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RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight!

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12/21/2009 14:33:10   

Im back >:]

Do you like random?
It can be quite fun, yes.


You sure?

Prepare for random.
*Puts a parka on his left sock.*

Is monkeys in the tree of your mind?
Mind trees monkey are.

If a football is tossed through a basketball hoop do you score?
You do indeed.

When did that get there? -----> *<I(_8^(I)~
When it arrived. :)

Explosions are cool right?
Explosions are science, and therefore, yes.

If you met a bunny that ran faster than light, what would you do?
Capture it and return in to whence it came. It must be terribly homesick.

Does Chuck Norris really have a fist under his beard?
No, his beard is a fist.

Which is better at Kung-Fu, Cow or Chicken?

Which is your favorit smiley from the given smiley list to the left?
I don't really like any of them... Or at least, don't use them much.

What is your favorit number?
Don't have one.

Favorit (real) animal?

Favorit (non-real) animal?
Nn... Unicorn. Hard choice, though.

Do you like RPGs?

Do you like Anime?
Also depends.

If so what is your favorit? If not they why?
Avatar: The Last Airbender.

This is alot of questions no?
Not really.

If you were to lose all your data of your life what would you do? (amnisia)
How could I know that? I can't think about it without putting it out of that context. This is clearly an unanswerable question. :P

Who is more awesome Batman or Goku?
Batman. Though Goku, show aside, is pretty cool.

Thats it for me enjoy your ArchKnightHat.


< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 19:29:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
12/21/2009 16:07:38   

Well, another Archknight in another forum that I never go to...and yet, I'm here. How strange.
Of course. Who's going to pass up a perfectly good MtAK?

Anyway, question time...(Warning: Some questions may or may not make sense)
That's okay, some answers may or may not likewise. :)

So, what's this I hear about a cane...?
I have a cane. I take it everywhere.

Does Infinity divided by Pi equal Pi divided by Infinity?
No. Not at all.
Hey! He asked that in my MtAK! My answer was better. *sticks tongue out at Tolan* ~Nex
That ain't nice Nex...that question that is not specific to you, and I've asked it a few times before I asked you. Besides, who cares if your answer was more logical anyhow? =\

Polar Ice doesn't get cold, yet Magma can burn up...possiblity or myth?
... Mostly myth.

If you could have a joke hat, it would say...?
Why would I have a joke hat? I have a real hat.

Money may make the world go around, but coins can roll off the side of a circle.
This is true.

How much wood can a woodchipper chip if a woodchipper was chipping wood?
Enough to get his pay.

Mineral Water or Sparkling Cranberry Juice?
Neither. Blech.

If only I had a brain, I would ask a question here...But in fact, if I didn't have a brain, how would I be typing this?
By dictating to someone else.

Is there such a thing as....555?
Sure. You just made it.

When Worlds Collide, can pigs fly jet planes?
No. When worlds collide, everything goes kableshwlorp.

Myth or Fact, your preferrance?

Well...that's about it for now. Enjoy (or try to) everyone's questions, and I may come back sometime in the not-so-near future. Bye now!
See you! I shall look forward to it. :)

< Message edited by UltimaKomoto -- 12/22/2009 21:19:37 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 27
12/21/2009 16:43:53   

I am back!!!
NOOOOOO.... Wait. Wrong movie.

Now for me questions!
If you insist.

What's better againist a magical, super manly Glaceon that can lock my threads? A match,Flareon, or unmanliness?
I remain convinced someone should try manliness.

Favorite Sport?

Random Disco dancer on a kitchen floor, wearing a funky hat. Explain.
Explain what? That's its own explanation.

If T-4 = 7 + 26 - a then how is 47 equivalent to magical gnome?
Well, taking the integral of least common sock and multiplying by the equation over a cherry, you can conclude that the most obvious explanation is a large amount of horse bacon.

or ?
Neither. Prefer my text smilies, thanks. :)

Isn't this game awesome?
Honestly, no. Butter is horribly bad for you, especially in that amount.

Like my AQW character?
Can't say I like the banana suit, really. Not my thing.

