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RE: Bunny Zookas

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2/16/2011 2:39:20   

For all frustrated people who joined later, like me: releasing overpowered promotionals like founder armor or bunnyzookas in the early and unstable months of ED was part of a money boost plan. As the varium community has grown and people got used to paying more for worse items, such plan is no longer needed, so I don't expect them back myself. I guess it is not good to be me.

Happy Bunnyzookas!
AQW Epic  Post #: 51
2/16/2011 3:58:37   


read what wiseman said post number 47
AQ Epic  Post #: 52
2/16/2011 4:11:30   


I'll gladly buy the 10K package if they include stronger or similiar auxilliary close to the Bunnies.

Me too or i can easyly give 4k varium for Stronger Aux


Epic  Post #: 53
2/16/2011 6:14:47   
King FrostLich

Buff,buff,buff. Why in the world are you all asking for your bunnyzookas to get buffed? It doesnt matter whether they are promo weapons or not. It doesnt even have a stat requirement so be happy with it and please dont ask for more items to be just rebuffed over and over and over again.
Epic  Post #: 54
2/16/2011 6:27:20   

No they will not re-realese them.... will they make BETTER BAZOOKAS for the new easter promo? Most likely. O_O
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 55
2/16/2011 9:08:01   
Vick Vega

For those who say that with Varium purchase you can't match up with people who were around to get the early promotionals, I disagree.

If you have only been here for the last few updates you can have the stats I listed below. If you can't win a majority of your battles with these stats, your problem is not the gear that they have made available to you in the game. It is because you either can't get the math of creating a build, or you do not grasp the flow of combat based on the available skills. Hence, the bunnyzookas are nice items, but do not make a or break a player's ability to win.

*This build is made with only items available since the last two releases*
Health 85
Energy 51
STR 60
Dex 69
Tech 90
Supp 49

Focus +5
Agility 100
Primary 15 - 18 + 32
Side arm 15 - 18 + 32
Aux 15 - 18 + 37
Robot 29-33 +30

Defense 23-28 +1
Resist 34-41 + 8 + 1

< Message edited by Vick Vega -- 2/16/2011 9:25:41 >


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 56
2/16/2011 9:25:38   

We got beggers here. Beggers for bunnyzookas.
Post #: 57
2/16/2011 9:28:15   

@Vick: Sorry but instead of making a point, you've pointed at one of the issues exactly. You're suggesting ONE build for ONE class, while using Bunnyzookas you can unlock a tremendous amount of builds that take advantage of them. For example you can't have an extremely effective str or supp build @ any class without them.
AQW Epic  Post #: 58
2/16/2011 9:30:19   
Vick Vega

So you want my mage build and my BH also?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 59
2/16/2011 9:37:04   

Dude, even without Bunnyzookas my BH Seymour is still on LB today. I had 126 1v1 wins and only one loss. Today I've beat Dax, Donna, IcyGlacier, Bluebird and many other top players. I don't really think I could learn anything from you. This topic is about something different, perhaps you may want to read it again?
AQW Epic  Post #: 60
2/16/2011 10:36:01   

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 61
2/16/2011 10:47:45   
Vick Vega


Dude, even without Bunnyzookas my BH Seymour is still on LB today. I had 126 1v1 wins and only one loss. Today I've beat Dax, Donna, IcyGlacier, Bluebird and many other top players. I don't really think I could learn anything from you. This topic is about something different, perhaps you may want to read it again?

First, I love people who have become enlightened and no longer need to learn from others. They are so easy to walk over.

Second, it is on topic. The request is to bring back retired items in order to balance, meaning to level out the distribution of power. The item in question is the bunnyzookas. I stated that the items that have been released over the past two updates have narrowed the imaginary gap that is being pontificated on here between current varium players and legacy varium players. You just agreed with me by stating that you can beat the current leaderboard winners with your present items. If you need me to be more clear I can. There is no reason to destroy the rewards given to players who have stuck it out by remaining loyal and consistent donators, by re-offering the one time promotional offers at a later date. If that is the case I would say lets change the discussion to be all encompassing. What you are saying is that there should be no rare items ever.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 62
2/16/2011 10:57:19   

Drainx Everyone can tell youre lieing, So crawl back into youre hole please?
Stop whining and stop lieing.
Post #: 63
2/16/2011 11:47:51   

I wonder why aren't Bunnies coming back... Energy Bunnyzooka

Awnser: They were promotional items created to help promoting AE Game Cards

Then... Why are other Bunny themed items returning? Example: E Bunny Chompers

The point is, why are Bunnyzookas Rare, if they are in the same "Rare Pack" as E Bunny Chompers (Wich are Seasonal)?

I'd like to know, if someone can awnser me.
Post #: 64
2/16/2011 11:53:15   

@Soldeen999: The Bunnys claws were never part of the promotion, just another seasonal esater rare.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 65
2/16/2011 11:54:11   

@Vick: I agree with you partially. Rare items should exist, rare overpowered items should not.

@RamdonFomurer: and my lie is..?
AQW Epic  Post #: 66
2/16/2011 12:10:05   
Ultimate High Lord

Well, Wiseman has said that they are not coming back, but I do hope they are buffed. Just a bit more damage. 37-38 would be fine.


