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Guide to Weapons&Stats of a WF Striker [UPDATED 27Mar11]

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8/23/2010 1:12:29   
More than a Game


Guide to Weapons and Stats of a WF Striker

By moneybags

NOTE: For now, I am only going to include the stat setups and the weapons a Striker should use-- maybe I will add the other sections in the future, but since they should be fairly similar to the ones Gunners use, I think it would be best if same content of two different guides (when a guide for training Gunners comes out) aren't repeated. Thanks.

And note #2, if you spot a spelling mistake, an error, a concern, a suggestion, feel free to post it, or you can PM moneybags. Additions are also welcome. Also, if you have a correction (whether it be a addition to the weapon section, or a way that you can train your stats better), feel free to post; if I feel that your points are valid, I'll add it in the guide :) And finally, I am a human being, so there ARE going to be mistakes. I'll try my best to make it as good as possible ;-)

In the dangerous space and planets nearby the LSS Alteon, monsters lurk freely. It is the Gunners who eliminate them from afar with their high-tech guns, blasting the fierce monsters to their doom. However, its the Strikers who bravely fight the monsters from a close distance, only equipped with a gauntlet and weapon. It is the Strikers who do the most brutal parts of the fighting, sometimes even taking out monsters with their bare fists.


You may use the Ctrl+F command to jump to the section you want to view.

[WFSG100] Stats

[WFSG101] Stat Benefits

[WFSG102] Where can I train/untrain my stats?

[WFSG110] Striker Sub-Builds

  • [WFSG111] Annihilator Striker
  • [WFSG112] Beast Striker
  • [WFSG113] Pure Striker
  • [WFSG114] Tank Striker

[WFSG120] Making your own Custom Build

[WFSG200] Weapons

  • [WFSG201] Fire
  • [WFSG202] Water
  • [WFSG203] Wind
  • [WFSG204] Ice
  • [WFSG205] Earth
  • [WFSG206] Energy
  • [WFSG207] Light
  • [WFSG208] Darkness

[WFSG300] End Notes

  • [WFSG310] Useful Links
  • [WFSG320] Credits
  • [WFSG330] Change Log



Stats do many things, and they all have one thing in common. Stats make your character stronger, better, and they give you a higher chance to survive the challenges you face in battle.

Stat Benefits

Strength is the stat a Striker will most definitely need. It raises your attack power (which is the source of damage from a Striker), and additional BtH (Bonus to Hit) for melee weapons. This is important because as a Striker, melee weapons are all you are going to use.

Dexterity is another stat a Striker should focus on-- but perhaps not as much as Strength. Dexterity gives one BtH for all attacks, whether it be coming from Guns or melee weapons, higher chance of dodging a monster attack, and Ranged attacks coming from non-Gun and non-Tech ranged attacks. As a Striker, you'll mostly need this stat for the extra BtH and the dodge ability. Since Strikers rely on their weapons to deal most of their damage, Battlesuits will need to be strong -- but a strong Battlesuit will usually have lower defenses, meaning that the dodge ability will help decrease the damage you are taking in.

Intellect is the stat that a Striker should isolate, unless you are going for a Hybrid. Intellect gives one EP (Energy Pionts, also known as MP (Mana Points)), and additional Skills&Tech damage and BtH. Strikers won't use Skills & Techs, so training Intellect would just be a waste of stat points. The only time a Striker should use EP is on Summoning skills and Healing skills. Maybe sometimes on the occassional Skill&Tech, but that does not happen very often.

Endurance gives you HP (Health Points). Unless you are going for a Tank Striker, this stat should only be trained a little bit -- around 15-20 points at level 55.

Charisma is the stat that raises the attack chance of Pets, and it also raises their damage. If you are not planning to be a BeastStriker, this stat should be left out, but if you are planning to become one, this stat must be trained.

Luck is a handy dandy stat to train. It basically gives you a bit of everything; dodge ability, BtH, healing potions enhancements, as well as a chance to go first in battle. However, compared to Lucky Strikes, those things are relatively minor. Lucky Strikes have a 10% chance of happening, no matter how high your Luck, but they can deal a lot of damage. However, it is only good with a huge amount of Luck-- if you've only got 20 points or so in the Luck stat, you should spend those points elsewhere.

