Woohoo! Page 3 :D Woohoo! Hmm... Rhymes.... I know Yay OOG rhymes :3 When I saw this thread, all covered in crimson, I knew it was yours, and I want to eat dimsum, Oh how I shouted with glee, And now I have posted up to page 3, I didn't even know, that I could rhyme this way, It seems that being in-love has sent my brain in a weird rhyme fren-ZEY, So with that last note, I bid you adieu, Imma go play Star Wars, and hear the sound go pewpew. Your rhymes are getting better... and more obscure. xD Anywhoo, g'luck on yer new AK-ly duties *lol, doodies*. Thanks :) *wanders into page 4 and waits... in turn gets transformed into a Vampire-aligned statue of Green-ness Why is green such a popular choice of colour? *turns you royal blue instead* ~OOG ~Hay
< Message edited by Hay -- 7/29/2010 7:08:16 >