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RE: =MtAK= Alaina Spreading the Pink to AQW GD!

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10/14/2010 8:23:21   

Lainie D=

Why no cookie? v.v Umm... mine!

Oh, and Alaina is your real name? Awesome :D Indeed it is.

Why do you have an obsession with Kitties? :3 I love kitties. I haz cat in real life.

Has ScottRick ever RickRolled you? ;3 Lol. No.

Bye again xD


< Message edited by Alaina -- 10/14/2010 16:17:41 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 51
10/14/2010 8:25:59   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Alaina!!!1! Digi!!!1!!11!1

Gratz on another board. Thank you!

Going well so far?, i see AQW GD is a busy place for busy posters. Yes, I'm loving it but I like the busy. ^^

Wants a cookie? Yes.

Oh you don't? All mine then ^___^ D:

You can have a internet instead :o better than any cookie. Okay. :3

< Message edited by Alaina -- 10/14/2010 16:20:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 52
10/14/2010 8:47:18   

What do signature's taste like? Eggs.

Do you like then with ketchup? No.

Or mustard? No.

Siggy sandwich maybe? Yes.

What's your favourite food? Last time I asked an AK, it was foreign... Shrimp.

Are you currently reading a book? If so, what book is it? I'm reading Artemis Fowl (Book 3) :D I am not.

< Message edited by Alaina -- 10/15/2010 14:11:44 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 53
10/14/2010 9:13:26   

SILENCE! is SoftServe's turn to speak

oh look! an AK with expanded territory....

should i be afraid? Of me? Lol! No... ._.

i would give you a cookie/cake/pie/dessert item but i feel that you will gain some weight off this thread.... i got you a treadmill instead /gives treadmill Er... thanks. What I always wanted... Not really. Can I have cash next time? :P

pink is an amazing color C:

have fun, bye o:

OH LOOK! Softserve is done, you may resume your speaking now

< Message edited by Alaina -- 10/15/2010 14:13:39 >


Post #: 54
10/14/2010 9:15:08   

Hi Alaina!

I'm gonna take advantage and use all of my ten questions! :D

Did you get your name, Alaina first or did Alina get her name first? I had mine first. I remember when she changed hers.

Do you prefer the how the AQW community was in 2008, 2009, or now in 2010? All. It's hard to like just one year.

Lions, tigers, or bears(...oh my!)? Tigers.

Would you rather be famous actress who was such a role model to others and was highly respected, but had very little money or a senator who was hated by her country and always had to have body guards, yet she was richer than even Bill Gates? I rather be the actress. Money can't replace satisfaction.

Dawn or dusk? Dusk.

Do you see yourself going far in life? Yes.

Do you think the name, Lorkade sounds any good? (Be honest) I like it.

When do you think you'll quit AQW? I have no idea.

Is love overrated? Sometimes.

If you woke up and found a penguin sitting next to you, what would be your first words? No words. Just screaming.

Okay, well those are my ten bizarre, random questions. Congratulations to you and BattleOn!!

~ Lorkade

< Message edited by Alaina -- 10/15/2010 14:19:55 >


AQW  Post #: 55
10/14/2010 12:44:23   

AHHHHHHHHHH, the pink! It buuuuuuuuuuurns! D:

Just kidding. =P Great to have you in the GD! :D
I'm loving it so far!

Got your multiple weapons ready for all of the different flavours of spam? :o
Yus sir!

I haven't really got any questions...
It's okay.

But here, take a cookie! *hands one over*

Well, good luck. :)
Thanks! ^^

See you later. Bye!

< Message edited by Alaina -- 10/15/2010 14:22:53 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 56
10/14/2010 13:10:06   
Canis lupus dingo

YAYYYYY! The pink !!!! It shinyyyyy!!!!! Yes!

I'm not kidding. :P *done imitating Cguy*

Looking forward to working with you in GD! ^^ It's gonna be fun!

No questions, just came by to say my congratulations.

Oh right... Congratz! ^^ Lol. Thanks! ^^

< Message edited by Alaina -- 10/15/2010 14:25:04 >
DF AQW  Post #: 57
10/14/2010 13:39:53   

Hello, Alaina! Not sure if you remember me but I remember you (I have great memory!)

1st id like to say congratz on AKship.

Then I'd like to ask some questions!

How long have you been playing aqw for?

Do you have an account on any other AE games?

And....what do you think of the milt items overall?

Anyway....i'l probz be back on the next page....maybe
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 58
10/14/2010 16:15:55   


Is your avatar Nocturne (from X-men)?

What is your favorite food.

I can not think of many more questions about you :/
Post #: 59
10/14/2010 17:53:22   


i always thought spreading pink was beleens job...

congratz on the archknight extension



Teamwork is always a great idea. it gives other people
to shoot at~COD4

AQW  Post #: 60
10/14/2010 18:15:43   

Whats MtAK?
What is the meaning of life?
Do AKs really delete posts when the opinions in those posts dont reflect their own opinions(some people say this is so)
Why do you like the color pink?
Do you think men who wear pink and arent skateboarders are "real men"?
Where is the beef?
Can i be a mod?

