BLARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH MORE AK's? OMG! I MIGHT DIE!!! I come in peace. Yup, more AKs (though I already was one) Hopefully you like riddles XD (This is for both of you) 1. A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say? You'll sentence me to 6 years imprisonment. Um... I like lolcats? 2. If I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie? A lie. That one is SO obvious. Why would you ever lie? 3. Which of the following statements are true? 1. At least one of these ten statements is false. 2. At least two of these ten statements are false. 3. At least three of these ten statements are false. 4. At least four of these ten statements are false. 5. At least five of these ten statements are false. 6. At least six of these ten statements are false. 7. At least seven of these ten statements are false. 8. At least eight of these ten statements are false. 9. At least nine of these ten statements are false. 10. At least ten of these ten statements are false That's much better! >:D I have no idea. The 42th one 4. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching! There's no thesis statement, no attention grabber, no concluding statement and NO reasons! That's why it's so unusual. *There's no E there.* Doesn't contain the letter E. It's super boring 5. A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket? Give 4 kids apples, then give the last kid both the apple and the basket together. No, I'm not good with kids :D Luckily, For you, I could have put the answers in........ on a second thought, I might put the answers in...... Maybe? Fine! (Try NOT to look at the answers before answers all 5 riddles. XD) spoiler:
ANSWERS: 1. = He said, "You'll sentence me to six years in prison." If it was true, then the judge would have to make it false by sentencing him to four years. If it was false, then he would have to give him six years, which would make it true. Rather than contradict his own word, the judge set the man free. 2. = A lie. It can't be the truth without contradicting itself (and therefore being a lie), but some of my statements can be lies, and this is one of those statements. 3. = You're on you're own on this one, but don't worry. It isn't one of the hardest of the hard riddles. 4. = The sentence doesn't contain the letter 'e'. 5. = 4 kids get an apple (one apple for each one of them) and the fifth kid gets an apple with the basket still containing the apple.[/spoiler} Grade: 80 % (Out of 100% (Duh!)) And then 0_0 / / _____________________ BLLLAARRRAAAGGGGHHH _____________________ \ \ Buh bye now! Bye! Cya ( I clearly failed :P)
< Message edited by moneybags -- 7/7/2010 21:08:29 >