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RE: Epic Duel 2011- What do you expect in the next year?

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12/31/2010 2:50:01   

I would like to see a war like bounty hunters vs Tech mages vs Warrior, would be pretty cool :D
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
12/31/2010 3:04:16   

Team up release with other AQ games.
Some storyline to as why we are battling (Like Shadowscythe in MQ)
Some origins quest with a reward for finishing it.
Maybe a training area section for newbies, like MQ with basic entry gear as a reward.
Enhancements re adjust option for items already enhanced.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
12/31/2010 4:21:18   
Boo Pl

EDIT: ento 7amir 2w heblon ya debaba
Post #: 28
1/1/2011 2:18:26   

some way to step down as founder and leave faction without disbanding the it.
Epic  Post #: 29
1/1/2011 2:59:03   

1. Wars
2. Varium sell-back
3. Story
4. Varium difference among weapons
5. New graphics
6. Different Battle Modes
7. More Robots
8. Weekly releases
9. New Rank (Emperor+)
10. Level Cap increase
11. Class Balencing
12. More NPC's
13. More Achievements
14. Log out button
15. Having more than 1 epicduel account on a master account
16.Cheaper Varium
17. More Classes
18. Houses
19. Different types of bikes
20. Character Pages
Post #: 30
1/1/2011 12:39:55   

let's see...

  • Varium sellback
  • New designs
  • A in game story line
  • A second transport hub (train station) with all new area's (probably with a fortune city expansion, or in a different city)
  • Quests/missions
  • At least level 35
  • New area expansions (like bazaar. maybe whatever is behind the door the shadow guards are in front of, Further mine expansion.)
  • A practical solution to faction war cannons (something that will benefit the faction that fires them)
  • Some of my idea's to make it in game =D

Those are off the top of my head, I'll try to think of more later.

< Message edited by xxXSatanic_AbyssXxx -- 1/1/2011 12:40:59 >


Post #: 31
1/1/2011 13:14:43   

1. A talking turkey named Tim

That is all

Post #: 32
1/2/2011 9:01:33   
Legendary Dragonlord

To get the 3500 battle tokens I was "Rewarded" for being a Beta Tester/Player.
No sign of it anywhere...lying Battleon Portal :(.
DF  Post #: 33
1/2/2011 9:11:21   
Lightning Speed!

1. New Classes
2. 2v1 Battle mode
3. Earn-able Achievements
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
1/2/2011 9:52:36   
Fay Beeee

Skins. :)

So I can get a hat but keep my hair.
Epic  Post #: 35
1/2/2011 9:56:48   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Not a great deal of things come to mind, but here's a select few.

- A higher level cap, either 35-40 or somewhere around there.
- Maybe a new class, no idea what type :P
- The ability to the change hair colour etc without Varium.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
1/2/2011 10:22:10   
Blade of Chaos

^ wow he read my mind :O

with all the money I have spend changing my colors I think I can buy a $50 package :)

< Message edited by Blade of Chaos -- 1/2/2011 10:23:41 >
Post #: 37
1/2/2011 11:48:07   
ED Prince of Shadows

@Angels, you're ruining a possitive thread =/
@Blade She went sour after the heal loop nerf that resulted in a HUGE flame war on EDF

I would like:
-Earnable achievements
-Purposes for 1. Houses 2. Hover bikes and 3. Achievements/rating points
-Higher level cap
-More class specific weapons
-Less nerfs more buffing
-More ranks (Like in-between commander-emperor and emperor-legend
-Expansions on areas (behind shadow guard, to the right of mirv, and the closed elevator next to lawman)
-Less or no more enhancement slots
-A new battle mode

< Message edited by ED Prince of Shadows -- 1/2/2011 11:49:38 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 38
1/2/2011 14:11:46   
Mr. Black OP

heres what i want:
1) a create class, you pick random skills from the 3 base classes and then make your own custom class (of course it will take a long time to implement due to everyone could make an OP one)
2) 2v1
3)survival mode
4) varium sell backs
5) more levels
6) varium prices reduced (like 50%-75% cause even then its expensive)
7) being able to pick a partner for 2v2 out of battle like the challenge button u 2 get into same 1v1 but u wld get into same 2v2
8) more boss fights

and @above
was she a heal loopin mage?

