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Issue 50 - Dear Diary (green_girl02)

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2/1/2010 15:08:18   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Dear Diary
By green_girl02

This diary entry was found in the ruins of a destroyed house. The rest of the pages are slowly being put together, but miraculously this entry was intact.

Dear Diary,

It's that day again, Hero's Heart Day. I don't get it. Why is this day so amazing? Everyone else gets the candy, chocolates, and cards. Apparently, I'm the only person who gets nothing. I am the hero, yet I have to just deliver things to others who aren't even heroes most of the time. I'm the one doing the fighting and I'm the one dancing funny.

What thanks do I get? None at all! And those stupid pink bear suits? Not only do they force me to be a horrible fighter, they impair my ability to wield magic. They also stink because of the sweat of past delivery people. Ewwww!!! I wonder what would happen if I didn't go out. Big Daddy would probably come and force me out.

Being the good guy, well, good girl in this case, isn't always fun. I have never been thanked, I have never gotten the day off, and I've never received any chocolate! And I love chocolate! Hmmm... I wish that cute guy I've seen around would send me something. Probably not, but its fun to dream!

February 14
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