@Terosin: Right now, there arent any major exp farming spots. The only GOOD one, is Arcade, the others are underwhelming. If the exp per kill was greater, that would GREATLY reduce tedious grinding or if a farming spot was introduced, rather it be like K&S (Where you get healed after each fight) with the same amount of exp now or a special area that gives more exp, would help out greatly. One thing players DONT like, is grinding. I still stick to what I said before. If the quality of the release is improved, size will not matter right now. What does release quality mean? Simply put, dont give us a mecha like Steve Skysplitter, which has no real focus like all the other SCMMs, and does everything I can do with a normal mecha, and instead, give us something unique for that mecha, like how Dragonfire is for DragonGuard or how Dark was for BC Shadow Warrior. I believe that with a small team, you should scale back releases, like what has happened, while still keeping the releases good and meaningful to either the players (IE: Putting in weapons suggested or releasing something that was really needed) or to the game/story (IE: Balancing, more story related content or something that will help the game out over all).