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RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth!

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4/23/2011 22:21:22   

Hey everybody. ^^ I'm gonna be starting a gallery here in the next week or two, but i need some popular opinions. I'm going to "Entropifacy" (corruption from En/Tropy) some different monsters and characters from all over Lore, but i need your guy's input. What would you like to see me corrupt?


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 51
4/23/2011 22:55:31   
Nerd Sage

@necro-knight: sounds cool, but if you post on this forum then you also need to give comments on other artists work
Post #: 52
4/23/2011 23:07:49   

Oh, right. I apologize. I saw some of your work, and I like your eternal flame and that armored naval commander too. ^^ Hopefully, I can get my own work up here for critic. =p
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 53
4/24/2011 3:21:20   

Stealthy Inferno - http://twitpic.com/4oss4l
SWF - http://swf.venthemiux.org/files/awzjo_Stealthy_Inferno.swf

Flashing Laken's Concept Sketch of my NPC - http://twitpic.com/4oquxm

@Ronin - Commented on those already. xP And added the Valiant Claw tut, and your name in the credits. :3
@Necro Knight - Yep! It's a give and take. If you constantly critique others' work, then people are willing to give you constructive criticism back. Can't wait to see yer work.
@SoB - Nice work! Torso looks a tad centered, though. ;-;
@Demonic Sage - Everything looks nice, though I'm not too fond of the sword's handle.
@Zuk - Awesome concepts, but the handles are too small for the weapon.
@Exodus Winter - Woah, woah woah. Your concepting is just as good as Miltonius'. Amazing work on the Character, sword looks awesome too.
DF MQ  Post #: 54
4/24/2011 21:16:05   

@sands of blood: Anytime! If you need a flasher, I'll be honoured :3
Your Armoured Naval Commander:
Well, only thing wrong seems to be the position of the stuff. It seems a wee bit off. Other than that, I love the designs of the arm, leg and chest, especially. The look on his face looks ebil too :3

@Exodus Winter: OH EM GEE! That is SO win. I love the position of the character, firstly. Just a perfect action scene. Then, from your design, it obviously HAS to be the awesome leg design, with the so-realistic-looking pants and the hip. The sword design was one more thing that had me in awe. Really good piece. Nothing much wrong with it.

@coolboypai: Nice one thar. Simple design. Nice shading but the red parts in the guard and the handle seem to be unshaded :o Also, a longer handle would fit the sword better.

@Zuk: Pretty good :) Really nice work, if you've just taken up drawing. My advice to you would be to keep going at it. Practice is the key.

@necro-knight: Yeah, always been give and take here :) The system has and will work quite well. Can't wait to get a look at your work. You can be assured we'll give you C&C!

@Aguila: Simple an' nice. Something I would surely want to have in a fight. Liek, up close and personal an' then, slash-hack-slash.

Anyway, here's one of my entries into the Spring Art contest. Haven't finished the other yet :P

Springlove Set

Not much of a 'set'. It's just the same thing resized, etc. MY kind of set ;D
MQ AQW  Post #: 55
4/24/2011 23:54:47   
Aura Knight

Here are all the latest weapons I created.
Also here's something else that I made. No clue what it is, but just thought I ought to share it. http://tinypic.com/r/2vjogmb/7
Btw, none of the weapons have a name yet, so if anyone has any suggestions for that, I would like to hear them. I do realize that they lack shading, but considering I did all the designs with MS Paint, I'm happy with the way they turned out.
@Aguila: Normally, I would say that your designs are great, but the weapon you made does not really seem all that great. I unfortunately do not like it. However, the shading and form is unique, so there's that. Even though I personally do not like it, I still have to say that it is an interesting design.
@Ronin: very nice weapon set.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 56
4/25/2011 5:11:28   

@Demonic Sage 23: Just so you know: http://twitpic.com/photos/BlakeDonAQW
All his work is in MS Paint. Thought you'd like to know since you use Paint too ^_^

PS: I ma be getting Paint .NET and try it out for weaps. :D

< Message edited by Ronin -- 4/25/2011 5:15:18 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 57
4/25/2011 14:47:53   

well since this thread isnt specifically AQW anymore...
i thought i share my new HS armor :)

@Demonic Sage 23
some nice designs you have there. only suggestion is to add some more details to a couple of them, and perhaps work more with shading. but otherwise, keep up the good work

love it. <3 the design, flashing, animations, everything!

