yacht to a non-volcanic habitated island, of course. Unless the volcano took out that too, in which case I'd deconstruct the third inn and make a boat out of it. And then sail there.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/20/2009 19:10:02 >
AQ  Post #: 2
12/20/2009 19:24:47   

Hiya! Congratz on your AKness!

A new ArchKnight! Havent been in a MTAK in sooo long.

Here's my questions :

Why is the Sky blue?
Magical gnomes.

If you opened your front door and saw 20 telepathic oranges, what would you do?
Close it.

Favorite food?

Genius is a box. Why?
Because Tofu eats yellow.

Are you a Pokemon master like the other AKs?
No. I prefer my TARDIS.

How do I trigger Coyote's main weakness? Should i use fire like moneybags said? (cause he a Glaceon) or should I attack him with un-manliness?
I would say attack him with manliness. So far it seems like he's bathing himself in un-manliness, so maybe manliness is what he's weak to? Impossible! That Coyote is bathing himself in manlieness! Have you seen his Pink doom? And his Vulpix/Glacoen wrath?He's more manly then Power Puff Girls...

How them shackles?
I'm not sure. Thus far they've kept them invisible.

That's all for now, cya.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/20/2009 19:39:30 >


It took me a long time to think of this signature.
AQ  Post #: 3
12/20/2009 19:27:07   
Apocalyptic Silence

Congratz Tolan!

No questions here, have fun! ;)

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/20/2009 19:38:55 >
Post #: 4
12/20/2009 19:27:27   
Nex del Vida

Tolan. We meet again. This board ain't big enough for the both of us. *cuts Tolan in half* There, that should do nicely.

I'll be the first to ask the requisite questions about your cell/manacles. What do they look like? How do they feel? Has Falerin eaten all of your soul yet, or is he savoring it?
EDIT: Blargh, second. Humph.
Gotta be faster than that, Nex. :P And I'm not sure. I haven't noticed a difference, so maybe he's still cooking it.

Welcome to the ArchKnights. Have a painful, terrifying mildly unpleasant time. :D

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/20/2009 19:34:48 >
AQ  Post #: 5
12/20/2009 19:36:05   
More than a Game


Hiya Tolan! To keep it short n' simple, congratz, and g'luck! :D *snugglepounce*
Thank-WAUGH. *Is snugglepounced.*

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/20/2009 19:40:48 >
Epic  Post #: 6
12/20/2009 19:54:31   

Hey, I've seen you before!
Cool! I might remember you... Maybe...

Anyways, hey.

Just one question - It's below this sentence.

who'd win in a fight - Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris? I say Bruce Lee will win no matter what. :P
Bruck Noree.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/20/2009 21:58:57 >
Post #: 7
12/20/2009 20:16:59   
mighty mosquito

Goody! A new ArchKnight! Now then...

How does it feel to be an ArchKnight?
To be an ArchKnight? Pretty much the same as normal. Just with more ArchKnight.

Are you sure?

Wow. I was not expecting that. Are you really sure?


I'm just saying... well, you know?

How do you like them apples?
Pretty well, actually. Very juicy.

Are ArchKnights secretly a society of cheese worshippers? They weren't when I was an AK on the DF boards, but things might have changed...
Not to my knowledge... At least not yet. We do like cheese.

Have you heard the Frogzilla song?
No. I'm not sure I want to.

Guess I'd better end this early. Are you disappointed?


I'm almost touched.
You're welcome. :)

Bless you.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/20/2009 21:49:06 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
12/20/2009 23:39:43   

Could have sworn I said hi to you before, but anyway. Congrats on your position as an ArchKnight. I know it's a bit late, but it's the thought that counts. Sort of. I t really depends on your preference. Vanilla and strawberries are fantastic in my opinion for that sort of thing, along with peanuts and jelly time.
I've seen you around. And thanks!

I only have one question: TV Tropes are awesome. Again, enjoy your AK-ship, *walks poignantly into the sunrise, but gets lit on fire by the waking morning, to roll around helplessly in Helios' fields before dying like Darth Vader's first humanity before it was brought back by Luke*
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a cheese salad!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/20/2009 23:44:36 >
AQ  Post #: 9
12/20/2009 23:58:51   

Tolan's an AK? Run for your lives! :O

In all seriousness (is that possible with me?), congratulations on AK-ship. We've been seeing a lot of new ones recently.
Thanks! And yeah, there've been a few. What with AE expanding and reorganizing and all.

