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RE: =MtAK= Bballman23 (again!) - Bball=out (again!)

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7/23/2010 19:08:07   

Q: Oooh, what part of Texas ( I'm from San Antonio)?

Q: What college are you going to ( if any)?
Not sure yet, I'll be a senior in HS next year. Started the Common App today, actually!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/2/2010 22:34:05 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 26
7/23/2010 20:53:45   

Hiya Bb!
Hey, Hay!

I remember seeing your poetry some time back in L&L... or was I mistaken?
That was indeed mine... Still there, although I deleted some of my worse stuff. :P I write some poetry, but I much prefer fiction. My favorite thing is my epic poem, which I doubt you took the time to read (I wouldn't)!

Congratulations on ze new board!
Thanks! Or maybe the new old board. ;)

Favourite word?
Hmm... I like "ridiculous." If you say it with the right tone, you can just load it up with indignation, which I enjoy from time to time.

Did ya know I always think about basketball when I see your name?
Yes, other people do too. >_> Baseball, baseball!

This colour ftw <3
Liez! This color (no u D:<) ftw!

Well, nothing else to add so congrats again! Bye!
Thanks again! See ya!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 17:57:03 >
Post #: 27
7/23/2010 23:32:12   

Hello Bballman. It's my first time to post on a thread like this so sorry if I post something I shouldn't.
Hey Nightmare Anonymous! Don't be nervous, there aren't too many rules in these threads. :P


What AE games do you play?
Well I have upgraded accounts in all of them, having been around here when most of them were first released, but I really only play AQ. I'd like to get back into MQ and/or AQW someday if I get the time to catch up.

Mage or Warrior?
Mage, although I try to keep my AQ character somewhere in between (as you'll see if you look at my stats and weapons... he's very confused about what he is :P). As a rule, I think I like the typical intelligent mage rather than the stereotypical brutish warrior.

Nice name.(got nothing else to say)
Hah, you too!

Well that's all see you!
See you around!

And congratulations BTW.
Why thank you!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:01:34 >
AQ  Post #: 28
7/24/2010 1:15:34   

Hello, I'm TuR!Zm0, first time posting in a thread like this, like the guy above :P
Yay, too noobies! :P Hey!

Are you a good basketball player?
Well I could have been, since I'm 6'4", but I never loved playing offense. I'd pass the ball every time I got it, which as you might guess didn't make the coaches too happy. ;) I thought about working on it one summer and getting decent - I'm reasonably coordinated on the whole - but decided I'd rather continue to work on my baseball (I use "bball" to mean baseball... confusing, I know). I pitch and play first base.

Mage, Warrior or Hybrid?
Hehe, see above! Hybrid is more fitting for my character.

Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, or Neapolitan?
Chocolate in most cases, although I prefer vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce to chocolate ice cream.

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:04:27 >
AQ  Post #: 29
7/24/2010 11:38:03   

Ah Another chance to torture... er... I mean politely question an AK. I can't pass this up. I'll see how painful I can make this. (I'll try to come up with completely new questions for you)
Excellent! I think we've been through this before...

If I showed you the door how would you respond?
I would show you the window.

What if I told you that your last answer was wrong?
I would say that you were wrong.

Can you prove your previous statement?
Yes, because I am me.

Am I getting annoying?

Do you like papayas?
I don't think I've ever eaten any actual papaya, although I may have had the juice. Can't remember, but I think I liked it.

Have you ever read an entire book while hanging upside down?

How many keys are on your keyboard?

How often are you allowed to eat?
In real life, or as an AK? :P As an AK, never! In real life, when ever I want!

What time is it in the eastern 28th of Egypt at the time that is current to the position of the earth at the same moment of the reposting of my post that you are doing at the moment true to your current self? Assume that the moon is still in it's proper position and global warming has been accelerated by 3% from what it was yesterday. Due to this 7 more hybrid cars than scheduled are being produced each month. Take all of this into account when formulating your answer. Go

Have you ever really wanted to kill someone especially since they are technically going over 10 questions by combining 2 together?
:o I didn't even notice! Tricky tricky.

Well have fun AK'ing again. I hope I wasn't supposed to do more than test your sense of humor and patience. (yay for smiley)
Hah, I think I survived. Thanks!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:07:59 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 30
7/24/2010 14:03:34   
Silver Lion

Welcome back, BB.
Thanks, SL!

Nothing from me. =]
Awesome! :D

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:08:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 31
7/25/2010 5:12:02   


I never seem to know any of the AK's around AQGD.
How sad! Get to know us! We're awesome (or now that I'm here, anyway).

