King Desoato
Kathool Adept (No DA Required) Access Point: Kathool Adept Armor, Armor Closet Requirements: Armor in inventory or bank Release Date: May 21st, 2010 Default Weapon: Adept Blade Offense Boost: 0% Bonus: 0 Crit: 5 Damage Multipliers Non-Crit: 100% Dex: 100% DoT: 100% Crit: 175% Defense Melee: 5 Pierce: 5 Magic: 5 Block: 0 Parry: 0 Dodge: 0 Damage Reduction Non-Crit: 0% DoT: 0% Crit: 0% Resistances None Unnerve Increase Stun Chance Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 100% scaled damage; applies 'Nervous' (-25 Immobility Resist) to target for 10 turns. Mana Cost: 19 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Darkness Appearance Migraine A headache your enemy won't forget! Requirements: None Effect: Applies 'Migraine', a 107% Magic Evil DoT effect, to target for 4 turns. (Pop-up: Your opponent suddenly has a massive headache!) Mana Cost: 6 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Evil Appearance Drain Knowledge is good! Requirements: None Effect: Recovers 5% of player's max MP; 1 hit of scaled damage to target's MP equal to 5% of player's max MP. Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Evil Appearance Regenerate Restore some health! Requirements: None Effect: Recovers 12% of player's max HP; applies 'Heal', a 12% player's max HP HoT effect, to player for 3 turns. Mana Cost: 190 Cooldown: 14 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Appearance Ink Spray Reduce your enemy's hit chance! Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 100% stat damage; applies 'Blinded' (-50 Bonus) to target for 4 turns. Mana Cost: 38 Cooldown: 5 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Appearance Fear Paralyze your enemy in fear! Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 100% stat damage; applies 'Stunned' to target, stunning it for 3 turns. Mana Cost: 68 Cooldown: 9 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Appearance Writhe Put up a defensive shield! Requirements: None Effect: Applies +255 Melee/Pierce/Magic to player for 3 turns. (Pop-up: Your defenses have phenominally improved!) Mana Cost: 32 Cooldown: 5 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Appearance Attack Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 100% scaled damage. Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Appearance Mad Use your rage to increase damage! Requirements: None Effect: Applies 'Fury' (+25% Boost) to player for 4 turns inclusive; 1 hit of 100% scaled damage. Mana Cost: 31 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Other information Selecting certain Body Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance. Original: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Consumed / Chariot: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Tidal Unleash the awesome power of water! Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 100% scaled damage to all foes. Mana Cost: 34 Cooldown: 2 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Water Appearance Shadow Risky move that unlocks Kathool's Wrath Requirements: None Effect: Applies 'Shady Boost' (+25% Boost) to target for 1 turn; 4 hits of 25% scaled damage, amounting to 100% damage; unlocks 'Kathool' skill. Mana Cost: 264 Cooldown: 2 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Darkness Appearance Corrupt Lower enemy damage! Requirements: None Effect: Automatically applies 'Corrupted' (-25% Boost) to target for 3 turns; 1 hit of 50% scaled damage. Mana Cost: 11 Cooldown: 9 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Evil Appearance Mind Twist A hex that gains power when corrupted! Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 110% scaled damage; if target is affected by 'Corrupted', attack increases to 150% scaled damage. Mana Cost: 11 Cooldown: 3 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Evil Appearance Red Tide Red tide at night, monster in fright! Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 125% scaled damage, with +200 Crit. Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 9 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Water Appearance 1 / 1.1 Kathool Summon the monstrous Kathool! Requirements: Usage of 'Shadow' skill where the last hit lands to unlock Effect: Automatically applies 'Evil Buff' (-50 Evil Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive; 1 hit of 300% scaled damage to all foes, with +500 Bonus and +100 Crit. (Message pop-up: You cannot resist...) Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 9 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Evil Other information Selecting certain Body Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance. Original: Appearance Consumed: Appearance Chariot: Appearance Abyssal: Appearance Other information The base damage of this class's skills is scaled to your level, using the formula [4.2858*(Level+5)+14.284]/100, capped at level 35. Scaling is floored at 100% damage and will reach a maximum of 186% base damage at level 35 or higher. This class cannot use On-Demand weapon specials. Consumed Armor Set Appearance 1 / 2 Chariot Armor Set Appearance Abyssal Armor Set Appearance Thanks to Jay for class images. TFS for updated damage scaling formula, other information, and correction. DemonicDarkwraith for skill appearance images, other information, and corrections. Verlyrus for skill information. Ashari for links. shadow dragon666 for information. ChronoPotato, In Media Res, RamDF, Sakurai the Cursed, and The ErosionSeeker for corrections.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/13/2025 18:36:46 >