Constructively Friendly!
*Jumps down from above, landing right in front of Peachii* *surprised* ;p So. I Herd u r mystravenzors. Hmmm... indeed? You said you were a Non-Attackable Character. That is a Lie. *Throws a Dodgeball at Peachii* Hehehe... *teleports to outer space using a portal gun* <Insert Begging for AKness Here> Nope. Do you have a Wii? Yes I have, but I have no time to play that :( My life is full of enjoyment. Or a DS? Same as above. If Yes to any of the previous two questions, Do you have Wi-fi connection for said console(s)? No, I just play the games I like without using Wi-Fi. If Yes to the Previous question, What games do you have that are Wi-Fi enabled. YOU SHALL SUBMIT TO THE TEAL. Peach (or Pink) rules! ;) I'm done... For now... Yipee! That's a Lie, i have another question. Who would win? an Army of Plushies (From the Plushie War) Or an Army of Pwny's? :( Army of Plushiessss definitely. Okay, I am done for now. Later! Sure, cya! ^_^
< Message edited by Peachii -- 3/19/2011 23:07:50 >