Where can I train/untrain my stats?

Take a look at this map of the LSS Alteon. See where it says VR Deck? Click that, and you should find yourself facing a virtual reality dude (the correct term is holotrainer), called Tronzor. He is the one you will go to to train your stats. To some, he is a tough opponent. Here's a list that you may find useful.


Strength: No techs. High Ranged and Magic defense, meaning you must attack with Melee
Dexterity: No techs. High Magic defense, so you should attack with either Melee or Ranged
Intellect: Techs are usable. Attack button disabled. All defenses are equal.
Charisma: All buttons are usable. High defenses.
Endurance: All buttons are usable. High-ish defenses.
Luck: Potions disabled. All others are usable. Defenses are low.

Untraining stats is very simple. When you click Tronzor, you'll see an "Untrain" button right beside the "Train" button. Click the Untrain button, then Tronzor will transform into Roznort (a FYI, its Tronzor backwards :P). All you've got to do is die when you fight him, then he'll untrain 5 stat points. What I usually do is switch my pets through the battle.

Striker Sub-Builds

There are many types of Strikers-- not just one. Some Striker builds focus on annihilating their opponent, while other builds tire the monster out with a vast amount of health. Some Strikers seek the aid of pets and guests, while others go solo. The combinations are endless. Here are just some of the more well known Striker sub-builds.

Annihilator Striker

This build is a very effective build. It maximizes melee weapon damage, at the cost of END and perhaps a bit of DEX. Strength and Luck is trained at low levels to boost the power of melee weapons. This may be expensive, but the result is well worth it. An alternate route of training this build is to train Dexterity before Luck -- This will gain you more BtH, but will take away the chances of Lucky Strikes. You will, however, eventually max out DEX, LUK and STR, despite which stats you plan to train first. That choice will be up to you and how you prefer to play the game.

What I would do, if I were a Annihilator Striker, would be keeping my STR a bit higher than the value of LUK/DEX. This would equal more weapon power, backed up with BtH, and the like. Another note before we actually get into the stat training, this build is super effective for those who have tons of token items in their inventory. Why? Those token items let you breeze through the monsters, meaning that monsters will most likely not be able to deplete half of your HP before you take down their whole HP bar.

Level 10: 35 STR | 15 DEX | 0 INT | 0 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 25: 75 STR | 50 DEX | 0 INT | 0 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 40: 125 STR | 75 DEX | 0 INT | 0 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 50: 150 STR | 100 DEX | 0 INT | 0 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 55: 175 STR | 100 DEX | 0 INT | 0 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK

Yet another note: The value of DEX can be switched with LUK (e.g. Level 10: 35 STR | 0 DEX | 0 INT | 0 END | 0 CHA | 15 LUK). This will get you less BtH, but will allow you to hit Lucky Strikes. Personally, I'd train DEX first though because with that small amount of LUK, you won't see much of a difference in damage. Completely up to you, though.

Beast Striker

Ah, the Beast Striker. Its the only Striker build (unless you want to make a custom build) that trains CHA, which makes it so unique. If you recall the explanation of stats I've listed above, you'll know that CHA raises the chance of pets/guests attacking as well as the damage they deal. A Beast Striker focuses their stats on STR, DEX, and CHA, with the little bit of END. Notice how CHA replaces LUK? This would mean that one would have to choose between pets or Lucky Strikes.

There are many ways to train the build. The Beast Striker build is perhaps the hardest to train between all the Striker builds in the lower levels, because it is imperative to focus on three stats, instead of two, like the build above. Some like to keep all three stats equal, while some would have CHA lagging behind, or DEX lagging behind. It doesn't really matter, as you'll eventually have the same end result.