Erm... Bballman23?
Erm... yes? >.>

23! Yay, my username has that, too.
Good choice!

If you see someone on the forums on a computer, do you mention to them that you are an AK?
Hmm, not sure what you mean. On here, everyone knows because of the title. Outside of that (on IRC, on AQW, etc.), nah, no reason, unless they need an AK for some reason. Being chained to a computer is nothing to brag about! :P

I hope you said yes...

I hope you answered to that above...
I did!

If you knew this was your last day on Earth, what would you do different? (Especially, if by doing something different, this might not be your last day on Earth.) (Sorry if this question is personal, it was the same question Hobbes asked Calvin in a Calvin and Hobbes book.)
No, not really too personal... Hard question. I probably wouldn't spend much time on the computer for one. :P I think I'd go with family and friends to my favorite beach/place on the world out at Great Point in Nantucket. If I really could "save" myself, I'd also stop by the doctor and be sure that no one got too close to me!

I hope you know what Calvin and Hobbes is, by the way...
Hah, of course. I've never followed the comic strip, but I've seen some of them and definitely know what it is.

Well, looks like I'm all out of questions, but I'll be back...
Oh will you now?

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:26:16 >


My Youtube Channel
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Adventure Quest - 4th Anniversary Video!
AQ  Post #: 32
7/25/2010 16:34:46   

Hey bbalman :)
Heya Ubear!

Congrats (again)
Thanks (again)!

That is all...

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:26:57 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 33
7/25/2010 16:48:03   

You believe in 2012 bringing the Apocalypse?
Of course not.

Do you know of/listen to Muse?
I'm aware of their existence, but I've never listened to any of their music.

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:27:49 >
AQ DF  Post #: 34
7/25/2010 17:02:51   

Welcome back.
Thanks, Kaelin!

Edit: Go Spurs!
Psh. Go Rockets!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:28:12 >
AQ  Post #: 35
7/25/2010 20:23:03   

I remember seeing you as an AK glad to see you get this honor again.
Thanks a lot!


Can I have pie?
Of course! Made specially for you: http://whatscookingamerica.net/Desserts/PumpkinPie5.jpg

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:29:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 36
7/25/2010 21:16:03   
Savage Fred

Hello there Bounceyballguy32 (Is that right? it feels off) Here are my questions:
Seems about right to me.

1. Based on your avatar quote, I'd say you've watched some 'Friends' in your day. Is Chandler your favorite character?
Yes and yes!

2. Since you're from Texas, do you speak any Spanish?
I do! He tomado clases de español desde escuela primaria. Tomaré el Español V AP este año.

3. Do you mind if I heckle you?
Like Mr. Heckles? D:

4. Assuming the answer to the last question was 'Not at all, feel free,' how can you enjoy a sport so boring that the creators had to build in a time for you to stretch mid-game so you don't fall asleep?
XD I don't think the 7th inning stretch is meant to keep you from falling asleep. I look at baseball like I look at soccer. There are people who go crazy over both sports, even though both are equally boring to someone who doesn't understand the game. I've played and watched baseball since I was 3, so I understand the nuances and what's going on even when no one scores. On the other hand, I (and I think many other Americans) don't really gets what's happening in soccer when no one is scoring. The players just seem to be running back and forth, but I know there must be positioning and prodding going on. I just don't know enough about the sport to understand that jockeying, so I only care about big games like the World Cup. Anyway, enough rambling. The 7th inning stretch is probably as much of an excuse to sell more beer as anything else. :P

5. Have you ever been frog gigging?
I have!

6. Where is Nantucket(I want to say New England)?
Good guess, yep. In MA off the coast of Cape Cod.

7. Do you prefer homemade Mac & Cheese or Velveeta?
Velveeta, but maybe only because I've never had homemade.

8. What do you think about the situation in Fredonia?
Can't say I know what Fredonia you're talking about, actually. Fredonia Texas? Never been there. I guess I think the situation is either great or highly deplorable, depending upon what that situation is. XD

9. Do you call them pancakes or flapjacks?
Pancakes, of course.

10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was Chuck Norris?
Chuck Norris doesn't need to chuck wood. He simply looks at the wood, and the wood chucks itself.

I feel as though these are some penetrating questions, so if you need some time to formulate a response, I'm prepared to wait. Good luck keeping the wingnuts in line here
I made it through. Thanks for generously waiting.

