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Kabak's... Back!

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4/10/2010 5:05:30   
Times Silent Keeper

Kabak's... Back!
Kabak Kaboom!

Location: Travel Map » Zorbak's Hideout » A History of Violence » Kabak's Back!

You can skip the cutscene at anytime.»

«Scene: Glacius, Paxia»

Not long ago, the necromancer Moglin brothers Zorbak and Kabroz joined forces to open a hole to the center of Lore in the land of Glaciar on Paxia. They succeeded, but the magical power that escaped twisted the two brothers into a single warped creature called Kabak. Kabak's powers allowed him to make a strange army unlike anything seen before, which he used in an attempt to steal Frostval! But all of Battleon's heroes united against him and were able to defeat Kabak, separating him to Zorbak and Kabroz once more. But some time has passed, and you can never really trust those two...

«You»: I hope what the Paxian scouts have said isn't true, but I don't have much choice. I need to see for myself if the rift is open again!

«Scene: Meeting with Zorbak and Kabroz»

«You»: !!! Zorbak! Kabroz!! What are you two doing here??
Kabroz: Ack! It's «You»!
Zorbak: Meh! Don't be so negative all the time, brother! We could use some... help!
«You»: The two of you are responsible for opening up a rift into the magical core of Lore last Frostval...
Zorbak: Right, right. We admit it. The pure magic that poured out from the hole fused my brother and I into a new creature called Kabak!
Kabroz: Rrrrrr.... What's the point of discussing it?? Let's just blast this intruder and do what we came here to do!
«You»: Now Kabroz, do I sense a little hostility?
Kabroz: So who's the new PSYCHOLOGIST class trainer, anyway?
Zorbak: Mehehehe... So I bet you're here for the same reason we are. We heard the rift was open again! Let's go check it out together!
Zorbak: «You»... How about you go first?
«You»: Well, how kind of you, Zorbak. How very... kind. Don't fall into my footprints. You little guys might get stuck.
  • Go!

    «Scene: Rift Opening»

    «You»: There it is! So tell me the truth, you two: Do either of you have anything to do with this??
    Zorbak: Meh! Of course not! We kind of learned our lesson the FIRST time. It really wasn't very pleasant, being fused into one body!
    «You»: So... Then what caused it THIS time??

    «A short pause follows, and with a sudden ball of light from the rift, Kabak appears beside it.»

    «You»: !!!
    Kabak: It's oh so wonderful to be free! Now how strange it is to see both you and you outside of me...
    Zorbak: ...We've never seen YOU like this, either! How can you possible EXIST without US?!
    Kabak: The magic of Lore is very mysterious, and it can often have effects quite delirious. When the two of you combined to form me, I became part of Lore's memory!
    Kabak: And as part of Lore's memory, I was made up of THIS energy! It was only a matter of time until I could reform through the power of will.
    «You»: Awesome!
    Zorbak: WHAT?! This isn't awesome! This is BAD! Very, very BAD!
    «You»: Oh right... yeah, definitely. So last time, you wanted to end Frostval... and even tried to STEAL it using a giant undead WINCH! What do you want this time?
    Kabak: Much time had I to think while in the magic pyre, and I do believe that I have decided upon my desire.
    Kabak: I've come to realize that Necromancy is really my strong suit...
    Zorbak: Meh! That's MY strong suit!
    Kabroz: Mine too!!
    Kabak: ...But compare to me, your skills are most minute. Though... I could use some right and left hand men. I have some new undead minion ideas again.
    Kabak: And I think I'll get started on my army right away. Knowing myself, I'm quite sure the two of you will stay.
    Kabak: And I will of course require a stronghold from which to watch my plans unfold. This spot here is far too cold, but to the west a dark forest I behold...
    «You»: I can't let you do this. Just hop back into that magical rift, and we'll shut it behind you.
    Kabak: I've been down there way too long, and you'll find that I'm too strong. Now come along you two, I'm off and I'm away--
    «You»: OH NO YOU DON'T, Zorbak and Kabroz. Right here you'll stay!
    «You»: ... Ooh, and now you've got ME doing it!!
    Kabak: -- Then I'll leave for you a special PRESENT with which to play!
  • Fight!Zorbak: Sorry we didn't help you. It WAS fun watching you get hurt, though!
    «You»: I'm sure it was a laugh riot for you two. I have some news for you, though. You ARE going to help me stop Kabak! NOW!
  • War!

    Kabak's Back!

