Buy the most expensive estate possible for maximum ROI. The Deren Estate is best for wars right now thanks to high potential food and energy output, but it also happens to be the most expensive estate. After dropping 20,000 tokens on that, you'll want to spend 1,500 total tokens on the Vegetable Garden, Mana Collector, Stone Pit, Woodcutter Shack, and Fishing Pond buildings, followed by 1,000 on a Corn Field, 500 on the Trade Hut, 1,000 on Storage Building, 500 on the Deren Mana Collector and Deren Wheat Field, and 2,000 more on Storage Building 2. Spend 1,500 more tokens on a portal to whichever world you decide on (doesn't really matter) and an additional 4,500 for the Mega World Portal. 33,000 Z-Tokens. From here, level all of your buildings to the highest possible level. The storage buildings go up to level 15 and the Trade Hut goes up to level 12. You may also consider getting a Guard Tower for 1,000 more tokens and some guards to fill it up. With enough guards and a high level guard tower you'll never be invaded. Invaded buildings stop resource production. After you have everything up and running you'll end up with something like 70 food, 10 wood and stone, and 67 energy each hour. You will have storage capacity for about 7,000 units of each resource, and the level 12 Trade Hut will let you trade between each resource 300 at a time without cost. Trading stone and wood to food and energy is very helpful during wars. At this point, all you really need to do is check every so often for invaded buildings. No big deal.