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RE: =MtAK= *Insert Pun On "Supertails" Here!*

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8/14/2010 19:19:53   

Vampires or Lycans?(Not Twilight related.)
Twilight vampires! :P

Sony or Microsoft?
Hmm...Sony, I suppose. Never was as much that interested me on the Xbox. XD;
Edit:Sony for the win!

Enjoying bein an AK?
Oh yeah! It's work, but it's nice to help out!

yarlynao >:l

Favorite type of music?
I'm really not sure...I never could decide on one genre. XD

Well sorry for the bad questions c ya later.
They weren't bad! But you will see me later. :D

< Message edited by Yoshi man -- 8/15/2010 0:37:54 >
Post #: 101
8/14/2010 19:40:45   


I like how you didn't even wait until I got around to your last questions before you decided to post again. XD



...what is it with everyone and aliens lately? How many times have they been mentioned in this thread already? And they're all over the OOC. Seriously, is there some huge alien fad going on that I don't know about? XD

DO you like anime?
I do, but...for...personal reasons, I don't watch it anymore. :P;

Do you like TV?
I do, but I really don't watch that either, due to...video games and the internet. D:

Do you like watching anime on TV?
No. D:

Do you dislike people without tails?
Nu. ;-;

...because I am a caring person. TTT__TTT


...I think these laughs sound hilarious backwards.

I think I got that from Chii, maybe, Im not sure.
You didn't.

PC or Mac?
PC! I never was a big fan of Macs. D:

...though lolol, in my Computer Multimedia class we used them, and sometimes people would get fed up and be like "I hate Macs!" and then someone else would be like "what? I LOVE Macs!" and "Macs" sounds like "Max" so I always thought they were talking about me at first. :P

iPhone or Android?
Android, actually. :D

Ill be backl!

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/14/2010 23:59:29 >
AQ  Post #: 102
8/14/2010 19:53:53   

<_> Accidentally clicked cancel...

Now I have to rewrite everything...

Too lazy...

1:Best giant robot?
The one in The Iron Giant!

2:Best car?
Saleen S7! Actually...that would have been my choice years ago...I don't even know anymore since I never keep up with cars. D:

3:Best plane thing?
...I don't know. Stealth jet? TT_TT

4:Best character?
Hmm...Tallahassee? John McClane? I'm not sure...too many awesome ones. :P

5:Best animal?
Red Foxes! They're so cute yet so awesome. :"D

6:Best martial artist(besides Bruce Lee)?
Billy Mays. I don't care if he wasn't even a martial artist in the traditional sense. He was a martial artist...of talk-yelling.

7:Best...type of....styrofoam??? o_O
The kind that comes in packaging!

About that 10 hour song thing, it wasn't 10 hours in a row, now THAT would be something to back away slowly about o_o

Uh-huh...that's what you tell me NOW...

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/15/2010 0:03:11 >
DF MQ  Post #: 103
8/15/2010 0:09:30   

Haha! You are the first to experience my new font colour!

I think theres a lack of animal avatars. Do you?
I don't think unless absolutely necessary. XD

I would like one with chicken or a bunny.
Well then get one. There are both of those on there, I believe. D:

What would you prefer?
Both! :D

I have a secret to tell you!
I am listening!


If you want to participate you must buy a tinfoil hat
Oh I've got plenty of those already, no worries.

Do you want to know why
No, actually. >:l

...good? D:

And to end this! Disney is waching you. Always watching!
...and I'm watching Disney! So...this is like some crazy, messed up 1984 relationship. D: ;;

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/15/2010 1:10:31 >
AQ  Post #: 104
8/15/2010 0:15:49   

I see that as I'm typing this, you are editing other peoples questions!
...harhar, sorry, I ended up getting a new colour, and you ended up colour-coding this post for me...;;;

I could tell because each time I refreshed the page, a new post was answered.
...how were you typing and refreshing without all your stuff being deleted? D:

So... did they really take your soul?
Yep. It's officially their property now. T_T

Are U evil?
It depends on your definition of "U".

Will you become evil/more evil if you became a mod?
Hmm...yep! :P

Would I be safe from the dragonflies if I had an army of flyswatters?
...I thought we already went over this...was that with you? D:

I M impersonating you!
...no you're not. :D;

There is no easy road below.
Which is why I always have my colour copied!

Now there is!
Actually this one was harder since I had to highlight the one you had for me and then paste mine. :P;

Actually, I prefer this color. I'm just too lazy to use it all of the time.
no u

Disney vs. Universal?
...I don't know. I don't pay any attention to those companies or anything. D:

I am up to no sneaky tricks!
sez u

Well, bye! See you later!
Liez, since you have more after this!