    Kabak terrorized last Frostval when Zorbak and Kabroz drilled a hole to the middle of the world and combined into one serious necromantic moglin. Now he has somehow returned from the depths of Lore's magic core -- without either of them as a part of him! He's looking to take over Nocturu's guild hall, and he's got a swarm of nasty new undead to help! We have to deal with his forces and lock him back up in that rift!
  • To Battle!
  • Back to Town

    Zorbak: Mehehe... I learned some new fire spells to use against these Undead, since my normal darkness powers wouldn't be the best thing to use...
    Zorbak: Please, stop clicking on me and go to war already!
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Zorbak: Mehehe! What, did you think I would actually heal you? I'm a necromancer!! If you want healed, click on the gem in Warlic's staff!
  • ............

    Artix the Paladin is here to help you in battle!
    Kabroz is here to help you in battle!
    E the Shadowslayer is here to help you in battle!
    Robina Hood the ranger is here to help you in battle!
    Warlic the Archmage is here to help you in battle!
    Potion Bag: Refills potions if you have less than 8 on hand. (Guardian Only)
    Treasure Chest:
    *****Guardians: Zorbak will join you in battle!
    *****Adventurers: If you become a Guardian, Zorbak (fire version) will join you in battle!
    Gem on Warlic's Staff: Full Heal with the message - The gem on Warlic's staff healed you!
    To Battle!

    With whom will you go into battle?

  • Kabroz
  • Artix Krieger
  • Warlic
  • Robina Hood
  • E
  • By yourself

    Regardless of choice
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal*
      2 BATTLES
    «After 100% of Kabak's minions were defeated, you proceed towards the entrance of the Nocturu Clan. The scene then switches to inside the Nocturu clan's chamber.»

    Zorbak: Mehehehe... Looks like no one's home. Do you think the Darkness Clan will mind if we borrow a few relics?
    «You»: Noctros! We're here to warn you about someone who may want your fortress for themselves!

    «Noctros flies down into the scene.»

    Noctros: So a bunch of petty thieves woke me up from my beauty rest, eh? I'm thirsty for a little blood, I am...
    «You»: Don't think about taking any of ours! We just got done fighting an ARMY of undead creatures made by Kabak!
    Noctros: Kabak!?! I thought-- Zorbak and Kabroz WERE Kabak!
    «You»: Not anymore. And he'll be here any minute--

    «With a whirl of snow, the scene fades to darkness. Familiar devilish eyes stare in the darkness, revealing the monstrous Kabak. The scene then fades back to Nocturu's chamber.»

    Kabak: Good evening Noctros! I love your decor! The darkness, the dankness, all the things I adore!
    «You»: Waitwaitwait. The last time you took on your monstrous form, you had gone back to the magic rift and absorbed as much of it as you could! How'd you do it so far from the rift?
    Kabak: I BUILT my new body out of the magic of Lore! Why do you think that THIS form I'd ignore?!
    Kabak: Now, all of you, quit my new abode!! Personal guard-- enter attack mode!!
  • Fight!

    «The scene zooms in to an area in Nocturu's chamber. 3 of Kabak's Corpse monsters enter the scene.»

    Who will fight Kabak alongside you?
  • Noctros
  • Kabroz
  • Zorbak < fire version >
  • No one-- I'll fight him myself!

    Regardless of choice«Kabak vanishes into thin air after the battle.»

    Zorbak: Meh!! Where'd he go?!?
    «You»: That little twerp ran away!!
    Kabroz: No, nononononoooooo! We can't let him do that! We need to get him, bro!
    «You»: Track him down and toss him back into the rift. That's the only way to... Well, I guess we can't be SURE, since he already escaped from there once.
    Noctros: I'll send a special unit of my darkness army with you two, to help surround Kabak when you catch him.
    Zorbak: Sounds like a plan! Let's go!

    «Kabroz and Zorbak leave the scene.»

    «You»: I thought TWO of those Moglins was enough to deal with. Now there are THREE of them. Kabak might as well be a third BROTHER.
    «You»: It's just a matter of time until all three of them decide to join forces.
    Noctros: Well, how does that saying go? Two's company and three's a crowd?
    «You»: They're MOGLINS, Noctros. For them, the saying is probably something like 'Four's company, six is a crowd.' Ah well... we'll just have to wait and see...

  • Afterburner Z
  • Mummydas Z
  • Flickering Afterburner
  • Fresh Mummydas
  • Mummydas
  • Afterburner
  • Glowing Afterburner
  • Elder Mummydas
  • Ancient Mummydas
  • Searing Afterburner
  • Melting Guardian Afterburner
  • Antediluvian Guardian Mummydas

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    * - In the process of the war, when Optional Full heal is available, both Zorbak and Twilly appear and the following dialogue occurs when you click on Zorbak. You cannot click on Twilly.

