Legendary AdventureGuide!
What do you want Sig or Banner: Sig Background: Black, or something dark Text: Proudly bringing you the Wave Count Update since the Uprising Text Placement: Centered above a picture of the Zardbie Katana from DF Animated Text: To Arms! To Battle! To Victory! Text Placement: Centered below the katana, and animated. I'd like for each sentance to appear and dissapear in succession to each other. (does this make sense?) Font: Italics Font size (if any): Whatever works :) Font Color: Dark/medium shade of purple, or black with a purple glowish thing going on Size: Of the siggy? Max. PM when done: Yes please If you cannot get all of the text to fit in the sig, then an animated text like the second example by Theo would work fine with the katana in the background. Do whichever you think looks best/would be eaiser for you to make. I'm looking foward to seeing it, and thanks in advance :)