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RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby

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7/17/2010 18:45:24   
Duchess of DOOM

Hello Gibby! This is indeed wonderful! Just wanted to say hello and congrats :) Hope to talk to you soon!
Do I hear the sound of thunder in the distance? Angelique!!! I am honored that you would join us. Thank you for dropping in.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/18/2010 8:26:31 >
AQ DF  Post #: 51
7/17/2010 20:24:50   
Purple Armadillo

congrats on AK ness.
Why thank you.
just one question, whered the name come from?
The name didn't come from anywhere. I am Gibby. When I signed up for the forums I wanted people to recognise me.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/18/2010 8:29:52 >
DF  Post #: 52
7/18/2010 5:33:00   

No questions from me, since I don't have your tags. >:P
Well it's nice of you to say hello anyway.
See you in a few pages time!
Looking forward to it.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/18/2010 8:33:31 >
Post #: 53
7/18/2010 10:17:25   

I will cast you into the Darkness!!!
That's ok - I have my own light.
Ehh...maybe not...
I'm ok with that too.
You know I've never seen that color before. O.O
I hate ketchup!!!!
I don't think tomatoes like it much either.
Darn you McDonalds!!!
Next time you're at that place, ask for the snowman special. It's a burger with chilli sauce.
I didn't get cheese either :(
You know what they say. Two's company, cheese a crowd.
Team Tomix eats Waterblobbies!
Soulweavers are a mysterious kind.
How do you spell my name???
Well if YOU don't know....
I'm not random I'm just....OMG a Fish!!!
You said that just for the halibut didn't you?
Come again, or I'll pluck out yer eyes!!!
Well it is my MtAK thread...
For the light to turn green?
I'm leaving...
OK. Thanks for visiting.
*runs away screaming covering my eyes*
Not the worst reaction I've got so far. :D

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/19/2010 6:47:20 >
DF AQW  Post #: 54
7/18/2010 10:40:36   

Hi again.
Since you Like Doctor Who, tell me the first thing that goes through your head when I say these words and phases.
Time Lord.
The Doctor.
The Master.
ZZZZap! Pow!
Blue box.
"Because we want to!" (If anyone reading this doesn't get what I'm talking about have a look at the Doctor Who April fool's joke on you tube. No I'm not going to link it.)
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
David Tennent did say that alot... oh wait are we still playing?
Bye. Oh and one more thing...
You're not looking at the statue.
Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't Blink. And don't look at the avatar that is at the top of this page :p

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/19/2010 6:55:32 >
DF  Post #: 55
7/18/2010 11:47:18   

hallo again GIBBY
Hello again anailater.
do you play df
Yes you can see the link for my character below my avatar.
As interesting as a L60 mage gets I guess.
i will now hurt youre mind
A mind is a terrible thing to waste (and a waist is a terrible thing to mind).
Are you awake? *poke*
wha wha sorry i was asleep
Aha - maybe it's the waterblobbie influence.
ok youre in a space station 25% of the earths population is on it and their all youre freinds the stations going to crash into the earth with 75% of the earths population but you dont like them to make the station survive you need to blow up the earth by activating 25 nuekular bombs under the earths crust but to ave the earth you can self destruct the station what do you do(p.s the entire ae team is on the earth because they were kidnapped before you all took off in the station so if the earth blows up its the end of ae dun dun dun also im in the station
And if the worms took over the earth, would that be global worming?

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/19/2010 6:59:50 >


Suggggggggggggggggggggggggggar hyped madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DF MQ  Post #: 56
7/18/2010 13:37:59   
Crash Dummy

All right Gibby. I have a few questions for you.
ok then, ask away.
Favorite color?
Midnight blue (like my text).
Favorite class?
Maths.. or did you mean game class? Mage. XD
Cake or pie?
Nythera or Warlic?
How do you feel about the current state of the economy?
Just think - with inflation the way it is, you get to live in a more expensive neighbourhood without moving.
Elmo or Cookie Monster?
Cookie Monster. But keep in mind that cookies are a sometimes food.
Why the name Gibby?
Because I couldn't spell Inigo Montoya.