What does AK stand for?
Apricot Klingon. Or ArchKnight. One of those.

Favorite video game series?
Evil question! Gah... I am a Legend of Zelda fanboy. I can't deny that.

Favorite school subject?
Creative Writing. In a love-hate sort of favorite way.

Is the the Konami Code teh epicnezz or what???
Though a bit long for a cheat code, yes, it is, if for no other reason than it's the original cheat code.

Byes. I'll be back, though. >:D

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 1:14:51 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
12/21/2009 0:47:38   

tolan?? Who's that??
I have no idea. I keep hearing about him, though.


Well, I like to keep it short and sweet.
So See you on the forums!
See you!

Dont lock/delete my threads/post!! xD
Don't post stuff that needs to be locked or deleted, silly. :P

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 1:16:15 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
12/21/2009 0:59:18   

Hello Tolan, always good to see a new AK.

Now to the questions.

Do you know what to expect?
Do now, yeah.

How did you figure that out?
Read the magic tofu bean, after beating Brutus the Light-Headed. The same way all AKs do.

When is it gonna be there?
That depends, is it African of European?

Why do you think that?
Because that makes a difference.

What is the difference?
Whether it gets there tomorrow or yesterday.

Where is it gonna go?
If I had to guess? Barcelona. And I mean the planet, not the city.

What is it anyway?

Do you like Squarlls?
I find they lack the tenderness of a good steak.

What is your opinion on the cute and cuddley?
I would be fine replacing the President's cabinet with various puppies.

What is your opinion on the cool and manly?
I am man. I make fire. *Manly grunt.*

Is this too many questions?

Thats all for today I may be back, but probley not. <.< >.>
I shall look forward to possibly seeing you again!

See you around.
See ya!


< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 1:30:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
12/21/2009 1:45:00   

Good morning to you, sir.

Why did you answer "Good Morning", when it is, in fact, the afternoon?
Because it is morning, silly. Just not where you are. :P

Good afternoon to you, sir.
And to you as well. *Doffs his hat.*

Isn't this font color MANLY?
What's that one word... Um... Oh, yes! No.

And what about my avvy? If it isn't MANLY enough for you, then is it at least cute enough to kill people with cuteness overload?
I find it more sweet than cute. It doesn't provoke an immediate cute reaction.

Describe yourself using three and a half words.
Why? I'd much pre-

If you were an ice cream flavor, what flavor would you be and why?
A very bad one. I'd be covered in fur, and that just can't be tasty, I'm sure.

What do cows drink on Tuesday nights?
The same thing the drink every other night, Coyote... Try to take over the world! Wait...

What was your first impression of me?
That you were female, unsurprisingly. :P And very cuddle-obsessed. At least I was half right.

What was my first impression of you?
Approving, as I recall.

If I wrote one measure in 4/4, then two measures in 6/8, and then another measure in 7/16, and finally a fifth measure in 5/12, how many members of the orchestra would riot against me?
All of them.

Favorite genre of music? Why?
A cappella. It sounds amazing, I'm a vocalist myself, and it just amazes me how versatile and amazing the human voice can be.

Do/did you play a musical instrument?
Tried and failed at guitar, played clarinet to little effect, and do occasionally fiddle with a keyboard. Other than that, I rock the vocal chords.

Can you recommend me to be an AK? I've always wanted to be an AK ever since I've been on this forum. Pleeeeaaaaaase? =3
No. You must first green the pink flamingo, and then eat the banana oogalong.

What do your shackles look like?
Highly translucent, now. And slightly confused.

Do you want a taco?
Not now, thanks. 'Bout to go to bed, don't want any gas.

What if I told you that every fifth letter (sans smilies, punctuation, et cetera) in this post spelled out a secret question?
Then you would have told me that.

What is the answer to that question?
A thin banana with a light flakey crust flung at warp factor 1.3 through a black hole. Set on fire and chew profusely.