CHA lagging behind will cause pets to have a lower percentage of attacking, and their attacks will deal less damage. The advantage is that you are able to deal more damage with your weapons. Its not really a bad thing, since pets at the moment don't have any special abilities like they do in AQ (nerfing monsters, burning monsters, controlling monsters, etc.)-- but when pets that have those abilities arrive in WF, it might be an advantage for you to have a higher trained CHA stat.

DEX lagging behind will result in you missing the monster more, which means that your overall weapon damage will go down.

In the chart below, DEX will be slightly lower than CHA and STR.

Level 10: 20 STR | 10 DEX | 0 INT | 0 END | 20 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 25: 50 STR | 20 DEX | 0 INT | 5 END | 50 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 40: 75 STR | 40 DEX | 0 INT | 10 END | 75 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 50: 95 STR | 45 DEX | 0 INT | 15 END | 95 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 55: 100 STR | 55 DEX | 0 INT | 20 END | 100 CHA | 0 LUK

From there, your DEX would slowly build up, until all three main stats are fairly equal. This is just one way to train the build; you may choose to train it differently.

Pure Striker

The Pure Striker is similar to the Annihilator Striker. The difference is that a Pure Striker trains some END in the early stages of the game, instead of focusing all his/her stats on STR/DEX/LUK. In the end, however, the result of a Pure Striker would be the same as anAnnihilator Striker.

To train a Pure Striker, you'd need to build up STR and DEX to a good amount, with a little END to back your character up, before training your LUK (to enable Lucky Strikes). Some may want STR a bit higher than DEX (for the extra damage), but I myself prefer to keep them equal.

Level 10: 25 STR | 25 DEX | 0 INT | 0 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 25: 55 STR | 55 DEX | 0 INT | 15 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 40: 90 STR | 90 DEX | 0 INT | 20 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 50: 115 STR | 110 DEX | 0 INT | 25 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 55: 125 STR | 125 DEX | 0 INT | 25 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK

From there, LUK would gradually be trained until it is about equal with STR and DEX -- plan so that LUK would be maxed out at about the same time of STR/DEX. Don't stop trainig STR/DEX though-- those stats are the source of your power. END will be trained, little by little, until it reaches 50. Another way to go is to fully max out STR and DEX before you start training LUK.

Tank Striker

As a Tank Striker, get as much Health Points as you can. By doing so, you'll have to sacrifice luck. As all Striker builds, you'll focus on STR/DEX, but this time, you'll focus on END as well. Unlike the other builds, where you keep your END low, you'll keep your LUK low instead.

There are a few ways to train this build. During your early levels, you may focus entirely on END (your battle strategy would then be tanking the monster out; slowly chipping away its HP bar, and hoping yours will last long enough to win). I personally would keep STR, DEX, and END fairly equal. By doing so, you'd have enough HP to survive, as well as weapon damage and BtH bonuses. A point I would like to say first, monsters in WF don't hit that hard. If you sit in a good defensive armor, they'd only hit about 20-30 damage. If you've got about 300 HP, you should easily be able to take down a monster. What I'm trying to say is that you don't really need 100 END at level 20.

In the example below, I'll try to have it more focused on STR and DEX. END will be a tad behind, but not by a lot. As a note to the future, LUK will not be trained until STR, DEX, and END is maxed out.

Level 10: 20 STR | 20 DEX | 0 INT | 10 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 25: 45 STR | 45 DEX | 0 INT | 35 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 40: 70 STR | 70 DEX | 0 INT | 60 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 50: 90 STR | 90 DEX | 0 INT | 70 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK
Level 55: 95 STR | 95 DEX | 0 INT | 85 END | 0 CHA | 0 LUK

As always, like with every other build, you may customize it the way you like. You may prefer to focus on two main stats (for example, STR and END). However way you train it is up to you. If you'd like making your own custom build, there's a section on it right below this one...

Making your own Custom Build

Having a Custom build is not a bad thing at all. It may even benefit you more than the way to train your stats above. Why? Well, one, its because those are my opinions and everybody's got different ones, but more importantly, two, is that a custom build should fit perfectly with your style of play. Let's say, for example, that you are that gambling kind of player, and you want to hit hard rather than hit accurate. Then, you'd train more STR, by taking points away from the DEX stat. Another example-- let's say your style of fighting is to wear down your opponent. In that case, I'd train up more END, by taking away some STR. The possibilities are endless. Here are a few tips on making a custom build.

