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Support Mercs

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1/30/2011 22:05:45   

In one of Lectrix posts, I mentioned that Artillery Strike should be switched to energy damage; I think it would change a lot of things. And why not...BHs and TMs have energy multis.

Anyone that's one note. Another thing is this: what if Artillery Strike is switched from 42 dex as a MAX requirement to +3 or +4 focus build? All this of course to nerf Artillery
Strike, and in the long run, to nerf support mercs..

I think, you just can use this thread to discuss about Build, Skill Tree etc. Thanks. :) ~AVA

< Message edited by AVA -- 1/31/2011 5:41:28 >
Epic  Post #: 1
1/30/2011 22:07:19   

i would support this in a 2 vs 2 sense.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
1/30/2011 22:07:38   

42 Dex is too high for a Support Build. You could use all those stats and add it to support to make it beast.

Instead of 42 Dex, at least make it 36-39.[/b
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
1/30/2011 22:09:05   

dude support mercs are OP
now support mercs is the anti str merc build. getting lucky crits, no stunned so much, and reducing str with like lvl 2-4 intimidate
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
1/30/2011 22:17:40   

Ooh, would you like to see the full list of bonuses that Mercs receive from spamming Support? (I'm pretty sure i missed a few, but oh well).


What does Support do for Mercs? Artillery Strike, Field Commander, and Artillery Strike (the best Multi attack BY FAR), not to mention ridiculously overpowered Field Medics that fit in perfectly with their Support Builds.

Why do Mercs spam Support? Hybrid Armor. Hybrid Armor basically gives Mercs tons of extra Dexterity Points. Free Stat Points, enabling Mercs to use their ridiculous Support Builds.

Sure, you could argue that the other Passives are free Stat Points. But if you think about it, other Passives are limited. Shadow Arts is an all or nothing Skill. A Deadly Aim boosted Gun has a Cooldown. Reroute and Blood Lust... well, they're limited by the way you or your opponents play.

What ever happened to creativity? I'm sick of seeing the same dumb Support Builds, over and over again.

Artillery Strike should be changed to improve with Dexterity. In my opinion, no Skills should improve with Support, because Support is the only Stat that can't be Nerfed.

< Message edited by Lectrix -- 1/30/2011 22:18:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
1/30/2011 22:32:19   

Good point Lectrix. Either they remove support requirement or introduce a new skill that nerfs support.
Epic  Post #: 6
1/30/2011 22:32:40   
Hun Kingq

Simple solution put a cap on Strength and Support because with the new weapons abusing support and strength has gotten worse one merc I battled had 76 support with 42 enhancements so now I will have to re-adjust my resistance and defense to with stand the attacks. When I see a player using high support or high strength, all I see is a weak an unskilled player.
Epic  Post #: 7
1/30/2011 22:45:26   
Retired ED Guest Artist


In one of Lectrix posts, I mentioned that Artillery Strike should be switched to energy damage; I think it would change a lot of things. And why not...BHs and TMs have energy multis.

Anyone that's one note. Another thing is this: what if Artillery Strike is switched from 42 dex as a MAX requirement to +3 or +4 focus build? All this of course to nerf Artillery Strike, and in the long run, to nerf support mercs..

I'm an ex Merc, currently a BH. I understand why you want to nerf Artillery Strike, but it is not necessary. Mages have the ability to increase their defense points up to 25+. With an average standard defense of 30 or so, it's more than enough to reduce the damage of Artillery Strike to 10 - 15 or less. Bounty Hunters have EMP Grenade and are able to strip a Merc of the ability to use AS. With the current build I have. My EMP takes off 40 energy points. Often times reducing their energy to below 10. With this in mind, you should understand that both classes have a good enough AS counter to prevent it from being nerf'd.
Epic  Post #: 8
1/30/2011 22:48:34   

dude thats nothing i seen STR mercs with like 120 str +40 from stat modifiers.
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
1/30/2011 23:09:04   
Hun Kingq

goldslayer I know but this was about Support and that one you mentioned having high strength I beat him not once but three times in a row. Bounties took away my energy and thought they could win the battle but I am a player that knows how to win with low to no energy.
Epic  Post #: 10
1/30/2011 23:11:19   

if i were a tank merc with 5 focus and tons of tech i could win without energy unless they get lucky and block the robots.
good aux aswell
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
1/30/2011 23:11:24   

I wouldn't say that Strength or Support abusers are weak; they're certainly powerful... too powerful.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
1/30/2011 23:37:59   

nah a support merc wont have 3-4 focus unless he is fully varium. 1-2 focus is how a support merc work. var support mercs will have 3 focus(due to stat inflation) so that they can use thier gamma bot. support mercs are easy to beat when they are alone but in groups lets just say u cant do much unless u have 2 emp bh or a caster+ battle/mega support mage with high malf. well this is in 2v2. idk bout 1v1 support mercs. can they work in 1v1 idk cause i rarely go 1v1. also take in mind 2v2 lvl diffrence balance is totally broken 32+32 vs 32+27 hmm is that fair idk. 27+27vs 26+32 is this fair hmm i wonder. 2v2 is broken and needs ajustment. everytime they increase teh lvl more problem occurs in 2v2. a support merc cant solo 2 people in 2v2 alone without boosters. well even wif booster the 2 people must either be 27 or 26. well i think artillery strike should still remain as a phy atk.

< Message edited by Luna_moonraider -- 1/30/2011 23:39:35 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 13
1/31/2011 0:16:11   

Like I said earlier,one of the problems with Support is that it can't be Nerfed. It is currently the most powerful Stat, and it improves a Merc's most powerful Skill: Artillery Strike. Keep in mind that Artillery Strike is Unblockable and Undeflectable. It can Crit, however.

Support can't be used as well by the other Classes because of their Skills. Support only improves defensive Skills for Bounty Hunters. It improves a defensive Skill and a debuff Skill for Tech Mages. Support doesn't directly improve an offensive Skill for Bounty Hunters or Tech Mages, yet it improves an insanely powerful Skill for Mercs and cannot be Nerfed. Support also improves a buff Skill and a debuff Skill for Mercs, allowing them to master Strength as well -- all by abusing one Stat.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
1/31/2011 0:32:25   

This could work, however, LOW-Leved players have no way of getting +3/4 Focus...
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 15
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