Congrats on becoming an Archknight, man.
Thanks CD.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/19/2010 7:15:09 >
DF  Post #: 57
7/18/2010 13:47:27   
Postmaster General

Gibby! Congrats on you AK-ship
Thanks Sheriff D!
Well, I've enjoyed your creativity in the Galleries. I have to admit, I spent much time reading your comics. So, answer me this: How will you bring your witty puns to play here in the DF GD?
My humor is part of who I am, so I think it will play a part, but only when appropriate. I still take the role of an AK sewiously.
Also, I see your avvy of Ming-Ming from Wonderpets. Did you know that Lenny is a girl?
The important thing is: does Lenny know?
Anyways, since this is sewious, I'll ask one more question: Are your shackles too tight? If so, I left a hairpin by the door. Feel free to use it to pick the lock. Just don't get caught!
They already have a tracking device on me, so I'll only get so far away.
Have fun being an AK and do good!
I will. Thank you for visiting - it's good to see you here.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/24/2010 18:48:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 58
7/18/2010 14:23:02   
The Final Hollow

My 4 year old brother loves that show!
So many of them do.
I hate it!
That happens as well. :p
What's going to work?
Well I drive to this place where I do stuff and they give me money!
I'm bored.
Drilling for oil is boreing.
How's your summer?
Summer good, summer aren't so good.
Here's a shovel
Can I take my pick?
And here's a map to the secret, underground cookie room of DOOOOOOOOOOOOM and tastefully tastiness!
Mmmm. Cookies.
Ok, here's the plan! Use the shovel to saw of your feet. That should do with the shackles. Then use your shirt to stop the bleeding. Use the shovel to break the lock. Then dig a hole. Go North 10 ft. Then hang a left, hang another left, and then another! Finally, take to more lefts, you should be in the same room you started, ok? Steal the chopper and use the missels on the wall! There you go, free cookies for life! And Cake! I
Couldn't I just stay here? They have cookies too.
The cake was a lie!
Was a lie? What is it now?
Oh wait, I was told to tell you, Bad Wolf
I'll pass that on to my friends in Torchwood.
Count the shadows!
But no matter how many there are, they all weigh the same.
I have two
I had to get a new shadow. I wasn't doing what I was doing.
Yu-Gi-Oh! I am the game king!
OK - thanks for saying hi.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/19/2010 7:33:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 59
7/18/2010 15:34:20   

alright another new victim for the allmighty shackles *evil smile*
It's not so bad. I get cookies.
Metroid or Starfox? if you don't mind me asking
I can't play any game that requires the use of more than 2 buttons. :p
Who stole the last cookie!?!?
>.> Let's find them. *urp* <.<
gratz again, hope the shackles won't be too much of a pain
Nah it's all good. And thanks.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/19/2010 7:35:56 >
DF AQW  Post #: 60
7/18/2010 19:06:19   

1. When did this happen???
Sometime recently.
2. Well anyway, Yo.
3. Gibby?
4. So are you ready to meet the Lord Of Time, me?
I already did.
5. Well it doesn't matter, you already have.
Are we experiencing a relative time dilation in an extremely compressed space?
6. Here, have one of my time famous brownies!
What color are they?
7. *Gives brownie*
Oh look! It's brown.
8. By the way, this conversation is being recorded, no matter how illogical that may seem.
Are you going to use it on your answering machine?
9. .....So I take it you like the channel Nickelodeon?
I've got nothing against it. >.>
10. Favorite DF NPC?
We haven't seen alot of Circe yet, but I think she's going to be a favorite.
11. DOOOOOOOOM or Destiny?
12. Your element?
13. Number 13...DOOOOOOM!!!!! Your thoughts?
I don't really have anything there - it's not like I have triskaidekaphobia.
14. Congratz and bi!
15. *Psssssst.......This message has just exploded and went massively BOOOOOOM and released all the captive AK's........good luck*
They'll be back. They always come back.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/19/2010 7:44:47 >


"Tragedy + Time = Comedy"
AQ DF  Post #: 61
7/18/2010 22:28:04   

How did you pick your name?
I didn't. It was given to me.
Did I mention I have AD... AHH! The Fiscus!
You have active directory?
Umm... This is a survey for free cookies right?
No that's on page %.
Please give me a cookie..wahh...
If you give a man a cookie you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to cookie, he won't have to reenter personal data.
Hope you have lots of fun. BYE!
P.S. Webkinz are PWNAGE!
Plushies seem to be popular here too.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/19/2010 7:50:38 >
DF MQ  Post #: 62
7/19/2010 11:46:21   
Hallie Slidepath
Robot Unicorn Overlord


2. You're going to spend a night in a haunted house, you're really freaked out about it, but you get to bring the most awesome person in the world to keep you company... who is this person? (Chuck Norris won't be accepted as an answer <.>)
I'd bring you, but what if the haunting beasties have buttons?

