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RE: The Tales of Nield ~comments

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10/3/2011 20:11:02   

I MIGHT once D1F3 is finished The Nation. As it is, I don't want to run into anything he has planned.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 126
10/4/2011 13:00:14   
god of insatily

well the new stroy is good so by wrath the strength of fire good luck
why are they not moving along

< Message edited by god of insatily -- 10/4/2011 13:57:00 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 127
10/4/2011 16:00:08   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

I am seeing quite a lot of comments in this thread that are not constructive in any way. Please remember that these threads are not to have idle conversations and they are CERTAINLY not for begging for new chapters or other stories. If you have something constructive to say to nield about his stories, then by all means do so. If not, send him a pm or keep your thoughts to yourself.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 128
10/5/2011 3:01:30   

Hail Mritha, been a while since I last saw you around these parts.

@Insanity: They aren't moving along, because it is hard for me to write at times. They'll come when they come, and not a moment sooner.

I have to admit, I feel kinda lonesome. There's 5-7 people who read this... and yet no-one has told me about the typoes that I've deliberately left in the story. My writing kinda feeds of criticism, guys. The more errors you guys find, the more resolved I am. Because it lets me know people actually CARE about this, and that I'm not just writing something that is largely left untouched by others.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 129
10/5/2011 6:10:40   

New chapter of Deliverance, guys. Currenty working on the next chapter of WIFTADC
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 130
10/7/2011 8:36:47   
Constructively Friendly!


"But... it IS a flame itself... how does it have any air in there to keep burnig?

There. Now go fix it! Anyway. I liked the latest chapter of Deliverance. Kyle is right. that.. is messed up.
DF  Post #: 131
10/7/2011 8:59:30   

Heh. That's but one, Mecha. Deliverance has probably only 5 more chapters or so left in it.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 132
10/8/2011 22:22:11   

Guys... I'm toying with an idea right now. This idea... is taking my stories off here. I feel like if they just vanished, no-one would really mind that much. And... I'm just... finding it harder to gather any motivation to write. I'm gonna back my stories up... then, in a few days, gonna contact an AK/Mod to get them removed.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 133
10/9/2011 18:10:16   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

My apologies for not commenting nield, I have been studying for mid terms and have only had time to ensure all was in order unless personally asked to help someone with their story.

I encourage you to reconsider taking down your stories. In my honest opinion, as long as you have one person reading what you write that is enough cause to keep going. You have several readers if the page number in your commentary thread is anything to go by. If you are having a difficult time finding motivation, then put your stories on pause and work one something else. Make your collaboration with Mechajin be your main focus and maybe when it is done your motivation to continue these three will have returned. :)
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 134
10/9/2011 18:27:39   
The fanciest of moustaches

I'm with Mritha on this one. I've read a chapter or two, but haven't gotten around to reading everything (I'm incredibly lazy and I already have a half dozen books I'm reading, with school... Not a lot of time). I'd certainly be upset if I were rendered unable to continue reading.

Also, I completely get where you're coming from. I've pounded out over 110 pages of writing and gotten a grand total of 3 comments on it that WEREN'T me just posting "And the next chapter is up." That's about as disheartening as you can get, as far as I can see. I've also got another 30 pages I've written up with a grand total of one comment (that comment being "I'll read it later") that wasn't mine. I've felt like I should just stop, just give it up. After all, who cares?

And that's where I really started thinking. Who cares? Well, I care. Isn't that what matters most? I'm not writing for other people to enjoy (though if they do, then good for them). I'm writing for myself, for fun. If you no longer enjoy writing these stories, then take a break for awhile, give yourself some time off. Write when you enjoy it, don't force yourself to. If you have to force yourself, it'll just come out wrong.

Don't get 'em deleted. Keep them up and come back to them when YOU feel like it. Don't write expecting other people to like it and expect comments. Write for YOU. Write for fun. If people want to comment and say "Hey, I love this story. You've got a lot of good stuff here," then they will. If they don't, then does it matter if you're writing for the joy of writing?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 135
10/9/2011 18:40:53   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

I'm with the others. I'm sorry if I can't offer much critisism- my grammer is horrendous, and the story is better than I could write- but I do enjoy reading your tales and would sorely miss them if they were deleated.
Nield, if you don't want to write then thats one thing, but if its just a writers block, then just give it some time.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 136
10/9/2011 23:42:06   

Heh... There were two reasons I was going to back my stories up. One, the first story I ever wrote was removed, after a fashion, and no longer exists anywhere. The second... I had planned to eventually coe back to these, maybe continue writing them in some other place. For now, I was already planning on following Mritha's advice, that is, making the Collab my main focus and returning to these later. So for now, I bid you adieu. *Official Hiatus stamp of officialness*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 137
12/12/2011 4:15:52   

I have heard NOTHING from Mecha... so... Give me a few weeks, and I'll start churning out my stories again.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 138
1/9/2012 23:01:34   

Here comes the triple threat! one new chapter for each of the stories I'm currently writing.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 139
2/3/2012 18:16:12   

After quite a while, I have finished the latest chapter of Deliverance. I'll get to lengthening the others in a bit.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 140
2/4/2012 5:07:45   

Well, I'm dead. Really should have seen that coming after saying I could sneak in single handed. But I would have thought I wouldc have got a little further. I is disapponted in me.
DF  Post #: 141
2/4/2012 5:09:20   

Don't feel too bad, Kyle. After all, you did, at the end, resist the shackles of undeath.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 142
2/4/2012 5:28:33   

DF  Post #: 143
2/17/2012 19:54:49   

Finished lengthening WIFTADC, will get started on THTNW.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 144
2/26/2012 6:48:03   

Currently got a few new stories in the works, the most prominent and well-formed of which revolves around Nield in WIFTADC's father, Fjorrik, and the 'fool's errand' Warlic mentioned in the latest chapter of WIFTADC. I'm working on lengthening THTNW, Deliverance is on hold until I get two, maybe three more stories out. Just wait patiently for that one, I want to tell a couple of backstories before I finish things off, which I'll do in one final chapter, that should be more or less a wall of text. And of course, I actively encourage ANYONE who even gives the stories a flick-through to leave a comment.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 145
5/4/2012 12:30:24   

Dingalingaring! It's new story time! Check the first post to find it!

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 146
5/6/2012 9:00:56   

I've finally gotten around to finishing off chapter 1 of THTNW and I'm IMMENSELY proud of how it's turned out (as downright morbid as that is )

And yes, Nield's cry DID have to be that long.

Oh, and I made a small change to chapter 1 of Animosity that should get the gears in your heads ticking


< Message edited by nield -- 5/6/2012 9:21:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 147
5/6/2012 21:58:10   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

*double checks the color codes to be sure* Bloo >.>
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 148
5/6/2012 23:55:37   

A very certain blue too

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 149
5/9/2012 9:11:18   
god of insatily

is that Ultimatum blue
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 150
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