He Who Lurks
Titan: #1:There are quite a few systems already in place to discourage players from running. Too many runs and you get suspended. #2:Armor Level ranges coming Friday! Equip armors 4 lvls earlier (Armors will offer max protection once you reach the top of the range) #3:Epic Update today! Armor lvl ranges - gun and zooka enhancements, new train station, new npc, more balance, reduced enhancement prices +++ #4:ALL guns and zookas will have enhancement slots, rare items of course have more slots #5:(Summary of number five, not Titan's exact words)Oz gets a lesson in grammar(al is changed to all). #6:Testing the update right now! It's looking really good, soooo many changes in this release! #7:Some limited qty shops will replenish with the release tonight... we should be rolling by 6-7pm ET #8:Testing right now, almost wrapped up... should be rolling within and hour or so. #9:UPDATE IS LIVE Armor Lvl Ranges, Gun and Zooka enhancements, new Train Station, Naomi NPC, and the RARE Bunny Borg Armor all live! Dang, I was to late while the update had already started about 3 minutes ago.