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(DF) San Robin's lyrics , Poems, Quests and Stories

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1/6/2011 8:30:59   
  San Robin

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Use CTRL + f to fill in the codes (Ie "(ST 001)"=Three brothers, two enemies, one war)

stories (ST)
-Three brothers, two enemies, one war (ST 001)
Quests (QST)
-Temple of cake (QST 001)
-High Skyer (QST 002)
-The switch (QST 003)
-Typo Quest (QST 004)
-The fourth wall (QST 005)
-The spam Fighters (QST 006)
-The Elections (QST 007)
-The guide (QST 008)
-The rocking medicine (QST 009)
-Craft games (QST 010)
-Rock hard quest (QST 011)
-Cheesy Quest (QST 012)
-Corrupted (QST 013)
-Bubblegum (QST 014)
-Angry poet (QST 015)
-The FWW (QST 016)
-Don't wanna (QST 017)
-Rapunsel (QST 018)
-April fools(QST 019)
-The Bacon orb(QST 020)
-CSI Falconreach(QST 021)
-Little red floor hero (QST 022)
Quests Chains (QC)
Coming soon...
Joke Quests(JQ)
-The chish (JQ 001)

Three brothers, two Enemies, one war(ST 001)

Part 1 : The reunion

It was a cold Friday morning,
The Triplets Ichi Robin,Ni Robin , and San Robin where all together to celebrate Frostval.
The names have a small story behind them , their parents only expected one child who they wanted to call “Robin” but they got 3 instead, So to keep a somehow original name they put the Japanese number 1 to 3 in front of the names.
They hadn’t seen each other since they each gone their own way long ago.
Ichi Robin went to train as a Mage,
Ni Robin trained as a Warrior,
San Robin trained as a Rogue.
Apart from their names,looks and blood there was another thing they shared, They could all easily train other classes like Necromancer , dragonlord and ranger.
At the moment they all where Doomknights.

Hey guys long time no see! How are you doing? Said Ichi Robin.
I’m doing great! There’s a lot of need for warriors lately! said Ni Robin
Are they looking for mages too? Asked Ichi Robin.
Yeah and the pay is great! was the response of Ni Robin.
You guys really only do this stuff for the money? Asked San Robin.
What about all the villagers who don’t have enough money to pay for your help, but are in need of help nonetheless?
There will be another fool that will help them ! Said Ni Robin.
Agreed! said Ichi Robin
Well you don’t know what you’re missing! Monsters drop a lot of gold to you know! San Robin starts to get angry at his brothers , He looked forward to seeing them again but now he wants them to just leave again!
Ichi Robin saw San Robin getting angry and tried to calm him down, relax! He said, You know what? We will form a party and go with you on your next quest!
We are? Ni Robin Just realised what his brother promised and wasn’t to happy with it.
Yes we are! was the response.
Then let the feast begin! San Robin Said.

The feast was delicious and when they where done they felt really drowsy.
What’s happening? Aksed Ni Robin
I don’t know! Said San Robin
I know this feeling! It’s a sleeping potion! Said Ichi Robin , I’m A mage I can know it , I make these kind of potions!
Just when San Robin Almost collapsed He saw a strange figure coming at them.
After that everything went black.

Part 2: the awakening

They woke up in a strange place on a concrete floor,
Where are we? asked Ni Robin.
I don’t know but I want to get out as soon as possible! Ichi Robin Said
San Robin looks around and says :It looks like some kind of factory, and.. , are those moglins?
They all looked at the direction San Robin Pointed at ,
Moglins where chained to big poles while operating large machines.
We have to help them! San Robin Said.
Cant we just run away? said Ni Robin
Remember the promise you made to me? Asked San Robin, I get to choose the next quest and you guys will help me!
Ichi Robin already regretted the promise he made earlier , but he was an honest guy , Okay we will help you… He said with a sigh.
Good! Said San Robin
But when he tried to stand up he noticed the chain wrapped around his ankle,
What the? We are chained too!
No kidding Einstein , Said Ni Robin, You really thought we just could walk away from here, after someone went to the trouble of getting us here?
No need to Argue with each other , Said Ichi Robin, I can get us loose with a small spel.
Ichi Robin starts to say some words neither Ni Robin Or San Robin Understands.
Suddenly the Chains become as cold as ice,
Okay Ni Robin, use your strength to break the chains.
With a firm sweep Ni Robin breaks the chains.
Okay now that’s done lets save those moglins! San Robin Said.
They run to the moglins and start to free them ,
After all off the moglins where saved they ran to the door.
Once outside they couldn’t believe their eyes,
A huge war was raging!
And not just a war! Hero’s where fighting Plushies!
What happened when we where out? Asked Ichi Robin.
I don’t know but apparently saving the moglins was just the beginning of our quest! Said San Robin.
He looked at his brothers, are you in for a war?
Oh yeah! Said Ichi Robin, Lets do this.
If I have to… sighed Ni Robin.
Lets go then! San Robin Yelled!
Together they ran into the war while chopping up the plushies that got in their way.

Part 3: The disappearance of Ni Robin

The brothers where fighting like there was no tomorrow,
How are you guys doing? San Robin Asked
I’m doing fine but I don’t know where Ni Robin has gone to! Replied Ichi Robin.
Its typical for him to leave when we’re in mid war!
What could’ve been more important then this? Said San Robin.
Ichi Robin Shrugged, Watch out!
Just in time San Robin Slashed a Plushie in half,
“That was close!’
Where is Ni Robin If you need him?
Don’t worry He can take care of himself, Just focus your attention on fighting the plushies!

Ni Robin Was walking through the battlefield picking up plushies and putting them in his bag,
Don’t worry Little fella’s , I’m here to save you.
You guys didn’t deserve this!
He looked around to see if anybody was watching, when he saw nobody looked at him, he silently left the battlefield.
He Entered the woods nearby the battlefield.
Do you have the plushies? Said a mysterious figure.

A few hours later Ichi Robin and San Robin where still battling the waves of plushies when Ni Robin walked to them,
How are you guys doing? he said.
H- how we are doing?!? Said San Robin Furiously
Where in Zeusters name were you!
I was fighting in the war! Ni Robin Said somewhat nervous.
Don’t lie to us! We walked across the entire battlefield looking for you! And you were nowhere to be found!, Ichi Robin Yelled.
Ni Robin Became as white as snow and started to mumble ,”Maybe you just missed me, I was walking around too!”
San Robin started to get angry, We couldn’t have missed you! We asked everyone if they have seen you! We even asked one of those fish guys!
Well I’ve been to the catapult too! said Ni Robin
We also asked them if they saw you! San Robin was furious now, You could’ve been dead what where you thinking?
I was thinking , said Ni Robin Who started to get angry too, That we where old enough to decide what to do on our own!
Well Apparently you’re not!
Ichi Robin Sighed, guys less fighting each other more fighting the plushies!
San Robin And Ni Robin Looked at each other, and turned around to fight the plushies.

Part 4: The warmonger

After a Long day of fighting the next shift of heroes arrived,
So the other heroes could sleep,
On their way to their tent they came across a Impressive looking man.
Hi Eric! said San Robin.
Greetings San Robin, replied Eric, How are you doing?
Kinda Tired but hey I’ll survive it! So are you here to fight the war?
As if I let a war go by without doing anything! Laughed Eric.
Were is Lady Ravenwing? Asked San Robin
Lady Ravenwing? Said Eric with some confusion, oh right that’s what you call Artemis! Well she’s-
A plushie without a face walks by.
As you can see she’s already fighting.
But… Eric Looks at Ichi Robin And Ti Robin, How did you manage to clone yourself? I didn’t know that was possible!
San Robin Laughed, Those are not my clones those are my Brothers, We’re Triplets!
Pleased to meet you guys! Said Eric, But I’d better join Artemis before she steals away all the fun ones!
Okay See you later Eric!, San Robin Said, Say Hi to Artemis for me!
I will! said Eric while running in to the plushies.
While The brothers already where in their tent, they could still hear Eric Yell “PLAY PLUSHIES ITS TIME TO MEET YOU MAKER! So take me to him so I can kick his but and chew some bubblegum! And unfortunately for you! Im All out of Bubblegum! *PUNT!*”
The 3 Brothers fell asleep with a smile on their faces.

Part 5: The nightly trip

San! San Robin!
Huh wzzzat? San Robin was still sleepy.
He saw Ichi Robin Standing in front of him, he could still hear the sound of the battle outside.
Wzat’s wrong?
Ni Robin is out of his bed! Said Ichi Robin
What?!? Where did he go? San Robin was wide awake now.
I don’t know I woke up and saw he wasn’t in his bed!
San Robin suddenly thought of something, Why were you out of bed?
Well Please don’t tell Ni Robin , But I took some of his health potions, I mean He has a lot of endurance so he doesn’t need them.
And what if he does? Said San Robin.
He doesn’t trust me. Ensured Ichi Robin But I discovered another strange thing,
While I was searching for potions in his bag , I found some plushie fluff..
Well that’s not that weird, Said San Robin, We are in a plushie war after all, there is fluff everywhere!
But how did it come in his bag? It was closed all the time! Said Ichi Robin Cynical.
Okay that’s suspicious. Admitted San Robin.
I do have a plan , Said Ichi Robin , Lets stay awake next night to see if he goes out of bed again and follow him!
San Robin Didn’t want to trap his own brother , but he was also curious so he just nodded and said , If we want to stay awake next night then we better go to sleep now!

Part 6: The trap

The next day they woke up and saw that Ni Robin was inside his bed again,
Good morning , Yawned Ni Robin, How did you guys sleep? I slept like a log!
Us to said San Robin And Ichi Robin together.
Well lets fight the war then!
The rest of the day they did like last night didn’t happen, but they still remembered the plan,
San Robin got some of Eric’s own made pep-potion that he calls “Coffee” by saying he wanted to make it an all-nighter.
And Ichi Robin Practiced his camouflage spell.
At the end of the day Ni Robin Yawned and said he was going to bed,
Quickly Ichi Robin and San Robin took the potions, and followed their brother into the tent.
He Already lied in bed,
Ichi Robin and San Robin Lied down too, and pretended to be asleep.
They lied there in silence , the only thing you could hear was the sound of the war that was raging outside and the sound of their breath.
After what seemed hours of waiting They Heard Ni Robin Getting out of bed.
They waited till he walked out of the tent, Ichi Robin Casted the Camouflage spell and they silently followed Ni Robin,
When They where near the woods they slowed pace.
They saw their brother sitting next to some plushies talking to a strange figure.
It cant be! said San Robin Surprised, What is he doing with those plushies?
Is he siding with th-
He could finish his sentence because suddenly plushie walked in Ni Robin’s Direction.
What are they gonna do? Asked San Robin, But he already knew it,
The plushies captured Ni Robin!
But I thought he sided with them? Said San Robin, Why are they doing this?
We need to help him!
No! Said Ichi Robin, we wont help him!
But we have to, he’s our brother! San Robin Looked at Ichi Robin.
Ichi Robin Was holding a staf , and was pointing it at San Robin!
What are you doing? asked San Robin.
You fool! What does it look like? Ichi Robin laughed maniacally.
I’m helping master Zad win the war of course!
But why did you do th- San Robin couldn’t finish what he was saying because Ichi Robin Casted the “Sleep” spell at him.
Why? San Robin asked while falling to the ground, Why Did you betray us?
Then he fell in a deep sleep.