There we go! Finally someone that answers this question correctly :D
And well... I'm not sure. If they have buttons we'll have a problem o.o

1. Would you rather be eaten by a shark or a lion?
Well I'd rather not to be eaten at all of course. I guess I'd be more likely to be eaten by a shark, so if I had to choose the lion would be more of a novelty.
2. Comic books, ftw or ftl?
3. Which is the best movie ever?
You're good with the tough questions. I'm a pretty big Jackie Chan fan, but Toy Story 2 would probably be the movie I've seen the most.
4. Do you read much?
Not so much any more. The last book I read was "I wish that I had duck feet" by Dr Seuss. It was tonight in fact.
5. What's your opinion on roleplaying?
I enjoyed it years ago, but haven't got the same circle of friends as I did then. The thing that I find interesting about role playing is the vast differences of approaches to the games. So many different systems and ways it can be played. It's a good thing to see the sunlight occasionally tho'.

That's that... for now :D
It's always a pleasure having you grace us with your presence.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 7:28:27 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 63
7/19/2010 12:52:48   
Killing time softly

Your avvy is cute!
Yours is quite nice as well.
I'm just here to say congrats. No questions. :)
Thank you and there's no question minimum, so that's ok.
Have fun and good luck with your Archknighting!
I will and your presence here encourages me that there will be many positive experiences ahead.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 7:30:10 >
DF MQ  Post #: 64
7/19/2010 16:29:01   

Hey it's me again
It is?
Just a couple of questions and a ridiculosly difficult question
Uh oh.
Alien or Predator?
favourite DF villan?
As I side with good I can't say that they're a favourite, but I really enjoyed the Arkiloth war.
ridiculosly difficult question time:
"A cat jumps into a swimming pool. What happens?"
It became catatonic?

It gets wet

Aha - of course.
well auf wiedersehen
I'd say Danke but as we have to keep to english in the forum, I'll say thanks.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 7:56:40 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 65
7/19/2010 16:54:10   

Are they treating you okay in your cell? Are your chains comfortable enough?
Yeah it's not too shabby.
Dragonlords or Dragonslayers?
Paladins or Necromancers?
Science or Magic?
It has been said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. So magic actually covers both.
And just for the heck of it, Waterblobbie or Ficus?
Watterblobbie, but only because it seems to be such a popular topic right now.
I haz riddle!
Ooh goody.
A guy walks into a pet shop and buys a parrot. The store clerk says that the parrot can imitate any sound. After a week the man returns and claims that the parrot didn't make a single sound, despite shouting at it. He calls the clerk a liar. Neither man was lying. Why didn't the parrot make any noise? If you can solve it without looking at my answer, you get a free cookie. And if you can't, you get a cookie anyway because I'm just that nice.
Here is the answer...

The parrot was deaf.

Did you mean that the parrot can imitate any sound it hears? But that was a good one. I'll take the cookie now thanks.
Here is your cookie.
*noms cookie*
Bye! Have fun being an Archknight!
I will thanks.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 8:06:43 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 66
7/19/2010 17:29:05   

I'll start off easy...
OK - make it harder when I level up.
Having fun?
Now on to the sewious qwestions...
1. Black within and red without (AKA on the outside), with four corners round-a-bout... What am I?
A Chimney.
2. Hill-full, hole-full, but you cannot catch a bowl-full... What am I?
An ant colony. Speaking of ants - want to see an antelope? Look there's one with her bags packed and her boyfriend has plane tickets.
3. The beginning of everything and the end of time and space... What am I? (That's an easy one )
The letter 'e'.
4. I have four wings, but cannot fly, I never laugh and never cry; On the same spot I'm always found, toiling away with little sound... What am I?
A windmill.
5. I am 20 years old in 1980, but only 15 years old in 1985... How can this be?
If you were living in a time "B.C." that would happen.
Finally... For bonus points... How is a raven like a writing desk?
Edgar Allen Poe wrote on both.
That was fun. Thanks for visiting.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 8:16:01 >
DF  Post #: 67
7/19/2010 17:44:16   
Soul weaver12345

Hai!... again..
Hai. Welcome back.
Back with some questions:
That's a great reason to come back.
Who is your fav mod?
Don't have one. Unless LANDIS is watching.
What is your fav game of the AE games?
Dont have a single fav. I play them fairly evenly.
What/Who is your fav monster/enemy?
anything that has -200 resistance.
Mine is probaly.. hmm.. um.. no idea?
It is a hard one to narrow down.
What is your fav NPC(s)?
It depends on the game... although I gotta say I can't imagine any game without Cysero.
Do you want to stay as an AK or become a mod?
I'm more than happy with the position I have ATM.
Can you do this: צהוצהו?
Let me see... צהוצהו. It's amazing what you can do with Ctrl+C/V.
Haha ha.
Have ya tagged a thread yet?
Have ya banned something?
If you mean deleted - Yes.
Will you ban... *gulp* ME FOR ASKING DUMB QUESTIONS??? O_o
I may ask you to ask it in the Q&A section, but no.
Warned someone?
Given someone an official warning?
Locked a thread?
Other AK things?
Yes and the bruises should heal anytime soon.
kkthxbai :)

