YES! Fourth page. Yep! I can finally post again.. Mmhm. What would you do if I stole your editing color? I would be forced to take certain...protective measures. >.> Do you have the power to kill me? In what sense of the word? What's the formula for finding the circumference of a circle? 2PiR What's currently the highest mountain in the World? Mount Everest. Do you favour Taylor Swift? She's alright...Not something I listen to regularly... If so, favorite song by her? Meh, not really. Am I putting in tags? No. Are you physic? Nope. Define oblique. Here is the full dictionary definition: "1. neither perpendicular nor parallel to a given line or surface; slanting; sloping. 2. (of a solid) not having the axis perpendicular to the plane of the base. 3. diverging from a given straight line or course. 4. not straight or direct, as a course. 5. indirectly stated or expressed; not straightforward: oblique remarks about the candidate's honesty. 6. indirectly aimed at or reached, as ends or results; deviously achieved. 7. morally, ethically, or mentally wrong; underhand; perverse. 8. Typography. (of a letter) slanting toward the right, as a form of sans-serif, gothic, or square-serif type. 9. Rhetoric. indirect (applied to discourse in which the original words of a speaker or writer are assimilated to the language of the reporter). 10. Anatomy. pertaining to muscles running obliquely in the body as opposed to those running transversely or longitudinally. 11. Botany. having unequal sides, as a leaf. 12. Grammar. noting or pertaining to any case of noun inflection except nominative and vocative: Latin genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative cases are said to be oblique. 13. Drafting. designating a method of projection (oblique projection) in which a three-dimensional object is represented by a drawing (oblique drawing) in which the face, usually parallel to the picture plane, is represented in accurate or exact proportion, and all other faces are shown at any convenient angle other than 90°.Compare axonometric, cabinet (def. 19), isometric (def. 5)." 10th question! Hmmm.. What should I ask?... Looks like you already made your choice... ~Ana. ~shreder
< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/23/2010 5:27:38 >