Okay i hope you like those questions now for my last question :

A man walks into a bar. He goes up to the bar tender and asks for a glass of water. The bar tender points a gun at him. He thanks him promptly and leaves. Why is this?

Hey, when a man wants a glass of water, you don't want to get in the way, you just want to protect yourself.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 20:11:15 >


It took me a long time to think of this signature.
AQ  Post #: 28
12/21/2009 16:59:00   
Mad me101


Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight,

Hope you know how to handle annoying questions...
I'd say it's going well so far.

Anyway goodluck for the future(and future gaming).
Thanks, you too!

~Mad me101~

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/21/2009 20:12:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 29
12/21/2009 22:09:35   
The Forgotten
Exquisitely pathological


You do realize that we don't have to "interrogate" you right?

So to prove you wrong, I'll leave you with no questions to answer. >:D (though I doubt you care)
No, I do! I am quite disappointed. :(

Oh, and Congratz on the Archknightship.
Thank you!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/22/2009 2:46:14 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 30
12/21/2009 22:43:05   

Can you read this?
Indeed I can.

How about this?


Why would you randomly put italics tags in here? That's just silly.
Why not?
It's silly, silly.

And, just for good measure:

Suppose I had three fingers and a thumb. If I were to have one finger cut off and a full limb magically grafted on, how many fingers would I have then?
That depends, are we magically grafting an arm, leg, or head?

Aren't you going to ask me where my other two fingers went?
No. I've learned better than to ask such questions of other AKs. :P

Oh, I almost forgot. Hi again. =D

Why is the second book of the Twilight saga called "New Moon", when werewolves are supposed to come out on the full moon?
Because Twilight failz. Teh epiczorzly.

Listen to any jazz at all?

Not really my thing... I like improv, but there's a difference between improv and playing whatever you want. It's sort of like you can't call a canvas with random paint splashed on it art. There has to be some form of structure. It also just doesn't fit my ear, most of the time.

Again with the random italics tags. You are so silly.

Do you want to date my avatar?
No. I'm taken, sorry. :P

Where does your name come from?
Though you probably mean my screen name, I'll answer my real name, because someone else lower down specified screen. So my name came from my parents.

What's your AQW username? Favorite server?
I'd rather not give it here. :) Server... Usually the least busy, unless I can't get a party for a boss. So typically Zhoom, Nythera, or Galanoth. Occasionally Minmal.

Would it surprise you to know that in real life, I am probably among the most stoic people I know?

You a fan of Eric Whitacre (the composer)? (If you haven't heard of him, look up "Cloudburst Eric Whitacre" on YouTube and click the first link. 'Tis AMAZING. Not a capella like most of his choral works, but it's still amazing what he can do with textures and harmonies.)
That is... Quite impressive. Thank you for showing it to me.

Anyhow. I'm off again. Bais!
See ya!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/22/2009 3:09:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 31
12/22/2009 0:05:35   

I guess I'm back. With two questions.

1) Do you carry your cane like Linus carries his blanket in Charlie Brown?
In that I take it everywhere, yes. In that I'm attached to it to that degree, not quite. It's also very different symbolism.

2)What is your favorite AE game?
Currently DF, though AQW has its boxing gloves on and is throwing some mean punches.

I may be back. Depends on if I think of more questions =P, well, Goodluck!

~Once a newb, is a newb, always a newb, Velmur the forgettable~

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/22/2009 3:13:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
12/22/2009 0:25:14   
Cruel Ace

Now that I think about it, my last MtAK was User's.. All my silly little questions have been gathering up.
To get started, Grats on you becoming an AK!

1. Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!
Goofy, simply, can talk. Pluto can't.

2. Can blind people see their dreams?
That depends on what theory of dreaming you subscribe to, and what type of blindness we're talking about.

3. Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can't go that fast on any road?
Because the American government is silly. Most European countries have electronic limiters keeping their cars from exceeding the highest speed limit by a certain amount.

4. Why do banks leave the door wide open but the pens chained to the counter?
You would rather they chained the doors closed so you couldn't get in to use the pens?

