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RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby

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7/22/2010 2:16:15   
Eric Greydawn

New AKnessnessness... Howdy... gratz...
Ok... now for the odd questions
Hey there's 4 questions below - that's even!
What color does a sneeze sound like?
It depends on what direction you're facing.
When Death walks in a hurricane... does he make whistling noises?
Well he tried a song and dance number but got grave reviews.
ok... normal questions now
Normal? Perpendicular to a surface.
What class do you prefer?
Fave weapon?
Don't have one. But bigger is always better there :p
Thanks for coming, bai!

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 6:38:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 76
7/22/2010 3:41:23   

Did you get the idea for your name from the TV show iCarly?
Which do you think is a better class: Technomancer or Frost Moglin?
It depends on how you mean better. I like features of both but I always enjoy the present hurling move in Frost moglin.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 6:40:23 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 77
7/22/2010 12:23:30   

Someone Wants to talk to you..
Oh that's nice.
Lord Sheogorath,
So the guy has a thing about cheese.
Deadric God of Madness.....and Mayonaise
It's good to have a broad portfolio.
Okay that's all for this time.
OK then.
You like the new sig?
Yeah - I like that song.
I Knew it!!!
You did??
Has you seen Plushie Me yet?
No I'm waiting for it to be released on DVD.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 6:45:33 >
DF AQW  Post #: 78
7/22/2010 15:30:34   

Greetings, Rubber Ducky.
Squeeky squeeky!
Oh, wait, you're not made of rubber. Scratch that then.
It was itchy too.
Why so sewious?
I'm sewious when I have to be (like when people break rules).
I think that's all for now. See Ya, and congratz!
Thanks. Bye.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 6:46:56 >
DF  Post #: 79
7/22/2010 16:29:06   

Where did you get the name 'gibby'?
I had to defeat a tibetan monk in unarmed combat for it.
Where's waldo?
Looking for Carmen Sandiego.
Gratz on AK-ship!

...Do you have a keytar by any chance?
No, but it's a 9 Ice card in card jitsu.
And if you dont, look it up.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 6:58:11 >
DF MQ  Post #: 80
7/22/2010 17:22:22   

I am back. Are you ready for "more"?
More what?
I do hope you are.
I'm ready!
And here come the questions..-
And here come the answers.
1) Who is Australia's current Prime Minister?
Julia Gillard.
2) In the New Parliament house, what is different about the office of the Deputy Prime Minster to the old parliament house?
(S)he no longer has to make coffee for the PM?
3) If you were told to "coherently elaborate" something, would that mean you explain it thoroughly or explain it technically? Or none of the.. next too. :P
I like to eschew obfuscation, so simply but thoroghly.
4) If you were asked "What's up?" what would you immediately say?
I'd say "what are you doing in my lounge room?" Unless they were supposed to be there, in which case I'd say "the opposite of down".
5) If the question, coincidentally named question, were asked to question the Question Minister if the question of questions was eligible to be questioned for the Question Show of Mighty Questions would the question of questions accept questions, coincidentally named question, Question Ministers question?
I head that the question minister likes to talk about his tie alot. He's a bit of a tie rant. Did I avoid the question correctly?

Hope you enjoyed editing this post, and all. Only five questions for me. :P You're one the lucky ones. Good luck! And have fun with the rest of your AKing! ^^
Thanks for posting again and making it easy with the tags.


< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 7:09:22 >
Post #: 81
7/22/2010 23:30:51   

i am back to poke at your horrible chains of badness
That's ok they don't break easily.
have any brainfarts yet?
No but thanks for asking.
doomkittens!!!!!! (yes i do believe all the explanation points are neccassary)

DOOMPINK mwuahahaha
I see - do you have any more questions?
.....watcha think of my sig? metroid rules
I don't usually check links, but metroid is good.
sry i HAD a weapon that looked like a giant can opener but i sold it for somthing better so i can't remove those painful shackles

Forget the chains - I need the can opener to eat.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/23/2010 7:14:30 >
DF AQW  Post #: 82
7/23/2010 12:26:27   

Hello, Gibby
Hello Orange.
Congrats on the ArchKnight club.
Your avatar is funny and Happiness !
I like to keep it upbeat.
Bye, Gibby!


< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/24/2010 3:19:46 >


Post #: 83
7/23/2010 15:40:09   
Jeff Jarrett

Wish you all the luck being an AK
You are most kind.
You think you can beat MY character in a duel? (you say yes, I will scream)
As the system makes it a bit easier for the live player to win, then probably.
How many times have you changed your base class (I changed mine around 5 times)
Never. I just create a new character if I've had enough of the old one.
See you later

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/24/2010 3:22:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 84
7/23/2010 15:48:00   

Hi! I'm back.
Welcome back.
Soooo... Wussup?
If my avatar was a bee, you could say Wasabi!
Favourite Band/Artist?
I like "The Living End" but they're probably not too well known outside of Australia.
Favourite Movie?
"Shanghai Noon" is the only movie I've seen twice at the cinema.
Favourite Book?
Not so much book but series. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
If you cold have ONE superpower for a day whitch one?
To act like a human.
I love you New York Citeeeyyyyy!!!
And if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.
Thank you and good night!
I'll be appearing here all week.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/24/2010 3:32:53 >
AQ DF  Post #: 85
7/23/2010 17:00:40   

say the first thing that comes to your mind!
whats your favorite thing to put on a hotdog?
shamma lomma ding dong
Shooby dooby doo.
Is that your preantepenultimate question? Oh wait, the next one is.
the builder.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/24/2010 3:42:15 >


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 86
7/24/2010 4:28:14   

Gratz on becoming an Arch Knight!
Do u like banana?
Yes, a great source of Potassium and entertainment.
Can i haz cheeseburger?
If you can find one, yes.
Can i haz your soul?
No, it's being used. Sorry.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/24/2010 18:24:48 >


Post #: 87
7/24/2010 11:15:02   

It's me again.
Yes it is.
Does this armor make my sword look big?
If you're in Doomknight, no.
Say the first thing that comes to your head:
Vulcanized rubber.
Hulaburger. (Look that one up) .
Lettuce mouse.
Yoghurt Panda.
What's the fastest land animal?
The animal that never prospers. (The Cheetah).

The TigerBeetle, reaching speeds of about... well, way over 100 mph, I think 1k.

How did they ever manage to cross a tiger and a beetle? O.O
Assassin's Creed or Halo 3: Finish the Fight?
I'm getting less and less time for games these days. AE games are pretty much it for me.
Okay, bye now.
Thanks for coming. Bye.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/24/2010 18:54:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 88
7/24/2010 16:26:33   

very well....answer me these questions three, if it is the....uh....moley pale ye wish to see...
Ask away bridgekeeper.
what is your name?
What, is your quest?
To maintain order in the DF GD forum.
what, is your favorite color?
Blue, no Yelllooooowwwww.
Cookies all round for the Monty Python reference.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/24/2010 18:38:11 >
DF  Post #: 89
7/24/2010 20:39:09   
~Quiet Beserker~

Haven't been on in awhile, it's nice to see new faces isn't it?
I'm not exactly "new" but I know what you mean.

To be honest, whenever I look at your name I think of the 'Gibby' from iCarly.
If that association helps you remember me then I'm OK with that.

Have a good one! -QB
I will. Thanks!

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/25/2010 6:58:46 >
DF AQW  Post #: 90
7/25/2010 2:26:35   

Do you live in Australia??
Are you sure your not an alien monster in disguise??
I'm definitely not a monster.
Do you live near Bribie Island??
I wouldn't say "near" but same state.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/25/2010 6:59:52 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 91
7/26/2010 10:33:14   

Hi again, thought of some new questions.
As you live in Australia, do you have any holiday traditions that might seem different for us from the northern hemisphere? BBQ on christmas, etc?
I'm sure every nation has its 'different' traditions but Australia has similar celebrations to USA but not necessarily at the same time or called the same thing. A BBQ breakfast on Christmas morning is certainly common where I am (as it's summer for us then). Halloween has never really taken off here.
Will you be working in a special forum part?
I've only been asked to perform AK duties in DF GD.
Well, I guess that's all of them, for now at least.
No problem, thanks for making a contribution.
PS About the Tiger beetle, it only reaches about 5 mph, but since it is so small, it might be the fastest for its size.
I see, but speaking of fast: How fast would a zebra have to run before it looked gray. :p

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/27/2010 4:57:24 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 92
7/27/2010 20:24:04   

Thank you.
Here are a few riddles just for fun.
I like fun.
What goes up, but never comes down.
My age (and probably yours too).
What gets wetter the more it dries.
A towel.
Where is the ocean the deepest.
At the bottom?
What walks on four legs, than two legs, and finally three legs.
A man. (IIRC that's from Tolkein).
Thats all for now. I'll check to see if you got the riddles right.
I think I did.
TTFN.(Goes to non existent 5th page and has a party, everyones invited)

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/29/2010 7:16:55 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 93
7/28/2010 2:01:58   

You must know me! I know Digi tells all the other AK's about his bestest friend EVAR!
I'll got with yes.
Now for the questions...Mwahaha
Favorite Armor Color Scheme?
I don't have one in particular, but you'll see me in green and gold (yellow) a lot.
Havin fun with your AKness?
I'm enjoying the role.
What did you do when you got the PM? Did your head go PEWF?...But in a more violent way?
No. I was a little surprised but still happy that I'm trusted enough to be offered the role.
Pie or Cake?
And lastly. Can i have a cookie?
-Twisted (Twisty to some :P)

Sure, why not.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/29/2010 8:19:41 >
AQW  Post #: 94
7/28/2010 7:03:14   

Free Member--- Never Mind..
I'm glad you stopped mid sentence because begging is specifically against the rules.
You like cookies
Sure do.
Can i Haz your Cookiez??
mmmm, no.
Byez! ..Free Memb--- Gah!