  • Don't focus on all 6 stats
    Well, if you say that you want all the benefits of the stats, I'm sorry to say that it won't happen. Well, it is possible, but chances are, the amount of stats you put into each category won't be enough to reach the true potential of stats when you only focus onto one or two categories. Instead, focus on two or three stats at once, which leads us to the next point...
  • Don't focus only at one stat
    Not only is focusing on one stat expensive, its not actually all that benefitting. Sure, it'll give you super-duper uber powers at that one stat you focus on, but the other elements of your battle strategy will be lacking. For example, picture someone with 200 DEX. He/She will block attacks, yes, but will her damage output be enough to finish the battle before the player itself is finished?
  • Plan wisely
    As mentioned above, trying to max out a stat is no cheap task. A lot of gold will need to be used, and that gold you're using can get you better weapons, battlesuits, etc.-- things that will also enhance your character. The solution is simple. Spread out your stats (but don't forget point one), and train each one gradually.



So, finally done with the boring stuff and getting into the little devlish toys you'll be bring to battle, eh? There is one thing, however, that I'd like to mention just before we start.


Since my name appears to be being taken in vain ... :-p

Let me be clear: a "pure" Gunner would NOT have STR. Indeed, if you are planning to train STR you should not be using Guns - they do not depend on STR at ALL which means that those points are wasted.

Gunner is the "default" weapon set - everyone who does not train STR should use Guns. This also means that if you are training STR, you should not be using Guns - because sticks should be better for you :-)


ORIGINAL: Zephyros

To put it another way, guns are the weapons for people who don't use melee weapons. If you DO use melee weapons, then your stat points will go into making those more powerful, instead of using weird technology or pet robots or aliens.

Both quotes are directly from Knights of Order (KoO), the people who developed this game, so they do know what they're talking about. If you didn't bother to read them: Long story short, if you're a Gunner, stick with guns. As a Striker, you should use melee weapons, and melee weapons only.


The very first weapon WarpTrackers should pick up is the Swaying CiZor at level 4, while WarpGuardians could pick up the Warp Wavering CiZor at level 10. If you're a WarpTracker, upgrade the weapon at level 18 to the Rocking CiZor, and if you're a WarpGuardian, stick with the weapon you have. It may seem weaker at glance because it's 8 levels lower than its upgrade, but actually, when you calculate the Guardian power bonus it receives, the damage will be about the same. When WarpGuardians reach level 35, they should purchase the Guardian Shimmering Axe. At level 42, WarpTrackers should upgrade their weapon to the Wobbling CiZor. WarpGuardians may choose to upgrade their weapon, but I wouldn't waste the gold on it, as the Guardian Shimmering Axe, with its WarpGuardian level bonus, has the power of a level 41 weapon -- which is only one level away from the Wobbling CiZor. Next, both WarpGuardian and WarpTracker should pick up the Shimmering Axe at level 55. The Shimmering Axe should do until level 66, which players can upgrade their weapon to the Fluctuating CiZor. The next weapon for WarpGuardians should be the level 75 version of the Guardian Shimmering Axe, while WarpTrackers can pick up the level 75 Mogline Sword. At level 95, as a final upgrade, both WarpGuardians and WarpTrackers should upgrade their weapons (the Shimmering Axe and Mogline Sword respectively).


