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RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A)

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4/23/2010 4:56:14   

Hey shreder!
How's it going? :D
What is another word for "thesaurus"?
What's you're favorite forum board?
Each has their own purpose, I can't really choose one...
If you were trapped on a island, what's the three things that you would take?
My guitar, a HUGE chest full of books, and an iPod with a TON of music on it.
If you had 3 wishes what would it be?
More wishes! :P
Favorite film you watched?
What you're favorite desert?
There aren't many deserts I don't like.
What's your favorite school lesson?
You mean my favorite class? Probably English.
If you blew a bubble in space would it pop?
I don't know, why don't you go ask an astronaut or something? :P
Pirates or Ninjas?
Ninjas, obviously...
AQW-related questions
What's the most hardest monster you have fought in AQW?
What's you're favorite helm?
See above ^
What's your favorite cutscene?
I still find the opening cutscene to be hilarious, where the hero is falling down the hill.
What do you want the next lord of chaos to be? Musical or barbaric?
I would go with musical.
shreder rules?
Maybe... >.>
It's been fun, congratulations again, have fun!

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:14:11 >
DF  Post #: 76
4/23/2010 4:59:04   
Jonzee Boy

Is it? /Looks around in confusion.
Hows L&L going?
Very well, thank you.
How long ago did you get Aked there?
Eh...2 1/2 months ago?
Can I be a mod pl0x!!11!1!1oneone!11!!thirtythreethousand!1!!11??
ill give you acs pleease!!111!11111oneon1oenoeno111?
Now, now *Waggles finger* title seeking is not allowed.
Che ore sono adesso?
Speak italian?
if not, disregard the question.
Ok then.
Its a trap! ;P
/Me flees.

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:16:23 >


DF  Post #: 77
4/23/2010 5:03:16   

Pie, cake, cookies or a cake-pie-cookie hybrid?
All of the above.
Wollypops or Lollypops?
Meh, not too fond of either.
Thats it for my questions
Alright then.
Have fun AK-ing

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:17:25 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 78
4/23/2010 5:15:20   

How did you become an AK?
Is it fun being one?
Yesh. :P
Do you get Mod perks when youre an AK?
Nope, I'm not a m0d, so I don't get any m0d h4x...
Have you personally met other AKs/Mods?
In real life? Nope, I live far away from all of them.
Pink or green?
Is it ok if I call you Shred?
People often do...
Thats all for now... Imma be back for the interrogation questioning...
Ok then!

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:19:50 >


MQ  Post #: 79
4/23/2010 5:18:07   

Shreder110....hey, I used to see you in the unofficial contests and games!
Yep, I remember you too!
Do you remember the frogs?
Oh God, yes...
Cake or Pie? And better yet, which type of each, even if you only like one or have some allergy to one that causes you to spontaneously combust.
Both, in almost any flavor.
Do you like TransFormers?
The movie that came out in the 80s is epic, the newer ones, not so much...
Ok, that's all......
Oh right, congrats on being an AK!
Huh, lots of people I'm seeing are becoming AKs......interesting...
Hm... <.<

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:22:08 >
DF MQ  Post #: 80
4/23/2010 5:20:38   

YES! Fourth page.
I can finally post again..
What would you do if I stole your editing color?
I would be forced to take certain...protective measures. >.>
Do you have the power to kill me?
In what sense of the word?
What's the formula for finding the circumference of a circle?
What's currently the highest mountain in the World?
Mount Everest.
Do you favour Taylor Swift?
She's alright...Not something I listen to regularly...
If so, favorite song by her?
Meh, not really.
Am I putting in tags?
Are you physic?
Define oblique.
Here is the full dictionary definition:
neither perpendicular nor parallel to a given line or surface; slanting; sloping.
(of a solid) not having the axis perpendicular to the plane of the base.
diverging from a given straight line or course.
not straight or direct, as a course.
indirectly stated or expressed; not straightforward: oblique remarks about the candidate's honesty.
indirectly aimed at or reached, as ends or results; deviously achieved.
morally, ethically, or mentally wrong; underhand; perverse.
Typography. (of a letter) slanting toward the right, as a form of sans-serif, gothic, or square-serif type.
Rhetoric. indirect (applied to discourse in which the original words of a speaker or writer are assimilated to the language of the reporter).
Anatomy. pertaining to muscles running obliquely in the body as opposed to those running transversely or longitudinally.
Botany. having unequal sides, as a leaf.
Grammar. noting or pertaining to any case of noun inflection except nominative and vocative: Latin genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative cases are said to be oblique.
Drafting. designating a method of projection (oblique projection) in which a three-dimensional object is represented by a drawing (oblique drawing) in which the face, usually parallel to the picture plane, is represented in accurate or exact proportion, and all other faces are shown at any convenient angle other than 90°.Compare axonometric, cabinet (def. 19), isometric (def. 5)."