Part 7: The betrayal

W-Where am I? San Robin woke up with a throbbing headache.
Looking around he saw 2 plushies guarding the door and Ni Robin tied to a pole he was already awake.
Hey Ni Robin where are we?
I don’t know, Said Ni Robin, those plushies blindfolded me!
What happened in the woods? Asked San Robin.
I don’t know I was attacked by plushies , said Ni Robin, I could have beaten them If I weren’t protecting someone…
Protecting someone? Asked San Robin Curious, who did you protect?
Ni Robin leaned a bit backwards so San Robin Could see some red hair.
Red hair? Said San Robin, Aria?!? Is she okay?
She is okay, said Ni Robin
But what is she doing here?
She- she was teaching me, Said Ni Robin Who became as red as a tomato.
Teaching you in what? Asked San Robin.
In… training pets, Said Ni Robin, I don’t want to be a warrior anymore but I still want to help people! So I asked Aria To train me…
That’s nothing to be ashamed of! Said San Robin, In fact I think its great!
It also explains why there was fluff in your bag you made some plushies into pets didn’t you ?
Yes, Said Ni Robin somewhat surprised, Why?
Can You summon them to help us? Asked San Robin,
Sure I can, Ni Robin Started to mumble some words and suddenly a few plushies appeared behind them, ah there you are! Can you please release us from these Ropes?
The plushies nodded and sliced the ropes.
Ah Freedom! Said San Robin a little to hard.
The plushies guarding the door looked at them and attacked!
The combined Force of San Robin, Ni Robin and the 2 plushie pets easily defeated the guarding plushies!
Look what Lies over there! Said San Robin, our bags!
They sneaked to the backs and equipped themselves properly.
Okay lets kick some fluff! Said Ni Robin.

Part 8 : The boss battle

After beating a lot of plushies the 2 brothers came across a big door,
They heard voices!
“No! pwease mistah Warlic, Don’t do that!” said one voice
“What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE” Said another
A huge explosion blasts open the door! And a figure about half there own size walked out of the room dragging something along with him.
Twig! Yelled San Robin, Twig are you okay?
I am okay Mistah San Robin ,Said twig weakly, after saying that he faints.
How dare you attack such a innocent moglin! Shouted San Robin, You will pay for that!
I’m With you! Said Ni Robin.
It was a Epic fight, The plushie warlic Looked a awfull lot like the real Warlic, Including the powers!
but In the End the 2 brothers where victorious!
We- We did it! panted San Robin
Good job brother ! Said Ni Robin, we are a good te-
Suddenly Ni Robin stopped talking.
We are a good what? Asked San Robin
Ni Robin Fell on the floor.
Ni? Ni Robin?!? What’s wrong? San robin suddenly felt a murderous aura behind him.
Just in time he Dodged the deadly spell that was cast at him.
You! He said, You killed our own brother!
Ichi Robin Appears, You mean that fool? The fool who wants to become a Pet trainer instead of a Warrior? That guy?
That Fool Is 100 times better then you! Shouted San Robin.
Hahaha What are you gonna do? Asked Ichi Robin, You cant reverse time! And- wait why are you smiling? Sit down! SIT DOWN!
Thanks for giving me the Idea to reverse time! Said San Robin with a dangerous smile, as a matter of fact I can!
San Robin’s armour started to twist and change.
Wha-What are you doing? Ichi Robin Started to panic.
I’m going to kick your but! Shouted San Robin.
San Robin Disappears for a while and appears next to a living Ni Robin!
What did you do?!? Asked Ichi Robin.
I’d like to introduce you to the chronomancer class, Said San Robin With the same smile, And By the way Look behind you!
Ichi Robin Looks behind Him and Sees to his great shock that San Robin is there too.
Peek-a-boo! Said San Robin , And he kicks Ichi Robin down.
As you may have seen, I can control time for a short moment!
What When did you learn that? Asked Ichi Robin.
It was one of those rewards I get from those how you call them “useless quests”
And now tell me, Why did you betray us?
Isn’t that clear? Smirked Ichi Robin, Because of the power I receive if I do.
How can you get power if you betray us? Asked San Robin.
By selling you out to the master ofcourse! Ichi Robin Didn’t look like himself, his eyes poked out of his head like fish eyes, His Laugh tore through everything.
This time You may have won! But I Will get my power!.
After saying that he vanished.
What? where did he go? San Robin Looks around, Dang He learned to teleport!
Cant you just Go back in time again to stop him? Asked Ni Robin.
No I used up all of my mana by saving you. Said San Robin
We are not rid of him yet.
So what are we going to do now? Asked Ni Robin.
I don’t know but… Listen! Said San Robin
I don’t hear anything Replied Ni Robin
Exactly! Said San Robin, Hearing nothing while a war is raging is a bit strage isn’t it?
Ni Robin understood, So the war is over!
Yes, said San Robin, Lets not worry about anything now , Lets finally celebrate frostval!

Part 9: The end?

Everyone was happy because of their victory,
Ni Robin Had trained more plushies to be pets and they were highly popular with the warmongers.
They celebrated Frostval like they never did before , Played Tweatland with the moglins, and drank big mucks of hot Moglinberryjuice.
You could hear Frostval carols through the whole town,
And You could see Chisagen chasing Twig because he stole Chisagens fish.
It was Frostval as it should be, Fun !
But San Robin Couldn’t get in the Frostval spirit just yet.
Not just because he was betrayed by his own brother but something else was also troubling him.
He had seen quite a few togs around, but couldn’t figure out what they where doing here…
Will this war Get a (Tog)tail?
He certainly Knew His own war was far from over…

The End…?

This is a thread with all of my quest suggestions in it,
I hope you like them =D


Quest Name: indiana scones: and the temple of cake. (QST 001)
Basic plot of the quest: valencia finds indiana scones diary wich describes that indiana tries to prove that the cake isnt a lie
Characters included: valencia and hero (you)
Dialogue (optional):sure the staf knows something XD

high skyer (QST 002)

Location: ash-->quest-->high skyer
Level/Quest/Items required: lvl 10

Objective:find that guys bagpipes! You don’t want to see him angry!
Objective completed:maybe it would have been better if you didn’t return the bagpipes…

Scaled Yes/No:yes

3 sylphdrakes
2 minx fairys
1 pancival (boss) (name : mc pancival)


Donnor McCloud

Scottish belt
Maybe more will be added later


Ash: There was a strange guy looking like he could use some help a while ago, I think his name was Donnor McCloud .
Ash:Should we help him?
Accept/ Decline
Accept *Ash joins party*
Ash: Aye then, lets go!
*Scene goes to a field*
Ash: Last time I saw him he was around here!
Ash: Oh, there he is!
*Ash points at a strong looking man*
Donnor : *is looking around for something*
Your character: *laughs* Pfft, he’s wearing a skirt!
Ash: *facepalms*
Ash: Need help with something sir?
Donnor McCloud: *looks up* Is it that obvious?
Ash: Kinda *scratches back of his head*
Donnor: *sighs* A monster stole my bagpipes while I was asleep.
Ash: What’s a bagpipe?
Donnor: It’s a musical instrument, I play it when I’m stressed
Donnor: *grabs head in frustration* and I’m REALY stressed right now!
Ash:(uh oh)
Ash: Sure, we can help you!
Donnor: Really? Thanks! I’ll give you something nice if you bring my bagpipes back to me.
Ash: *looks at Your character* Where shall we start to look?
Your character: I saw some tracks leading to the forest a while ago, maybe we should start looking there?
*scene changes into forest*
*you battle the monsters until you reach the boss(mc pancival)*
MC-Pancival: *playing the bagpipes*
Ash: Those must be the bagpipes!
Your character: Hey you, that isn’t yours!
MC-Pancival: They are! I found them next to some sleeping guy!
*Ash & Your character both facepalm*
MC-Pancival: What?
Your character: Never mind, CHARGE!
You can choose between: Battle , Heal and run away
*after you win*
Your character: that will teach you to steal from people!
MC-Pancival: Believe me, I did you a favour! *faints*
Your character: What does that mean?
Ash: Never mind lets return the bagpipe!
*Scene changes back to field*
Donnor:my bagpipe! You found it
Ash: It was nothing
Donnor mc-cloud: no it was something! As a thank you I will play a song for you!
Ash: You really don’t have to!
*Donnor starts playing*
Ash and Your character: (It sounds terrible!)
Donnor: You like it?
Ash: S-sure!
*Donnor plays on*
*screen blacks out with Ash and you character looking unhappy and Donnor playing the bagpipes*
Quest complete!


The switch (QST 003)

Location: Ash-->Quest-->The switch
Level/Quest/Items required: Lvl 10

Objective:Find a way to return to your real body!
Objective completed:Who would’ve thought that would work.

Scaled Yes/No:Yes

Togs :5
Lizardmans : 5
Rock elementals :5
Boss 3 buffed monsters (Tog , Lizardman and Rockelemental)


Ash (always a guest)
Zorbak (after the switch he’s the lead character in the quest)
Your character (lead character before the switch)(guest after the Switch)

Zorbaks sword
Zorbaks staff
Zorbaks daggers

*A note before reading this* after the characters switch body’s I will write their names like this Zorbak (your character): with the first name (in this case “zorbak”) being the body and the name between the“()” (in this case “ your character”) is the one controlling the body.

Ash: <character name>! I’m glad you’re here!
Your character: Whats the matter ash?
Ash: I saw zorbak in town , I think he’s up to no good again!
Your character: Where is he?
Ash: Follow me!
*Scene changes to the fountain in falconreach*
*You can see zorbak carrying some stuff*
Zorbak: *mumbles*Hope she likes this ..
Your character: Zorbak! What are you up to now?
Zorbak: That meddling hero again! *mumbles*<your characters name> cant find out what i’m doing.
Zorbak: I’m doing some very EBIL things!
Your character I will stop you!
*After you defeated Zorbak*
Zorbak: OK I’m sick of it ! *mumbles spell*
*Explosion**screen whites out*
Zorbak: What ? this isn’t the spell I meant!
*Scene comes back you see Ash , Zorbak and your character lying on the ground*
Ash: Meh what happened?
Zorbak: That Zorbak what a bad loser
Your character: I feel taller then normal.
Ash , Zorbak and you character: What the?!?
Zorbak(your character) : Why am I a moglin?!?
Ash (zorbak): Meh it seems we’ve switched body’s
Your character (ash): Awesome I’m super strong , ooh look at that backpack its huuuuuuge!
Zorbak(you character) and Ash(zorbak): /facepalm
Zorbak(your character): We Have to get back to normal! Maybe Warlic knows how!
*Scene changes to warlics tent*
Zorbak (your character): …So can you help us?
Warlic: Hmm interesting…
Ash (Zorbak): No its not interesting! Now change me back!
Warlic: I think I know something to change you back
Warlic: You have to bring me :6 tog teeth , 6 lizardman scales and 6 bags of rock elemental dust.
Zorbak (your character): Where can we get those ingredients at this time of day the stores are already closed!
Warlic: *sights* You can get them from the monsters in the nearby mountains
Zorbak(your character): okay lets get those ingredients!
*Scene changes to mountains*
Here you battle the monsters
*Boss battle*
*After you win, the scene changes back to warlics tent
Warlic: Did you get the ingredients?
Zorbak (your character): Yes here they are!
Warlic: Good lets begin then!
*Warlic mixes the ingredients*
Warlic: And the magic powder is done!
*Warlic throws some of the magic powder at Zorbak ,Ash and your character*
Warlic: Did it work?
Ash (zorbak): Meh am I blue again?
Warlic: No…
Zorbak(your character): NO! it didn’t work!
Your character (Ash):Yay!
Ash (zorbak): *glares*
Your character (Ash): Sorry…
*Sad faces*
*Twilly walks in*
Twily: Hiya! Why the sad faces?
Zorbak (your character): We switched body’s and cant go back.
Twilly: Did you try to hug?
Zorbak(your character): Hug?
Twilly: Yeah Hugs are the strongest kind of magic!
Zorbak (your character): Well ok lets try it
Ash (zorbak): Everything is better then staying in this body!
*Ash , zorbak and your character hug each other*
*Explosion**screen whites out again*
*Characters are on the floor again*
Your character: I feel normal again!
Zorbak: Meh who would have thought that.
Warlic: Interesting…
Twilly: See everything can be solved with a hug!
*screen whites out while you see everyone happy*
End quest!