Right now, there are only two series of Water weapons in WF. In most cases, Water weapons aren't entirely needed, as Ice weapons can usually cover for the water element. Personally, the first Water weapon I'd pick up would be the level 15 Used Hullscuffer (this weapon would be a WarpTracker's final stepping stone weapon). When WarpGuardians reach level 20, they should pick up the Warp Enhanced Hullscuffer. Next up would be the Warped Hullscuffer, at level 36. The next weapon for WarpGuardians would be the Asteroid Cutter Mod W2 and then the New Hullscuffer at level 57 for both WarpGuardian and WarpTracker. The final stepping stone for all players is the Asteroid Cutter Mod K, upgraded to the Asteroid Cutter Mod T at level 75. Once level 85 is reached, the weapon that should be your Water weapon should be the Polished Hullscuffer


Right at the beginning, after killing Grislespine and that Virin, purchase the level 1 Airy Beam Lance. It has a powerful Special, however, it has a chance of damaging YOU. At level 5, WarpTrackers will want to pick up the Breezy Beam Lance, while WarpGuardians pick up the Sonic Axe at level 6. All players will want to upgrade to the Blustery Beam Lance at level 19, which will be your final wind weapon for WarpTrackers. WarpGuardians will want to get the level 26 Sonic Axe and then upgrade it to the level 46 Sonic Axe, which will be your final stepping stone wind weapon. The next weapon to obtain for WarpGuardians would be the upgraded version of the Sonic Axe (level 66), then upgraded again at level 86 for their final weapon.


In the Intro Quest shop, get the level 1 Chilled Beam Sword. In sword form, it uses your health to increase its damage; in dagger form, it heals you on its Special. At level 5, get the Techblade; switch to the Frosted Beam Sword at level 8. WarpTrackers should upgrade this to the Icy Beam Sword at level 14, while WarpGuardians wait until level 16 to pick up the Warp Frigid Beam Sword. At level 25, WarpTrackers should get the Cool Techblade while WarpGuardians stick with their current weapon, as a power level difference of 1 is not enough to warrant an upgrade. All players will want the Polar Beam Sword at level 30, which will be your final Ice weapon for WarpTrackers. The next upgrade WarpGuardians should purchase is the level 45 Guardian Techblade. Finally, WarpTrackers and WarpGuardians should buy the Cold Techblade at level 65, which will be WarpTrackers' final weapon. The last weapon a WarpGuardian would want is the level 85 version of the TechBlade.


WarpGuardians get, as their no-drop weapon, the WarpGuardian Blade, which is the WarpForce equivalent of AQ's Blade of Awe. It always scales to your level, so WGs will never need another Earth weapon.

WarpTrackers, however, are not as lucky. They get the level 1 WarpTracker Sword, which upgrades itself at level 40. Until then, WarpTrackers will want the level 15 WarShovel 5K to use until level 40. I personally don't have a problem afterwards (I just stick with the No-Drop), but if you want a more reliable and powerful weapon, buy the Desertworm Dagger at level 50. The Nefadon Whip Mace can be bought afterwards if you're still wanting a good Earth weapon.

Just note that if you are going to have an Earth weapon in your inventory, you'll have to sacrifice another element. I prefer to take away Water, as an Ice weapon can cover that. Otherwise, you can find an armor with an element-set ability to cover a certain element.


The first Energy weapon for WarpGuardians would either be the random-heavy Laser Chucks at level 6 or the paralyzing Stun Baton XVW5 at level 5. WarpTrackers will want the level 7 Stun Baton XV7; upgrade it to the Stun Baton XV11 at level 11. At level 15, get the Vibraxe, which, for WarpTrackers, will last all the way to level 40. WarpGuardians should stick with either the Stun Baton XVW5 or the Laser Chucks through levels 6-25, as, once again, the power level difference is not enough to warrant shelling out precious gold.

WarpGuardians who are using Laser Chucks should upgrade to the level 24 Powered Laser Chucks; Stun Baton-using WGs should upgrade to the level 25 Stun Baton XVW25. All players will want the Advanced Vibraxe at level 40. WarpGuardians will want the level 44 Charged Laser Chucks as their final next Energy weapon, while WarpTrackers will want the level 55 Thunderclap Sword as their next Energy weapon. The final stepping stone weapon for WarpGuardians and WarpTrackers should be the Excellent Vibraxe. A last upgrade for WarpTrackers would be the Stun Baton XV75, which, as its name implies, can be picked up at level 75. Finally, WarpGuardians can upgrade their weapon at level 86 to the Energetic Laser Chucks, and again to the level 90 WG Final Vibraxe.


