I'm back! =3 For the last time in the thread. =( Ok! Questions.. let me think.. I know! Riddles. =3 Oh dear, i'm exhausted... this isn't going to go well. :P Maybe I'll already know a few... 1) What gets wet, but makes dry? I've heard this one. A towel. It absorbs the water, thus getting wet, while drying you off. 2) If I tell you "Everything I say to you will be a lie," is it possible to determine if I am lying or telling the truth? Lie. No one can always tell the truth. I'm not gonna bother trying to explain the actual answer. :P 3) A boy has a peculiar quirk; he repeats everything he hears. However, when his father said dinner was at six, the boy said nothing. Why? hmmm.... he didn't hear him obviously. the key phrase is "everything he hears", so the when the boy said nothing, its a dead give away that he didn't hear his father. 4) A woman was born in 1960. She is alive and well today, but is only 25 years old. How is this possible? Because I traveled through time to the year 1985? Perfectly plausible. 5) When is this sentence true: There are eleven letters in the alphabet. Yep, "T H E A L P H A B E T". There, eleven letters. 6) What is wrong with this statement? Its a question. 7) What is the only word in the English language that ends in mt? Acronyms don't count I suppose. That would mean dreamt. 8) What do a racecar and kayak have in common? they both spell the same work backwards as forwards. (this one took a while) 9) Bill is drinking water. Alan is drinking tea. There are only these two drinks available. When Julie joins them, she wants something to drink too, and sees that there are just two choices. Does Julie drink water or tea? Yes, she does. They are the only two options. Personally, I say she should drink tea. its yummy. 10) Almost everyone needs it, and yet almost nobody takes it, even when it is available. What is it? I have no clue. Oh, yay! answers! amazing my brain halfway worked due to exhaustion. XD Answers: spoiler:
1. A towel. 2. Yes, I have to be lying, because if I were not, my statement would be true, meaning it would have to be a lie, thus becoming a paradox. However, I can be lying about some things, and this is one of them. 3. Obviously he didn't hear him. 4. She was born in the town of 1960 25 years ago. 5. When "the alphabet" is in quotation marks. (count the letters) 6. It's not a statement, it's a question. 7. Dreamt. 8. They are both spelled the same forward and backward. Or palindromes. 9. Yes. 10. Advice. Last one from me. Congratulations (again) and have fun in the Q&A. ^_^ Thanks!
< Message edited by Gianna Glow -- 10/20/2010 14:55:58 >