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 8:24:42 >
Post #: 68
7/19/2010 19:40:10   

Hello Gibby.
Hello SoulStice
Did you have a name change onto becoming AK?
If you mean that I used to have some numbers after my name, I had them removed a few months ago.
Are enjoying your new powers?
Yes, they complement my old powers nicely.
From what I heard form other AK's on this thread, are you really locked up in a cell?
Let's see. If I look around... it's pretty dark. I see a giant penny and a big robotic dinosaur. I must be in the bat cave.
Happy ArchKnighting!
Remeber the 'K' isn't silent. Thanks. cya.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 8:29:28 >
Post #: 69
7/19/2010 20:19:02   

Hello Gibby!
Hello thelegofan.
How did you first hear of AE?
I saw an ad on another web page, thought it looked interesting and clicked.
What do you think of AE's games?
They've entertained me for over 3 years now, so I'd have to say I like them.
Lastly, do you have any tips on becoming an AK?
TBH any advice I'd give anyone wouldn't have anything to do with being an AK but how any forum member might behave. I think it's important that we all (regardless of title or status) think about the community we're building. The desire to assist someone else shouldn't come from a want for a title or position.
EDIT:Warrior, Mage, or Rouge?

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 8:38:42 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 70
7/20/2010 0:29:44   

Hi Gibby.
Hi kuruk.
Do you like chicken cow armor?
I think it's moovellous. It should even have its own theme moosic.
No more questions.
That's ok - I think I milked your first one enough.
Good luck.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/20/2010 8:40:31 >
AQ  Post #: 71
7/20/2010 12:19:46   

Hello again, Gibby.
Hello again.
I have some difficult questions.
Uh oh, what's the pass mark?
First, "What is up?"
IDK about you, but I've been as busy as a bear in hibernation.

The sky

Next, "I have wings, a head, a sword, a dog, a cat, a band and a TV. What am I?"
Ringling Brothers Circus?

I dunno I was hoping you could answer

Lastly: "If I am on a truck going 50 miles per hour and throw a ball behind it 50 miles per hour, how fast does the ball go?"
It depends on which direction you throw it.

It goes 0 mph. 50 miles foward + 50 miles backwards is 50 + (-50) = 50 - (50) = 0 mph.

Now, some more personal questions: How excited were you when you figured out when you were going to become an ArchKnight?
I'm not the excitable type, but I felt honored that I was asked to assist
Ok I'm done. I know I said "more"... but More can consist of one. Bye.
It sure can. Thanks for coming by and remember... never buy a car you can't push.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/21/2010 6:19:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 72
7/21/2010 16:12:13   
AQW Q&A & Guides
Head Moderator

AMG! First Post!!

'Gratz on the Position, Gibby!

First off, is the cake Real, Or simply a figment of our imagination?
The cake is as real as you want it to be.
Did you exspect alot of Questions?
About what I've already got.
I didn't..
But did you expect alot of answer?
Did you double Check?
My answers? Of course, I didn't want to get any wrong.
Are you sure?
I'm always sure.
Ok, cool.
UR welcome.
Ahh Yes, remember to yell at the Sky and kick a table!
I yelled at the sky once. I saw a cloud that looked like a chicken. I took it as a sign that there was going to be fowl weather.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 6:26:00 >
AQW  Post #: 73
7/21/2010 16:28:06   
The Dealer

Hey Gibbahh!
Hey Scherzo!
*gives Scherzo a cough lollie*
Hello! And Congratulations!
Hi and thanks.
Remember me?!
Umm, no.
Oh so you don't remember me!
nope sorry.
Not so nice for an AK.. >.>
What else can I do?
When is my promotion?
IDK - are you working hard or hardly working?
I didn't hear you, what?!
Then turn down your ipod.
Ohhhh, it's next week! w00t! I'm looking forward to that PM!
If it's always next week, you'll never actually get it.
Well, that's enough for one day..
I'll cya around!

Thanks. Cya.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 6:28:41 >


The ArchFiend Needs Your Support.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 74
7/21/2010 23:51:40   

Hey can I post twice?????
As long as it's not on the same page, sure.
Do you like chocolate chip muffins dipped in chocolate sauce put in the micro wave on 25 seconds
Sounds good.
Are you an alien from outer space trying to get information from AE games so you can take over the world(Shifty look)
There's some level of truth in that.
Are you from America??
What happens if you mix a kangaroo with an elephant??????
Big holes all over Australia?
A woolly jumper ahahahahaha!!!!!
Did you mean if you cross a sheep and a kangaroo?
yes....you live in Australia as well?? If u do Im on Bribie Island

< Message edited by Epic Dragonlord -- 7/23/2010 18:32:23 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 75
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