Hi, once again! Hello! This time I'll just ask some miscellaneous questions and I'll keep it light hearted. Okay :) If you could be a lycan(not a vampire) would you become one? Btw, you could change between looking like a werewolf and looking like a human. You would have all the pros and cons of being a Lycan which also means you hate vampires and they hate you. Though I like canines, no, I wouldn't. The thought of turning into a massive, hulking hairy creature is not to my tastes. :P Lord of the Rings or Twilight? Viggo (Aragon) Lord of the Rings, if I had to choose between them. If an ex-boyfriend finally apologizes for beating you up and abusing you, would you forgive him? o.O ... Probably not. Do you put any friends or celebrities up on the pedestal? Nope. Would you rather have a horrible voice but be a great dancer, or sing like a godess from the heavens but you couldn't even do simple dances such as the chicken dance and the macarena? The latter. You can't avoid using your voice, but you can avoid dancing! These are just some bizarre questions to give some variety to your day. Hope you enjoyed them! Oh, and of course congratz on the expansion of your AK'ship! I hope you enjoy the addition to your domain! :P Quite bizarre, but refreshing too. :P Thanks! ~ Lorkade ~Hay
< Message edited by Hay -- 8/6/2010 12:10:57 >