PS:Are you sure Sonic did not give you the chaos emeralds?
...yes. >:|

Then how are you SUPERtails?
...darn, you got me. D:

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/15/2010 1:16:59 >
DF  Post #: 105
8/15/2010 2:50:33   


Will you people come up with more creative returning entrances?

(Smashes through wall in Giant mecha, uses Hypersonic Soundwaves to slow The Horde, shoots a pile of Left socks out of one of the cannon to Keep Cysero distracted, shoots pure pink to scare Artix, does lots of other clever stuff such as create a magic dampening feild, smashes the chain keeping Supertails locked up, and covers all the walls, floors and celings in butter.) OKAY SUPERTAILS, THIS IS A BREAKOUT, GET IN THE THE MECH AND MOVE MOVE MOVE!
...well...that was definitely probably most likely the most creative entrance I have seen here. XD *gets in the mech!*

We only have time to free one more AK, I wil leave it up to you. Who will it be? If you can't pick favorites, pick one who you think will be useful to the cause!
Hmm...hmmmm...all of them!

Okay! (frees AK Supertails suggests)
...haha you freed them all even though you said we could only free one more. :D

I thought I was in there already! Uhh...*regets in!*

Okay, that should do it... Wait, what's that on the horizon?
That is the sun! That comes up sometimes in the morning!

IT'S THE DRAGONFLY HORDE! Blast, we forgot to calculate how to stop the LEGS workling! STill, at least they are not flying, so THAT did the job!
...wait...wait, what about legs? ...I'm confused...

Sorry guys, I gotta leave you. If she catches me, she gets her hand on an Important Resistence member, and we don't want that! I will try to make another attempt later, just set the mech to explode before you leave it if this does not work, okay? (Teleports out leaving a EMP)
...oh I see how it is. Fine. Fine, go. >:l

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/16/2010 3:37:27 >
DF  Post #: 106
8/15/2010 3:27:09   

* Inserts a creative, witty and original I'm back type of sentence*

Best RPG out there?
Hmm...I don't know. The one I can remember enjoying most is Final Fantasy X, but...that seems kinda boring right now just 'cause of how much I'd played it. It's hard to say...I'm terrible at picking favourites for things. XD

You play any MMORPG's?
Nope. Probably would if my computer wasn't a 5+-year old piece of junk. D: ;

That's all from me.
Alright, seeya! :D

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/16/2010 3:40:24 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 107
8/15/2010 8:17:47   
Retired & Relaxing

Oh Em Gee, first post! :D
Yep! First 108th post! Congrats! :D

Hiyas Supertails, How're you today?
Right now? It's confusing and I'm really not even sure how I am. :D;

Did you know I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me.
...I would normally slap someone for a pun like that, but that was actually really funny. XD!

How's being an Arch Knight?
It's great! It comes with its share of work and worries, but I think it's worth it. :P

Alrighty, thanks for the Fabulous MtAK!
N'aww, thank all you guys for making this MtAK fabulous! :D


< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/16/2010 3:44:25 >
AQW  Post #: 108
8/15/2010 8:34:10   

Twilly isn't feeling good. So I came back for more questions.
Well Twilly was lying to me so he deserves it. ;-;

DS, easily. :P

*winner of that question* or playstation 2
That one's actually hard...I'm...gonna...have to go with...neither! Since the next question beats them both and I'll skip to that.

*winner of that question* or Playstation 3
Playstation 3. :D

*winner of that question* or Xbox 360
Playstation 3, still. I love it. :D

Now what was the ultimate game console?
The Wii!

There is an assistant in a butcher shop, he is 6 feet tall and has size 9 shoes. what does he weigh?
Meat. :D


Dont get it? If he works in a butcher shop, that's what he weighs.

I win. :D

Start abusing your powers, And congratioufreakinglations on AKship
I'll abuse my powers if I want to, I can leave my friends behind. 'Cause my friends don't abuse their powers and if they don't abuse their powers well they're...no friends of mine.

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:18:44 >


AQ DF  Post #: 109
8/15/2010 9:09:48   

Hey Supertails!
Hey Dudes!

How are ya?
I'm pretty good, you? :D

...you're...diddly? You mean...Diddy? Like, P. Diddy? D:

Oh, you're Quagmire...okay...

Er.....is my signature too big?
Nope! Could be a liiiittle bigger, actually, but keep it like that! :P

Nice to talk to you!
You too!



< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:20:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 110
8/15/2010 10:38:53   

Hmm...I supposse this can't be too personal...What age group to you belong to?