< Message edited by zman 2 -- 1/2/2011 14:13:49 >
Epic  Post #: 39
1/2/2011 17:30:54   
Tiago X

^ Yes, but a BH firstly.
To get my account back.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 40
1/4/2011 23:03:13   
icemaster 77

Actually RandomForumer, the stats on varium weapons are 75% to 100% more than non-varium weapons. 25% reduce in stats for varium weapons are fine and will balance the game. There's no different in damage for both types of weapons.


Go to this link if you want to hear Irish music:

MQ AQW  Post #: 41
1/4/2011 23:50:51   

Varium Sell back
cheaper varium pack price
option for a monthly membership

No more enhancement (like on new item gun, aux, robot, bike)
reduction of the varium price for enhancement
new retraining window
Ballyhoo (you view add, for credit and a chance of 5 varium, like in all other games)
The so long promised new battle modes
Pick your team mate mode for 2-2 (new battle mode)
New class
Balance the stat support.
New Robot
A use for house, like you can store item in a house, in a chest (credit item)
use for bike, like a race mini game

< Message edited by Polandor -- 1/4/2011 23:52:02 >
Post #: 42
1/5/2011 3:18:28   

The game has started as a 3 enthusiastic men team and a nice bunch of early supporters, but now it is already old enough, so I think more serious facts must be achieved, not only "new non-varium claws" or "arrange achievements".

These are my thoughts of what must be achieved as soon as possible.

1. Not just announcements like "Tournaments! 2vs1! more to come..." but a consistent long-term strategy to improve the game, attract more players and keep existing players.

2. ED team enlargement.

3. Make varium really worth buying, and make up some intelligent ways to attract more varium purchases, not only releasing better and better weapons every month and throwing expensive recently-released weapons obsolete. Varium should be considered an investment, and players' investments must be equally protected - not protecting some people (e.g. founders) investments forever and ruining others' investments in 2 months. Right now varium is not worth buying - for 10$ you can only buy a weapon, which is very likely to become obsolete in 2 months.

4. Server population increase to 2000 players - to have a larger player population on the same server in order to be able to implement fair 30-32 fights.

5. Weapons and armors max level requirement lowered to 5 levels below cap level - what ever cap level is at one moment - in order to avoid lower level players being crushed by cap level players.

< Message edited by Drianx -- 1/5/2011 3:19:50 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 43
1/5/2011 3:41:09   
My Name is Jake

- Balanced classes so not one class is better than the rest.
- Varium sellback.
- 2v1 Battlemode.
- Lowered varium prices, and possibly the prices of weaponary that costs varium to cost no more than 800 varium and as more powerful equipment is released, increase the credit price, as such 10k varium would last longer.
- Lower the prices of varium and credit enhancements.
- A level difference of 3 levels instead of 5 in battles and in 2v2 battles all players should be within 3 levels of eachother.

That's what I'm hoping for. :|

< Message edited by Jake01 -- 1/5/2011 4:26:01 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 44
12/11/2011 8:40:36   

IM Shocked when i read this O_O !
Almost everything that written here happen to ED in 2011!
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 45
12/11/2011 8:42:08   
Gepard Acht

spammer rarton :P
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 46
12/11/2011 9:54:04   
Spectating from the Sidelines

Original Post List
Here is mine list:
1)I hope that there will be new boss fights 2vs 1.
2) More weapons! There still isn't a lvl 32 non-varium energy auxilary.
3)3 more lvl's to lvl up. That would make the max lvl 35. 2 were added
4)Even more achievements. I hope I will have a chance to become 6 stars. Right now I have 26 860 and if there won't be any new achievements then there is no way I could get 6 stars.
5)I hope there will be more then 6 stars. Just so that I could have another target for myself.
6)New and cool Npcs!
7)Fay Beee reaches 100 000 wins and all of as see a new rank above emperor.
8) ............ I forgot the rest!

I think your list was pretty acurate!
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 47
12/11/2011 9:54:34   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Please don't bump threads that are older than 2 weeks. That's considered necro-posting and are not allowed.

Locking this up, since this thread has been dead since January.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
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