*While you are in Zorbaks body you can only do the normal attack which does a good amount of damage*


Typo Quest (QST 004)

Location: amityvale-->thursday-->quest-->Typo quest
Level/Quest/Items required: lvl 20

Objective: wat si hapenin?
Objective completed: that was weird…

Scaled Yes/No: yes

5 Ravens (rafen)
6 slimes (sliem)
5 doomwood (doomowod)
Yaga witch (boss name : jaga wich)


Sowrd , stav , daggres


Thursday: I’m glad you’re here <char name>!
char name: What’s the matter?
Thursday: I think one of the yaga witches is planning something!
char name: How come?
Thursday: I saw her carrying strange stuff while mumbling something about a spell…
char name: Good enough for me! lets –
*strange red fog rolls in*
char name: What is this?
Thursday: I don’t know but it doesn’t look good!
*fog fills the screen*
char name & Thursday: *cough*
char name: Thursdya aer you okya?
char name: Waht teh?
Thursday Thursdya: tahts wierd…
char name: Taht jaga wich is behidn this!
Thursday Thursdya: deveat her mabye it will litf teh cusre!
*fight the monsters*
Boss: jaga wich
char name: Undi teh curse!
jaga wich: You fool you think you can beat me?
char name: Brong it on!
Boss battle
*after the boss battle*
char name: Test 1 , 2, 3…
char name: Oh yeah it worked!
*char looks happy screen fades*

End Quest!


The fourth wall (QST 005)

Location: Oaklore->Rolith->quest->The fourth wall
Level/Quest/Items required: none

Objective:What is that annoying noise?
Objective completed:Phew it was a dream! Or was it?...

Scaled Yes/No:yes

10 togs
10 monkeys
Boss: codemonkey rolith.(a normal monkey with Roliths armor on)


Door splinterCodemonkey hair
*Quest begins with your char, standing in the forest of oaklore (where “a hero is borned" takes place) with in the background the words “Tick ticker tick tick “(the sound of a computer keyboard)”
char name: What an annoying noise!
char name: Where does it come from?
char name: When does it stop?
char name: Who would make such an annoying noise?
char name: Why am I asking myself these questions?
char name:
char name: Its time to find the source
*battle 10 monkeys , after each screen you come closer to Oaklore the ticking becomes louder*
*your character arrives at the place with the locked door*
char name: The ticking comes from behind this door…
*char tries to open it*
char name: Its locked!
char name: I can only think of one thing to do!
*char looks around*
char name: No one here…
*Breaks door and walks to next screen*
*Battle 10 togs*
*After the battles you'll see a monkey in Roliths armor , working at a computer while typing with his toes and eating a bannana*
char name: What the… Who are you?
Codemonkey: <char name> you shouldn’t be here!
Codemonkey: You broke The fourth wall!
char name: What do you mean?
Codemonkey: Nooothing…
char name: Isnt that Rolith’s armor?
Codemonkey: Uhm…no?
char name: It is Rolith’s armor!
char name: That means you’ve stolen it from him!
Codemonkey: Uh oh
char name: Maybe if I take back his armor I will get a big reward *big grin*
Codemonkey: Oh no here it goes…
*Boss Battle Codemonkey*
*After you win the battle*
char name: Ha! I win!
char name: Now give Roliths armor back!
char name: Huh where did he go?
*Codemonkey appears behind character*
*Black screen*
char name: What is thi-
*screen changes to the forest again, character laying on the ground*
char name: Huh what happened?
*character goes back to the locked door*
char name: hmm strange the door is whole again…
char name: Oh right Rolith is still missing his armor!
*screen changes to a room with Rolith and your character*
char name: …then I woke up in the forest!
Rolith: Sounds like you had a bad dream.
char name: But it all seemed so real!
Rolith: It has to be a dream.
Rolith: You said that monkey stole my armor, right?
char name: Right!
Rolith: Do I have my armor on right now?
char name: yes…
Rolith: How can that monkey ever have my armor on then?
char name: Oh .. wait you’re right!
char name: It must have been a bad dream!
Rolith: *mumbles*Phew that was close
char name: What did you say?
Rolith: uhm I said there is something up my nose…
char name: Ew!...
char name: Anyway, thanks for explaining the situation!
Rolith: No problem!
*screen fades*

End Quest!


The spam fighters (QST 006)

Location: Falconreach->Ash->quest->The spam fighters
Level/Quest/Items required: none

Objective:Its time to get your mail!
Objective completed:Aw…

Scaled Yes/No:yes

10 Sneevils
10 Togs
Boss :Fire wall (the same wall as in the “crystal cave quest” but red)

I cant think of more items :P
Ash: Hi <char name> , what’s with the sad face?
char name: I didn’t receive any mail lately…
Ash: hmmmm… now that I think of it me neither!
Ash: Maybe there is something wrong with the spamfighters…
char name: What’s a spam fighter?
Ash: Well you see there used to come a lot of pointless mail for you,
Ash: so we trained a couple of monsters to oppose the people delivering the pointless messages.
Ash: but I’m afraid the spamfighters do their work a little too well…
char name: And that means no mail?
Ash: Yes <char name> that means no mail.
char name: Is there a way to stop them?
Ash: The only way to stop them is defeating them.
char name: Lets do it!
*Scene changes to forest of Falconreach*
char name: Where are those spamfighters?
*ash point at some sneevils and togs*
Ash: Right there!
char name: …Sneevils …and…Togs?
Ash: *smiles* Yes!
char name: Why?
Ash: Sneevils stab the postman’s in their ankles so they cant walk-
char name: And togs?
Ash: it’s a well known fact that postmans are afraid of togs!
char name: A….Hah…
char name: Anyway lets defeat those *cough*wimpy*cough* spamfighters!
*Ash loads as guest, and you battle the spamfighters*
*you arrive at the boss*
char name: What on earth is that?
Ash: That’s the fire wall
char name: A fire wall….
Ash: Yeah it only burns pointless letters.
char name: How?
Ash: Magic!
char name: Anyway…..
char name: Lets defeat it so I can get my mail!
*Boss battle*
*After the boss battle*
???: Thank zeuster that thing is finally gone!
char name: Who are you?
*postman walks in*
Postman: I’m the postman of course!
char name: So you’re the one who brings me letters?
Postman: Yes.
char name: Do you have any letters for <char name>?
Postman: *checks bag* let me see…<char name>…<char name>, nope not any, sorry.
*screen fades while char looks sad*

End Quest!


The elections (QST 007)

Location: Falconreach->Town hall->Mayor->The elections
Level/Quest/Items required: none

Objective:Find something to save the mayor his job!
Objective completed:The mayor is a cheapskate but he can't be missed!
Scaled Yes/No:yes

20 sneevils
2 Sneevil elites
Boss: King Sneevil
King sneevil

Campaign button
Campaign T-shirt
Mayor: Ah <You> good you came!
<You>: What is wrong mayor?
Mayor: As you maybe know the elections are coming up again
<You>: Yes…
Mayor: And for the first time in my career there is another candidate!
<You>: Isn’t that good?
Mayor: No you fool! Arhem… I mean it would be if the other candidate wasn’t evil!
<You>: Evil?!?
Mayor: Yes Evil! He eats uhm….
<You>: Pineapples?
Mayor: Yes!
<You>: The villain!
Mayor: Yes so stop him before he can eat more uhm… <You>: Pineapples!
Mayor: Yeah those things!
Mayor: You can find him in the forest! Go get him!
<You>: I will mayor!
<You>: Thanks for warning me!
Mayor: *mumbles*Gullible fool*mumble*
<You>: What did you say mayor?
Mayor: I said : good luck hero!
<You>: Thanks mayor!
*scene changes to forest of falconreach*
*posters hanging on trees saying “Sneevil king vor Major!”
<You>: Sneevil king?
<You>: I don’t want to serve under sneevils!
<You>: To the sneevil tree fort!
*scene changes to sneevil tree fort*
*battle the 20 Sneevils (there is a healing pad)*
*you're at the sneevil kings room*
<You>: You!
Sneevil king: Me!!!
Sneevil king: What you want?
<You>: Stop committing your evil deeds!
Sneevil king: What evil deeds?
<You>: Eating pineapples!
Sneevil king: ……
Sneevil king: What?
Sneevil king: Me hates pineapples!
<You>: You do?
Sneevil king: Yes!
<You>: So you’re not evil?
Sneevil king: Oh but me is evil!
Sneevil king: And to prove that me will imprison you!
Sneevil King: Guards get that hero!
*battle the Sneevil elites*
*after winning*
<You>: Is that all you got?
Sneevil king: ARGH! Me will get you myself!
<You>: I will never serve under you!
*Boss battle*
*After you win*
<You>: Do you withdraw?
Sneevil king: Yes! Me will never do it again!
<You>: Good!
*scene changes back to the Mayors office*
<You>: …and that how I won!
Mayor: Great job hero!
Mayor: But I already made the buttons and T-shirts!
<You>: Wow… thanks for the faith mayor…
Mayor: Here have one!
<You>: Thanks…
Mayor: And don’t forget to vote for me!
*screen blacks out while you character looks angry*

End Quest


The guide (QST 008)
Location: Falconreach->Ash->quest->The guide
Level/Quest/Items required: none

Objective:Find your way back!
Objective completed:Never talk about this again!
Scaled Yes/No:yes

10 Doomwood
5 Zombies
5 Skeletons
Boss :Doomcrawler

Howey (howey looks like a plain bandit)

Guides torch sword
Guides torch daggers
Guides torch staff
Ash: Greetings <You>, I received a request from someone called mr.H
<You>: What does it say?
Ash: You have to get a rock from the center of Doomwood!(echo : wood wood wood)
<You>: Doomwood?
Ash: Yes DOOOOOOOOMwood (echo: wood wood wood)
<You>: That was strange…
<You>: Let me try that…
<You>: Doomwood…*complete silence*
<You>: How did you do that?
Ash: Magic!
<You>: Of course what else…
Ash: Any way will you accept the quest and find the rock?
<Not now>
*Quest starts at the entrance of Doomwood*
<You>: hmm no monsters here..
*Next screen*
<You>: Not here either…
*Next screen*
<You>: Still no monsters…bizarre!
<You>: better keep on walking then!
*Character keeps on walking till char reaches a place full of rocks*
<You>: Well there are enough rocks here…
*Picks up rock*
<You>: That was easy…
<You>: Oh well back to Falconreach!
*Character turns around*
<You>: Wait where’s the exit?
*Exit appears behind the character*
<You>: There it is!
*Walk to exit*
*Bushes rustle*
<You>: Great… now there are monsters!
*Something comes out of the bushes, character goes into battle pose*
<You>: Come on monster I can take you on!
???: Greetings hero
<You>: CHAAAAAAAR- wait you’re no monster!
???: Correct hero my name is Howey, I’m a guide here in Doomwood.
<You>: Wait howey? are you mr.H?
Howey: No….
<You>: Okay then! But you said you are a guide?
Howey: Yes, do you need help to find your way out of here?
<You>: Well I am kinda lost…
Howey: Just follow me then!
*Your character follows Howey (not a race or something)while battling monsters*
*After 10 monsters you get a healingpad*
*After the other 10 you arrive at the boss*
Boss battle
*After Boss battle*
Howey: We arrived at the exit!
*Character runs past Howey and has its back turned at him*
<You>: Wow you’re a pretty good guide!
*Character turns around*
<You>: I want to give you some gold for the trou-
<You>: Where did he go?
<You>: Howey?
<You>: Strange..
*Back at Ash in falconreach*
<You>: …And suddenly he was gone!
Ash: That story reminds me of a old folklore…
Ash: Long ago there was a bandit in that forest named Howey-
<You>: What a coincidence!
Ash: It is isn’t it?
Ash: Anyhow… the bandit modified the forest using his magic to make travellers lost!
<You>: I was lost too!
Ash: *Deathglare*
<You>: Sorry I’ll be quiet…
Ash: *Coughs* When the bandit died, Death wouldn’t let him in his realm unless the bandit did something to help someone
<You>: So if he helps someone…
Ash: …Then he’ll finally get eternal rest
<You>: So that could mean Howey was the man from the tale?
Ash: I don’t think so , the story was just made up to keep children from wandering of to Doomwood…
<You>: Of course who would believe such a story…
*The wind begins to blow*
voice in the Wind: Thank you hero…
<You>: Lets never talk about this again..
Ash: Agreed!