10th question!
Hmmm.. What should I ask?...
Looks like you already made your choice...

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:27:38 >
Post #: 81
4/23/2010 5:25:24   
Knight of the Dragon

I'm back!
You again!
Congrats once more.
Now to the Questions. /me pulls out a 400 miles long list containing only 10 quesyions.
/Me eyes Dragons Bane suspiciously.
You ready to burst and lock this thread yet?
Not hardly! Let's get it to 10 pages!
There's a Zombie attack! What would you do to survive?
Move to the Moon.
Vampires or Lycans?
I don't really side with either..
Hot Chocolate or Cold Chocolate Drink?
Depends on the situation.
Do you like vegetables?
Some vegetables..
What are your hobbies?
Video games, forums, reading, playing guitar.
If you knew you are about to fall in a bottomless pit but you couldn't dodge it, and you can choose 5 items to bring to survive the boredom. What would you bring?
My guitar, and endless supply of books, an iPod with lots of songs, a kitty, and my computer, of course.
Artix or Beleen?
No comment.
Well that's it for now. /me throws a bowling ball running at 500 miles per hour
/me doj.
Cya later Shreder!
Congrats again!
~Knight of the Dragon

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:31:41 >


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 82
4/23/2010 5:25:42   

If it was the end of the world, who would you say "I love you" to?
This is a bit too personal...
If it was the end of the world,what would you do on AQW?
If dinosaurs took over the universe,what would you do?
Raise one from infancy ride around on it all day.
If you dont get the onions in your burger,what do you do?
It's ok, a burger is good with or without onions.
If i have posters of you everywhere in my room,would you think im weird?

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:33:20 >
AQ  Post #: 83
4/23/2010 10:25:54   

shredder :D,
i hope you have a great time as our AK,
dont forget to give me a cookie every know and than, and always, i meen ALWAYS ahiakabob the sharks.
Ok, I'll keep that in mind.
ps. your an office appliance, and i got my bazooka back :D,
Actually, I am a raven, not an office appliance.
your forum loonatic

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 20:37:10 >
MQ  Post #: 84
4/23/2010 10:42:08   

Oh, hello again.
Whats 3 +2
Say your forum name backwards without the numbers.
Is it rederhs?
What 1 +1+1+1 +1 + 1
Exotic food item that is familliar to americans in appearance but only only identifiable by the asian crowd
What did I just say?
I honestly don't know.
What was the answer to the last question?
Why don't you just read it yourself?

Blade wuz hear

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 20:39:35 >
Post #: 85
4/23/2010 15:15:17   

ahh shredder, u remember me? The answer to my 7th question is a trick! You can already teleport from the pavement into the car, so why not teleport the hell out of there?!
This is something all Ak's should be able to see... (tip: Reread the 7th question!)

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 20:39:58 >
Post #: 86
4/23/2010 22:09:22   

Hi congragulations on becoming a mod!
Thanks! Although I'm an AK, not a Mod.
What would you prefer to do? Play Sports or Play Computer?
I enjoy both from time to time...
Do you look COOL in AQWorlds?
Cool is a subjective term...
Would you like to have pie on your face or cake?
Depends on what type of pie or cake...
Congragulations again!
Thanks again!

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 22:35:54 >
DF MQ  Post #: 87
4/24/2010 4:06:01   
black knight 1234567

  • congratz on becoming a AK ;D
  • /pulls a list reaching shredder fit with 5-10 questions
    /Me nods approvingly.
  • Whats your favorite song?
    Don't have one. Too many I like to choose.
    I agree about the transformers thing the 80's movie was epic
  • Do you like the Alien/Predator franchise?
    Never actually seen any of them.
  • If you get to have 10000000 milion pie or cookies which will choose?
    Depends on the flavor.
  • Thats all for now congratz again!

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/24/2010 9:05:07 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 88
    4/24/2010 4:18:17   

    Can you guys plz make some cool non mem armors on AQW plz!!!
    I do not make the game, I only help out on the forums.

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/24/2010 9:06:04 >
    Post #: 89
    4/24/2010 5:04:03   
    red guy 100

    another page!
    hi AK shreder!
    how was it going?
    Good, thanks!
    what time do u sleep and wake up?
    On average, I go to sleep around 11 and wake up around 6:55.
    are u tired of being an AK?
    cookies or burger?
    twilly or zorbak?
    do you remember me?
    Your name looks vaguely familiar, yes.
    how many accounts do u have in aqw?
    Just one, I've only recently started playing again.
    if u dont watch anime, what do u watch?
    I really don't watch much TV, if I do I'll watch something like CSI or Man vs. Wild.
    do you have any handheld gaming console?
    I still have my old GBA SP, but I rarely play it.
    thats all, bye AK shreder!
    Ok, bye!