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/30/2010 5:24:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 95
7/28/2010 10:11:33   
Hallie Slidepath
Robot Unicorn Overlord

Thought of a few more questions for yah ^^
Always glad to answer your questions.
Do you hang out on youtube a lot, and which are your favorite youtubers?
Not specifically. I did recently check out Artix's movie that's currently being discussed in AE GD. I don't really have a favorite youtuber.
What do you think of 1337-5934K?
IF you mean the "Facebook in Leet Speak and Other Funny Languages" movie, I guess it's important for people to know how to do that sort of thing.
How dedicated are you to DF and AQ, and which game do you play the most?
I play both pretty much every night, sometimes I'll only be on for 15 minutes. I would play AQ & DF evenly but with AQ's war counter, it's a bit easier to see what I've done in AQ.
If you were to be teleported into DF for a day... what would you do?
I'd get all the NPC's together and challenge them to a game of 10-pin bowling using sneevils as the pins.

That's thatishness ^^
Thank you for your original questions.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/30/2010 5:37:48 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 96
7/28/2010 22:05:52   
Acient J

Is Zorbak all lip or can he really do what he claims to do?
If that little wannabe could really do what he thought he could we'd already be in trouble.
How many lichs does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
Was that licks or lichs? If it's lichs it would depend on the necromancer I guess.
Code tags?


Do you think spoiler tags are overused?

I'd rather that they get overused than not being used enough.
How do you feel when people associate you with a shirtless boy from a Nickelodeon show?
If it helps them remember me then I guess I can live with it.
Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
Yes, but until we are clear on who that is I'd rather stay focussed on the people on this planet.
Poached eggs and ketchup? Poached eggs and hot sauce?
I prefer poached eggs on cheese.
How about scrambled eggs and ketchup?
I rarely eat ketchup. When I make scrambled eggs if I add anything it's either bacon or spice.
Do you like a cheese-and-peanut-butter sandwich?
Peanut butter is a universal food. So yes.
Reading through this thread, I found out that we have a lot in common: we both like our hotdogs with cheese and (I think) know Latin. Pretty cool, huh?
You like Latin? My favorite Latin saying is "Semper ubi sub ubi". (Always where under where).
I love your avatar!
Okay, I'm going to begin typing and then reverse the order. This should be the last "question" you see but it's the first one I'm typing. Does it make sense now?
It makes as much sense as anything does I guess.

In all seriousness, congrazt!, and may your life as an ArchKnight be a long and fulfilling one.
Thanks. And remember if at first you don't succeed, then skydiving probably just isn't for you.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/30/2010 5:58:40 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 97
7/29/2010 10:02:43   

Always nice to see a new AK. HI!
You do like to party RIGHT?
P A R T ... Y? Cos I gotta!
If you answered yes to the previous question then, LETS PARTY! :D :D :D
OK but where are the lampshades?
If you answered no to the 2nd question.... o.o
Favorite DF pet?
Cheshire Twilly.
Favorite Class?
Well bye! Party on!
Party on jkparty.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/30/2010 6:18:48 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 98
7/29/2010 10:22:31   

Congratulations dude, I wish you all the best.
Just one question.....
Just one???
What's going to work?
It's a place where you go for hours at a time and in return for doing what you're told you get free coffee.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/30/2010 6:20:41 >
DF  Post #: 99
7/29/2010 11:14:48   

Im back. Lets see if you got those riddles right.

What goes up, but never comes down.
My age (and probably yours too).
What gets wetter the more it dries.
A towel.
Where is the ocean the deepest.
At the bottom?
What walks on four legs, than two legs, and finally three legs.
A man. (IIRC that's from Tolkein).
Thats all for now. I'll check to see if you got the riddles right.
I think I did.

Well you got all but one right.

What goes up, but never comes down.
My age (and probably yours too).

That is a good answer and if that was what i was thinking you would of got it right.
The right answer is your rage or anger as some people call it.

bye. Party on the next page.
At least I got most right. Thanks for checking.

< Message edited by Gibby -- 7/30/2010 6:21:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 100
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