Can you answer The Unanswered Question?
I believe so, yes. Depending on what it is. Nice vid, by the way.

Well, this is twenty (statements, questions, lines, what have you now). I'll be back later! Or then again, I might not. Tschüß!
You should. I'm thinking of adding even more lines per post. I'm getting quite bored of this 20 business.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 11:40:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
12/21/2009 1:54:57   

Congratz Tolan! You're another AK I remember being a normal member. Oh well, I don't have any questions to badger you with. Good luck, and may the Arch-Knigtness be with you!
Thanks! See you around!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 3:16:44 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
12/21/2009 2:33:10   
Legendary AK!!!

Hey Tolan & congrats on becoming an AK!

Favorite food?
The yummy one.

Favorite Drink?
Sweet Iced Tea.

/me gives Tolan 50 moist oatmeal raisin cookies as a congratulations gift to Tolan!

Good luck, I'm sure you will do great!
Thanks. :)

/me congratulationsgoodbyesnugglepouncetackles Tolan!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 3:02:08 >
Post #: 15
12/21/2009 2:35:29   

Hey Tolan!

I noticed your comment about preferring a TARDIS to pokemon... Does that mean you like Doctor Who?
Indeed it does.

If so, then YAY! So do I! if not, then OK.
AWESOMEZ. So you're actually getting half my references. Good. I was afraid they would get lost. You ready of The End of Time?

If you like Doctor Who, who is your favorite enemy?
Honestly... I don't have one. I much prefer the Doctor's inner enemies; his emotional scars from the Time War that really define what really opposes him.

Prepare for some evil Doctor Who questions that you probably know that answer to already!
Do your worst, villain!

What were the Krilitane after?
Ew... This sounds like a question from the original series. I don't know that, unfortunately. Unless they were the plastic people. In which case... I've forgotten. I want to say it was the TARDIS, wasn't it?

How many hearts does The Doctor have?
One twice. :)

Why does The Cult Of Skaro have names?
I believe... It's been a bit since I saw that episode, but as I recall they were an experiment of allowing Daleks some personality, to see if that made them stronger.

Who Is Davros?
Creator of the Daleks. And also very ugly.

How did The Master take over the world for a year?
Politics, hypnosis/telepathy, and fear, chiefly. And an army of things I shall not describe.

And Finally...

WHo do you think is more awesome, The Doctor or The Master?
Oh, the Doctor, easy. The Master's like, "Dood, I weel rul tem all lolz!1!!1" The Doctor's like, "Silly Master, Earth is for people!"

Cringeworthy Joke coming up!
Oh no...

Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Doctor Who?

How did you guess?
*Drum sting.*

Later and congrats on being a AK!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 3:16:02 >
DF  Post #: 16
12/21/2009 4:42:35   

Hi Tolan

Who was your favorite Doctor?
I really like number nine. He is truly epic. But as a whole, there's just more of ten to like.

What is an outside?
It's that void on the other side of your outer walls.

What is the URL for this 'Real Life' I have heard of?
It's your life on the side of your screen that your avatar isn't. It's very strange; many scientists are trying to figure it out.

Do you get tired of answering the same questions over and over?
Not so far.

That's all and congrats, your an AK now, prepare for E-stalkers going through your recycle bin.
Ew. Can to not has?

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 11:49:34 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
12/21/2009 5:19:12   

Hi there

An important question for AE GD AK, do u play and know every thing in every game?
He will if I can help it! *shoves Tolan into AQ* ~Nex
Hey! Get outta my MtAK! *Punts Nex.* And almost. I don't play AQ, for various reasons, though I want to. I've poked WF, but there are several things about it that still irk me at times.

What make a magician?

In mass space. How long must u need to travel from Earth to Lore?
Five-ish seconds. The problem is it can't be done.

End of hard question. What's ur favorite color?
Blue, black, gold, or silver, depending on the day.

What's ur favorite game?
Ever? Eugh... I can't answer that. I like too many.

What's ur favorite NPC in every games?
I do like Warlic. Though, there's not very many NPCs in every game...

Nice avatar. Did u make it?
No, it's by a friend of mine. She's amazing.