5. If an orange is orange, why isn't a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?
Because a lime isn't green, it's lime, and a lemon isn't yellow, it's sour.

6. What color would a smurf turn if you choked it?

7. Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?
Sure, though the last time I heard someone listening to AM radio was... Never.

8. Why do toasters always have a setting on them which burns your toast to a horrible crisp no one would eat?
Because there are actually people who eat it. My dad, case in point. Plus toasters toast things other than toast, which require different amounts of power.

9. If Wile E coyote has enough money to by all that Acme stuff why doesn't he buy his dinner?
Who said he was hunting the roadrunner only for dinner?

10. Did you ever notice that if you blow in a dogs face it goes mad, yet when you take him on a car ride he sticks his head straight out the window?
No, I'm not in the habit of blowing in my dogs face. oO

11. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?
We wouldn't. It's a conspiracy, actually.

12. Why do we say something is out of whack? What is a whack?
Be cause something is out of whack. A whack, in that saying, is a normal state of operations.

13. Why is the word for "a fear of long words," hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, so long?
A very, very cruel man. There is actually an alternate, shorter word for it.

14. How do "Do not walk on the grass" signs get there?

15. When your pet bird sees you reading the newspaper, does he wonder why you're just sitting there, staring at carpeting?
No, he wonders how soon you'll spread it out for him to read. :P

16. Who closes the door when the bus driver gets off?
The bus driver, of course. Haven't you seen the handles on the doors?

17. How long do fish wait to swim after they eat?
They don't. Why would they need to? What's the worst that could happen? They can't drown.

18. Why does it hurt like crazy to hit your funny bone?
Because your funny bone is actually fairly sensitive, and does not usually provoke a laughing response when hit.

19. Who was the first person to look at a cow and say "I think i'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?
Probably the person who noticed calfs suckling from them, and then coming up with a white liquid running down its mouth.

20. If a cat always lands on its feet, and buttered bread always lands butter side down, what would happen if you tied buttered bread on top of a cat?
The cat would land on its feet, because Mythbusters proved toast has no preference to what side it falls on when buttered.

Thanks for answering my questions and good luck!
No problem, and thanks!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/22/2009 3:25:32 >
Post #: 33
12/22/2009 1:43:43   

OHMIGOSH! They killed Kenny captured Tolan!
Oh no!

Where did the name "Tolan" come from?
Sit down, ye chilluns, and harken to this tale...

It all started back in my very first forum. It was for the Lego Bionicle brand, which I am still a vague fan of, despite the company betraying its starting roots. But I digress. At the time I joined the forum, one of the sensations of the community was about a Toa of Light. Since the actual name of the toa and his title were both taken, I went for its abbreviation: ToL. Some large amount of time and maturing later, I decided to "nameify" my silly abbreviation, due in part to my own desire, and in part to a friend of mine on the forum wanting to put me in a story. Firing up my creative skills, I sat down and in ten or so seconds had come up with Tolan.

That's all! Byez!

Cookehs have been delivered to Archknight cell 71. Prepare for munching and digestion.
Oo. Can I not?

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/22/2009 13:35:05 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 34
12/22/2009 13:58:40   

Dun dun DUN!

The Krillitanes were those bat people from the school episode by the way. They wanted The Skasis Paradime to alter the universe remember?
Oh, them! Yes, I recall. They were quite interesting... I might like to see them again. And the Skasis Paradime was quite interesting in and of itself.

Here are some more Doctor Who questions! OF DOOM!

What was The Time War?
The war between the Time Lords and the Daleks that literally spanned the whole of time itself, resulting in the destruction of most of the Daleks and (Nearly) all of the Time Lords, as well as the planet Galifrey. Or, in other terms, the MOST EPIC WAR EVER.

What is your favorite episode?
Gr... That's hard. I want to say... Nn. No. I refuse to answer that. It's impossible to pick. ^^;

Did you find any episodes scary?
EMPTY CHILD. e.o As well as Weeping Angel, though to a lesser degree.

If the answer to the above is yes, which one and why?
There you go. :)

I am going to say random things about Doctor Who! post the first thing that comes into you head when I say them.