End Quest


Rocking medicine (QST 009)
Location: Falconreach->Ash->quest->Rocking medicine
Level/Quest/Items required: none

Objective:Get those rocks and heal his pet tog!
Objective completed:The nerve of that guy!
Scaled Yes/No:yes

10 Basilisks
10 Rock elementals
Boss :Big Rock elemental

Big rock elemental

Rock shard (small ,medium, large)
Ash: Hero ! I need your help!
<You>: What’s wrong?
Ash: My pet tog is sick *looks sad*
<You>: How can I help?
Ash: A tribe of Rock Elementals lives in the mountain close-by.
<You>: Rock elementals?
Ash: Yeah
<You>: What do they have to do with your sick pet tog?
Ash: Their shards have healing power!
<You>: That can be helpful
Ash: So will you help me?
Help him!
Not now!
*Scene changes too mountains*
*Character stands in front of a cave*
<You>: Hello! *Echo:O………o………..o…….o*
<You>: Any healing rock elementals in there?
???: No…
<You>: You really thought I would fall for that?
???: Yes?
<You>: /Facepalm
<You>: Enough chitchat!
*Battle the monsters ,after 10 monster you’ll get a healingpad*
<You>: Now where are these rock elementals?
*Rock elemental passes by*
<You>: There is one!
*Battle the 10 rock elementals*
*Character stands in front of a huge pile of rocks*
<You>: That should be enough!
<You>: What now?
*The big rock elemental walks in*
<You>: Wow you’re a big one aren’t you?
Big rock elemental: Why did you beat up my people and our guard basilisks??
<You>: I need their healing rocks!
Big rock elemental: Our healing what?
<You>: *Ignores the Big rock elemental* And you look like you can provide me lots of rocks! *big grin*
Big rock elemental: Wait what?
<You>: Face your destiny!
Boss Battle:
*After the battle*
*scene changes to falconreach*
<You>: Hey Ash I got your rocks!
Ash: Thanks <You>!
Ash: Now I can heal my pet Cat!
Ash: You rock! *chuckles*
<You>: No probl---
<You>: Did you say cat?
Ash: Yes why?
<You>: I thought your pet dog was sick?
Ash: Uhm he changed into a cat because of magic?
<You>: Oh that makes sense!
<You>: No wait I wont fall for that!
Ash: I really thought that would work!
<You>: Don’t tell me you sent me on a quest just to make a lame pun!
Ash: Maaaaaaaaybe…
<You>: ASH!
Ash: *GULP*
*Ash runs away*
*Screen turn black*
<You>: Come here!
<You>: Never ever lie to me like that again!
Ash: I’ll never do it again I swear!

End Quest


Craft games (QST 010)
Location: Falconreach->Lim->Quest->Craft games
Level/Quest/Items required: none

Objective:Judge fair!
Objective completed:That katana really was the best!
Scaled Yes/No:yes

10 Gorrilaphants
10 pancivals
Boss :buffed mob (1 gorrilaphant , 2 pancivals)
Jubei (the weaponsmith from the windvillage)
Reward shops:
Laser katana
Oversized katana

Lim: greetings hero!
<You>: Hey Lim what’s up?
Lim: I need your help with something
<You>: Where do you need help with this time?
<You>: Thingyrising the thingy? making sprouts taste like candy?
Lim: …No…
<You>: Aw I really would have loved that *sadface*
Lim: What you have to do is much “cooler”
<You>: You’re not going to freeze me are you?
Lim: Don’t worry hero.
Lim: All you have to do is judge
<You>: Judge?
Lim: Yes judge!
Lim: Me and that show off Jubei have a bet-
<You>: -A bet , what bet?
Lim: *Deathglare*
<You>: Sorry
Lim: He said his normally crafted weapons are stronger and better looking then the beautiful weapons I make with SCIENCE!
Lim: So I challenged him to a craft game
<You>: A craft game?
Lim: Yes we both make a weapon and the best one wins,
Lim: and you’re going to decide who wins!
<You>: Sounds fair…
<You>: What kind of weapon are you going to make
Lim: A katana!
<You>: A Katana? But that Jubei’s specialty!
Lim: True but I want to beat him at his own specialty!
<You>: O…..kay
*Ash runs in*
<You>: Why the hurry Ash?
Ash: Monsters are coming!
Lim: Monsters we cant have them around now! Jubei is on his way here for the challenge!
<You>: Don’t worry I’ll defeat them!
*Battle the monsters*
*10 monsters healing pad other 10 monsters*
*Boss fight*
*After the Boss fight*
*Jubei comes walking in*
Jubei: Greetings hero!
<You>: Jubei! are you okay?
Jubei: Of course what would a weapon smith be without weapons?
<You>: Of course … weapon smith…/facepalm
*scene changes to Lim’s shop*
<You>: And start the craft games!
*scene blacks out*
<You>: And lay down your hammers, screwdrivers and other thingy’s!
<You>: I’ll judge the weapons now
*You see your character walking past the weapons and the makers (Limis laser katana , Jubei is normal katana)*
<You>: Hmmm
<You>: Yes…
<You>: Aha!
<You>: Okay I’m done judging!
Lim and Jubei: Finally!
Lim and Jubei: Just tell me I win!
Lim and Jubei: Stop doing that!
<You>: Okay Okay relax guys!
<You>: The winner is!
???: Wait I made a katana too!
<You>,Lim, Jubei: Huh?
*Cysero walks in with his katana (Oversized katana)
<You>: Wow its huge!
Cysero: As they always say “the bigger the better”
<You>: Hmm… okay!
<You>: The winner is-
*Three buttons appear*
*Each button leads to its own shop with the katana’s in them*
End Quest


Rock hard quest (QST 011)
Quest name :Rock hard quest
Location :Falconreach-->Ash-->Quest-->Rock hard quest
Objective :Find the coffee! for the rock....
Completed quest :Sneevils + Coffee = bad!
NPC's :

Monsters :
20 Sneevils
3 elite sneevils
Boss: king sneevil
Rewards :
Not any yet

Dialogue :
Ash :Greetings <hero name>!
<You> :Hiya Ash!
<You> :What's the matter this time?
Ash :A strange request came in,
<You> :A strange request?
Ash :Well actually the request is the plain old "please get my *item name here* back, from those horrible monsters* quest...
<You> :So what's so strange about it?
Ash :The one who asked it...
You :Well tell me!
Ash :I'll bring you there!
*Scene changes to the front of the guardian tower*
<You> :So where is this person?
Ash :Right there *points at Geopetal*
<You> :Ash thats a rock....
Geopetal :Well actually...
<You> :ZOMG a talking rock!
Geopetal :Actually my name is Geopetal.
<You> :ZOMG a talking rock named Geopetal!
Geopetal :You can just call me Geo.
<You> :Well okay then...
<You> :*Mutters* Come on <hero name> You have seen stranger things...
Geo :About the quest..
<You> :Oh right the quest! *mutters*from a rock named Geo...
Geo :I want you to get back my box of coffee.
<You> :Why does a rock need coffee?
Geo :Well i'm not just a Rock
<You> :Duh you can talk!
Geo :Actually i'm the grand master of dragonfable and I need coffee to keep it in order
<You> :Dragonfa-What?
Geo :You're not ready for that yet...
<You> :Okay....
<You> :So why don't you "the grandmaster" retrieve it ?
Geo :I'm a rock I cant move...
<You> :Anyway you said I needed to retrieve your box of coffee?
Geo :Yes
<You> :Then I know where it is!
*Scene changes to sneevil camp, You see sneevils running around*
<You> :What happened here
Sneevils :Browngoodness!!!!
<You> :Brown goodnes? ah they drank too much coffee!
<You> :I will force them to sleep!
*Battle the sneevils, after 10 sneevils healingpad*
<You> :Almost there...
*Battle the elite sneevils*
<You> :Sneevil king give back the box of coffee!
Sneevil king :Mewillnevahgiveyouthebox!
<You> :Wow speak slowly I can't understand a word of what you said!
Sneevil king :Me...Will..Nevah..give..you..the...box!
<You. :Then I'll get the box myself!
*Boss battle*
*After the battle*
Sneevil king :ZZZZzzzzZZZ
<You> :Okay I have the coffee!
*Scene changes back to Geo*
<You> :Here you go!
<You> :The sneevils drank some though....
Geo :As long as there is something left you did a good job!~
<You> :Thank you "Grand master"
Geo :No thank you!
Geo :I will reward you
<You> :Reward? Thank you!
*Scene blacks out with a greedy looking character*
*End Quest!*


A cheesy Quest (QST 012)
Quest name :A cheesy Quest
Location :Falconreach-->Ash-->Quest-->A cheesy Quest
Required :Completion of bacon storyline
Objective :Get cheese for Alina’s famous Mac and cheese!
Completed quest :In lore the mac and cheese eats you!
NPC's :

Monsters :
10 vurrmen
10 bees
Boss : cheesenstein (new monster looks like a pile of cheese with macaroni in it, kinda like a big yellow/orange slime )

Rewards :

Cheesenstein pet

Dialogue :
Ash :Hero , Alina had something to ask
*Buttons appear*
Not now!
*Accept quest*
*Scene changes to Alina’s potion shop*
Alina :Ah <You>, I’m glad you came!
<You> :What’s up Alina?
Alina :I need your help with something.
<You> :I'm Here to help! So what do I have to do?
<You> :Fight a strong monster? Get a rare object? Do a minigame? *mutters* whatever that may be…
Alina :No I just want you to get me some cheese…
<You> :Wrestle a gorrilaphant unarmed?… Get you cheese?
Alina :Yes
<You> :I’m a hero not some Delivery boy/girl
Alina :But its very special cheese
<You> :Special….Cheese?