@sands of blood
a good concept, but i think some more armor would work well


AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 58
4/25/2011 22:19:18   
Nerd Sage

@coolboypai: it been awhile :D, the armors amazing but you might want to add some of the same designs from the tail to the armor
@Ronin: O_O your entry is amazing
@Agulia: you might want to add more layers of stuff on it to fill in space
@Demonic sage: those are good for paint, you just might want to shade it more in places
i decided to draw something more sci-fi like
Heavy GunMan
Post #: 59
4/25/2011 23:14:39   

Well, in the middle of working on my first "Entropify" entry. It's an Entropic Paladin. ^^ Any other ideas?

That spring set is EPIIIIIIIIIIIC!!!!!!! =D

@Sands of Blood
Your gunman is epic too! =D
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 60
4/26/2011 1:39:00   

@SAnds I like it it looks a lot better since you changed it!
@Coolboypai nice very good thing, it holds a lot of promise, though the eyes seem kinda off

This was my Spring art submission
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 61
4/26/2011 8:46:02   

@sands of blood: Veerry nice! Looks really good! Maybe you should have a try at shading it? ^_^
@coolboypai: Nice work there! It looks a bit plain, but in fact, it looks pretty awesome. Would look better if you colour and shade it :D
@Laken: Firstly, the idea is pretty great. The shading on the cloth of Tomix looks superb. Only problems seems to be that the metal looks kinda unshaded. But that's just me, I think >.<


Kinda incomplete. Waiting for more inspiration to make the pommel and animate it.
MQ AQW  Post #: 62
4/28/2011 15:52:12   
Aura Knight

@coolboypai: fantastic HS armor. I really like the gauntlets and the tail. Very good job overall.
@sands of blood: Nice! For some reason, the head/helm reminds me of Predator. Just a suggestion: you should make the gun it's holding as a seperate weapon. And perhaps the armor could have more weapons like a machine gun on its back, a pistol at the foot, etc, to make it look more ferocious. more weapons would make it better I think.
@laken: fantastic art skills! After seeing that, I gave up on trying to do anything for the contest. Oh well, there will be more on the future. I will admit I am jealous of your artistic ability, but I will still applaud you for your skills. great job!
@ronin: Looks great so far. the shading and style is good. I also like the color scheme.
Anyway, here are a few more weapons I made. They were inspired by Randor the Red's personal weapon: dragonwings of destiny. You will find that they have a similar style to those daggers, but they are still very different.
*(Not something I will suggest to AQW Weapons Suggestion) My version of the Dragon Wings of Destiny: http://tinypic.com/r/11ilron/7

The following weapons will be suggested.
Evolved Dragon Wings of Destiny: http://tinypic.com/r/245zd5g/7
Sacred Blood: http://tinypic.com/r/20i7729/7
Sharkbite: http://tinypic.com/r/70dnyp/7
VenomBreaker: http://tinypic.com/r/2ypkgw1/7

< Message edited by Demonic Sage 23 -- 4/28/2011 15:55:51 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 63
4/28/2011 16:03:19   

@Demonic Sage Awesome work on your weapons, dude. ^^

@Laken I LOVE that rendition of Tomix! =D

@Ronin Nifty blue staff. I like the blade best. =)

Entropic Paladin!


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 64
4/29/2011 9:17:24   

@demonic sage: They're quite nice, except that they lack in shading.
@Necro-Knight: DAT'S PRETTY AWESOME. I am SO lovin' the cloak and helm.

