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RE: MQ's Low Popularity

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11/11/2010 2:58:05   

I'd have to agree with littlewomba on this one. I stopped playing MQ because I prefer a more hack 'n' slash game...

Don't get me wrong, MQ was fun for a while but then it lost its shine with constant grinding and stuff.

I may try to pick it up again if I decide to upgrade. Maybe it'll attract me to it again.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 301
11/11/2010 3:05:31   
Raiden Storm

I have asked many of those who play and don't play Mech and other AE games down my way on their thoughts on the subject amd here is the most common answers aswell
as a few observations of my own. I like all of the AE games but have noticed some small issues too.

The most common answers i get from others are as follows:

- It is a childs game. (Many seem to think that it is dominated by children and thus stay away from it)
This can be fixed by adding a more adult orientated aspect of the game.
- Many get very upset and stop playing because of the system of constantly labeling the most sought after items rare,
along with the founder system. (Players of AE games have got into the system of ridiculing those with less items and achievements then
themselves and the culture of calling others "noobs" upsets many people here and has caused 3 at my local internet cafe to quit and move to playing warcraft)
- The repetition of killing Mechs over and over gets to be a bit overwhelming for many of them.
This can be fixed by making quests more interactive and fun. (Much like Bladehaven it keeps players engaged and enjoying the content of the game)
- Very glitchy and prone to lag, kick-offs, disconnections and many a time the servers are too overwhelmed and makes gameplay very tedious.
- Game quality is too low and in the case of Mech some believe that the game storyline is too easily finished.

One very obvious observation of my own is that i have only ever seen open advertisements for two games and they are DF and AQW.
I have yet to see a non-ballyhoo or homepage advertisement for any of the other games. Also the adverts need to be more engaging and exciting, for any of you who have
seen Mechs Quests adverts in ballyhoo. lol I don't think i need to say more.

< Message edited by Castiel ArchAngel -- 11/11/2010 6:06:16 >
Post #: 302
11/11/2010 7:48:29   
Shards Superior

The above is mostly true. However:


- It is a childs game. (Many seem to think that it is dominated by children and thus stay away from it)
This can be fixed by adding a more adult orientated aspect of the game.

Such as... gambling? Do you remember what happened at the Westion Salon?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 303
11/11/2010 8:20:11   

MQ popularity is can be based of what the "Headline" of the release is, which isn't that impressive at the moment but hopefully when everything is revamp MQ might gain back it's popularity AE wide.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 304
11/11/2010 8:44:01   
The Braken Bard

Honestly put, I believe MQ is just not very rewarding, is too time consuming and just feels like a massive grindfest at times.
Reasons being

1) The structure of gameplay. Combat is perfectly fine. Levelling up is not. I feel like a noob still when I'm level 8 and am still stuck in a too weak mech, because the price of mechs are too expensive, and because the gameplay is structured on actual mechs, not levels. Because it's structured mostly on mechs, you barely feel like you've achieved anything, even when you level up, until you've gotten yourself a new mech. And because of the extreme prices, you feel pretty exhausted and don't feel it was worth all the time spent.

2) Extreme repetition. As far as I can tell, the main basis for the game is still, do this Mission for a chance to get to this Level to be able to access this mission/shop. Whilst it is good for lengthening short releases, it is still an acquired taste; even in MMO's, too much grinding and farming and people will just leave the game as they will find it repetitive and boring. And whilst these things are okay sometimes, it is not the right thing to base the game on this system, nor is it enjoyable for long.

3) Lengthy, lengthy animations. These add to the repetition. Even on low quality, the game runs rather slowly. I enjoy MQ's art, and respect that it is more difficult animate and work with than AE's other games. But something that quickens the gameplay up or at least lowers the quality enough so that the game doesn't lag would be nice. Seeing X attack for the umpteenth time can be pretty boring after a while.

4) Lastly, the lack of genuinely interesting content. I don't mean any offense when I say that MQ's releases are boring. Sure, it's exciting to hear about MQ in the Newsletter. Problem is that I'm not excited by the prospect of it; I'm just interested and have put it on a mental checklist, than on any list priorities. Okay, fine, some people may find current releases genuinely interesting. But most people like me that don't really have as much time will really only see what it is and, if it happens to be some Rank Grind, will just dismiss it and not really feel like we are missing out on anything.