In the Light section, WarpTrackers should stick to the Gathorax series, while WarpGuardians can purchase both the Gathorax series and Tronzor's blades. For WarpTrackers, Bright Gathorax should be their first weapon, and Tronzor's Real Dual Blade can be the first weapon for WarpGuardians. Now, here is where WarpGuardians get to make a choice. In low levels, you should be able to get through them pretty quickly, so if you feel that you can do with a slightly underpowered weapon, you can save your gold for something else, and skip an upgrade. Personally, I'd just buy the versions of Tronzor's Blades and not purchase the WarpGuardian variants of the Gathorax series. However, that's all up to you. If you're a WarpTracker, you choices will be much simpler. In fact, you'll have little to no choice. At level 17, buy the Gleaming Gathorax, which will, unfortunately, last you until you are level 60, which is when you can purchase the Glistening Gathorax. Next, you can pick up Tronzor's Substantial Dual Blade (WG only) at level 65. At level 80, though, WarpGuardians should pick up the level 80 Gathorax as their final weapon.


The first weapon for WarpTrackers is the Dimmed Beam Staff, while WarpGuardians should have the Deadly Guardian Galaxythe for their first weapon. WarpTrackers should upgrade their weapon to the Gloomy Beam Staff at level 13, while WarpGuardians should just wait until level 20, which is when all characters can pick up the Galaxythe. The reason why I wouldn't pick the Murky Beam Staff, which is the same level, is because they have different specials. The Beam Staff's special regenerates your mana, which is quite useless as a Striker, but the Galaxythe has a 2% chance of summoning Death 2.0 and dealing a ton of damage. At level 35, WarpGuardians can pick up the Vicious Guardian Galaxythe, and then upgrade it to the Nefadon Claw at level 45. The next weapon for WarpTrackers and WarpGuardians should be the Baleful Galaxythe. If you are short on gold, WarpGuardians can choose to skip it; the next upgrade is the level 60 Nefadon Claw. If you are willing to sacrifice some Special damage for a heal, there is the option of the level 65 Virin Spike. The next upgrade for WarpGuardians would be the level 70 Grim Guardian Galaxythe. Finally, the level 80 Guardian Nefadon Claw should be the last Darkness weapon for those WGs out there.

End Notes


Useful Links



Ah, so much people to thank. First and foremost, I'd like to thank the AE team for creating this great game (cheers for Fal, Zephyros (westwind) and Ael for their great work! I'm sure there are others that contribute to WF, and I'd like to thank y'all too! ^^). Next, thanks again to Zephyros and Ael for helping me understand the concept of stats, their uses, and equipment back when I was a lil newblet. Next, I'd like to give a HUGE thanks to Karika, who's helped a TON. Can't thank you enough, heh.

Some more thanks; Veya, mluther, and Peachii. Without your contribution, I'm sure the guide won't be as good as it is today :)

Final thanks is to YOU! (That's right, you, the reader). It means a ton reading it, I hope it helped you one way or the other.


Change Log

~26Mar10 Guide started
~18May10 Guide in WFGD
~12Jun10 Minor updates
~22Aug10 Huge update (minus half >.>). Weapon sections up to date with the Pedia (still missing August update, but I will get to it once entries are posted). Stats sections still need to be updated with examples up to date with the current level cap.
~27Mar11 Long overdue update. Stats still need to be updated to match the level cap.

< Message edited by moneybags -- 6/24/2011 0:58:47 >
Epic  Post #: 1
5/19/2010 0:27:24   

Just a touch, the best energy weapon out there is the Excellent Vibraxe(lvl 65), it also is Non-Guard, but due to the lvl cap, they can't access it.

Also, there isn't a lvl 65 Nefadon Claw, the highest level is 60(but it got the power of a lvl 64 weapon), you also forgot to add the link to it.
AQW  Post #: 2
5/21/2010 11:31:00   
More than a Game


I'll get to them ASAP. When I update, I'll also add the Vibraxe series into the Energy section. Thanks
Epic  Post #: 3
6/12/2010 21:18:14   

Small typo. The level 45 powered laser chucks are actualy supposed to be charged laser chucks. Great guide though :)very helpful.

