Lets see... Testing again... I suggest to use:[url=http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=jumpykitten][img]http://sig.aqstats.com//1378275.gif[/img][/url] Result: Result: Your AQ stat sig with AQW character page link in size! ;) ~ Army ~ Thank you so far. Now if I wanted to use some more of the allowed width and add the Forum avatar to the right. I think about it. Basically... my dream is to have 2 graphics of small width side-by-side. The first one links to my AQ chara. The second to my new AQW chara. But if I see it correctly it can be only one picture. Banner-like. Restricted height. (No problem I can always resize) The file size limit, (No-one wants to wait long for a page to open. Worse if it is my or your (BBS) page that takes long to load. ) Long rant... sorry To the point. If we could use, if we want, the aqstats banner with the link to the AQ character, And some picture (I'd prefer my forum avatar) adjacent to the first one. The second one has a link to the AQW character. It shows both worlds. So if someone like me wants to show that a character from AQ is connected to a character to AQW that would be a great thing. Just a suggestion. I don't know if something like that is possible on a BB? (I forgot the name) that yours is dedrived from. Well, do you mean something like this: Result AQ stat image leading to your AQ character page and your avatar image leading to your AQW character page! ;) Here is the code: [url=http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=1378275][img]http://sig.aqstats.com//1378275.gif[/img][/url] [url=http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=jumpykitten][img]http://i53.tinypic.com/2qmqckn.gif[/img][/url] ~ Army ~ It is exactly this. Thanks, Army. My pleasure. ;) ~ Army ~
< Message edited by Armakuny -- 3/31/2011 15:04:08 >