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RE: =MtAK= Let the inevitable pirate puns begin!

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7/21/2010 18:14:46   

gratz on the AKship
Thanks, kpnut!
i don't think i have to ask this question but i will anyway: pirates or ninjas? (i predict you'll say pirates) say ninjas and i'll give you a cookie
Pirates forever! *takes cookie anyway*
if it ain't broke, will you try and fix it?
What would I fix if it wasn't broke?
who where you supporting for the world cup
The USA, then right when they were eliminated, Spain.
is the answer to this question yes?
i guess you've seen me around the OOC room then :P i moved here because the AQW forums where getting filled with milt talks
Yes, I've seen you around!
if you click the second name on my sig you'll see that i am in fact a pirate :O
and no pirate puns from me, not until my third post in this MtAK thread anyway...
Hehe, okay!


< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:39:32 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 51
7/21/2010 19:23:40   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Ahoy Digi! :D
Welcome aboard!
Yeah i'll stop the pirate puns ^_^
That works.
How's it going so far then?
It's been going very well, I'm regaining my activity...I just got back from the UK.
Enjoying it i'm sure :)
To the fullest!
I can't think of any more questions, what'll i do?
Discontinue questioning, I suppose! Thanks for stopping by Digi!

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:40:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 52
7/21/2010 20:19:09   

Yo, Captain Kidd.
Yo constanthinker.

I don't know you, you don't know me, but I like causing anarchy, so let's get rolling.
Okay then...

First off, do you agree the cake is a lie?
Yes, I do!

Or are you like my better nine tenths, and refuse to accept it?
Nay, I accept it.

I have a feeling we'll be getting along just fine. A pirate and a vaporous ninja. Yep.
Living in harmony on a tranquil forum. Yes, we will get along!

Have the chains gotten rusty, yet?
Nay, oxidation hasn't started yet...

If not, are you hoping they do soon?
Not really =P

Care for a milkshake? I didn't put poison in this one.
...Thanks *cautiously sips*

How many languages can you speak?
English, Spanish, and some Swedish (3)

How many forumites do you think you'll have walk the plank?
Hopefully none in the near future!

I certainly hope I'm not one of them.
As long as you abide by the rules, you should be fine :)

Least favorite line in Pirates of the Caribbean? It can be from any of the three movies.
Everything Elizabeth says, Capt Sparrow is the best!

Last but not least, why is the rum always gone?
Air leaks in the barrel, alcohol evaporates (expecially in the Caribbean weather)

Until you need to warn me,
~CT, the Rikuian.
Lets hope not,

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:46:12 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 53
7/21/2010 20:30:51   
Constructively Friendly!

I had one last question.

Have you ever, or do you constantly pirate music, movies, games, etc?
No, I don't. (so many pun responses I could come up with, but this is my serious answer).
What's your overall opinion on pirating stuff?
It's illegal, of course!
There we go :D

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:47:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 54
7/21/2010 23:08:34   

Hey there, Zhukai!
Hows it going in the OOC?
Things here are well!
Thank you kindly
Have a good time. :D
I'll do that :)

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:48:26 >
Post #: 55
7/22/2010 8:20:30   

Arr, Good job on position. Arr.
Arr, thank you matey!
Alright, Im horrible at Pirate. Ill speak normally
Okay :)
I has a treasure chest!
But it's not for you :-P
Alright, You can at least have a look inside.
Nothing! Hahahahahahahahahahaha.. *cough cough*
Pizza, Overated or NOMNOMNOM?
Do you agree the cake is a lie?
Yes, I do
Do you like my siggy?
Very nice!
If you could pick anything but OOC, what would you mod in?
Probably AQ GD. I used to be very active in that section, but recently I haven't had the time to stay caught up in AQ.
Are these 10 facts about you true?