Laser Screwdriver.
Who'd have sonic?

She's a reliable old girl...

Got one coming up soon. Looking forward to that.



It comes... Echoing through time, it comes... The sound... Of drums...

[insert fanboy crush]

Vasta Nerada.
SO want to meet River Song again...

Weeping Angels.

Time isn't a line. Time is a big ball of... Wibbly-Wobbly.... Timey-wimey... Stuff...

See you later!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/23/2009 2:47:30 >
DF  Post #: 35
12/22/2009 15:19:14   



In santa real..?
Yes, he is.

Have fun! ;3
Will do my best.

(Epic win.)

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/22/2009 19:18:58 >
Post #: 36
12/22/2009 16:58:21   

First off congrats!

Now for the question.

Ninjas or pirates?

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/22/2009 19:23:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 37
12/22/2009 21:04:15   
The Legendary d4

new AK?

Fairly cool, yeah. :)


gudluck to your job.,.,

im hungry.,.,
That's nice.

see you on forums.,.,
See you!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/22/2009 22:14:45 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 38
12/22/2009 23:42:22   
War Hero

Oh hai der. I'm War Hero, but call me War.

I am gout to ask you a series of non serious questions, requiring you not to think at all. Are you ready?
Bring it on!

1.) What is the power of Falerin's left sock?
Falerin doesn't have a left sock, silly. Cysero has everyone's left sock; he lost his own, so he exacted revenge that way.

2.) What would happen if Cysero divided by Zero?
He ceases to exist.

3.) Pink + Gun + Robot + Lasers + Doom = ?
Sounds like Beleen commandeering MQ on a Friday the 13th.

4.) Red Pill or Blue Pill? No purple, no both, and you MUST take one.
OMNOMNOMNOM. *Bites the hand.*

5.) Briefly summarize any AE game's story into a 2 paragraph essay, due when you do it.
In the beginning, there was Loritha. She made stuff. Then there was the Devourer. He un-made stuff. Then MQ came around. Then something blew up and they were all like "Oh no! we must reset reality or all is lost!" So Warlic made a huge reality bomb and it went off, changing some base facts of the universe and reseting everything back techonologically.

The residue of the explosion eventually became DF, which split into two main timelines; one that went off into its own thing, one that, after five years, became AQ. So then AQ's all like, "Devourer!" And the Devourer's all like, "OMNOMNOMNOMNOM". But then he gets fought off, and Lore's all like, "We must keep track of him!" And so they made the WF. And then Galanoth somehow thinks it's a good idea to slay the time dragon, and all of the above then gets thrown into a blender and spat out as AQW. Meanwhile, in the world of Epic Duel...

6.) Do these questions sound like homework. If so, explain why.

7.) Last Question: Is the cake a lie, if so/not explain why.
It is, unless you aren't thinking with portals. Then it isn't. I would explain it, but the relationship between Portals and cakes is still under study.

Ok, there was your exam, Tolan. Congratulations on taking this test. And being an AK. Good-Bye.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/23/2009 0:36:50 >


"Let's go on an Adventure!"

Adventure Quest Worlds Character - War Hero 140
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 39
12/23/2009 0:57:42   

Hi Tolan. Congratulations on the AKship, merry Christmas, and >.> <.< No questions here. Yeah. That's all.
Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/23/2009 13:38:26 >


I let myself go & set my soul free; And once more I marvel at life's transient melody. ^_^
Significance is Subjective...
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 40
12/23/2009 1:01:44   

Congrats on becoming an AK.

All of your answers made me laugh.. so I must ask more questions :O.
I did my best. :)

If Chuck Noris and Bruce Lee had a baby, would he become a god?
Probably not. Any circumstances in which they would produce a child would involved so much power it would kill whatever was born.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

You can have one wish, but to have it, you must kill someone(bum bum bummm). Would you do it, and what would you wish?
Nothing. I'd give up my wish.

What is the cure to Swine Flu?
Don't panic.

Is Swine Flu a government test gone horribly wrong?
No, it's a media test cone horribly right.