Those are just my ideas and thoughts on MQ's Low Popularity. *Please don't bash me if you think my last point was offensive to you or your loyalty to MQ though.*
AQ MQ  Post #: 305
11/11/2010 23:08:34   


ORIGINAL: littlewomba

Meh, I don't think it's unpopular it's more like...theres SO many sci-fi/future based games out there already (Metroid, Starfox, Halo, etc...) that people would rather play Hack'N'Slash games since there aren't so many of those these days...

I'm not so sure. There's sci fi games on consoles but I was of the understanding that online RPGs are predominantly sword and sorcery themed. Which may tie into people being more used to seeing fantasy games and simply not acknowledging tech.

@Castiel ArchAngel: You make some valid points but some are more fixable than others. AE has this weird quirk of mixing incredibly goofy, pun laden humor aimed that's seems very younger skewed mixed with a few darker storylines and occasional fanservice. It's an acquired taste of sorts and there are limits to how dark they get simply as a form of the developer's style. The desire for rares is sort of MQ inheriting a legacy from AQ and DF though it's a little worse here and MQ by it's sheer design can't handle it as well. I think there's a few cunning ways to deal with repetition but it takes adjusting some of the content.

@The Braken Bard: How dare you offend me and my loyalty to MQ! I shall now proceed to bash you with this soft, fluffy pillow! *smack*

But you make some valid points. I think a lot of it is AE's need to help support the brand. While there's a lot of different AE games and they are doing various things here and there, having a few of them help out MQ for a week would help get things back on track. Still, there's a few other "smaller" measures that could be done in the meantime.


Clan Leader - Westion Fan - Oddball
DF MQ  Post #: 306
11/12/2010 15:54:04   

A lot of people don't like MechQuest because they say its boring and hard to level up when you just started,that is sort of true,but as you start to get around level 9-12 that's when its starts to get exciting and a lot of people just don't have the patience to go all the way there especially if they are not a star captain.Maybe that is why MechQuest has a low popularity,but if we could improve on that I'm sure we might have more people playing ,but if you noticed the staff are already working on that for example they improved the dropship or intro shuttle as some people would call it,now you don't have to get to level three in order to land,you can just land straight away but there are still some people that say that's not good enough because it still takes forever to level up and that's boring,so what could we improve now, well I have an a suggestion you know when play MechQuest there is an option button and when you click on it,it allows you to adjust the sound and the graphics,switch characters,lets you go to the homepage,frequently asked question,bookmark and also allows you to teleport back to your home town,maybe we could add something on that option list that would speed up the gravity level,so you could have slow and the game would be slow motion,normal and the speed would be normal and fast were everything would go very fast that way if you need to level up quickly you could put it on fast and everything would be very fast,that might help wouldn't it?

< Message edited by RainBlade -- 11/12/2010 16:09:21 >
MQ  Post #: 307
11/12/2010 15:59:59   

Once Mechquest receives more sword/character play I will be more interested in playing rather than just coming back every now and again to check for rares.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 308
11/12/2010 16:33:30   

Which will require making the energy blade system decent in the first place. >_>
As it is now, boring is the perfect word to describe it.
DF MQ  Post #: 309
11/20/2010 1:41:56   

Its because the battles are just pressing different attack buttons.
AQ and DF both have attacks that include stratergy but MQ has no customization need (enemies have no resistances)
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 310
11/20/2010 1:57:08   

Resistances don't increase strategy--just the need for more equipment. It's really an issue of enemy design that determines strategy. We need more enemies like Decimator that do something different based upon HP or specific battle conditions.
DF MQ  Post #: 311
11/20/2010 7:45:31   

i definately think the leveling system could do with an overhaul, for me the leveling is way to slow, most people probably play this game during tea breaks and lunches and once you get to a certain level things just become to much of a grind, take the turkageddon release for example im lvl 40 with 58871 xp to go to lvl 41 requires 160000 xp, now even on the extreme difficulty with the xp boost thats only 533 xp per battle, which is the guts of 200 fights before becoming lvl 41 which is a LOT of breaks lol. for me the risk and reward factor of playing in hard or extreme is to low at the moment it could be a good tool to convince people into becoming star captains thus increasing popularity of the game. like one guy said near the start of this thread he left for 6 months or so and came back only to complete all available to content in one day. i dont think this would have been as much of a problem for him(it wouldnt be for me),accept he didnt even level once in fact, i bet it seemed like his xp bar didnt even move. dont get me wrong i love the MQ content but i think its the powering up side of things thats turning players of this otherwise awesome game.
MQ  Post #: 312
11/20/2010 10:04:03   