< Message edited by mluther -- 6/12/2010 21:19:58 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 4
6/12/2010 22:37:31   
More than a Game


Thanks mluther and Veya. Updated ^^
Epic  Post #: 5
10/29/2010 10:59:41   

It is a good start. I did notice though that the encyclopedia is much more up to date. The consequence of this is that people will plan their weapons spend wrongly. It would be better to update this to the current status in the encyclopedia.

< Message edited by AVA -- 10/29/2010 10:59:41 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
6/25/2010 22:00:58   
More than a Game


I do know that it's outdated in some sections of the guide. Once the Pedia entries are up for most of this month's release, I'll update it all at once. When it's done, I'll edit this post. :)


< Message edited by moneybags -- 8/23/2010 1:13:08 >
Epic  Post #: 7
9/5/2010 19:01:26   

even tho its small there could be a gauntlet section as well as a battlesuit section too it may be small but it could still help and well take less edit time if started now rather then waiting till there are 100s of them and having to research and add ALL those entrys oh yea almost forgot non bm pets too lol and the moglin swords are better then the fire axe just fyi ^.^

< Message edited by nightshadow989 -- 9/5/2010 22:18:51 >
AQ  Post #: 8
9/11/2010 14:26:20   
Z Grade

As moneybags has stated at the top of the guide, he is not going to include battlesuits nor guantlets, it is likely there will be a seperate guide made at some point in the future.

< Message edited by Z Grade -- 9/11/2010 14:27:31 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 9
3/27/2011 17:08:13   
More than a Game


Updated. If you have a suggestion, correction, and all that jazz, feel free to post your feedback :)
Epic  Post #: 10
3/27/2011 17:24:06   

Just a question, for you builds, would it be POSSIBLE to add LUK to some builds? Maybe a lucky striker?

Also, just wondering what my build is:

75 STR
50 DEX
10 END
20 LUK
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 11
3/27/2011 19:50:01   
More than a Game


You can definitely have luck in your stats. The only reason why I didn't include that in the guide was because there aren't enough stat points at those early levels to give some to the Luck section. Luck is more of a jack-of-all-trades stat-- it gives you a little bit of everything, but not a lot. If you were level 10, for example, it's best to put those points into either STR or DEX, because that'll give you more power. Putting it into luck might get you a little bit of everything, but it's not going to help you win a lot of battles, unless you get those LUCKy Strikes. Get what I mean?

I really should update that section... Maybe I'll find some time later. Once you get into the higher levels, you'd definitely start to train Luck. By the time the cap gets to level 130, a Pure Striker should have the stats of

200 STR
200 DEX
50 END
200 LUK

Of course, it's up to you on how to train your stats. Looking at your stats, it seems you wanna train your luck earlier. That's perfectly fine. There's no need to follow what EVERYTHING in the guide says. It's just to give you an idea of what options there are, and some of the different ways you can train your stats.
Epic  Post #: 12
6/21/2011 19:16:47   
Manga Maniac


At level 80, though, both WarpGuardians and WarpTrackers (when the level cap is raised) should pick up the level 80 Gathorax as their final weapon.

– From the end of the Light section.

According the home page the WarpTracker level cap is now finally maxed at 75. Unless AE change their mind in future, WarpTracker's will never be able get that weapon.


ANNOUNCEMENT: The WarpTracker (free player) level cap is now maxed. To level over 75, become a WarpGuardian today!
Post #: 13
6/22/2011 15:56:09   
More than a Game


Alright, fixed and thanks :)
Epic  Post #: 14
10/5/2011 12:18:45   

why is this thread so low, is there no love for strikers?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
10/5/2011 18:21:53   
ArchMagus Orodalf

^No, $bags just hasn't had time to do it... I'm sure it'll get done as soon as he has time.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
10/10/2011 14:46:00   

well, it is still very helpfull
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
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