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/24/2010 9:11:21 >
    DF AQW Epic  Post #: 90
    4/24/2010 7:00:58   

    Shred, Shred! /waves
    I saw your post about the tags :P ... Unfortunately, even if I wanted to help you out and put the tags in, I (a) have no idea what tags are (b) don't know how to put them in. Care to explain a little? :3 Tags are the coding that change the way your writing looks. I leave the color as normal, and add bold and italics tags, which separate my writing from yours. So if you were putting tags in it would be:

    <Insert question here>

    [tag] Suffice? :D [/tag]
    Not quite.
    Morse Code or Binary?
    Is plain English not an option? :P

    Which of the following, in your opinion, is the most overused? Chuck Norris, cookies, the cake is a lie or pie?
    Cake is a lie.
    Hmm, I feel like frolicking.
    I suggest you find a meadow in which to frolic.
    Ever read a Homeric poem in full? If so, which one(s)?
    Actually, no, though I hope to get around to it sooner or later...
    I'll leave you be now :P See you around! (Maybe I'll even figure out how to get around the labyrinth of L&L x3)
    You really should come back! I greatly enjoyed your poetry!

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/24/2010 9:15:54 >
    Post #: 91
    4/24/2010 7:18:26   

    Um...I never thought I could see you here. I rarely see your post :D
    Yeah, my activity dropped off for a while...
    So...I doubt your power lXP
    /Me glares at Bluekatz
    Anyways, your AQW knowledge? rating on 10
    Ur aqw character?
    I'm just starting with a new one, so you don't need to see his newbiness.
    Ur favorite out fit?

    Favorite class?

    Good at PvP?

    Nah, I believe I asked you many time before, who need MtAk, see ya :D

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/24/2010 9:17:40 >
    AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 92
    4/24/2010 9:09:01   

    Hey shreder this is a question about my AQworlds account lately a guy scammed me and then after wheni got ti back he thretend me that he will delete my account for doing nothing when he was the one who scammed me what should i do? =/
    I refer you to this page.

    Thanks Shreder

    < Message edited by spike123 -- 4/24/2010 10:05:10 >
    AQW  Post #: 93
    4/24/2010 9:39:47   

    First off, I beleive a congratulations is in order, so congrats on becoming an AK. Now for the questions.
    How are you?
    How do you like being an AK?
    It's fun.
    How hard is it to be an AK?
    It's a lot of responsibility, but it's not so bad.

    Do you have any favorite quotes/sayings?
    Eh, depends.
    Is my forum/AQW name a contradiction, or is my name just nonsensical?

    If your just starting out in AQW, could you be my friend?
    Please state why you chose Yes/No to my above question :P
    But I chose neither of those options!
    Can you find Waldo, or not?
    He's right here! *Grabs Wallo* OH you meant Waldo, hm, nope.

    Well I'm done with all my questions for now, have fun AK'ing.

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/24/2010 10:08:39 >
    Post #: 94
    4/24/2010 10:04:36   

    Thanks i'm sure to read those to never get hacked again
    Not a problem.

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/24/2010 10:09:06 >
    AQW  Post #: 95
    4/24/2010 13:16:24   

    * Wanders onto the 4th page*
    Hello again!
    * Can't think of anything and wanders off*
    *Scratches head in bemusement.*

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/25/2010 9:10:21 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 96
    4/24/2010 17:03:37   

    Well, I can't think of anything like Beo can't... and i'll make it easy on you. Just: Congratz, again.

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/25/2010 9:10:56 >
    Post #: 97
    4/25/2010 6:23:32   

    *waits in anticipation for the next page*
    Oh, wait. That's double posting.

    Am I trouble, Sheder?


    You saw nothing. >.>

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/25/2010 9:12:01 >
    Post #: 98
    4/25/2010 10:00:58   

    Well,before this thread gets pwned,I'm going to ask a few questions that will cause your mind to blow. e.e
    Very well then.
    (1)The sentence below is true
    The sentence above is false
    Ah yes. A variation of the classic Liar's Paradox.
    (2)What is your AQW username?
    Ish a Seekrit for now.
    (3)I heard you liek mudkipz
    Mebbeh... >.>
    (4) Mehehehe
    I see what you did there... <.<
    (5) I'm going to disappear now,byez.

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/27/2010 15:22:23 >
    Post #: 99
    4/25/2010 10:22:10   
    The Forgotten
    Exquisitely pathological

    I shall joinz in ze torturez. >:D
    It's not torture! No, no, not at all!
    Gone insane yet?
    What is sanity, to be measured and judges by others?
    4 pages in 6 days? >_> It took mine a week just to get past the 2 page mark.
    The AQW forums are pretty crazy...
    Anyways, have fun in the asylum with the rest of the chickens birds. >:D
    /me skips away giggling maniacally.

    < Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/27/2010 15:24:26 >
    AQ AQW  Post #: 100
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