*Easter egg , if you click one of the things in the background*
??? :All cheese is Special!
<You> & Alina :Huh???
<You> :Who said that?
??? :Me! The cheese loving clog wearing mysterious voice!
<You> :How can a voice wear clogs?
The cheese loving clog wearing mysterious voice :With the magic of cheese!
<You> :Okay I get it cheese is special!
The cheese loving clog wearing mysterious voice :Okay I just wanted to tell that, go ahead with your quest!
<You> :So What makes this cheese so special?
*End easter egg*

Alina :Its chickencow cheese with a magical taste!
<You> :Okay I’ll get that cheese for you
<You> :Luckily I know Zeuster a little.
*Scene changes to zeuster*
<You> :Greetings mighty Zeuster!
Zeuster :Ah <You> what do you want this time?
<You> :I need chickencow cheese
Zeuster :Ah so you’re interested in our famous cheese huh?
<You> :Uhm yes?
Zeuster :Well you have to earn it
<You> :I expected as much
<You> :So what do I have to do?
Zeuster :Exterminate pests
<You> :*Thinks* This isn’t a good day for quests
<You> :So where are those pests?
Zeuster :In the temple
<You> :Okay I’ll deal with them!
*Scene changes to temple*
*You see the Furmen and the bees*
<You> :This is a quest!
*Fight monsters after 10 monster Healingpad*
*Scene changes back to Zeuster*
Zeuster :Are you done hero?
<You> :Yes
Zeuster :How much cheese do you need?
<You> :About 10 pouches
Zeuster :10? What are you going to make?
<You> :Alina said something about mac and cheese…
Zeuster :Her famous mac and cheese with extra cheese?
<You> :Yes?
Zeuster :Take all you want!
<You> :Thanks!
*Scene changes back to Alina*
<You> :I got your cheese Alina!
Alina :Great I’ll start cooking immediately!
*10 minutes later*
Alina :Lets go outside for a walk so it can cook for a while
<You> :Good idea
*You see Your character and Alina walk outside, while there is a cauldron boiling with cheese*
*Two Blue ears come up behind the cauldron*
??? :Meh that smells good , but maybe add a few Eyes of newt..
*You see Alina and Your character talking outside*
Alina :So that why I wanted to make Mac and cheese today
<You> :As a surprise for Rolith! That’s so sweet!
Alina :I hope he likes i-
<You> :What’s happening? What is that?
*A huge cheese monster come out of the house holding zorbak*
<You> :Zorbak! Did you do this?
Zorbak :hmpfmfmdp
*Monster tries to get Alina*
??? :Oh no you don’t
*Rolith runs in cutting the monster away from Alina*
Rolith :What kind of monster is this?
<You> :Its supposed to be mac and cheese but Zorbak did something with it
Rolith :Annoying rat!
<You> :We have to defeat it!
Rolith :Lets do this!
*Rolith loads as a guest*
*Boss battle!*
*After the battle*
Alina :Uhm surprise?
Rolith :Are you okay?
Zorbak :*Covered in mac and cheese* Yeah I’m oka-
Rolith :QUITE I was talking to Alina
Alina :Yes I’m okay, thanks to you *Blush*
Zorbak :Meh take a room!
*Character punts Zorbak out of the frame*
Zorbak :I will get you for that puny hero!
<You> :I cant wait Zorbak!
Alina :Thanks for helping hero do you want some mac and cheese?
<You> :Uhm..
Alina :Don’t worry I’ll make a new one
<You> :Okay then!
Rolith :As long as it doesn’t try to eat us again!
*Everyone laughs, scene blacks out*
*End Quest!*


Corrupted (QST 013)
Quest name :Corrupted
Location :Necropolis-->Artix-->Quest-->Corrupted
Required :completion of the storm war ,necropolis and dragongrasp
Objective :The hero of Falconreach has been corrupted!
Completed quest :What would have happened if you weren’t strong enough?
NPC's :
Vilmor (DA only)
Necrotic blade of doom
Yaga witches

Monsters :
10 Ice dragons (The weaker ones)
10 laundry golems
5 rock elementals
5 wind elementals
10 anubis knights
10 chaos weavers
Boss : PVP against your character
Rewards :

Not any yet…

Dialogue :
Artix :Hi hero can you help me slay some undead?
Not now.
*If “Sure!”*
Artix :I saw some over there lets go!
*Scene changes to a dark place, shadowy figures can be seen*
???: Greetings villains from all over lore, You may wonder what I called you her for
*Scene becomes a little more lighter, you can see : Sepulchure , the necrotic blade of doom , the Yaga witches and Xan*
Sepulchure :Okay who put the lights on?
*Everyone looks at Xan*
Xan :Hey I cant help my head is on fire!
Sepulchure :*Mutters* so much for the mysterious plot
Sepulchure :Anyways… I called you all here because we all have one thing in common
Xan :Our sense of fashion?
Sepulchure :Quiet! Or fluffy will eat you!
Sepulchure :No we all hate the same person!
Sepulchure :<Hero name>!
*Every body starts to mutter*
Sepulchure :QUIET! Today is the day we will do something against <hero name>!
Xan :Are we going to burn the hero?
Sepulchure :No..
Yaga 1 :Summon a creature from the dark plains?
Yaga 2 :We already did that remember?
Yaga 1 :That’s right I forgot all about that fur ball!
Sepulchure :No we wont kill the hero!
Everyone :wont?!?
Sepulchure :No my master thinks the hero could be of use to us…
Xan :So what are we going to do?
Sepulchure :Something that is much more evil!
Sepulchure :We are going to corrupt the hero!
*Everyone starts to mutter again*
Sepulchure :I found a very strong spell to do that , but I need your help with it!
Xan :Count me in!
Yaga’s :Us too!
Sepulchure :Lets begin!
*Scene changes to graveyard where you and Artix are slaying undead*
Artix :Isn’t this fun?
<You> :You killed them all before I could touch them *Mutters* I didn’t even get experience
Artix :Sorry hero I couldn’t help it , You know what the next one will be yo-
*Your character stands still looking at nothing while a dark aura surrounds him/her*
Artix :<Hero name> are you okay?
<You> :Yes better then ever!
Artix :Good I was worried there for a second!
<You> :I feel great I feel EVIL!
Artix: Good that you feel great! But wait? Evil?!?
<You>:Quiet you fool! My master calls me!
*Hero runs away*
Artix: What happened?
Artix: I better find out fast!
Artix: That dark aura must had something to do with it!
Artix: Maybe Zorbak know more!
*Scene changes to Zorbak’s house*
Artix: …and that was what happened
Zorbak : And why are you telling me this?
Artix: Well a great necromancer like yourself must know something about undoing such a thing!
Zorbak :Well I am a great necromancer!
Artix :Yes you are
Zorbak :It sounds like a spell of corruption!
Artix: A spell of corruption?
Zorbak :Yes it will enlarge even the smallest evil in you and completely corrupt you!
Artix: That sounds awful! How can we undo it?
Zorbak :Oh I like this part! You have to defeat the corrupted in battle within 24 hours or the spell cant be reversed!
Artix: Thank oh great necromancer *Mutters* annoying little rat, one day I will…
Zorbak :What did you say?
Artix: Nothing thanks for your help Zorbak!
*Artix runs away, Zorbak looks out of the window to see a pile of defeated undead*
Zorbak :ARTIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Scene changes to Artix again *
Artix: The hero is powerful I will need some help!
*Buttons appear*
Vilmor (DA only)
If you choose Tomix:
*Scene changes to ravenloss*
*You fight you way through 10 chaos weavers*
Tomix :Who are you what are you doing here?
Artix :I’m Artix a friend of <Hero name>
Artix :<Hero name> is corrupted and we need to defeat him/her to undo the spell!
Tomix :<Hero name> is in trouble?!? I will help!
*Tomix joins team!*
*if Tomix was your first choice*
Artix :I will be needing one more hero to be sure to defeat <Hero name>
Vilmor (DA only)

*If Tomix was your second choice*
Artix :Its time to undo the spell!

If you choose Cysero :
*Scene changes to Cysero’s shop*
*Fight your way through 10 Laundry golems*
Cysero :Hi Artix! What’s up?
Artix :Cysero I need your help!
Cysero :What’s the matter?
Artix :<Hero name> is corrupted!
Cysero :Corrupted? Wonder what that tastes like…
Artix :Cysero!
Cysero :Well you helped me do my laundry so sure I will help you!

*Cysero joins team!*
*if Cysero was your first choice*
Artix :I will be needing one more hero to be sure to defeat <Hero name>
Vilmor (DA only)

*If Cysero was your second choice*
Artix :Its time to undo the spell!

If you choose Warlic :
*Scene changes to Warlic’s tent*
Artix :Warlic I need your help!
Warlic :Whats the matter?
Artix :<Hero name> is corrupted!
Warlic :Corrupted ? interesting..
Artix :No its not! Can you help?
Warlic :I wish I could but there is a conflict between the wind and the rock elementals I have to stop
Artix :If I do that for you can you come?
Warlic :Sure
*Fight the wind and rock elements*
Artix :All done
Warlic :good job I will help you!

*Warlic joins team!*
*if Warlic was your first choice*
Artix :I will be needing one more hero to be sure to defeat <Hero name>
Vilmor (DA only)

*If Warlic was your second choice*
Artix :Its time to undo the spell!

If you choose Zhoom :
Zhoom :Who are you what are you doing here?
Artix :I’m Artix a friend of <Hero name>
Artix :<Hero name> is corrupted and we need to defeat him/her to undo the spell!
Zhoom :<Hero name> is in trouble?!? I will help!
*Anubis knights come marching in*
Zhoom :But first defeat those monsters to prove your to be trusted.
*Fight the Anubis knights*
Zhoom :Good I can trust you!

*Zhoom joins team!*
*if Zhoom was your first choice*
Artix :I will be needing one more hero to be sure to defeat <Hero name>
Vilmor (DA only)

*If Zhoom was your second choice*
Artix :Its time to undo the spell!

If you choose Galanoth :
*Scene changes to dragesvard*
Galanoth :Artix what are you doing here?
Artix : <Hero name> is corrupted I need your help to defeat him/her and undo the spell!
Galanoth :I would love to but I need to slay some dragons first!
*Fight the Ice dragons*
Galanoth :Okay lets go!

*Galanoth joins team!*
*if Galanoth was your first choice*
Artix :I will be needing one more hero to be sure to defeat <Hero name>
Vilmor (DA only)

*If Galanoth was your second choice*
Artix :Its time to undo the spell!

If you choose Vilmore :
Vilmore :Who are you? How did you come here?
Artix :I’m Artix a friend of <Hero name> I came her by gryphon
Artix :<Hero name> is corrupted and we need to defeat him/her to undo the spell!
Vilmor :<Hero name> is in trouble?!? I will help!
*Vurrmen come marching in*
Zhoom :But first defeat those monsters I hate them they are so ugly!
*Fight the Vurrmen*
Vilmor :Good You sure showed them who’s boss!

*Vilmor joins team!*
*if Vilmor was your first choice*
Artix :I will be needing one more hero to be sure to defeat <Hero name>

*If Vilmor was your second choice*
Artix :Its time to undo the spell!