< Message edited by jakyracer255 -- 10/14/2010 18:37:23 >
DF MQ  Post #: 61
10/14/2010 18:19:43   

ok ten Q's
how many times a day do you check the forum?
How did you learn about aqw?
Favorite mod
Has anyone tried to hack your account?
Favorite Rpg not including artix entertainment games
Favorite armor
Favorite school subject
favorite hockey team
Do you have a pet other than a cat?
Did you like my pink cookie?

< Message edited by dogarefat -- 10/14/2010 22:51:00 >
Post #: 62
10/14/2010 19:05:00   

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!*ahem, cough*
what would you say if you found out that im hiding a stash of a hundred bazillion self replicating cookies of all types?
why do you like pink so much?
would you turn evil if that was the only way too ever have access to pink again
do you realize how much your avatar creeps me out
ok im done dont want too be a nosy nelly
BATTLEON, BATTLEOFF, LONG UNLIVE THE SHADOWSYTHE, AND.............!!!!!!!!!!!!! what was i saying?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 63
10/14/2010 19:56:53   

Well Hello again

May I ask more questions?

Do you think AE should make BattleOFF a permanent zone and add to it?

Why did Cysero call Ledgermayne a he, thought we had it as a known fact that this Chaos Lord was an IT?

Oh here is some pink.

Have a Good Day
Post #: 64
10/14/2010 20:25:49   

Hey, Alaina! Don't know if you remember me, but I posted in your first MtAK thread in the AQW suggestions. Also, you might wanna watch the cookies, I heard this rumor they make you fat now, lies, right? RIGHT?!

Anyways, I've already asked you all the questions I could think of in your other thread, so... WAIT, got some

Cookies or cake?

If the answer to everything is 42, then why is 42 42?

Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris?

Yeah, weird questions, but that's who I am, anyways, congrats on the promotion, see you around, and good luck
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 65
10/14/2010 22:23:53   

Hey alaina!

What is better, bacon flavored waffles, or waffle flavored bacon?

Did you know green is awesomer than pink? It is scientifically proven by scientifical people who do scientifical stuff for a living... Scientifically.

Are you aware of the oncoming invasion of the Mutant Zombie Cyborg Waffles?

Resistance is futile. Prepare to become Wafflesimilated.

Thats about it.

~Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, and hide ya husband, cuz the Mutant Zombie Cyborg Waffles eatin everybody out there.


Bye Alaina!


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 66
10/15/2010 0:11:59   
Lord Sephiroth

Hello Alaina!

Congrats on your engagement to Rolith (he's a lucky guy)!

So black, pink or a mix of both?

Only thelegofan would ask a question dealing with Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee.

If you need another programmer, I'm in training for that (So to speak. Taking college classes for that actually).

Sierra Mist or Sprite?

I have some ideas to add to AQW (mainly armor weapons and monsters). I'll pm those to you when I get a chance to.

That's pretty much all I've got so far.

-Sephiroth Surika
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 67
10/15/2010 5:02:44   

Hiya Alaina!

Congratz on becoming AK!

So any plans of world domination?

You really like pink a lot don't you?

Is there an interesting back story to your love of pink or is it as simple as it seems?

Cookie? (v^.^)>o

Peanut Butter is the answer!

I noticed poem on the last page. You like poetry?

If so, who's you your most favorite poet of all time?

Well kudos again on becoming an AK. See ya!

< Message edited by TheUnsungHero -- 10/15/2010 5:11:56 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
10/15/2010 6:18:24   
Crystal Lion

Oh, hello there...

I don't think you like my story that much, assuming you know who I am.


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 69
10/15/2010 9:57:35   

pink buddeh partner that is going to help me pinkruppt the AQW GD :D


Remember me, from like, 2 pages ago? :o

May my tercessuinotlim discussion thread become official and tagged? :D

Are you as bored as I am?

Can I pinkruppt Cguy? :D

What happens if I break you outta ur cell?

*throws a brick hard enough to break the bars and runs*

it was him *points to a person* person: no I didn't D:


Ima farm more essences for DBoM bye :3

and don't forget....

Be pink :D

< Message edited by jrobot2 -- 10/15/2010 9:58:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 70
10/15/2010 10:53:21   

Hey Alaina
congratz on promotion
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 71
10/15/2010 11:08:30   

Hey Alaina!

I know how much you (seem to) like these MtAK threads but i'm not the one for asking questions... :/

Besides which I can see you any time anyway. ^.^

Congratulations on the promotion :)

Good luck with your scrupulously exasperating fun and awshump (My personalised word for awesome) MtAK thread, its already nearly longer than your original one. :P

Cya Alaina ;) *Gives Alaina a Cookie and runs off*


< Message edited by shump -- 10/15/2010 12:43:44 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 72
10/15/2010 11:12:52   


If you're ArchKnight, can i be a Knight?

Have fun, keep creeps in bay!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 73
10/15/2010 11:21:03   

Congratsulations on the ArchKnight Ship.

Buhbye now



Addicted to Everybody Edits. You should try it. Everybody Edits
Post #: 74
10/15/2010 11:48:25   

Hey! Congratz!

You know me(of course not, cuz no one does) :D

Why blue? Is there a story behind it?

Good luck!


Post #: 75
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