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RE: Bunny Zookas

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2/15/2011 20:20:37   

^were u there when they released bunnyzookas, I don't think so!

the halloween zookas and bunnyzookas r completely difference so get some facts first!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 26
2/15/2011 20:22:46   

they may have been different but they were certainly release with many similiarities.
and yes i was here. i had no varium at the time and when i did find out there was only 1 day left for me to buy it.
and the target nearby was 12 miles away and my dad was sleeping.
AQW Epic  Post #: 27
2/15/2011 20:23:15   

They won't put them back because they're clear-cut rares. Also, they costed 2200 varium originally but were slashed to 1200 varium and those with it got a refund.
Still want to argue that they're coming back?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 28
2/15/2011 20:24:23   

im not arguing that i think they will come back
i am arguing that i think THEY SHOULD come back.
AQW Epic  Post #: 29
2/15/2011 20:24:56   

^ good for you, but unless the staff are lying on their VIDEO AND on their RELEASE NOTES, then I am pretty sure that bunnyzookas can either be bought or obtained with an aE card so yea, ur not convincing anyone here

I want founder, and founders with +10 enhancements are OPed but u know what?! I don't care, it's over, I play with w.e stuff I have
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 30
2/15/2011 20:26:17   

obviously u weren't here to see the shops ingame where people bought the items without having to use an AE upgrade card.
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
2/15/2011 20:26:49   

@above - I was.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 32
2/15/2011 20:37:48   
Shadow Jester

I want BunnyGuns :d
AQW Epic  Post #: 33
2/15/2011 20:43:52   

great idea :D
maybe they will have +20 on sat modifers (seeing how bunnies were and still are completely OP (stat wise) from other weps i dont see why)
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
2/15/2011 20:52:43   
He Who Lurks

You know, there was a topic just like this that got locked about 2 months ago. The staff have already confirmed that Bunnyzooka's will never be available again so why fight?
AQ Epic  Post #: 35
2/15/2011 20:54:32   
Spectating from the Sidelines

The Zookas were a strict BATTELON games card from Bestbuy or other retailers. It was a month or two promotion, so many people had time to get it. They wont be re-offered again because it was STRICTLY that one time. Like some rare bikes, the bikes were only obtainable through varium packages, and are now forever rare. Although ED may make some money from this, it's better to leave them un-touched and create a new pare.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
2/15/2011 20:56:48   
Shadow Jester

^only Marauder Bike is the only promo rare bike :/
Eagle Bike is seasonal rare
AQW Epic  Post #: 37
2/15/2011 20:58:43   

thats the thing tho they wont make new aux as strong as bunnies stat wise.
if they made new ones but equal in every way then it would be acceptable.
but they aren't they only make aux with +14 TSM
AQW Epic  Post #: 38
2/15/2011 21:03:52   

@above - let's not forget that this auxiliary you are talking about will be level 32, do +37 damage, and have stat requirements.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
2/15/2011 21:06:01   

yet bunny zooka is lvl 32 does +33 (which at the time it was release it was the most OP thing after beta)
and it still pwns over the lvl 31 and 32 aux
and tbh i dont really care about aux damage. i care about more variety in stats. which is something this game needs
AQW Epic  Post #: 40
2/15/2011 21:16:53   

its not coming back it say rare. if was coming back it would say season rare. really getting annoy that low lvl like 27 to 30 are able to get best weps in game.
AQ Epic  Post #: 41
2/15/2011 21:18:00   

and some 25-32s getting best armors.
AQW Epic  Post #: 42
2/15/2011 21:20:20   
Spectating from the Sidelines

I support the staff for not brining it back, and besides, so what if it has a few bad stats or a few minor stats?
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
2/15/2011 21:24:30   

They were promo, not seasonal.
I do believe they should be buffed a little. (Only if the admins plan on releasing bazookas that offer the same amount of stat points).