Its time to undo the spell !:
Artix :Now that I gathered Enough people its time to defeat <Hero name>!
*Scene changes to you character who’s trying to pull over warlics statue*
Artix :<hero name> we are here to cure you!
<You> :Cure me from what? I feel fantastic!
Artix :Sorry <hero name> We will have to defeat you!
<You>:Bring it on!
*Boss battle*
*After the battle*
Artix :<Hero name>! are you okay?
<You> :Yes I’m fine a little bruised but fine!
Artix :Phew Do you know what happened?
<You> :Well one moment I was fighting undead with you when I suddenly felt a dark feeling come over me!
<You> :And the next moment I was here!
Artix :I’m glad you’re okay!
<You> :Nut what happened exactly?
Artix :I will tell you later , rest now
<You> :I could use some re- zzzZZZzzz
*Scene blacks out while you see your character sleep*
*End Quest!*


Bubblegum! (QST 014)
Quest name: Bubblegum
Location: Falconreach-->Gretel-->Quest-->Bubblegum
Objective: Bubblegum that never loses its flavour, or gets too chewy? Awesome!
Completed quest: Yuck!
NPC's :


Monsters :

10 Doomwood
10 Seedspitters
3 Laundrygolem
3 Bugbears
3 Dirty Sockmonkey
Boss battle: Boggaboss

Rewards :

Not any yet…

Dialogue :
Gretel: Hello <Hero name>, can you help me with something?
<You>: Depends, does it have something to do with a giant turkey/duck/dragon ?
Gretel: No, I want you to gather some ingredients
<You>: What are you planning to make?
Gretel: Bubblegum that will never lose its flavour, or get too chewy!
<You>: Sounds good , I’ll help you,
Gretel: Okay , here’s a list with the things I need!
*Scene changes too doomwood forest*
<You>: Lets see the first thing on the list is “Juice of a Doomwood tree”
<You>: Ooookaaay…..
*Battle the 10 Doomwoods*
*You see your character holding a big vial*
<You>: This should be enough!
<You>: So whats next?
<You>: Leaves of a Seedspitter?
<You>: Ew…
<You>: I’m sure Gretel knows what she’s doing!
*Scene changes to the mill Where the Seedspitters are*
*There is a healingpad in the beginning, Battle the seedspitters*
<You: So, what’s next?
<You>: Laundry softener from Cysero?
<You>: HmmmmmOkay…. (San Robin’s note : Yes Radec its supposed to be that way xD)
*Scene changes to Cysero, Your health is at max again*
Cysero: ´Hiya hero! What’s up?
<You>: I …uhm… I need your laundry softener.
Cysero: My famous tasteless , scentless laundry softener?
<You>: Tasty and scentless?
Cysero: Yes! I once invented a Laundry softener that gave taste to your clothes, the only problem was I ate all my clothes…
<You>: Ooookaaaay that makes sense… but why scentless?
Cysero: Because the scent made me hungry!
<You>: So can I have it?
Cysero: Sure! But you have to do my laundry first!
<You>: I didn’t expect anything less…
*Battle the Monsters and boss, after 5 monsters there’s a Healing Pad (boss is a buffed up monster so no need for heal)*
*Scene changes back to Cysero*
<You>: Done!
Cysero: Well done hero and as promised , here is your softener!
<You>: Thanks Cysero!
*Scene changes to Gretel*
<You>: Here are the things you need
Gretel: Thank you, <Hero name>!
Gretel: I ’ll start right away!
*Black screen, sploosh , sizzle , fizzle*
Gretel: And done!
Gretel: Here have the first taste
<You>: I ’m honoured!
*Character puts bubblegum in mouth*
<You>: Yes its soft, and what’s that taste it tastes like…
<You>: Yuck! Sprouts! That’s not a good flavour for candy!
Gretel: But its good for you!
<You>: And since when does that matter? You have a house made of candy!
Gretel: That’s to lure unhealthy hero’s here to give them healthy food!
<You>: Oh, that’s kind of clever…
Gretel: Yes, it is!
Gretel: So, do you want some more gum?
<You>: No, thank you!
*Scene blacks out*
*End Quest!*


Note: This Quest got 1st runner up in the AQ quest writing competition! :D
Angry poet (QST 015)
Quest name: Angry poet
Location: Falconreach-->Ash-->Quest-->Angry poet
Objective: Weird guy… still fulfil his request…
Completed quest:You call that a reward?!?
NPC's :


Monsters :

10 Shakespear minions
4 Doomcrawlers (Weak)
10 Doomwoods
Boss: Shakespear
Rewards :

poem (Lousy , good , best)

Dialogue :
Ash: Hi <Hero name>
<You>: Hi Ash whats wrong this time?
Ash: Some really weird guy came here with a Quest for you
<You>: A weird guy again?*mutters* Why do I always get the weird ones…
Ash: This one was really weird!
<You>: Even weirder then the usual people?
Ash: Much weirder!
Ash: He spoke in Rhyme the whole time!
<You>: Okay…So where can I find this guy?
Ash: In the inn…
*Button appear*
Okay I’ll help
Another weird guy? No thank you!
*After accepting, the scene changes to the inn*
???: I saw you coming through the door, Are you the one I’m looking for?
<You>: What?
???: I had a request , and asked for the best.
<You>: The best? Yep that’s me
???: Ah so you’re the best I see… now please here my plea!
<You>: Okay….
<You>: Whats your name anyway
???: You don’t know me I’m surprised to hear! I’m the famous Stillspear!
<You>: Who?
Stillspear: Lets not talk about that all day , Just listen to what I have to say!
<You>: Okay *Snort* I rhymed!
<You>: Go on please..
Stillspear: There is a bunch of skeletons in the Forest, and I want you to defeat them in your quest!
<You>: Why ? What did they do?
Stillspear: They spoofed my name, that means its Different but almost the same!
<You>: Oh you mean the shakespears? What’s so bad about that?
Stillspear: There is Copyright on my name , so they have themselves to blame!
<You>: Okay I’ll slay them already
*Scene changes to doomwood forest*
*Fight 12 monsters*
<You>: These monsters are weak , They cant even speak!
<You>: I’m talking in Rhyme , And doesn’t take time *Mutters* I’m so awesome! *Big grin*
*Fight the other monsters*
*Boss battle*
*After the boss battle*
Shakespear: Why did you attack?
<You>: Because you fought back!
Shakespear: Ah so you can rhyme?
<You>: Yes but not all the time
Shakespear: I can hear that you’re good but not the best,
<You>: Good can I now continue my quest?
Shakespear: Yes why did you attack us ? who has the blame?
<You>: Some guy who said you stole his name!
Shakespear: Whats the name of that guy?
<You>: ”Stillspear” why?
Shakespear: My good hero how can that be?, just look at me!
<You>: You’re a undead with a spear.
Shakespear: Now you think clear!
<You>: I dont get what you said...
Shakespear: Is that “stillspear” guy already dead?
<You>: No he’s not…
Shakespear: I’m older than him he wasn’t even born before I started to rot.
Shakespear: So how can I steal his name?
<You>: Now that I think of it You cant be to blame
Shakespear: I’m glad you got it else it would be a mess , now go back to that guy and tell him of your succes!
<You>: But I didn’t let you die
Shakespear: True , just see it as a white lie!
<You>: Thanks Shakespear it was good talking to you.
Shakespear: No thank you hero and it was good talking to you too.
*Scene changes back to Stillspear”
<You>: …and that's how I slayed him!
Stillspear: Thank noble hero take a poem of mine.
<You>: Good this quest is over finally no more rhyme!
*End Quest!*


The FWW (QST 016)
Quest name: The FWW
Location: Falconreach-->Lim-->Quest-->The FWW
Objective: Spiders? Why Spiders?
Completed quest:That didn’t go to well…
NPC's :


Monsters :

10 Spiders
10 Beetles
Boss: Mob

Rewards :

Mail from Lim!

Dialogue :

Lim: Hello <Hero name>
<You>: Hi Lim What’s up?
Lim: Well the sun and the stars and-
<You>: Lim I meant “how are you doing”
Lim: Oh why didn’t you say so?
<You>: /Facepalm
Lim: Anyway, I called you here to do something for me…
<You>: What is it this time?
Lim: I want you to get some tame spiders for me!
<You>: Tame spiders?!?
Lim: Yes!
<You>: Where do you need them for?
<You>: I should’ve known
Lim: So will you help me hero?
*Buttons appear*
Spiders no thank you!
*After accepting*
<You>: Tame spiders huh? Maybe I Should go to Aria…
*Scene changes to Aria’s petshop*
Aria: Tame spiders? What for?
Lim (Of screen): I heard that!
Aria: Ah one of Lim’s experiments… Sure I can help
<You>: Great!
Aria: I don’t have any spiders right know so we have to tame them from the start.
<You>: That’s doesn’t sound easy…
Aria: Oh but it is, but first we have to find them!
<You>: To the critter cave!
*Scene changes to critter cave*
*Fight the monsters after 10 there is a healing pad*
<You>: This should be enough!
Aria: Give me a minute to tame them
*1 Minute later
Aria: Done! *Big grin*
<You>: Okay lets go to Lim!
*Scene changes to Lim’s shop*
Lim: You did it! Thanks hero!
<You>: Don’t mention it, Rather tell me why you need them?
Lim: For my FWW
<You>: FWW?
Lim: Falconreach Wide Web!
<You>: Whats a wide web?
Lim: You can use it to send your mail quick!
<You>: Handy!
Lim: Now Spin a web my spider minions!
*30 minutes later*
*You can see a huge web hovering above Falconreach*
Lim: Okay lets try!
*Gives a letter to a spider*
Lim: Bring this letter to <Hero name>!
Spider: Click click! *Translation* Okay
*Spider Walks to hero and gives him/her a letter*
<You>: Thanks?
Lim: Succes!
<You>: ….
Twilly (Off screen): Whelp!
<You>: Twilly is in trouble!
*Scene changes to Twilly*
Twilly: WHELP ME!
*Spider crawls near Twilly*
Aria: No *Jumps in front of Twilly* Bad spidey!
*Ash comes running in*
Ash: ARIA GET AWAY FROM THERE *Jumps in front of Aria with his sword in battle position*
Spider: Click Click clicker the click! *Translation* Come on its just a rat with a stick lemme eat him!
*Spider knocks Ash out*
Aria: ASH! *Knocks out Spider* Are you okay
<You>: Oooooh Ash that was soooo embarrassing!
Aria: Instead of laughing why don’t you defeat those spiders!
<You>: Sorry….
*Fight the mob (Bossfight)*
*After winning*
Lim: Maybe the experiment wasn’t such a success…
<You>: Yeah it looks like your FWW crashed!
*Everyone laughs*
*End Quest!*


Don’t wanna (QST 017)
Quest name:Don’t wanna
Location: Falconreach-->Ash-->Quest-->Don’t wanna
Objective: Meh… I don’t want to…
Completed quest: You’re ready to kick some mosters and chew dragonchow, but you’re all out of dragonchow!
NPC's :


Monsters :

5 skeletons
5 sockmonkeys
5 metal togs
5 mecha bees
Boss battle : Unspirit

Rewards :

Uhm… I don’t want to make rewards xD

Dialogue :

