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RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING]

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2/23/2011 18:32:30   

I'll take Dani's, but I might not be able to get around to it for a while.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 51
2/23/2011 18:35:50   

Don't worry, I'm in no rush, Comrade. =)


Post #: 52
2/23/2011 19:35:10   

Well, looks like I had more time than I thought I did. Here you are, Dani:

DF MQ AQW  Post #: 53
2/23/2011 19:57:58   

THIS IS AMAZING! 200x better than I had hoped! =D
Thank you x100000000000
Post #: 54
2/23/2011 19:59:25   

Heheh, no problem . Feel free to come back again.

< Message edited by G.I.G.A. -- 2/23/2011 20:00:04 >


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 55
2/23/2011 20:05:05   

Is it okay if i add this link to my clan as the main signature vender? Clan, so far XD


What you want the banner to say Miltonius' Shadowkillers. Join us

Font color (name, not HTML code) Black

Font type (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and i'll do my best) scratchy. like my other one (here)

Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) ( i need 2 colors but the exact same thing) 1 2 srry they are small

Server to meet on (just incase) Truffle

PM notice once it's finished (yes or no) Yes(its for my clan, dont include me in it)

< Message edited by darkfirekiller125 -- 2/23/2011 21:27:44 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 56
2/24/2011 3:34:27   

I really need my new sig fast(request on page 2) because I want to change my set and the whole reason why I am keeping my current set is because of you guys :/.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 57
2/24/2011 10:02:10   


I can't finish it now, but I've got the render, so you can change your set.


I'll leave the decision up to Worse, seeing as how this is his shop. I'll make the sig if Worse hasn't done it by the time I get around to it. It might take a while, though; I like to do a good job on clan sigs.

< Message edited by G.I.G.A. -- 2/24/2011 10:04:54 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 58
2/24/2011 14:32:03   

* AQW user name __SwordFish__ (Click Here I made render easier for you.)

* What you want the banner to say Guardian Fish

* Font color (name, not HTML code)Yellow, but I wanna be able to see it.

* Font type (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and i'll do my best) http://www.dafont.com/guardian.font

* Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) (click. i want my character to be in that gap between the other guardians.)

* Server to meet on (just incase)Safiria/Sir Ver

* PM notice once it's finished (yes or no)Yes please.

AQW  Post #: 59
2/24/2011 19:22:02   

I need a wall paper for my clan link in sig. ill let u guys do w/e but as long as it has miltonius on it and its awesome^^(will be in sig soon)

oh this fontand make it say Miltonius' Shadowkillers

< Message edited by darkfirekiller125 -- 2/24/2011 19:25:44 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 60
2/24/2011 21:18:39   


Completed! Here you go:

DF MQ AQW  Post #: 61
2/24/2011 21:23:07   

Wow! It's better than I expected, thanks.


AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 62
2/24/2011 21:24:07   

No problem ^^


Yours is next, but don't expect it today.

< Message edited by G.I.G.A. -- 2/24/2011 21:25:07 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 63
2/24/2011 23:11:51   
Worse Doughnut

Sorry, ive been crazy busy with RL stuff.

@darkfirekiller125: sure go ahead, we would be honored to be a clans main art shop.

@GIGA: ill add the new form now

@Fish: I'll get yours done by tonight, i just dont know why you didn't take the screen shot of you already between the two guardians? XD dont worry about it though, its fine as-is ^^

< Message edited by Worse Doughnut -- 2/24/2011 23:12:26 >


DF AQW  Post #: 64
2/24/2011 23:33:49   


Okay, sorry, but those pictures are way too small. If i use them, they'll be pixelated into next week. Also, that fading thing it does is making it absolute murder to render.

So, I'm scrapping the background and just going with my own creativity. Sound good? Great!

< Message edited by G.I.G.A. -- 2/24/2011 23:34:08 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 65
2/25/2011 14:06:52   
Worse Doughnut

Crap, my computor's power-source fan is dead as a rank 1 mage against a chronomancer. I dont think it'll be up-and-running till atleast next week, depending on how long it wil take to buy a replacement fan. I still have the xcf file for Fish's banner all its missing are the words. GIGA, can you PM me an email i can use to send it to so that fish gets his baner within the week? All you would need to do is add the text layer.
DF AQW  Post #: 66
2/25/2011 15:46:36   

AQW user name: Esheraz
What you want the banner to say:Esheraz
Font color (name, not HTML code) Green
Font type (DaFont, or any other font site) (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and we'll do my best) Green Pillow
Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) Just Black
Server to meet on (just incase) Cysero
PM notice once it's finished (yes or no) Yeah!
AQW Epic  Post #: 67
2/25/2011 18:32:13   

@Worse thx its in my clan. clan in sig.

@GIGA that stinks but go ahead and do w/e. but its gotta be a red one and a blue one:D


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
2/25/2011 20:18:15   


Here you are:


I'm pretty proud of it myself. I used red and blue as you requested. You like?
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 69
2/25/2011 21:30:38   

Holy THATS IF FRICEN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 70
2/25/2011 21:35:23   

No problem!
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 71
2/25/2011 22:08:01   

# AQW user name: Vyo 97

# What you want the banner to say: Keep Your Friends Close......
And Your Enemies Closer....

# Font color (name, not HTML code)Red

# Font type
(DaFont, or any other font site) (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and we'll do my best): Font like G.I.G.A's first example

# Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW): The place where miltonius is but not showing miltonius

# Server to meet on (just incase): Cysero

# PM notice once it's finished (yes or no) yesh plzzzz

Thx, And great work you 2

< Message edited by AnimeYo -- 2/26/2011 14:18:09 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 72
2/26/2011 9:30:36   

can i have another clan banner? this backgroung cut it tthrough the middle to et the middle fire. the rest do w/e with Miltonius' Shadowkillers. join us on it again


What you want the banner to say Miltonius' Shadowkillers. Join us

Font color (name, not HTML code) blue.

Font type (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and i'll do my best) like the one in my sig

Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) this backgroung cut it tthrough the middle to et the middle fire.

Server to meet on (just incase) Truffle

PM notice once it's finished (yes or no)
Yes(its for my clan, dont include me in it)

< Message edited by darkfirekiller125 -- 2/26/2011 9:49:24 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 73
2/26/2011 10:04:47   

AQW user name : Taylor12797

What you want the banner to say: just my name... Taylor12797

Font color (name, not HTML code) : Blood red

Font type (DaFont, or any other font site) (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and we'll do my best) : scrathcy like rips and tears

Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) : Just a cool picture of dage in his paragon armor ill try to get alink for you

Server to meet on (just incase) : well im under 13 so truffle

PM notice once it's finished (yes or no) : Yes please
Post #: 74
2/26/2011 14:53:18   

AQW user name: ShadowSlayer326
What you want the banner to say: Shadow BladeMaster...
Font color (name, not HTML code) : Blood red.
font type (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and i'll do my best): Scratchy font, like oreobelle's
Backround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) : Tercessuinotlim caves, in backround.
Server to meet on (just incase) Sir Ver, /house ShadowSlayer326.
PM notice once it's finished (yes or no): PM notice when finished yes please.

Use my Char-Page if you need a reference to skin color.

>> http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=Shadowslayer326 <<

< Message edited by ShadowSlayer326 -- 2/27/2011 6:26:00 >
Post #: 75
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