Made this for Ampy :3

Phobos' Wrath
MQ AQW  Post #: 65
4/29/2011 11:45:33   
The Braken Bard

Hey. I've got an armour I want to get into AQW, could anyone critique and give advice? I've basically been working on this project for a long time, even before the Artists Unite thread was created and was back then known as Suggestions Discussion Thread, and I'm trying to finish this off because this is getting to be a big distraction :/. I restarted on it after a break, drew it on paper this morning (even on my TwitPic Gallery) and then flashed it (not finished) yet for some reason, it looks awful though I can't put my finger on it.
And no, even without the signatures/watermark it doesn't look impressive :P

@Coolboypai: (Personal HS Armour) Pretty impressive design! Especially considering the strange art style picked for HS. My only concerns are that it's pretty fantasy-esque design (though if that's what you're aiming for then that's not really a problem!) and the feet look like spikes (yes I know that feet look like sticks in HS) too much IMO.

@sands of blood: (Heavy Gunner) Looks pretty good too! Whilst the design is the generic layered design, at the least the helmet is interesting and the gun looks pretty good too. The shading could be better if there was a specific light source (seems to just be dark on the left side of things), it doesn't really matter too much on a sketch. I don't have much else to say.

@Laken: (Art Submission) Cool looking! Only thing struck me as odd was that Tomix's goatee was darker than his hair, other than that it's a really good picture.

@Ronin: (Hydrocalibrator) Design is definitely strange. If that is a spear/polearm, the orbs would severely impede the power of this weapon if you tried to swing it. Maybe they should be shrunk down a bit? Phobos' Wrath is better and the shading is good but the handle seems a bit long, nearly 3/4 as long as the blade making this awkward to hold and look at. Still, the colours are good and it's nice to see not so much red with black and the like.

@Demonic Sage 23: (Dragon Wings) Evolved version looks rather large but otherwise good stuff :D I won't do each seperately because all have pretty similar things, like the strange handle designs though interesting colour schemes and the need for shading (it would vastly improve their appearance). I feel there should be more balance in the design, as in the weight and handle because the huge blades but tiny handles somewhat put this off. I like Sharkbite and Venombreaker the most though.

@Necro-Knight: (Entropic Paladin) I definitely like the idea but the design could be much better. I know it's just a paladin just corrupted by entropy but there could be more things done to make the design more interesting; you should definitely add more of your own stuff to this design.

I hope that it is enough. Also, the back limbs on my work are purposely rushed.

< Message edited by The Braken Bard -- 4/29/2011 11:48:03 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 66
4/29/2011 15:50:27   

@Ronan Thanks a lot! ^^ The helm is my favorite part to do.

@The braken bard Yeah, I tend to have a lack o creativity when it comes to the armors. I'm trying to branch out and do my own thing atm.


Here's my next installment in my Entropify Series. Personally, I think I did MUCH better on this one. ^^

Entropic Dragon Lord
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 67
4/30/2011 17:26:11   

Am back.

Pressurized Energy Scythe
Only masters of time can wield this pumping Scythe
A collab with Inamabilis
Original (by Inamabilis) - http://twitpic.com/4pmnu7
Scythe - http://twitpic.com/4rloa1
Animated Scythe - http://swf.venthemiux.org/files/0dpsw_Pressurized_Energy_Scythe.swf

Aguila and Chrome
Gunslinger Aguila, and his assistant, Chrome
Laken drew the concept for the NPC, so he gets half the cred for that, but I did Chrome, myself.
Aguila Concept (By Laken) - http://twitpic.com/4o2xh9
Gunslinger Aguila - http://twitpic.com/4p9f6s
Gunslinger Aguila SWF - http://swf.venthemiux.org/files/iglz9_Aguila_NPC_Remake_Front.swf
Aguila and Chrome - http://swf.venthemiux.org/files/8yezn_Aguila_and_Chrome.swf