Ok, unlimited question hater, I will end here. Hoping see u around.
Come back! I needz MOAR.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 12:01:34 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 18
12/21/2009 5:46:38   

Hai Tolan!

I dont know you!

Anyway, congratz on AKship here!

Made the avatar self? Else tell the person its nice made.
I huggled her profusely. ^^

Do you like the chains already?
They don't burn my flesh.

What about your cellmates?
They haven't eaten my brains. Yet.

Mmmm... Nothing more I assume eh?
Doesn't look like it.

P.S Read my poetry please? ^^ I will appreciate it.
I might. :)

Buh-Bye and good luck being an AK!


< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 12:05:54 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
12/21/2009 6:28:51   
Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

Congratulations, Tolan.

What is your favorite AE game?
Mm... DF or AQW. I'm still making up my mind.

Did Falerin shackle you?
So I'm told.

For how long are you drafted?
Until the end of time. Or the tenth tomorrow of five days from yesterday in a parallel dimension. One of the two.

Did you read Crimzon5's Myrmidon?
Judging by the fact that I have no idea what that is, no. ^^;

Good luck with your ArchKnighthood. (As in Knighthood, not a hood Mysterious Strangeface!)
Thank you!


< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 12:12:00 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 20
12/21/2009 7:07:52   

congratz, tolan

um...besides a lot of questions, what do you get as an AK?
Three chickens and pink orangutang.

Please don't tell me your real name is Tolan
I wont tell you that.

It is?

Are you sure?

What planet are you from?
Planets are for the weak.

...don't answer the above question

Yes I can guess what you are going to say before you read my post
No, actually, you can't. :P

You are aware i could just change what you say so it seems that way right?

< Message edited by ghgh66 -- 12/22/2009 16:25:04 >
AQ  Post #: 21
12/21/2009 7:34:54   

Hiyas! and Congratz!

What's your impression on tongue twisters?


Favorite hot spots?
By a fire.

Favorite word/saying?
Check my sig. :)

Is the cake a lie?
That depends. Are you thinking with portals?


Nuu way!?
Yaa wai.

... <---- Do you know what these are called?



Gtg, have a gd time with your AKship. ;)


< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 19:00:16 >
Post #: 22
12/21/2009 9:40:45   

Yo Tolan.

Who'd you get AK'd by?
A large baboon.

Onto the real questions!
High ho Silver, Away!

So if you had a nickname would it be Harry or Potter?

What would happen if you were falling down a waterfall?
I would be falling down a waterfall. You just said so. :P

What would happen if you held captive by Indians?
Democratic revolution.

/me steals and eats the Almighty Cane! >:D
*Summons it back and crits Sam for OWNAGE.*

Thats all for now,pie! 8D

Ice cream!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 19:04:19 >
Post #: 23
12/21/2009 10:44:43   

The return!

If I wanted to, I could act more seriously on IRC. But that wouldn't be fun at all.

Would you rather be deaf or blind?
Blind. I couldn't deal without being able to hear music.

Why is it that we ne
What are you ta

Personally, instead of Archknighthood, they should call it Archknighthat. Because hoods only look good for some people -- y'know what I'm saying?
I'm fond of hoods myself, but yeah. But both are kind of exclusive. Why no Archknightheadgear?

If you were to start a cult, what color robes would fellow cult members wear?

What vocal part do you sing?

Can you deathmetal growl?
Probably not.

Favorite AE game? Why?
Right as this moment, DF. AQW is fighting hard, though.

I agree.

Favorite Pokemon?
I did like Suicune.

Is this incorrectly-punctuated sentence a question.

Why would you randomly put italics tags in here? That's just silly.

Why do people consider 13 to be an unlucky number?
Many, many reasons, including being highly silly.

Aaaand I'm all out of questions. (And yes, the question limit is a very good idea. I have asked people upwards of three hundred questions before, and no matter how much fun this might be now, I'm pretty certain that three hundred questions would spoil that fun pretty quickly. =P)

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 19:13:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 24
12/21/2009 12:06:24   
bob rocks

Hello Im a big fan of aq and their games i luv aqworlds i really wish i could meet you...:(
O... K...?

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 19:13:52 >
Post #: 25
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