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/7/2010 18:43:10 >


We'll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow? We said that yesterday
AQ  Post #: 37
7/26/2010 0:35:15   
The fanciest of moustaches

Wow, I remember when you were first made an AK. I know I was around then, though I don't recall if it was about the same time I joined Forums or not. I do remember it was awhile ago, though. I myself recently made a comeback, actually. Doubt you'd remember me, I got a name change since then.
Not sure about your old nick, but I've definitely seem you around under this name. Good to see you!

What prompted the return?
Well I mostly left because I needed to have more time to focus on school (last year was the very important junior year). Now that I did well last year, I only have one more semester that really matters at school. I'll be less active during the school year than I have been during the summer, but I'm hopefully better at managing my time by now. Another, smaller reason was simply that I felt like I could use a break... I had been AK'ing the same few areas for just over two years, and I found myself not doing as much as I should have been. Feel good now, though!

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? (You had to know this was coming. I'm amazed no one asked it sooner.)
African or European? (<3 Monty Python)

Have they done any redecorating of the dungeo-err, AK house, or is it largely the same?
Some new jailors--er, overseers--er, leaders, but it's mostly the same.

Since I can't think of any other questions at the moment that might pertain to your past stay as an AK, I think I'll end this now. Welcome back.
Alrighty. Thanks!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:29:32 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 38
7/27/2010 7:43:24   
Ribarg? Zard contest runner-up

Hey Bman, it's quite nostalgic to see you as an AK again :)
:o B-man! (now C-man! D:). Thanks!

Now that you're an AK again, I might actually be around the forum more often
Please do! You're missed!

Is it weird that I thought you were older?
Not really; a fair amount of people used to, I think. This is probably just because of my Grammar Nazi tendencies. :P Because I was 14 when I was first an AK, I kept my age more hidden (felt like people couldn't really respect someone so young), but now it's not a big deal.

How/Why did you become an AK again?
Answered this a couple of posts up, pretty much. I had more time on my hands and missed it around here, so asked if I could be of any use (yes, I volunteered! :O).

And couldn't you have waited until the summer was over? You'll miss the good weather :p
Well, I do have a window in my cell. Weather looks nice... at least in the square foot I can see!

Nice to have you back :)
Thanks! Great to see you around.

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:33:36 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 39
7/29/2010 21:04:37   

Hello Bball man :)
Heya mluther!

Kirk or Picard?
Please, Kirk without a doubt. TOS all the way.

Favorite math equation?
Hmm... not something I give a lot of thought to, since I don't love math (and now that I've finished BC Calculus, I'm trying to forget it as quickly as possible!). There are a few equations/concepts in Calculus that I found fascinating. The one for volume of a solid of revolution is one of those that I enjoyed, partly because it's a fascinating concept and partly because the animations are cool. :P

Favorite alien?
The Martian from Bugs Bunny. XD Can't think of any other specific ones at the moment and he just popped into my head.

How do you define intelligence?
I think someone is intelligent when they're quick-witted and interesting to talk to. Being curious about learning new things is also important, imo. I don't base my definition of "smart" in terms of grades or anything, because I know plenty of smart people who don't make good grades (and vise versa!).

Who is favorite Doctor?
Gregory House, M.D.

Are you looking forword to any games?
A fair amount! Mostly PC strategy games like Victoria 2 (coming out later this morning, depending what time zone you're in), Shogun II: Total War, and Civilization V. Also looking forward to Fable III, CoD future sequels, and Assassin's Creed III.

Favorite instrument?
Guitars and pianos are my favorite general instrument, cello is my favorite orchestra instrument (played some in middle school).

What is your favorite present participle?
Sleeping... because I like sleeping!

and to rap this up

What is your favorite book?
The Count of Monte Cristo.

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:45:42 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 40
7/30/2010 2:08:42   



-Drakeh aka Algimantas2
-Bball aka Bballman23

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:47:47 >
AQ DF  Post #: 41
7/30/2010 2:15:44   

Hello, Bballman23.
Hey, Yammka.

I've seen you around occasionally, in the OOC forum.
I've seen you, too!

Anyway, no questions from me, just a congratulations!
Why thanks!

Have fun!
You too!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:48:40 >
AQ  Post #: 42
7/31/2010 9:47:38   
.*. .*. .*.
Pfft hahaha!

Congrats Bball! :D
:o Starreh!

Just one question for you:

Do you want me to come back as a mod?
What kind of question is this? Of course! (free me!)

