:O!, its Digital X! :O It's Tokijin! Congratulation on your Archknightesisinisingnessiss. Thanks! So, want a cookie? I'm full from the others, you have it ^_^ Well too bad, I haz ate it already. That was quick.. But wait, I haz another in my pocket! *Yoink. wait, why do you have a cookie in your pocket? XD Here you go! /gives cookie, but no nomnomnominng! Fine, i shall.. peck at it instead! *peckpeckpeck. Wait, yes you can nom. I pecked it already :O Ok I'm done, mission complete. Well done! Report to Q for further missions. Bye for now! Cya, *hands Tokijin a bunny.
< Message edited by Digital X -- 5/22/2010 11:56:45 >