Legion > Exile
Post #: 44
2/15/2011 21:28:08   

Right wiht u practel

(@gold: have I EVER MENTIONED u can't buy bunnyzookas IN-GAME: NO!!)

in fact, I wold be content if frostbane/azreal didn't come back (Even though I wouldn't be able to get it either) it really defeats the farming and buying var for a rare wep since it's just gonna come back next year and everyone'd be able to get it, I support the viewpoint that rares should remain rare and new weps should be made for future seasonal releases

and yea we get it, due to ur lack of bunnyzookas u can't abuse str as effectively, get a new build where ur aux can benefit u more than the bunnyzookas then (many people r using the "new" zookas now, which is proof that bunnyzookas aren't necessary to be a top player)

and bunnygun would be great, and maybe it too would have 0 stat requirements, so those without bunnyzookas can be content with a bunny weapon of their own

aslo ^, technically the pumpkin zookas were promos too, but yet they r marked to be seasonal and will probably come back next year, and I for one aren't looking for a buff, I bought cupid's bane and the pumpkin zookas but I still use the bunnyzookas the most (and I DON'T stat abuse lol) they r useful for me and I am content if they always remain 33 dmg and 18 stats

< Message edited by eragonshadeslayer67 -- 2/15/2011 21:41:21 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 45
2/15/2011 21:47:07   
Spectating from the Sidelines

EpicDuel isn't like the AE Games. Things will defiantly come and go. Unlike AQW where you can update your weapons and armors any time you want. ED is based on how the community progresses not a game where it will come back. Damage wise the zookas are not even comparable to some of the new weps, but stat wise they are the best. As soon as a level cap is raised, the weapons we have now will not be used as frequently. It's just how the cycle of EpicDuel works. Live. Adjust. Compare.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 46
2/15/2011 21:59:29   

goldslayer before gamma came out there use to do this give players that max lvl cap best weps. at time lvl 25 armor were highest to get. so I think about time that low lvl like lvl 30. stop getting best and no more pomo.
AQ Epic  Post #: 47
2/15/2011 22:52:14   

To end all speculation on the subject, Bunniezookas are not coming back. They where not seasonal rares, they where part of a upgrade card promo that all the AE games had (chocolate bunny pet in aqw, etc). I did not convince the developers to keep them rare, I simply reminded them of their own promise they made to the players back then.

Beta Evolution 1.0.7d - Thursday March 25, 2010

Quote by Nightwraith from the thread linked above.

*These items will only be received after the card is used to purchase varium in EpicDuel -- you will not receive the item merely for purchasing the card. AE cards purchased before the posted dates are valid for this offer as long as they are used during the promotional period. Also, only the character the card is used on will receive the items. This is a limited time offer and these items will never be offered again!

Sorry for any confusion, but the Bunniezooks where never supposed to be seasonal items.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
2/15/2011 23:09:30   
Vick Vega

One thing I would like to add, is the effect these types of items have on the new rare leader boards. Because there is now more invested in owning these items outside of the obvious powerful attributes, the labels placed on them identifying their rarity status becomes a huge factor. If they were to become erratic by changing the status between rare, seasonal rare, ultra rare, etc, it would negatively impact buying habits. If they were to start being inconsistent with promotional items long term availability it would hurt the buyers confidence. Part of the marketability of an item like the bunnyzookas is the one time offer status. It would not be in the company's best interest to state that something will only be available during the promotion only to turn around and sell it again at a later date. I personally like these types of promotions even having missed some of them. I view it as a reward not only for being a varium purchaser but also for the longevity of being a consistent supporter over time. That being said I think it would be awesome if they made a "make up day." If they ran a promotion with something crazy like founder, beta, alpha items and key rares in like a $300 varium package, I would buy it in an instant. Like some of the others on this post, this is only out of my own selfish desires. Later.


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 49
2/15/2011 23:54:21   

as I said would not bring back aux on post number 40 I said same reason on first sentence as wiseman tell you all. I got agree they made players would not bring back aux or guns to game just like spoon.
AQ Epic  Post #: 50
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