I was here since the beginning and i'll say what i think the problems are.
1 Grinding.
This game is a grind fest, and nobody likes grind fests.
2 Repetitive combat
At higher levels, combat is very repetitive.
3 slow combat
Animations take far to long. For example, the nemesis mechs body attack takes too long. Yeah, you get a almost guaranteed stun and high damage, but it takes far too long to be useful. I just checked. It takes around 35 or so seconds on low graphics.
4 No story updates
Granted, i don't play too often. I only log on if I hear of a new mech. But i don't remember the last time something happened with the story.

< Message edited by Dariex -- 11/20/2010 10:05:40 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 313
11/20/2010 19:51:16   
Shadowscyth Pilot

The grinding problem seems to lie in MQ's level-up formula. I mean, it's (Next Level^2)*100! I can't be the only one who sees how that can add up very, very, very, very quickly. Experience rewards, on the other hand, only increase linearly from what I've seen. Conversely, the game saturates you with credits. I mean, I've got just over 6.5 million saved up, and absolutely nothing to spend it on! I'll get the SCMM and maybe a rare or two that catches my eye, but that's it. What MQ needs is either an increase in experience rewards or a cap on experience to next level, because this is going to get very ridiculous very quickly at this rate.

Seriously, though, I really, really like MQ. It's what got me into AE games in the first place. I've wanted to give up more than once, but I stuck to this game.

< Message edited by Shadowscyth Pilot -- 11/20/2010 19:54:09 >


AQ MQ  Post #: 314
11/20/2010 20:00:55   

I too have been here since the start, and I've been slowly trying to get up another level, but the main problem here is the battles take too long and don't give you enough experience to make it worthwhile. Another thing is, it's just battle after battle; there's rarely any dialogue in between missions.

Besides, MQ is not the game with the lowest popularity. It obviously looks like WF is.

< Message edited by ProjectXanatos -- 11/20/2010 20:08:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 315
11/20/2010 20:35:32   
seventy two

@Shadowscyth Pilot The formula is actually current level not next level. Also DF has the same formula. The exp given is also about the same (2 level 35 enemies taking two turns each is approximately equal to a 4-5 turn kill in MQ both give about 350 exp total for the same amount of time.)

You really cannot call MQ a grind fest without calling DF one.
AQ MQ  Post #: 316
11/20/2010 21:22:03   

But DF is more interesting. :P
More dialogue, depth, interaction, etc.

Haven't seen you in a while. How'vya been?
DF MQ  Post #: 317
11/20/2010 22:12:35   
seventy two

Yes, be that as it may it still takes forever to level, people just cannot see it hidden behind the weapon farming that game requires. (I also cannot bring myself to try and farm in that game.) The only reason MQ is considered a grind fest is that it does nothing to hide the repetitiveness.
AQ MQ  Post #: 318
11/21/2010 0:22:22   

@seventy two: That's so true.

I only come back to play MQ every now and then and when I don't have much else to do (hit lvl cap in DF lol). Correct me if I'm wrong but

does MQ have rare item hunts? Such as gourds, eggs, etc etc like DF. Heck even AQ has the BoA that you get only when farming random battles.

I'm just saying MQ would be better if they had more intuitive things.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 319
11/21/2010 14:39:42   


does MQ have rare item hunts? Such as gourds, eggs, etc etc like DF.

We have one permanent rare item hunt type quest that unlocks after you complete Yokai.
DF MQ  Post #: 320
11/21/2010 15:20:18   

Well if we want to raise popularity for mechquest we can look and see what made the other games popular

AQW-Great story, many cutscences. voice acting, music in areas

DF- Great characters, Godd story line( with need twists) and other good stuff also forgot PUNTASTIC

AQ-Multiple storylines(each indeph),Requires more stratedgey thank it looks

MQ-Mecha, this can be one thing of mechquest, the mecha aspeect, can really set it apart from the others seeing how it is the only one of it's kind.