Take care and good luck with the AK-ship.
Thanks. Hope to keep seeing you around here!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:49:38 >
Post #: 43
7/31/2010 9:50:03   

Thanks! Congrats on the titles, since I never said that. :P

Come back to visit the clans again ;P
I will... eventually. Paxia needs activity. D:<

Good luck!
Thanks again!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:50:31 >
Post #: 44
7/31/2010 11:11:48   
Roaming the Web

Hi! You'e a familiar face.
Hey! You are too.

Fantasy football again this year?
Why not? This is the Texans' year in the NFL... Superbowl baby! Or playoffs, baby! Or over .500, baby! Or...

That's all.

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:51:47 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 45
7/31/2010 11:13:44   
Highlord Sendai


Not around this forum much so I don't no who you are. Look forward to meeting you.
You know what the solution there is, no?


< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:53:49 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 46
8/1/2010 6:47:12   

SOOO many questions.....<dun dun DUN>

Well, meaow.




I'm-mortal, what are you? (play of words there <.<)
I'mmortal as well, of course.

Oh, and Bballs (if i can call you that, XD), congratz, on the AK-ishes,
XD Thanks.

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 0:56:11 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 47
8/2/2010 20:47:55   

I was reading your previous MtAK, (you know, back when you were cool) and I didn't understand what you meant when you said that you were Norman English. What exactly does that mean?
Ah, yeah, the good days back when I was cool... and you were -- hm, I must have forgotten you. Could swear I recognize the name, though. Hmm. (:P, for other people reading this) Hah, can't believe I said that. XD Not exactly cool. At the time, I was obsessed with genealogy and family history. I was referring to the fact that my family originally lived in Normandy (France) and that my first traceable ancestor was a noble in William the Conqueror's army that went to England. He settled in England with the rest of the victorious Normans, the Norman English. Family ended up intermarrying with the Howards, the Dukes of Norfolk, making us related to both Catherine Howard and Anne Boleyn (okay, so I'm still somewhat obsessed with genealogy :P).

Do you think that siblings can be annoying?
Just occasionally. ;) My older sister and I used to fight all the time but now we get along well. My younger brother is 7 years younger, so there's no sibling competition or anything and we get along pretty well. He can be annoying, but usually just because he wants to follow me around. Not bad to have a Mini-Me.

Do you have family in Europe?
Yep, on both sides in England. I've never met any of them, but my grandmother knows/knew several cousins over there (she's told me about writing to them during WWII). I know that some of them on my dad's side founded a well-known wealth management company that they sold and that one was a knight, Sir John, who died several years ago. Would like to meet them someday.

Do you frequent any other forums or Web sites?
I poke around a fair amount of websites (The Drudge Report for the news summary (not necessarily for the politics...), Facebook, obvious ones like YouTube, etc.). The only other forums I frequent are those for Paradox Interactive, a company that makes strategy games that I love. Mostly lurk there, but join in one some historical discussion.

What did you think of the Czard when it came out? Personally, I thought it was pretty balanced. I actually had to tank in Golden for the first few turns!
It was awesome! A challenge, but not impossible, and with a nice unique freezing effect. Art was quite nice. I wish they'd used the punny description I included in the entry ("This Czard *cough* zard is Russian *cough* rushing to kill you!"), but it was admittedly somewhat lame. ;) I wish it hadn't been totally wiped out, but one of the staff mentioned something about the zards being very good at adaptation, so maybe they'll return one day.

That's all. See ya around!
Alright, see ya DK!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 1:11:55 >
Post #: 48
8/2/2010 21:53:22   
Postmaster General

Welcome back Bballman!
Thanks, Sheriff!

What happened to Matthew Perry?
Things have to change every now and then! Got rid of a theme after being an AK and an AiT, going back to a generic title, and then just put that Chandler title back temporarily. Settled into Wally the Green Monster now.

To answer your question, no you could not be any more AK-y.
I didn't think so. :D

I remember seeing your title awhile back and it was too long to fit in the field. (Ribarg, Helpful, ZiT, et cetera!)
I actually forgot to include my Writer of the Month from a while back, too. :P Debatable is a good start!

Anyways, great job! Welcome back!
Thanks again!

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 1:15:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
8/2/2010 22:41:02   

Hey Beebs.
Sup Tee El.

How's it going?
Can't complain, except that school starts soon!

That's all I have to say?!
Is it?!


Seeya. xD
Bye, TL.

< Message edited by Bballman23 -- 8/13/2010 1:16:32 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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