Ash: Hi <Hero name> I have a quest for you!
<You>: I don’t want to…
Ash: Great lets get goi-
Ash: Wait what?
<You>: I don’t want to.
Ash: But you are the hero you have to accept the quest!
<You>: I don’t feel like it
Ash: But it’s a very special quest!
<You>: Ash, I just don’t feel like saving unicougars from trees right now.
Ash: …Oh… Then how about-
<You>: Or saving a Doomkitten from a dog…
Ash: …Uhm….
Ash: But you have to!
<You>: If its so neccesairy why don’t you do it?
Ash: Okay I will!
*Black screen , with text : 10 minutes later*
*Ash comes back covered with scratches*
<You>: How did it go?
Ash: Never.. talk… about… this… again…
<You>: Okay….
Ash: We have to find help for you!
Ash: Maybe Lim knows something!
*Scene changes to Lim’s work place*
Lim: So <Hero name> Doesn’t want to do anything?
Ash: Yeah! Weird huh?
Lim: <Hero name just needs some cheering up!
Ash: How?
Lim: With SCIENCE!
Ash: What do you need for that?
Lim: Behold! my Robotic band!
*2 metal togs and 2 mecha bees show up*
Lim: Now play my minions
*Smoke coming from the Robots*
Lim: That’s not good!
Lim: Uhm…hero can you help us out here?
<You>: Sigh…
*Battle the monsters*
Lim: And how do you feel?
<You>: Sigh…
Lim: Hmm that didn’t help?
???: Maybe I can help!
Lim: No not him!
*Cysero walks in*
Cysero: Hi Private Lim of the Pi peleton!
Lim: I thought I locked my door to keep you out…
Cysero: Yeah but I opened it with my cordemi codex *Show Codex (Key form)*
Cysero: For sale at my shop for only 10 DC’s *Shiny teeth*
Lim: *Grabs head in frustration* Argh!
Cysero: Anyway I know a way to cheer you up <Hero name>!
Cysero: Okay just follow me!
<You>: Okay….
*Scene changes to Cysero, Your health is recoverd*
Cysero: I brought some dirty sock monkey to do tricks!
Cysero: Go My monkeys!
*The monkeys come in screen and begin to destroy everything*
<You>: So what’s the trick?
Cysero: I knew I forgot something! I had to tame them first didn’t I?
<You>: Sigh…
Cysero: Uhm…Could you maybe-
<You>: Alright I get it…
*Fight the sock monkeys*
Cysero: Sorry about that..
Cysero: Hey maybe Artix knows how to cheer you up!!
Ash: We can try!
<You>: Why are you still here?
Ash: Because I want to help!
Cysero: There’s a mad unicougar coming your way Ash.
Ash: AAAAH *Runs away*
*Unicougar chases Ash*
Cysero: Shouldn’t you-
<You>: Nope….
Cysero: Okidoki!
<You>: I’ll be off to Artix now…
*Scene changes to Artix*
Artix: So You’re feeling down huh?
<You>: I don’t know I don’t want to feel down!
Artix: You know what cheers me up?
<You>: Punting Zorbak?
Artix: Well that and Slaying undead!
<You>: Okay lets try it…
*Battle the 5 skeletons*
ArtixHow do you feel now?
<You>: Meh…
Artix: Did you just say “Meh…”?
<You>: Yes why?
Artix: I know how to fix you!
Artix: Follow me!
*Scene changes to zorbaks house*
Zorbak: Mehehehe Now that the unspirit has the control over <Hero name> I can do whatever I want!
Artix: A unspirit huh?
<You>: What’s a “Unspirit”
Artix: it’s a Spirit that drains away your… well….Spirit to fight
<You>: Can you fix it?
Artix: Can sneevils make peanut butter?
<You>: I don’t know…
Artix: The answer is : Of course they can!
<You>: Then please remove it from me!
Artix: Okay, But there is a chance That it will attack you right after I removed it!
<You>: I don’t want that but oh well just do it…
Artix: Ok here we go!
*You see Artix gathering light and your character begins to glow*
*An explosion*
*Boss battle*
*After the battle
Artix: Did you defeat the unspirit?
<You>: Yes And I feel great again!
Artix: Ok lets go then!
<You>: Give me a second…*Goes of screen*
Artix: Okay why?
Zorbak (Of screen): Hey what are you doing here?!?
<You>(Of screen): Cursing me huh you annoying little rat
Zorbak (Flying through the screen): AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
<You>: *Comes back in screen* He deserved that!
Artix: You’re so lucky You got to Slay undead and punt Zorbak in one day!
*Character and Artix laugh*
*Screen blacks out*
*End Quest!*


Rapunsel(QST 018)
Quest name:Rapunsel
Location: Falconreach-->Ash-->Quest-->Rapunsel
Objective: Help Twilly save his true love!
Completed quest: A play? It was all a play?
NPC's :

Rapunsel (Twig)
Yaga witch
Random crowd

Monsters :

5 Doomwoods
5 lizard men
5 Ravens
5 Ninja monkeys
Boss Battle : Yaga witch

Rewards :


Dialogue :

Ash: Hi <Hero name>!
<You>: Hi Ash whats the matter this time?
Ash: Twilly needs your help!
<You>: Twilly?
Ash: Yes!
<You>: Twilly is 2 steps away from you! Why doesn’t he ask me himself?
Ash: Yeah that’s the point…
<You>: What is?
Ash: *Whispers* He’s glued to his stump… one of Zorbaks pranks…
<You>: Poor Twilly! Don’t worry little buddy I’ll help you!
*Scene changes to Twilly’s stump*
*Twilly is sitting on his stump*
Twilly: Hi Hero how is it going?
<You>: You ask me? Your glued to a stump!
Twilly: I can still be social!
<You>: … How long have you been glued to this stump?
Twilly: 3 weeks *Smiles*
<You>: Oh only 3 we-WAIT! WHAT 3 WEEKS?!?
Twilly: Yep!
<You>: How did you even go to the toilet?
Twilly: *Ears go down* I’d rather not talk about that…
<You>: Okaaaay….. let me help you!
*You can see the hero doing his regular attack to free Twilly*
Twilly: Outchy!
<You>: Well at least you’re free again!
Twilly: Yep thanks hero!
<You>: Okay !
<You>: Quest complete! TaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
<You>: Where is my quest complete music?
Twilly: This wasn’t the actual quest!
<You>: Not?
Twilly: Nope!
<You>: So what is?
Twilly: You have to get me to the castle of the Evil Yaga Witch to free my true love Rapunsel!
<You>: You have a true love?
Twilly: Sure why not?
<You>: Never mind…
Twilly: Follow me!
*Scene changes to Doomwood *
<You>: This is the location of the castle?
Twilly: No this is just the first location of our journey?
<You>: Okay…
*Battle the 5 Doomwoods and 1 ninja monkey*
Twilly: Take that you evil monsters nobody stands in my way to my true love!
<You>: Twilly… You didn’t do a thing…
Twilly: Moral support?
<You>: Lets go on…
*Scene changes to a dessert*
<You>: How did we come here so fast?
Twilly: Nevermind! Look monsters!
<You>: Oooooh! *Charges* CHAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!
*Defeat the 5 lizard men and 1 ninja monkey*
Twilly: Even the heat and the evil lizards cant stop me!
<You>: ….
*Scene changes to some plains*
Twilly: Almost there!
<You>: How do we travel so fast and whats with the ninja monkeys?
Twilly: I will explain all after we saved Rapunsel!
<You>: Okay….
*Fight the 5 ravens and 1 ninja monkey*
Twilly: Rapunsel!!! I’m almost with you!
<You>: Finally
*Scene changes to the foot of a castle*
<You>: Where did this castle come from it wasn’t here a second ago! I turn around and there it was
Twilly: All will be explained!
Twilly: But for now! *Scrapes throat*
Twilly: Rapunsel Rapunsel let down your tail!
<You>: Tail?
*A tail drops down and 2 ninja monkey fall down too*
*Fight the ninja monkeys*
<You>: So what are we gonna do now?
Twilly: I’m gona climb her tail and free her!
<You>: But Twilly there is a do-
Twilly: You cant stop me! RAPUNSEL I WILL SAVE YOU!
*Twilly starts to climb the tail Your character will be on screen the whole time*
Twilly (Of screen): Let rapunsel go you evil witch!
Yaga witch(Off screen*: Never she’s mine!*Takes out scissors*
Twilly(Off screen): What are you planning to do with those scissors?
*You see twilly falling down*
Twilly: OOF
<You>: What happened?
Twilly: She cut the tail!
<You>: That’s so wrong!
Twilly: Yes! I was almost there!
<You>: I was talking about cutting of her tail!
Twilly: Why you cut your hair too don’t you?
<You>: Yes but-
Twilly: It’s the same thing for us moglins!
<You>: Okay, that’s new…
Twilly: But how are we gonna get up there?
<You>: We could take the stairs…
Twilly: Stairs?
<You>: Yes its right behind the door!
Twilly: Door?
<You>: Yes I tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen!
Twilly: Okay lets just take the door!
*Scene changes to a room where Rapunsel and the yaga witch are*
Twilly: I’ve come to stop you witch!
Yaga witch: You and which army?
Twilly: *Points at character* This army!
*Boss Battle*
*After you win*
Yaga witch: Hey that hurts!
<You>: Well of course! You’re the bad guy uhm gall uhm thing?
<Yaga witch: Did You just call me a bad actress?
<You>: Actress?
Yaga witch: Yes didn’t twilly tell you?
<You>: Tell me what ?
Yaga: This is just a play!
<You>: A play?
<You>: But what about Rapunsel?
Yaga Witch: That’s just Twig with a wig!
Rapunsel (Twig): *Takes of wig* Hiya Hewo!
Yaga: Didn’t you notice the crowd?
*You see a huge crowd standing outside*
Crowd: Bravo! Bravo! What a play! The hero was very convincing!
<You>: /facepalm I thought they where the regular stalkers…
Yaga witch: Stalkers?
<You>: Don’t ask…
Twilly: Sorry I didn’t tell you hero but look at all the flowers you got!
<You>: its okay twilly, but never do this again!
Twilly: Okay…
*End Quest!*


Note: the following quest was inspired by something Mritha said.
April fools(QST 019)
Quest name :April fools
Location :Falconreach -->April fools (Only available on april fools day/month)
Objective :This is going to be good!
Completed quest :Bwahahaha that was brilliant!
NPC's :


Monsters :

10 skeletons
10 Flying eyeballs
Boss : 3 guard skeletons

Rewards :
Not any yet

Dialogue :
Cysero :Hey Hero want to Fool that grumpy old Sepulchure?
<You> :Sounds fun! What do you have in mind?
Cysero :Whisper Whisper
<You>:Hahaha Lets do that!
Cysero :Okay I will teleport you to his castle!
*Scene changes to Sepulchures Fortress*
<You>: Okay Now to find his bedroom
*Fight all the monsters*
<You>: Okay here it is!
*Screen goes black for a second*
<You> :All done! Know to hide and see what happens!
*Hero goes of screen, 5 Minutes later, The door opens*
Sepulchure :Ah a new day to be Evil!
*A bucket of pink paint falls over Sepulchure*
Sepulchure :What is this?
Sepulchure :I’m all PINK!
*Note falls down*
Sepulchure :*Reads* “Hahaha Happy april fools day! Regards, The hero”
Sepulchure :Dang You hero! How can I spread terror and Doom when I am wearing pink? (Thnx Trapperking for that one)
*Drakath walks in*
Drakath: Master I- BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sepulchure: SHUT IT!
Drakath: BUT YOU'RE ALL PINK! *Snicker*
Sepulchure: *Mumbles* Laughed at by my nooby minion... could this day get any worse?
*Gravelyn crawls in*
Gravelyn: Oooooh daddy You look Vewwy pwety!
Sepulchure: /facepalm
*Meanwhile the hero is watching*
<You> :HAHAHA that’s classic!
Sepulchure:I heard something! The hero is still here!
<You> :uh o better take the teleport pill Cysero gave me
*Hero swallows pill and disappears*
*Back at Cysero*
Cysero :How did it go?
<You> :Well it-
Sepulchure (Of screen) :DANG YOU HEROOOOOOOOO!
<You> :it was a success!
*Cysero put up his thumb*
*Screen blacks out*
*End Quest!*


The Bacon orb(QST 020)
Quest name: The Bacon orb
Location: Sunbreeze Grove->Lady Celestia-->Quest--> The bacon orb
Objective: Go search for the bacon orb to power your dragon
Completed quest: Well at least you dont have to feed your dragon now...
Requirements: Completion of the Bacon saga, DA only
NPC's :

Lady Celestia
M?rz? P?n

Monsters :

10 Drones
10 Mechabees
Boss Battle : Chickencow

Rewards :

Bacon weapons?