If there was a zombie outbreak, where would you hide and what would you do?
The TARDIS. And ask the Doctor what to do.

I'm outa questions. KTNKSBYE! Oh and Merry Holidays :D.
Bai! And Merry Christmas. :)

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/23/2009 13:52:12 >
AQ DF  Post #: 41
12/23/2009 5:34:47   
I am Moglin!


Do your worst. :P

Okay, if you want me to..

jrie0hcv98439kmcso *And keeps on spamming for 5 hours* fbwuoib ... Now, finished

Oh right, you maybe wants something else too, like stupid, silly.. ehm.. Questions?
If you feel up to it. :)

Okay here's one:
Also, you are not alowed to answer "Yes" or "No"
You dare to limit my options??? Rats.

Is this a question?
It is quite possible.
Do I like Moglins? Do YOU like Moglins?
The correlation between people and Moglin-liking follows an equation far too complex to explain here.
Do I have activated the colortrap?
Edit: Meh, I ruined the color trap ._.
Color trap?
Edit: Yeah, the color trap... You see the "edited message" text bellow? I've given that text another color. When I haven't edited the post, the text won't show and the color can't be seen either...And when you edits my post, it will be a diffrent color instead of black. It is easy for you to see when editing my post, tho xD
It is just something I've come up with for some months ago and I use it when I editing my posts..I really don't lieke the black color.

Okay, now to be some more serious xD
Dis is srs business.

Congratz to be an AK..
I also wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year :p
Thanks, and you too!

May the luck be with you!!! *<--- Random*
And also with you. :)


< Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 12/23/2009 17:13:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 42
12/23/2009 6:45:44   


[i][color=#996633]  [/color][/i]This be your colour?

I'm afraid that's classified information. :P

My cell is warm and padded, how is yours?
Mine is pretty comfy, actually. I have a couch and a fireplace.

Do you like snow?

Are you excited to be on the team?
It's kinda exciting, yeah.

Just a few more words I think... Nitwit, Oddment, Blubber, Tweak
Bless you.

Yes? No?
Definitely certainly possibly maybe.

Mk have funnies! Try not to let us savage folk ravage your MtAK too much :O (I like your very lax rules ;))
I'll do my best. :P (Me too. :D )


Mehehe secret question that you can not see normally without highlighting XD Do you like Curry? If so, what kind is your favourite?
Oooh, tricksy Fury! And I don't know. Not too into cooking-type stuff.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/23/2009 14:05:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
12/23/2009 7:32:43   
Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

*Digi pounces upon new AK,

Hello! and congratulations! :D

How did you feel when you received the PM? (or however you got told).
Very honored.

Lots of new shiny buttons eh?

That's all for now, can't think of many questions D: but I'm sure to be back.


< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/23/2009 14:07:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 44
12/23/2009 9:13:37   
Dragon of doom

Well... well.... well...
No, I don't have one, sorry.

When the heck did you get promoted to a AK?
A week or two ago. HAsn't been too long.

Well too bad because you are gonna die of boredom!!!! AHAHAHAHA*cough*Hahahahaha....
I doubt it. :P

How do you pronounce Tolan?


Is that like a French talon?

Why Tolan?
Check sleddyboy3's post. :)

What is the ALmighty Cane? ._.?
It's my cane. ^^

Is it made outta chocolate?
No. That would be horribly ineffective.

Delicious, but no.

Mr.Cool or Mr.Fat?*cough*

Bored yet? >:D
Not really. :)

No more questions.*4 now*
Edit: My mistake many more questions on da way

How is it to be a AK?
Pretty awesome.

*distracts Tolan and bites the AC(Almighty cane thingy)*
*Dragon of doom finds himself being tazed by the cane through his mouth.*


/me kicks Tolan and steals his AK-ship.
*Beats him with the Almighty Cane.*

/me abuses AK power.
Ooooo, you don't want to do that...

/me laughs evily
*Sticks his cane in the open mouth. TAZE.*

/me is spamming /me
Yes, yes you are.


What would ya do if....Mike Tyson came and punched u ...IN DA FACE!!!!!
Say ow.

Dog or Tiger?