What's the first letter of your name?
Somewhere between A-Z! :D

How many...bedrooms do you have...?
...are you trying to imply I'm so large that I have to have several bedrooms? ;~;

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:21:47 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 111
8/15/2010 12:58:30   

Wow, I don't go on here very much, but you're an AK man! Since you're in a position of power, I can't trust you unless I understand your issues on some pressing concerns.
As your resident AK, I will do my best to answer any and all queries you have! *salute*

1. Would you agree that Starcraft is a disease and should be treated like one? Much like alcoholism, except worse.
Hmm...quite possibly. Let's just change that to World of Warcraft instead. :P

2. Do you prefer fine or felt tip Sharpies better?
I...I don't know the diff-...er...I mean...fine. Fine. I mean, I prefer fine, not...I'm not saying fine. Fine? Fine. D: ;;

3. What is your take on the Coke for $1 at McDonalds?
I love it. It makes going there so worth it. Well, so do the fries, but that's just pudding on the turkey.

4. I read somewhere that lobbying is one of the biggest investments a company can make. I'm pretty sure lots of big businesses lobby now, but could you possibly tell me what Bubble Shack would lobby for?
Bubble Shack would lobby...to...have me in power. Why wouldn't they? I...I love...bubbles...and...and...Shacks... D: ;;

5. If an object doesn't exist to you, but everyone else can perceive it as objective reality, is it still real? Keep in mind you cannot have an objective reality without your own perceptive reality.
No, because what I say is final since I'm in power. :D

6. Since our countries are separated by racial and religious differences, what is your approach to engaging our great enemy Canada?
First, I would climb over their giant wall and fight through the hordes of velociraptors and vicious moose to reach their emperor, and then offer a sacrifice of five shells to their god, and hope that appeases them some.

7. Would you rather be able to roll up into a ball like an armadillo or shoot an ink defense?
I can do both! Wanna see? :D

That's all for now. Peace!
Peace indeed!

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:26:56 >
AQ DF  Post #: 112
8/15/2010 13:44:24   

Dun dun Dun!Hey Supertails! .....Congratz on being an AK! Maybe you'll be a mod soon :D
Let's not get our hopes up! But thanks! :D

Anyway..... <_< >_> <_< >_> I'll try to give you a Chaos Emerald from Sonic, okay?
...okay? Thanks!


(still,is my sig too big? )

Still no! :P

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:29:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 113
8/15/2010 15:32:30   


So... NOW what's your color code?


Hmmm... ok, I'll provide answers, and you provide questions!

1)What is it that you do when apples are in a tank of water, and you stick your face in to try and grab some with your mouth?

2)In a popular song by the "Baha Men", what animal was let out, provoking further investigation upon this mysterious release throughout the song?

3)____ off?

4)Would you rather drive a hummer or a Learjet to work every day?
Actually, neither. I prefer the environmentally green approach.

5)Weirdest story about giving birth in your grandparents' house?
Well, there was the time my grandparents found out that a cat had snuck into their house and given birth.

6)Have you dabbled in petty theft lately? Or...the opposite of...pettty...theft? Just say it like "no I have not..." then insert whatever you did so you can't get in trouble for it.
No, I have not stolen any giant coffee tables lately.

7)Umm...do...you like...cheese?
...That's a personal question.

8)I'm happy now! What's the colour of the sky? What's the colour of your shirt? What's the colour of Mars? What's the colour of the middle of a Tootsie Pop? What's the colour of the middle of the middle of a Tootsie Pop? Yay?!
Hey! I don't like you attitude! And you asked too many questions!

Had fun?
That was actually one of the more interesting and fun segments I'd gotten to do here yet, honestly. XD

See ya later!

And quit asking personal questions!

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:49:26 >
DF  Post #: 114
8/15/2010 15:40:52   

Congrats Supes ^^,
Thanks, Helix! Nice to see you around again, finally!

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:50:28 >
AQ DF  Post #: 115
8/15/2010 17:23:11   

I have congratulated you several times, and gave you an abundance of snuggles, but I feel like I should bombard you with questions now!
You very much should!

