Dak Maul
What do you want Sig or Banner: Sig, don't be afraid to go beyond normal battleon forum size here, this sig isn't for this site. Render: http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/2008/5/DPC1_Tyranid_Warrior_by_yakface-03020011.jpg This, but only the lower right creature, and please not the box surrounding the image. Render Placement: Right hand side Background: http://www.deviantart.com/download/106788953/Tyranid_Hive_Ship_by_Zen_Master.jpg This. Text: HIVE FLEET TYPHON Text Placement: Wherever you see fit, Font: Ultimate Midnight. Or something else really B.A. lookin', if you can get it. Font size (if any): Whatever you see fit. Font Color: Preferably some shade of blue, but so long as it stands out against the background and doesn't look femmy, it's all good. Size: Like I said, won't be going here, so however big it needs to be to look good, while not being so ludicrously big that your typical forum will reject it, should be fine. PM when done: Yes, please.