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=MECH= Philosophy of Composition

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1/1/2010 16:46:44   

Seeing as how Edgar Allan Poe is my absolute favorite author, I figured that I would finally get around to reading his The Philosophy of Composition here (if you want to check it out, too). I applied it to my own writing and, although I still have a huge problem with finishing stories, it seems to have generally gotten better, even if it is just the placebo effect. I've just about swallowed up every word he says (yes, I know that I'm gullible), and it made me think, "HMMMMMmmmmm... I wonder what method that other people use..."

So... what method /do/ you guys use? Horus is hungry for knowledge to better his writing. >:D

As for myself, I wholly agree with Poe's viewpoint on writing. Short, one-sitting length, unity of effect, etc. Now, I figured that some of the stuff would be common sense, but it's certainly helping me a lot. ^-^
Post #: 1
1/1/2010 21:58:22   

Most of my writing gets done in my head, which is bad when your friends want to see what you did for the next chapter in your creation. :P When *actually* writing, I tell myself "Ok, x number of pages. That's all you can do, and you have to do them all." If that number is 2, then I'll have a ten-page short story (preplanned) done in 5 days. If I ever write for a living, like "trashy romance novels" type writing, that'll come in handy.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
1/1/2010 22:57:09   
Alixander Fey

^^ Shudders at the above post. Somehow that doesn't feel like "writing for a living."
DF  Post #: 3
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