    Zorbak: I can force Twilly here to heal you now, or you can just keep fighting!
    «*gulp* appears on Twilly, whose face turns really frightened.»
  • Heal Me
  • Continue Fighting
    Zorbak: Now you're healed! Go fight more monsters already!
  • Thanks Zor-- I mean, Twilly!

    Random Monster List

    Level 0-11
    Afterburner (5)
    Afterburner (5)
    Corpsicle (5)
    Corpsicle (5)
    Mummydas (5)
    Mummydas (5)
    Nurse Botoxia (10)
    Pox Corpse (5)
    Pox Corpse (5)
    Undead Archer (5)
    Undead Dragon (6)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (10)
    Undead Elf (10)
    Undead Fansarin (15)
    Undead Knight (1)
    Undead Mage (7)
    Undead Ninja (10)
    Undead Paladin (6)
    Undead Soldier (5)

    Level 12-29
    Afterburner (20)
    Afterburner (20)
    Bone Knight (25)
    Corpsicle (20)
    Corpsicle (20)
    Ghost (20)
    Mummydas (20)
    Mummydas (20)
    Nurse Botoxia (25)
    Pox Corpse (20)
    Pox Corpse (20)
    Undead Braken (20)
    Undead Dragon (19)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (25)
    Undead Elf (10)
    Undead Fansarin (15)
    Undead Freak (25)
    Undead Frog (20)
    Undead Mage (14)
    Undead Moglin Knight (15)
    Undead Paladin (15)
    Undead Wounded (13)

    Level 30-49
    Afterburner (40)
    Afterburner (40)
    Corpsicle (40)
    Corpsicle (40)
    Mummicane (36)
    Mummydas (40)
    Mummydas (40)
    Nurse Botoxia (25)
    Pox Corpse (40)
    Pox Corpse (40)
    Skull Swarm (30)
    Undead Braken (20)
    Undead Commander (31)
    Undead Dragon (39)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (45)
    Undead Elf (30)
    Undead Fansarin (35)
    Undead Frog (40)
    Undead Giant (35)
    Undead Paladin (35)
    Undead Skull Ape (40)
    Undead Knight (35)
    Undead Skuller (38)

    Level 50-69
    Afterburner (60)
    Afterburner (60)
    Corpsicle (60)
    Corpsicle (60)
    Ghost (53)
    Giant Mummy (65)
    Immaterial Banshee (63)
    Lich (undead)
    Mummydas (60)
    Mummydas (60)
    Nurse Botoxia (50)
    Pile o' Bones (Undead) (50)
    Pox Corpse (60)
    Pox Corpse (60)
    Skull Swarm (50)
    Undead Basher (58)
    Undead Braken (60)
    Undead Dragon (39)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (45)
    Undead Elf (30)
    Undead Fansarin (60)
    Undead Giant Moglin (62)
    Undead Horse (68)
    Undead Moglin Demon (58)
    Undead Ninja (50)
    Undead Paladin (50)
    Undead Skull Ape (60)
    Undead Warlord (63)
    Undead Wolf Master (61)

    Level 70-84
    Afterburner (80)
    Afterburner (80)
    Corpsicle (80)
    Corpsicle (80)
    Ghost (53)
    Giant Mummy (65)
    Immaterial Banshee (63)
    Lich (undead)
    Mummydas (80)
    Mummydas (80)
    Nurse Botoxia (70)
    Pile o' Bones (Undead) (50)
    Pox Corpse (80)
    Pox Corpse (80)
    Undead Braken (60)
    Undead Dragon (71)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (72)
    Undead Elf (60)
    Undead Fansarin (60)
    Undead Giant Moglin (62)
    Undead Horse (68)
    Undead Moglin Demon (58)
    Undead Paladin (65)

    Level 85+
    Afterburner (100)
    Afterburner (100)
    Corpsicle (100)
    Corpsicle (100)
    Ghost (53)
    Giant Mummy (65)
    Immaterial Banshee (63)
    Lich (undead)
    Mummydas (100)
    Mummydas (100)
    Nurse Botoxia (90)
    Pile o' Bones (Undead) (50)
    Pox Corpse (100)
    Pox Corpse (100)
    Undead Braken (100)
    Undead Dragon (91)
    Undead Dragon Mutant (92)
    Undead Elf (60)
    Undead Fansarin (92)
    Undead Giant Moglin (62)
    Undead Horse (68)
    Undead Moglin Demon (58)
    Undead Paladin (75)
    Undead Skull Ape (90)

    Correction and new boss tiers thanks to Scakk.

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 2/17/2013 0:42:37 >
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