Post #: 67
2/16/2011 12:49:17   

I'd like to point out that the Frost Cannon can be used with any strength build, and Charfade's Launcher can be used with support builds. Both of those Auxiliary weapons are equal to the Bunniezookas, they have only 4 less stats and do 4 more damage.

When using frost cannon I generally take 2 points out of strength and add to dex, that makes up for the stat difference, because 1 strength level is not even close to equal to 4 extra damage. For Charfade's Launcher I take the two points out of dex and add them to support for a similar effect.

Bunniezookas are nice weapons, but they are no longer the best auxiliary weapons out there, they haven't been surpassed yet, however they have been equaled. You may say "but they don't have any requirements", well most of the time the physical Bunniezooka is used for strength builds, and Frost Cannons requirements fit strength builds perfectly, unless you don't plan to use dex at all, which is a bad idea because blocks are a strength builds biggest weakness.

Same basic logic for support builds and Charfade's Launcher, you need at least 36 dex to be able to use a powerful artillery strike (as merc) tech is needed for survivability and emp grenade (as bounty), and of course you will need support for obvious reasons.

Case and point is while the Bunniezookas are great auxs, they are no longer the "best" auxs because Frost Cannon and Charfade's Launcher equal them. Even though those two weapons are now rare, my point is valid.

Lastly if the developers start breaking promises about old weapons and armors, that would be bad for business. Players wont want to buy rare weapons as often if theres a possibility of them returning again in the future.

However if they keep their promises and don't bring the old weapons/armors back then when a new powerful weapon promo is available players will be quick to purchase them because they wont want to miss that one time chance.

So in the end not bringing back the Bunniezookas is better for business then breaking their promise to keep them rare.

I think that covers everything.

< Message edited by Wiseman -- 2/16/2011 12:54:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
2/16/2011 12:56:39   
Vick Vega

Most would argue against buffing the bunnyzookas based on the concept that they are overpowered. However, founder armor was buffed and remains under similar criticism. The bunnyzooka is something that is being held to the same standard in the sense that owning it is a reward for longevity. So, if the theme of buffing items that are not going to be available to people who do not already possess them it would have to be coupled with an item for a new promotion. For example, release a similar set of Easter zookas with 16 stats, 33 dmg, no reqs and bump the bunnyzookas up 1-2 DMG. I would feel this could be pleasing to all. Here is the possible downside. If it were my company, I would have to ask myself, are the players with the bunnyzookas going to buy the new Easter zookas since we buffed the old school ones? If the answer is no then maybe that idea is not marketable. We need people to continue to shop. But, I think we all know that the real answer is that so long as they switch where the stat is, guys like me (and a lot if not most of the other varium heads out there) will buy the things anyway and keep both!


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 69
2/16/2011 13:02:51   

Considering the decision is already made, the information is already published and verified several times and it has been discussed to the point of nausea, is there any longer a need for this thread? Discussing the pros and cons of a non issue is a useless waste of energy. Thank you Wiseman for the definitive answer regarding the AUXs in question.


< Message edited by Sparticus -- 2/16/2011 14:26:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 70
2/16/2011 13:51:24   
Vick Vega

No offense, but this is the epic discussion forum not the definitive answer Q&A forum.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 71
2/16/2011 15:59:31   

@Wiseman u're right, the Frost Cannon and Charfade's Launcher's stats are close to the BunnyZooka and Energy BunnyZooka's stats.
But my self use strenght-Mercenary build's and for this builds it's really good with low requirements zookas (the Bunnys dont have requirements) and i whould be very glad if the ED-Team made powerfull bazookas with very low requirements and almost same stats like Frost Cannon and Charfade's Launcher.

Post #: 72
2/16/2011 17:36:32   


Thats why they should never be brought back

There's already way to many stats involved in this game.

Bunnys buffed could be the worst thing ever
Post #: 73
2/16/2011 18:52:45   

i say buff the bunnyzooka's.

rixty/soul rippers got a buff and they were also promo items.
founders got a buff and they were promo.
beta got a buff at the start of gamma and they were promo.

having bunnies stay the same is unfair to the ones who got it. it was also priced at 2200 varium which is alot.
levels doesnt matter here since azreals bane or frostbane are both level 30 and matches up to the level 32 weapons like frostwraith or frostbreaker.
Post #: 74
2/16/2011 19:04:50   

^No. They should stay the way they are. If they get buffed they will just be OP'd for even longer. They give 18 stats and have no requirements, if their damage gets buffed to 36 or 37 it'll be so unfair.

Also, the rixties didn't get a real buff. They got 2 extra enhancement slots than they originally had, its not that big a deal. It is a slight buff, but its not anything that big.
The Rixties are on the same power level as quite a few of the weapons in-game right now ( Frostbane, Azrael's Bane, Dragon Buster, the Frost Weps, etc ) and the Beta Weapons got a large buff but are still weak. But the Bunnyzookas are still more powerful than any other aux even now.

< Message edited by Nebula -- 2/17/2011 17:36:08 >
Post #: 75
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