The Braken Bard
@just shocking: Cyber Assassin is really rough right now. The limbs have been done well in regards to shading and detail, but the loincloth is too thin, the helmet's sharp end gets too skinny and I don't know why but something feels off with the shoulder. Maybe it needs more detail as it's inconsistent with the rest of the design. Eyes I think are too small/narrow and look like slits from far, so you may want to make them slightly larger. Dragon's Breath, however is really well done and like said before, the orb needs to be changed to red. @Bladebrawl: You got a lot here so I'll do it in bullet points. Menacing: It is too lacking in detail. The elbow pad needs to be worked on and definitely needs more armour because no offense it really only looks like the template, but black and with a hood. Liquid Shadow: I definitely like the liquid/tentacle effects on it, but again it's need armour or something that sets it apart from just being 'the base template, but with X'. Demon Hood: The teeth are kinda rough but other than that (and shading) it's ok. Assassin of Winds: Okay. It's too simple and could use a bit more detail and something to set it apart from it looking like a generic steel plate design. The green cape's colour is quite good though. Shadow Master: Needs more skulls and items that make it relate to being a 'shadow master'. The shoulder needs to be cleaned up and made more clearer, a ragged cape could help with the idea and again more detail. Also, you might consider making the skulls black so they are more 'shadowy'. Karma Warrior: The concept is not bad! Whilst the face is rough and again there aren't that many details, I can definitely see something that's unique. Cape idea is pretty cool, and I definitely think you could do with a few more runes/orbs. Maybe fix up the foot and face it'd be really good! Living Shadow: Sorry to have to say this again, but more detail. I can see that your trying to aim for something similar to Nulgath's armour things, but if you are going to aim for that, make the red bits have unique shading rather than using the ones on the base template. The idea is there though, which is good. Eyes need to be fixed up. Skull armor: It looks okay. Definitely more detailed than some of the other stuff you have, but still needs more. The shoulder's are a little strange looking (are they meant to be wings?) but other than that, it's a decent design. Colour palette could be a bit more interesting. Anyways, here's my current, probably last WIP before I have to go off and do some important RL stuff. I KNOW it's not done, so please no tips about shading because I'm totally aware it needs more of it. Just want some ideas on how I can finish it, whether the colours are good or not. I WAS going to do the other one and I was just fiddling around in Flash to practice (I only recently found it again) yet I suddenly ended up with this and it looked way better so... I wonder what I should call it. More Improvements here:
< Message edited by The Braken Bard -- 6/29/2011 11:49:53 >