Watziname WAT
Now for my next round of slogans: Herosmash:You've tried the rest,now play the best. Herosmash:Smashing if you ask me. Herosmash:Where you can were just boxers in broad daylight. Herosmash:Where you can change at the speed of sound. Herosmash:Where you...I got nothing. Herosmash:Where a tree can do the same amount of damage as a enormous gun that shoots big bullets. Herosmash:Where no hero gets left behind! Herosmash:Where people run around carrying a rocket without the authroties noticing. H.armony, E.mpathy, R.espect, O.rder, S.anity, M.adness, A.rtiliry, S.adness, H.erosmash! Thanks to Charries for the idea. Herosmash:Don't worry,it's a normal town if you just ignore the cries for help and all the destruction. Herosmash:Where yours truly has run out of slogans.
< Message edited by Watziname WAT -- 8/11/2011 6:40:08 >