I am back on page 4 with more questions :DDD Funky. 1) I need more friend space on AQW D: When are we going to have more space? DDDD: I don't know. =/ 2) Do you like paper or plastic? Paper. 3)When is your birthday? 10th of December. 4) Dogs or cats? Both. =) 5) Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry? Chocolate. 6) QUICK, if you had 3 dollars and were in a store with all this clearance and stuff with candy, silverware, and paint, which would be most useful if you were stranded on an island in the middle of somewher :O Candy, energy levels. 7) Whats my favorite color? No idea. XD 8) May I add you to my friends list in AQW? :O So much for needing more friend space. =P ~Coyote LOL coyote, but I still need more space, I know like 40 ppl and only 20 ppl to put on my list. xD O.o And if coyote ever asks if you like coyotes or anything like that, I suggest saying yes xD lol. No offense coyote. We don't need you and leu fighting now (: Heh. And leu, tell me, why is coyote editing this post? I thought it was yours >:O I am the Vafrous Coyote (Or Vafrous Vulpix -- take your pick). Set up fences, and I find ways around them. >3 ~Coyote It is because Versy likes playing with people. /me puts up a fence around leu's post >:D I WIN COYOTE BEAT THAT :D I already have. Resistance is futile! =P ~Coyote Thankies. Apparently, Coyote is trying to take your post leu >_>. Go figure :L Well, it makes it a lot more interesting. Hah. THIS IS LEU'S NOT COYOTES'S D:< Yeah, you tell 'em. XD Well Leu I wil be back you will just not know when >:) mehehehehe Righteo.
< Message edited by Coyote -- 4/12/2010 0:01:55 >