/waves /waves back. Since there aren't any questions being posted... I am back, Leumas >:) WEWT! To be honest, I couldn't resist because you said you liked Greek myths :P =D Which one got you hooked in the first place? (Mine was the Trojan War, aka the Iliad... plus the variations) I think the first Greek Myth I heard was Jason and the Argonauts, I think, but I've read the Iliad and the Oddesey and have loved it. Do you think the values and ideas underpinning myths at that time are still relevant today? (or at least some of them?) Mostly all of them, it's the the Myths that are becoming irrelevant it's the Next Generation that are making it seem Irrelevant. Three items you cannot live without? If this is not including Food, Water and Shelter, then Books, Music and Soccer Ball. Favourite subject during education and why? English/Classics, for obvious reasons, to me atleast. =P Looking forward to Mana Alchemy in DragonFable? :D I ahve no idea what that is, care to tell me? Would you prefer to live a short and glorious life, or become immortal? Immortal, not for the perks but to generate a mass amount of knowledge and then distrubute it throughout the world. *muses thoughtfully while looking at previous question* Yep, got to love Greek myth. Haha, I'll leave you be now :P See you! Wayters!
< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/8/2010 3:47:03 >