My Gallery : http://venthemiux.org/commune/read.php?id=2329#p-3069

@Necro Knight - Love the details on everything, except the torso. Torso looks a tad too flat, IMO. Same goes with the Pally. But awesome job!
@Braken Bard - Details are amazing. But, polish it up with shading?
@Ronin - Hiyas, bru. Nice work on the blade, nothing really to criticise. As for the polearm, I dunno about the handle's shape.
@Demonic Sage 23 - Nice concepts! My favorite has to be the evolved dragon wings of destiny.
@Laken - Nice! No doubt, you'd be somewhere in the winners' circle.
@SoB - Guns! Am in love. Only thing that seems to be wrong with that are the feet.
@Pai - o_o Woah! You should definitely flash that. Details are amazing.

DF MQ  Post #: 68
5/1/2011 14:56:54   
Aura Knight

@necro knight: nice. i really like the helm.
@ronin: like the shading on the weapon.
@braken bard: nice, but needs shading.
@aguila: nice weapon. The details on your npc are amazing. I really like the shading on it.

Here's a concept for a new weapon I am going to make. http://tinypic.com/r/205sc2x/7
I just need to figure out what to color it and how to shade it.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 69
5/1/2011 21:37:51   

@Demonic Sage 23: WOW that looks like a really sweet concept. I can't wait to see once you''re done with it!
@Aguila: I'm slightly disappointed you didn't add all the detail to the NPC, but over all I really do like it. Personally I still think the eyes are too big, but thats just my opinion
@The Braken Bard: All I would suggest is some shading, you have a good concept. Also regarding the Tomix picture I was going for realism, and facial hair tends to be darker then head hair.

Working on my Females, tell me what you think : White
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 70
5/1/2011 22:28:16   
Aura Knight

@laken: The details on it are amazing.
Don't really have anything to post, but I would like some help on what to color my latest weapon concept. If I can figure that out, then I should be able to shade it. As of now I have no clue, so any thoughts would be appreciated.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 71
5/2/2011 7:57:18   

@Aguila: You know what I said about that. Check your Twitter xD
@The Braken Bard: That's pretty good! :o If that's not finished yet (Since there's actually no shading ;o) You really should get to it. It's a really good design and colours are good too.
@NK: Pretty good. I really like the design. Looks quite similar to the DF in-game d00d too. Just one con, the gai seems a bit slanted. My advice would be to get a template for drawing :)
@DS23: I dunno....the handle seems a bit small. Nice improvement ^_^
@Laken: Gawd, your mastering of anatomy blows me away. Well detailed, the same as all your works. I really am in love with the hand and face.

Nothing much done xD Working on Galaxy Set:

From the order of left to right: Moon, Mars and Neptune. Will most probably be Earth and Ceres next.

< Message edited by Ronin -- 5/2/2011 7:58:09 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 72
5/2/2011 8:32:14   
Aura Knight

@ronin: Set looks nice so far. Perhaps instead of having those white orbs, you can put mini versions of the planet/moon that the weapon is modeled after. other than that, they look amazing so far. My favorite is the mars one.
Here's a small update on the weapon I'm making. http://tinypic.com/r/2gwz5du/7
I am thinking of adding another axe blade on the opposite side that has one, but I dont know if that would make it look better or akward. Might also add some spikes on the handle too. That's the color I'm going with. Unless someone else can suggest a better one. Now just gotta shade.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 73
5/3/2011 18:23:39   
Nerd Sage

@laken: wow...that defines the meaning of epicness
@Ronin: i dont like that the handle is biger than the blade but thats just my opinon
@demonic:you should make the outline black
i made my art entry >:D
its a hollow egg called a pasanka egg
made with bees was dye and polished
(not the easyest thing to do)
oh and it has zorbaks face on it XD
Zorbak Egg


Post #: 74
5/3/2011 21:40:51   
Aura Knight

@sands of blood: nice entry! Like the face in it. It looks just like zorbak.

Another update on my weapon: http://tinypic.com/r/2u5e7au/7

And here's the start of a new weapon I just came up with: http://tinypic.com/r/2lu6o1c/7
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 75
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