The only reason that you could possibly call the Bounty Hunters overpowered is if you factored in the speed of the wins, this combined with the overall win % make them the best current class in the terms of what the game is about. That is getting as many wins as quickly as you can! The 125hp strength BH build can be beaten by mercenaries and mages! There are several players who can verify this statement... How do I do it as a mercenary? I use a 109hp, 4 focus build with 76str, 78dex, 60tech and 52sup. When they smoke you, debuff the smoke with assault bot, I then use intimidate (this should cover the massacre and rage attacks), use gun and aux, the strike at this stage is optional (chance a zerker to kill, heal, maul to stun or just strike). Use gun on rage! Very successful strategy, but there are a few tricks some BH's can use to combat it and the build I use makes it vulnerable to 5 focus builds. Herein lies the reason why the balance debate about one class being overpowered is currently invalid! Sure the weapons could have better balance and the gap between varium and non varium at the top levels needs to be addressed, but the win or success rate against THE BUILDS of specific classes relates to your own build and strategy not the other players class! And, since the game also has luck factors to create the excitement and that unpredictable nature that can effect the outcome of the battles... Meh! Class balance discussions are over-rated