1.) What's your favourite part of the OOC?
The main section of it. There's always interesting discussion there and is generally the part I'm most active in. :D

2.) How are you finding being an AK??
I like it! It's tough sometimes, and I get worried I might offend someone or put them off, but overall it's fun. :D

3.) What can I smell?
My armpit. :3

Bet that'll get ya! Mwahaha!
*disappears into the mist*

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:53:15 >
AQ  Post #: 116
8/15/2010 19:12:00   

Wow man. You been around here for as long as I have. Congratulations.
Oooor longer. Maybe. Hopefully. Don't let there be *another* person here longer than me and make me the third oldest. ;___;

Dont really know what to say. But its nice to see people I remember being AKed and such. Soooo again Congrats :))
Aww, thanks! :D

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:54:20 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 117
8/15/2010 20:29:39   

Did someone say we had lame entrances?
*BOOM* *Wall explodes to reveal a giant shark falling from the sky which is then tackled by a Dinosaur. They then land on the ground as a car drives off of the shark, catches on fire, and explodes to reveal Bruce Lee who tears open the air revealing a giant wheel which is struck by lightning revealing Billy Mays who shouts which causes a plane to crash and I step out.
With a hat.
Made of solar systems.*

Uhh...wow...umm...that...was definitely...extremely fun to picture.

1:Was that entrance good enough for you?
No. I demand even BETTER. >:l

2:Come on, it had Lee, BILLY MAYS, and Dinosaurs, what else could it need?
Don't say Bat Warthog man please...or zombies...*Waits for the inevitable "Bat-Warthog Man ZOMBIE!" *
...it needed Charles Nelson Reilly. And maybe John McClane. ;__;

3:If you had to go into a battle with one weapon, what would it be?

4:Favorite Dr.McNinja issue and why?
I really, really don't know. There are way too many amazing ones...so I'll just pick "all of them". @__@

5:What kind of stories do you generally write?
Hmm...no specific kind...my favourite has to do with psychological stuff, but I'll generally write almost anything...just whatever comes to mind and seems fun and/or interesting at the time. :D

6:Like CheeseCake?
omgyes <3

7:How long do MTAK threads generally last? Cuz, ya know, I need to be able to annoy you on EVERY page ^_^
Today's the last day. Been a week. :P

Aloha, and I DIDN'T LISTEN FOR 10 HOURS STRAIGHT, even when I don't have a life, I have one.

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 3:59:25 >
DF MQ  Post #: 118
8/16/2010 0:26:31   

I'm baaack!

So this time, I came.. with questions!
Ooh! I haven't gotten to answer any of those yet, this'll be exciting! :D

How's AKing?
It's pretty great! I'm glad I said yes. :D

What's your favorite color? (aside from green...)
Hmm...dang that's a hard one. Uhh...fuchsia? That just...is spelled and sounds so cool. D:

What make you sooooo super?
Seriously? All you gotta do is look at me to find that out. :D

That's all, bye! :D
Alright, seeya! :P

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 4:01:57 >
Post #: 119
8/16/2010 3:27:24   

Oh-ho-ho-ho!!! I'm glad I didn't miss this!
So am I, Santa!

Congratty-latty-lations to you, Supes!! How are the shackles?
Thankitty-thank-ank-danke, sir! The shackles are just fine and skittle-dee-doo, dan-diddle-dy!

It's been a while, so since I last asked: HOW ARE YOU?!?!?

I'm still ignorant as to where you live; USA or UK?
USA! Stop being ignorant! :D

What exactly does xXNameXx mean? I've seen it everywhere. . .
I don't know, just...a way to stylize the name, I guess. Didn't want to use something other than Supertails, since that's how everyone online pretty much knows me, so I just put some stylization around it and stuck with it. :D

Why don't we have any games in common?
Because you are a horrible person. >:l

Having a bit of success amidst the turbulance of women, I'm excited about other peoples' stuff as well. How's Sharon?
Bit of a rough patch right now. We'll live. D: ;

Am I getting too personal?
'Course not. :D

I forgot, was there a question limit?
Seven. >:l

Join me, and we can rule the OOC as AK and forumite!!!
Pfft, I already rule the OOC. You just don't OOSee (HAHA PUN) it yet...and that's the way I want it.

Congratulations once again, sire. Good luck.
Thank you, my knave!

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 4:05:26 >
Post #: 120
8/16/2010 18:54:45   
void dragon master

Let's play a game, eh?
Whatever you say, Jigsaw.

The game is simple, I will ask you a question, You will answer the question.
I don't know if I can do that...

If you answer incorrectly, points will be docked.
Like...docked at a pier? Can I just go get them after they're docked, then?

Don't worry though, you can regain points in the special bonus rounds.
So...so if I get some docked...and then regain them in the bonus round...can I still go get the docked ones at the pier?