< Message edited by pokepwner -- 11/21/2010 15:21:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 321
11/23/2010 1:40:24   

Low popularity? Yes. The fault lies partly in MQ's lack of funding, and AE's being spread rather thinly as a whole; and partly in MQ's lacking somewhat.

Don't look at me like that, you. We all know it's true. Very, very sad, and mainly due to the small (but valiant) available staff size, but true. Since we know that, I won't harp on about it for the amount of space that I usually take up. Instead, I'd like to write about the lack of content, which is what made me, personally, leave MQ for so long. You've already talked that subject over, as well, but with the holidays coming up, I don't see something else being pointed out.

In the state MQ is in currently, can AE really afford to take the time from more important matters to work on what is essentially a side storyline, or, to use this word in a slightly different manner from the usual, fanservice?

Of course, this argument could be used for a lot of things, including the infamous SCMM debate(s). (Please don't make me go there....) But to return to the original topic. The amount of space given to holidays and special events is quite frustrating, even to someone who's been playing MQ for as long as I have. If I took even a month away, I stood a good chance of losing a chance at missions and equipment that was now unavailable. As it is, I suspect that I've missed a good deal of content in the time that I was away. As pointed out on the first page, it is quite demoralizing to come back to MQ after six months' absence and only require a few hours of gameplay at the most in order to catch up with the storyline, even if it isn't enough to gain the current "Best" items and grind up to the level cap.

As for the storyline; for now I'll just focus on its organization, or lack thereof. As an relatively old player, I have a good idea of where to go and what to do, but even I was confused over the changes that have taken place over the past few months.

Case in point: Lagos.
Has anyone reported to AE the fact that, when traveling to Lagos via the Starmap, even on a character that has not completed the quest chain, the Pirates vs. Arthuria War STILL comes up after how many months? (Of course, I shouldn't be able to skip over that much of the story on a character that has barely completed Soluna. As for how I was able to even defeat the Gark enemies with it, I have two words for you: Lucky Bladestorm.)

Overall, I find MQ's organization to be very confusing, as there is little indication of where to go and what to do. Mashing the "Random Encounter" button gets boring after only so many times. (Indeed, we have a name for that particular playing style. We call it "farming" or "grinding", something MQ contains entirely too much of already.) Since I've been here since almost the very beginning, I was able to watch much of the story unfold and am thus familiar with it. However, if I were a player just starting now, I can say with confidence that I would be hopelessly lost upon landing the Dropship. There is not even a set ingame order in which to do the planets, for heavens' sake, despite the fact that they clearly build upon one another.

Not only that, but the relatively large amount of special events going on, especially at such a time as this, only serves to cloud the scene further. I'm not recommending that they be stopped entirely, but that the entire interface be streamlined; esp. for players that have not yet left Soluna. Nothing is more confusing for me in a game than to click "New Release" and be taken to the area using a mode of transportation that I have not yet unlocked. (AKA Frostval and Mogloween planets.)

Exploration is important, yes, but without any guidance or a straightforward quest order, the game just falls apart.

...I'll stop here. Looking forward to seeing my post being ripped apart by those more knowledgeable in recent events than I. Take care, all.
Post #: 322
11/23/2010 1:50:36   

i think that if more people from the forums joined the AE team then we could get some nice releases. for example weapons like the mecha fryer 9000 are rather hard to obtain so why not make take their spechials and nerf htem a bit and add them as a permanent weapon? i bet that if we had more people who actually worked with the ae team then we could get tons of great releases and ideas.
MQ  Post #: 323
11/23/2010 8:36:23   

Everyone keeps coming back back to the same points.......No ones really debating anything, we all agree with echother and are just recycling topics now.......I think its time for the staff to start making some replies here, I'm amazed you guys have stuck around here for so long.

Everyone can agree on

1)more staff is needed

2)Less SCMM's, but do not stop it entirely

3)more low leveled/ncs equipment to "hook" players



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AQ MQ  Post #: 324
11/23/2010 12:50:57   

There's also the matter of little to no new information on a weekly basis - Dn's and newsletters not coming in a timely fashion.
AQ MQ  Post #: 325
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