What would you do if....Ur house exploded and everything got killed exept u.
Cry. Profusely.

What would u do if...... no more questions came?
Stop answering questions, of course. :P

Bai 4 nao!

I never leave.
No, you don't.

*drinks and sings Jingle bells*
*Presses mute.*

Bless you.

Is the Magic gone out of Lore?
Not yet.

Are the Dragons dead in DF?
Not completely.

Am i going insane!?

WHere did my rhino go?
It's your rhino. Why are you asking me?

Why did the pony just fly?
Because you let it.

Are u finally bored now?

If not D:<

If yes >:D
Too bad. :P

What could happen if Cysero and Korin battled each other?
I don't think they could. They'd have too much fun.

Korin or Cyzero?
I actually kinda like Korin more, even though Cysero has more general use.

Xan or.... Drakonnan?

Im finally gone! :DDD

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/23/2009 14:31:11 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 45
12/23/2009 12:22:46   

Hello *Evil smirk* Another vic- ehem, guest i see.

1) Do you know what kind of creatures the Nimmys are?

2) If the Nimmys invaded, what would you do?
Be curious what they were.

3) Zombie apocalypse, now what?
*Wields cane.* Bring it on!

4) Do you know what the attack 'Infinity Blast' does?

5) OH NO! The Heartless are coming!
Oh. That's unfortunate.

6) Punthulu rises from the deep, now what?
Who now?

7) An angry super-wizard is out to hurt you in every way conceivable and then some, what do you do?
*Wields his cane in a more magical stance.*

8) Is it possible for someone to have a power level of 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000- (It keeps going like this for a while) -000?
Thankfully, no.

9) If someone with that much power wanted to kill you, what would you do?
*Twirls already-wielded cane.* Bring it on.

That will be all.
Ah, good.

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/23/2009 14:41:50 >
AQ DF  Post #: 46
12/23/2009 22:31:51   

Why hello there, Tolan!

Hows your day going? Enjoying the holiday and the snow? :D
Holiday yes. Could use some snow, though. None yet. --;

What was your first reaction when the upper rank had abducted you as part of their so called experiment 'ArchKnightHood V.12' ?
DUDE. Awesome.

Whats your favourite season of the year?
Winter, I think. Though I'd rather have a perfect Spring day than a perfect Winter day.

Whats your favourite branded goods? (eg. sneakers, sweaters etc)
... Don't have one?

Hmmm.. Last question: Biscuits or cookies? :P
BISCUITS. With sausage gravy. Kthnksbai.

Have a nice day! *waves* :D
You too!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/24/2009 0:25:08 >
AQ DF  Post #: 47
12/23/2009 22:50:59   

Hey Tolan, congratulations on becoming the newest ArchKnight! You my friend, are awesome!
^^; Well, I try not to be un-awesome...

Have you ever eaten snow because you were very thirsty?
... No.

If you were somehow transported to a magical universe and had two classes to pick from, would you unicorn rider and dolphin rider?
Dude, Unicorn Rider FTW.

Why would you pick this class?
High magical and melee ability. Magical by nature, and then a large, strong, very pointy horn. Anyone who thinks unicorns are girly has never been at the business end of a foot-and-a-half horn.

Do you like pie?

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

What would you do if a plate of pancakes fell from the sky with a note attached saying "Tolan, this is for you!"
Assuming they didn't seem at all undesirable, eat them.

Ever wanted to go sky diving?
... Maybe.

Think I'm done, good day Tolan!
Good day!

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/24/2009 0:29:10 >
Post #: 48
12/23/2009 23:03:25   
HK 47

*Bows.* Pleased to meet you.

How are you?

How is your cell?

I hope that you can have a nice time as an AK. Good luck, and remember: The staff are always watching.
Yes, yes we are. :P

< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/24/2009 0:30:34 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 49
12/23/2009 23:35:21   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Hey Tolan. :D

*Gives Tolan a cookie*

Congratulations on getting AK, hope you have a good Christmas, and have a Happy New Year too. :)
Thanks! You too!


< Message edited by Tolan -- 12/24/2009 0:31:33 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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