Are you ready?
Aye aye, captain! You can't hear meeeeee? AYE AYE, CAPTAIN! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh who live in a-*brick'd*

I probably shouldn't have wasted all my "questions" trying to explain the game...
...you only used up two of your questions. >:l

Congratulations on your AKshippyness.
Thanks! I'm having a great time on the AK Ship. :D

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 4:07:41 >
AQ  Post #: 121
8/18/2010 2:44:54   

I like your avatar.
Why thank you! I put next to no effort into it at all. :D

You're so lovey dovey Supes.
I know, I know. That's why I have the title I do, sir. :P

Not that that's bad.
Oh is that what you were implying before? D:<

How's it feel being an AK?
It's great! Tough, challenging, those are both the same thing, but great!

Are you shackled to Sharon?
It will take more than shackles to keep me away from her. <3

What color are your shackles?
Pink! Only everyone and their mothers has asked that so far, good sir. D:

I suppose.

"I see," said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

Bye... for now. I guess. Maybe.

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 4:09:34 >
AQ DF  Post #: 122
8/18/2010 10:24:47   

Well , i saw the thread a while ago , and decided to post something before you close it .
Well, glad you decided to post at all! :D

I am not that active on the OOC (Well ... that is an underestimation) , but i did not see you that much around :S
Aww, I recognize you, so... :P

Congratulation anyway !
Thank you!

Favorite AE Game ?
AQ, for sure! That said, I don't really play any of them too often, but...when I do, AQ! XD

You have the most explosive forum under your control ... yet i see more flame wars on MQGD ... what did you do to stop all of the flame wars ? Water gun ?
Fire hydrants in every thread. Lots and lots of fire hydrants.

Who told you about the promotion ?
Euky! Just got a PM one day after we'd been talking a bit where she suddenly segued into asking me to be an AK...it was a real "wow" moment for me. XD

Favorite part of the job ? Editing pistol ?
Hmm...being able to help, mostly. I just wanna keep this place as fine as can be. XD

Were are you from ?
The United States of America. :D

Age ?
Sooomewhere between 1-200.

Good luck on your mission , do not forget your editing gun , locking hammer and muting laser !
Thank you! I have all those on my handy-dandy AK utility belt!

Have fun , just wanted to stop by , bother you a little , and say congratz again .... so congratz :D !
Feel free to bother me all you want, it's what I'm here for! And thanks! :D

*Lucky you .... runer is losing his MtAK bothering the AK powers .... grrrr.....
Harhar. :D

Time to play the game !!!!

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 18:39:47 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 123
8/18/2010 12:14:58   

Ok, so I have taken over Google and used it's near infinite amount of money and power to buy myself 5000 swarms of specially trained wasps equipped with robotic flyswatters, AND bought 300 specially trained ant armies for the land attack. On top of this I bought several dozen schools of specially trained fish. Finally, I have a robotic bodyguard that has ultra deadly bug spray guns that do not affect humans, and I have studied defensive magic. NOW am I safe?
Somewhat. I'll just wish you luck and stay out of this. :D

Are you bored?
Mostly horrendously tired. D:

Are there Ostriches in Australia?
I-...umm...knowing Australia, probably twelve-foot flesh-eating ostriches that shoot lasers out of their butt.

How does it feel to know that you are now forever imprisoned, doomed to control other's very actions, to follow tremendously strict guidelines, fearing for your own life, and knowing that you may never see your your friends family again?
Well, I don't have too much an issue with never seeing my friend's family again, but...yeah...it's tough, but it comes with the job and I signed the contract. D:

Want a waffle?
Yes. I would actually very much enjoy that right now.

The Answer is 42. What is the question?
What is 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1?

You are in a dark, empty, cylinder shaped area. You can feel the floor is damp and wet. When you look up, you see an oval of light that illuminates a brown puddle on the floor. You walk up to it, kneel down, and taste it. It is delicious, bubbly flavor... Where are you?!?!
In the middle of a donut!

I just discovered a practical use for the upside down text!

You said that you could see through spoilers while editing, right? So the answer to my question will be upside down! Like in the Happy Meals!
Ooh, is it also gonna be on the bottom of the box?


˙uɐɔ ɐpos ɐ uı ǝɹɐ noʎ

Butbutbut...no fair. D:


Bye! Congratz again and good luck.
Thank you, and congrats on being the last person to post here! :D

< Message edited by Supertails -- 8/18/2010 18:44:28 >
DF  Post #: 124
8/18/2010 18:45:47   

Alright, been a week and some time, so...much as I'd like to leave this open, time for lockage! Thanks guys, and I really look forward to serving you all as best as I can as your AK! Feel free to talk with me anytime if you'd like—I don't bite. Much. :D

*vanishes in a puff of kittens*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 125
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