Dialogue :

Lady Celestia: Ah <hero name> I'm glad to see you!
<You>: Why? What's the matter?
Lady Celestia: The bacon element you old me about...
<You>: Yes?
Lady Celestia: We could use it
<You>: I know, there are quite some Bacon weapons out there!
Lady Celestia: I was talking about the Bacon orb to power your dragon
<You>: The Bacon orb?!? I told you its in another dimension!
Lady Celestia: That's true but dont we know someone who can teleport you there? A certain green mage?
<You>: You mean Cysero?!?
Lady Celestia: Yes...
<You>: I guess I can give it a try
* Scene changes to Cysero *
<Cysero>: So what your trying to say is...
<You>: Yes Cysero for the 1000th time! I want to go to a Dimension that smells like grease and bacon!
<Cysero>: I think I know of that kind of place
<You>: You do? So where's the catch? Is it laundry day?
<Cysero>: No relax! I will teleport you there if you can do something for me!
<You>: And what's that?
<Cysero>: Give this paper to the person you'll find there
<You>: O....Kay.... Send me there please!
<Cysero>: Teleporpoof!
*Scene changes to something that looks a lot like the Knive and spork (Wink Wink)*
*Battle the Monsters heal after 10 battles *
<M?rz? P?n>: Welcome to the Kn<Bzzzzt> and sp<Bzzzt> its been a while since we had a costumer!
*Buttons appear *
Who are you?

<M?rz? P?n>: My name is M?rz? P?n,I've worked here for a Long time!

What happened

<M?rz? P?n>: I dont know exactly but I was slumbering when a shockwave woke me up,
<M?rz? P?n>: When I looked out the window I saw I wasnt in G?rs C>t<

Why do you talk so weird?

<M?rz? P?n>: I must have hit my cicuit sorry for that!

The paper?

Someone called Cy...sero gave you this paper? No... it couldnt be...

The bacon orb?

<M?rz? P?n>: The bacon orb? I did see one of our chickencow walk around with something like it..

Can I have it?

<M?rz? P?n>: I cant see why not,
<M?rz? P?n>: The chickencow is fierce though...
*Buttons appear *
Fight (<You>: I can take it!
Heal (<You>: Give me something to eat and I'm ready to go
Run (<You>: No way! A mad chickencow? NO!

*After the battle *
<M?rz? P?n>: Great battle! You can take the orb now but... oh...
<You>: What's the matter?
<M?rz? P?n>: Your Uhm... Pet? Just ate the orb...
<You>: What?!? O no <Dragon name>! What did you do?!?
<Dragon name: >*Burp *
<M?rz? P?n>: Well here's the chickencow burger you ordered.
<You>: Thanks I guess..
<You>: Well better let Cysero teleport us back
<M?rz? P?n>: Please come again...
<You>: I''ll try!
*Character flashes away *
*End Quest!*


CSI Falconreach(QST 021)
Quest name : CSI Falconreach
Location :Falconreach-->Ash-->Quest--> CSI Falconreach
Objective :So... CSI means Cookie scene investigation...
Completed quest :Who would have thought?!?
NPC's :
Cysero's orb

Monsters :

10 Togs
10 minx fairies
bossfight: Buffed agitated orb

Rewards :
Not any yet

Dialogue :
Ash: Hi <Hero name>! What a lovely day isnt it?
<You>: Sure is Ash... I'm glad the town is quiet for a change
Ash: Yeah you said that before remember? that time you where looking for the cookie thief?
*Buttons appear *
Yes I do remember like it was yesterday (Accept Quest)
No I don't remember (Deny quest)
<You>: Flashback time!
*Text appears in screen *
Twilly: It was a day just like this one....
*Scene changes to the front of the bank *
<You>: What a lovely weather toda-
*Voice from out of the screen *
<You>: What could it be?
*Character rushes out of the screen *
Cysero: My cookie!
<You>: What's the matter C?
Cysero: Someone stole my cookie!
<You>: Stole your cookie? That's a serious crime!
<You>: When did you last see it?
Cysero: About 15 minutes ago... and wait.... Ash was looking at it with a hungry look!
<You>: You think Ash stole your cookie?
Cysero: Yes! It must be him! He was jealous of my cookie!
<You>: /facepalm okay...lets investigate!
*Scene changes to Front of the inn *
<You>: Ash! I have some questions for you!
Ash: What is it?
<You>: Did you steal Cysero's cookie?
Ash: His cookies?
<You>: Yes! According to a withness you where looking at the cookie around the time of the crime!
Ash: Sure I was looking at it, But I didnt steal it!
<You>: How can I be sure you're not lying?
Ash: Its almost dinnertime if I eat a cookie before that my mom will kill me!
<You>: Good point...
<You>: Then we're back at stage one...
Ash: You know I saw Twilly walking into the forest with a cookie...
<You>: Twilly?!?
<You>: Could twilly be it?
<You>: Lets find out for sure!
*Scene changes to surewould forest *
<You>: Where is that cookie stealin moglin?
*Of screen *
<You>: I think Twilly is in trouble!
<You>: Even though he is a cookie thief I cant let him suffer!
*Battle the togs and minx fairies *
<You>: Twilly are you okay?
Twilly: Yes thank you for asking!
<You>: What where you doing in here?
Twilly: I was.... Eating a cookie....
<You>: Eating a cookie? I'm looking for a cookie thief!
Twilly: Cookie thief? No that's not me!
<You>: Why where you eating it here then?
Twilly: Because I'm on a strict diet and I didnt want to be caught...
<You>: So that rules you out too huh...
<You>: Well I'll go back to Cysero Maybe he can provide me with another clue...
*Scene changes back to Cysero's store *
<You>: I'm afraid I couldnt find your cookie Cysero
Cysero: Aw and it looked so tasty too /sadface
<You>: Wait I hear something... It sounds like...chewing?
<You>: Its coming from inside of your store!
Cysero: Inside my own store? Lets find out!
*Scene changes to the inside of Cysero's store *
<You>: The sound is coming from your orb!
Cysero's orb: OmNomNomNom
Cysero: You!
<You>: Him!
Cysero's orb: Me!
<You>: Did you steal Cysero's cookie?
Cysero's orb: Yes..
<You>: That was quick... But why did you do it?
Cysero's orb: Magical orbs need food too!
<You>: Then why didnt you ask?
Cysero's orb: Because I'm a fully grown orb!
Cysero's orb: And If you dont believe me then feel my wrath!
*Bossfight *
*After the fight *
<You>: I hope that teaches you to ask if you want something!
<You>: I'm sorry Cysero but the cookie was already eaten.
Cysero: That doesn't matter, I have a whole stash of them!
<You>: A...whole...stash?
Cysero: Yep
<You>: Then why did you make so much trouble?!?
Cysero: Because a crime is a crime?
<You>: ARGH /facepalm
Cysero: Relax have a cookie
*Screen black out while Cysero is smiling and <Character name> is grabbing his head in frustration *
End Quest!


Little Red floor hero(QST 022)
Location: Shadow of the wind village --> Thyton → Quests--> Little Red floor hero
Level/Quest/Items required: none

Objective:Ooooooh story time!
Objective completed: That mean old pirate!
Scaled Yes/No:yes

10 togs
10 pirate monkeys
10 minx fairies
Boss :Big bad pirate

Captain Rhubarb
Grams (Its only a story so I can use her char :P )


To be made...

Thyton: Welcome hero.
<You>: Hey Thyton what's up?
Thyton: I'd like to read you one of my favorite stories of my youth.
<You>: Uhm ...Why?
Thyton: It's good training!
<You>: Training?!?
Thyton: Its not a ordinary story you know! This is a story where You are the head character!
<You>: So play in a Childrens story and get experience?
Thyton: Yes.
<You>: Lets do this!
* Scene changes to the jungle near The shadow of the wind village where your character stands*
Thyton Voice (Above the screen): Once upon a time , there was a little hero.
Thyton: The hero was loved by all the villagers but also known for his/her power.
Thyton: If the hero came across a monster the floor would colour red soon..
Thyton: That way the hero got the nickname “Little red floor hero”
Thyton: Today was charity day for the hero...
<You> (in screen): O boy its charity day!
<You>: I'm going to bring some pies to gramps because she's sick!
*Meanwhile *
Captain Rhubarb: Man I'm hungry!
Captain Rhubarb: Wait I smell Pie! Its coming from that direction * Runs out of screen*
*Back at little red floor hero *
<You>: Hmmm which way shall I go
???: Ahoy there little hero! Are ye lost?
<You>: As a matter of fact Yes I am!
Captain Rhubarb: Me name be Rhubarb, where do ye need to go?
<You>: I have to go to Grams house to deliver these Pies *Shows Basket *
Captain Rhubarb: Oh if thats all just follow the left path and you'll be there in a flash!
<You>: Okay thank you! *Walks out of screen *
Captain Rhubarb: *Thinks * Now I will take the shortcut to Grams house!
*Scene changes to a Darker part of the jungle *
<You>: Hmmm its kind of dark in here... ah wel!
*Fight the monsters (Heal pad included *
*Scene changes to Grams house *
<You>: Pfew It took a while but I'm finaly here!
*Character knocks on the door *
Grams?: Ye can Enter Ye scurfy dog!
<You>: Scurfy dog?
Grams?: Uh I mean Sweet child...
<You>: Oh okay!
*Scene changes to the inside of the house *
<You>: Grams where are you?
Grams?: Over here in the bed!
*Character walks to the bed *
<You>: Grams what a long beard you got!
Grams?: It aint a beard it be a scarf.
<You>: And why do you have a eyepatch on?
Grams?: A pet pecked my eye
<You>: And what-
Grams?: Yeah Yeah! Just gimme the Pie!
???: Little red floor hero! Watch out he's a pirate!
Grams?: Who said that show yerself ye scurfy landlubber!
*Thyton apears *
<You>: Arent you the village leader?
Thyton: Yes my name is Thyton and that right there is not Grams!
<You>: Oh that explains the hat with crossbones!
Captain Rhubarb: Aye Ye got me! But I wont give in so easily!
*Fight The big bad Pirate *
*After the battle *
<You>: What did you do with Grams?
Captain Rhubarb: Find her yerself! I'll be out of here! *Runs away *
???: HMMM! HMMM!
<You>: It came From the closet!
Thyton: I will get her out.
Grams: Thank you kids!
<You>: I have some pie for you!
Grams: Thank you hero thats really sweet of you!
<You>: But Thyton why are you here?
Thyton: I heard rumors about a pirate strolling around in the jungle so I went to investigate.
Thyton: Thats where I saw You talking to that pirate, I suspected something so I followed you.
<You>: I'm glad you did!
Grams: And I'm gratefull for the pie, Do you youngsters want some too?
Thyton: Pie?!? YECH!
Thyton: Pie is for pirates! *Disapears *
<You>: I'd like some pie!
Thytons voice (Of screen): And they lived happily ever after... *Mumbles * Yech Pie!
End Quest

Joke Quests(JQ)

The chish(JQ 001)
Cutscene name:The chish
Location: Any fishing spot
Completed cutscene: Oooookaaaay….
NPC's :


Monsters :


Rewards :

Fish (temporary weapon)

Dialogue :

*Your fishing at a dock*
<You>: Oh boy this is a big one!
*You reel in the “Fish*
<You>: I know whats for dinner tonight!
*Chisagen come out of the water tied to your fishing line*
<You>: What the? Wheren't you one of thos M.O.P guys?
Chisagen: Yes why?
<You>: Why are you- why did I- Why?!?
Chisagen: I could ask you the same thing, why did you catch me?
<You>: I was Fishing! What where you doing there in the first place?
Chisagen: Hunting for fish *Big grin*
<You>: … So… are you going to take me to some kind of secret underwater town now?
Chisagen: No of course not! but I can give you a fish if you release me!
<You>: That’ll do..
*Hero releases Chisagen*
Chisagen: Thank you kindley *Hand Your character a fish*
<You>: Thanks?
Chisagen: No problem *Big grin* use it while its fresh!
<You>: I’ll do..
Chisagen: Okay bye *Jumps back in the water*
*End cutscene!*

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< Message edited by San Robin -- 7/30/2011 19:20:08 >
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