You izh an AK! Congratulations! ^^ You also have the same tags as me, so i'll make it easier for you. =/ (Blue has also been the superior color. No questions asked.) Agreed, thanks! Before we start I thought i'd tell you my grammar and punctuation skills aren't at their best. Excuse any typos are in-cohesive use of words or vocabulary. Question time! :) ... 1) Jack Sparrow always had bad puns.. Which was your favorite of them all? One of my favorite quotes is: quote:
Well, then, I confess, it is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out. 2) If you could have any power in the world, what would it be? (Legit description if possible) Probably being the manager of a business corporation 3) Define question. An inquiry that requires an answer 4) How would the majority of questions be addressed? with an answer 5) What is the most common question asked today? "How are you?" 6) How many words do the average humans speak daily? 2000 (I don't know!) 7) If you were a question, would I be an answer? Only if I have questions that require your answering! 8) What would, generally, be the most common word you used? "the" or "a" 9) Describe yourself in four and a half words. "Hi, my name is Capt-" 10) What does hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia mean? Fear of hippos? spoiler:
The fear of long words. Page of information can be found here 11) List 10 palindromes. mom dad a radar stats madam civic kayak level Bob 12) What do we call this sort of sentence/phrase: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. A sentence with three adjectives and a direct object? 13) Som jeg nevnte i første deler av innlegget mitt, var engelsk aldri min sterke punkt. Norske alltid var. Snakker du noen ulike språk, over enn engelsk? **Translation** Ah, I have two Norwegian friends that play hockey! I speak Spanish as a secondary language 14) My last question.. What should I ask? Oh wait.. ...
I hope you had fun, editing my post with no tags and all. :P Enjoy the rest of your AKing, 'grats again, Thanks! ~Ana ~CaptK
< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 7/21/2010 10:59:29 >