Hello person, the names Mega. Hello Mega, ze name's Hallie, ze Robot Unicorns Princess (/Overlord). Can u harness the powerz of teh blade of AWE!!!!!!!! Ehm... maybe? O.o Y do robot unicorns crash into star like rock and explode? Well, when they gain enough speed they're faster than light, and if they make a small misstake they'll crash and burn... it's really sad, but unfortunately that's how it is ;_; u seem awesome :D Haha, thankies :D *gives u 1000 cookies that taste like wut ever ur allergic too if u are allergic to anything if not, then chocolate *isn't allergic to anything* Thankies! Im not allergic to anything mwahahahahaaaaaha. We have something in common! u play any other AE games, like regularly? Yup! I play HeroSmash (one of my favorites already), AQW, ED and sometimes AQ... even more rarely than AQ I'll sometimes play MQ... if u play AQW can i addz u? Maybe. I'm saving room on my friendslist for a few friends that I haven't been able to add yet, but we'll see =) and finally do robot unicorns like sugar cubes? Yesh, kinda, but they prefer energon cubes :D kthxbai :3 kthxbai :3 another edit Wuts ur fav Class/Mech in each game AQ: No idea, uhm... I'm not even sure what class I have atm. Arachno-thingy? AQW: Chronomancer, DragonLord or StarLord... or maybe Shaman or Bard... really like zerker too x.X DF: Chronomancer or Technomancer, definitely. I really like Ranger too though. MQ: No idea. I really suck at MQ. When I play it I press random buttons, and as long as my own Mech doesn't explode/implode I'm happy... I like the Mech I got from the ShadowScythe t-shirt... ish also the only Mech I have :D ED: TechMage. Ze only thing I've ever tried, but I like it. Edit: ull probably see me around, if u do say hai! Sure thing! See yah 'round :D
< Message edited by Hallie Slidepath -- 2/8/2011 11:28:55 >