1) Your reading this comment
2) You realizing that's a dumb fact
4) Your realizing I skipped three
5) Your checking
6) Your laughing to yourself about how you fell for it
8) Your realizing I skipped 7.
9) Your checking and laughing that you fell for it again.
10) You think this is the last one. Because it is.
Haha, argh...That was humorous! =P
Good bye! Au revoir! Ciao!
C'est la vie

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:52:14 >


AQ DF  Post #: 56
7/22/2010 9:12:38   
Burning Skies

Arr, me hardies! Congrats on becoming a AK.
Okay. So, how do you feel about numerous food re-calls in America? Is there something wrong going on?
I don't really have an opinion, however I was affected by the Spaghetti O's recall hehe...
What is your stance on childhood obesity?
overweight children should choose a better lifestyle and exercise more. Pretty typical, eh?
How do you like my signature?
Nice, I like the Pokemon =P
It's awesome, huh? You know you want it. You desire Water Pokemon for your signature, since you are a pirate - YAR YAR *ahem*

OK, erm how do you feel about me? I'm awesome ain't I?
Yes, you are
Guess my previous name.
Cooling Skies?
OK, that is it, Kidd. Thanks for ya time.
No problem!
Wow. It's the 28th and my questions still aren't answered. Hope your okay.
Sorry, I just got home from overseas the other day. I had limited to no internet!
Wow. Now it's August 4th...
I'm getting to all of them now =P

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:55:31 >
Post #: 57
7/22/2010 13:56:14   

Captain Kidd! Shiver me timbers! Avast ye'. I will ask ye' some questions, savvy?
Fire away! *pirate pun*
First off, Congratulations on your AKnessisis.
Favorite movie/movie series?
Either Dr. No (James Bond) or the SW series.
Answer this quick! How many muffinmoggles fit into a 1x1 bottle opener that was burned by the flame of the ice?
Twice as many as half of them!
What happens when a unstoppable force, hits an immovable object?
Nice Joker reference (I believe it was one)...it results in a large explosion.
Done! ^_^, Very short I know, but nevertheless, congratulations, Happy AKing!
Thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:57:48 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 58
7/22/2010 15:51:52   
Reaper Sigma

Hey Reaper!
I forgot to ask a question I ask in every MtAK/M.
Go right ahead!
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
Just about anything that doesn't invove being a Ninja
Well, my job here is done.

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 14:58:38 >
Post #: 59
7/22/2010 22:04:21   

Thanks Arzamol!
Wait, somethings amiss.... A pirate in a position of authority!?!?!
Aye, a pirate in high command matey!
Will you accept these doubloon (sp?) as a bribe?
It depends what yer bribin' me fer!
...please don't make me walk the plank!
As long as ye follow the rules :)
Have you met Captain Crunch?
Nay, but I hope I do some day!
Now, for a hopefully unexpected pun...
How do you enjoy being a goat captain?
A goat captain? Never heard that pun before!
So, how does a pirate, a rule breaker, become a rule enforcer?
Yer chosen based on several aspects of your forum life, to put it frankly.
So... why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the chicken feed on the other side?
Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7,8 (ate),9!
How come ANTartica is the only place with no ants in it?
They don't like arctic conditions?
Well, good luck!

Edit:I have read your previous edits and will answer one of the questions you asked someone else (lol). The reason that the ninja is wearing white is because he is also a doctor. Hence, Dr. McNinja (yes, he is Irish... or Scottish).Ah, okay. Thanks for that :)

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:04:05 >
DF  Post #: 60
7/23/2010 12:08:35   
Darth Torin

Welcome to the AKship, Cap'in!
Thanks Torin!
Your a Pirate and an AK...Does that make you an ArchPirate?
I guess so! =P
What does Avast Ye! even mean?
I know Avast is an expression of surprise...never heard 'Avast Ye'
Do you even have a ship? If so, what's it named?
The SS OOC, as suggested by an earlier poster!
Favorite type of cake?
Chocolate--but to be specific, A Boston Creme Pie!
Ok, so not too many questions from me. Have fun!

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:05:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 61
7/24/2010 13:06:23   
Bone Head Emo Ranger Power!

Congratulations :D
Thanks Puppy! :)
That will be all.

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:06:00 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 62
7/25/2010 18:03:42   
Master Conspirator

Hey! Welcome to being an AK!
Thanks bigwave!
If I were to say "Welcome to the AKship", would you consider that a bad pun?
I've heard it a few times now, hehe...I guess so!
Favorite ocean?
The Atlantic.
If you were to be shipwrecked on any island with only 3 things, what would those things be?
A boat, some matches, and Bear Grylls.
What is the most random question you've ever wanted to, or did, ask in one of these MtAK?
Hmm, good question. Probably "If you were a Star Wars character, who would you be and why?"
What is the answer to the answer for the above question?
Did you understand that question?
Nay :)

Ummm....I think that's it. Have fun!
Thanks! :)

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:08:43 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 63
7/25/2010 18:17:09   

Oh my god...
Are you going to force us to respect your authoritah?
Yes, Cartman.
Have you been in the island?
What's THE Island?
Here's a riddle for you. A tribe captures you. Their chief allows you to say one thing in order to save your life. If it's a lie, you're thrown to the lions. If it's true you're thrown down a cliff. What do you say?
Look! *points* Behind you!
Have you heard the roo roo joke?
No I haven't...
Hey, hey Captain, hey.
Knock, knock.
*opens door*
Final question, do you need a saw?
If I have to cut down a tree, sure!

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:12:04 >
DF  Post #: 64
7/25/2010 19:07:51   
The Gilded DragonSlayer

Cap'n K! Hai!
Hai there!
Have fun being an AK. That is all.
Thanks matey!

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:12:34 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 65
7/25/2010 20:18:42   
Hallie Slidepath
Robot Unicorn Overlord


Who's your favorite pirate through history?
Edward Teach (Blackbeard) or Captain Kidd

Awww... what about Bartholomew 'Black Bart' Roberts? :P
Oh, I know about him as well, but I had to go with the classic Blackbeard on that one =P

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:13:33 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 66
7/25/2010 22:22:56   
Colonel J

Why were you chosen to be an AK?
Because I had the qualities needed to make an AK.

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:14:30 >
Post #: 67
7/25/2010 23:27:12   

Hi there Captain Kidd!
Do you know any ninjas?
Just a few on the forum.
How many languages do you speak?
English, Spanish, Swedish...Three.
You probably think I'm crazy but I have a really good reason for all of this.
What's your favorite Pirates of the Caribbean movie?
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
That is all, thank you for your time.
No problem.
I one day hope to be a great pirate too.
Haha, that's a good goal to work towards, good luck!

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:16:44 >
DF  Post #: 68
7/26/2010 0:24:35   
Fallen Crest

Grats' on the AKship!
Thanks :)

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:16:56 >
AQW  Post #: 69
7/26/2010 5:20:16   

Ahoy FC, long time no see!
Well I :O'd when I saw this.
Oh really? haha
I remember when you were just an ordinary forumite! ( They grow up so fast! )
Aye, I remember as well...
Grats on the promotion :3
Thank ye!

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:17:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 70
7/26/2010 16:39:00   

I am the king of PIRATE JOKES!!!
Prove it...
Why couldn't the kid get into the pirate movie? Because it was rated "Ar"
what is a pirates favorite restraunt? ARby's!
Unfortunately, I've heard both of those matey, hehe

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:18:37 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 71
7/26/2010 22:37:55   

have u been called by captain morgan (he does call all captains)
I think he only calls captains that buy his drink, marketing, you see...

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:19:37 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 72
7/27/2010 17:42:13   

Well captain :D !
Ahoy, runer! :)
Congratz on the position !
Who announced the ugly happy news to you ?
Are we going to get another* Pirate AK ready to strike us when we expect the least ?
Aye, at any given moment.
How is it so far ?
It's pretty normal, just a few more things to manage :)
Hope you enjoy it , just wanted to stop by :D so good luck !!
Thanks for that!
* $Archie$ doesn't count , he was a Pirate Parrot ;) .
Aye, ol' Archie counts!

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:21:32 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 73
8/1/2010 2:55:25   

Hey Kidd. :P
Hey there!
So you're going somewhere too? In China right now. Internet is fleeting. :O
Yeah, I was in England for the past three weeks. I just got back the other day, I'm working on responding to two pages of MtAK now =P
What were your titles before AKship again? Constructively Debatable, right?
Yes it was.
Also, read on the first page that sacchi was offered AKship. Really? :O
Everyone's getting titles and promotions while I'm gone. Makes me feel sad...everyone's growing up around me. XD
Aye, another chapter has closed, a new one opened.
See you, nice avvy!
Thanks! :)

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:23:13 >


DF MQ  Post #: 74
8/1/2010 5:45:40   
Highlord Sendai

Hey Cap'n Kidd
Hi Robofire!
Welcome Aboard
Congratz on the title
Thank you.
See ya.

< Message edited by Captain Kidd -- 8/15/2010 15:23:53 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 75
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