@ Hun Kingq I'm not gonna debate it, I plan to go mage after I reach level 33 and update some of my old bounty hunter builds. When I do I plan to use assimilate, and we'll see how it goes, personally I'm a person of action, and instead of claiming things, and attempting to prove a point. I actually go out and do those things and prove that my points are true, I will make a successful build with assimilate and I'll post it for others to copy as they like. In any case until you try the other two classes for yourself and prove your point, my opinion will stay. I go by proof, and without proof to backup your words, I will hold strong to my ideals until I am proven wrong. Anyway each class is different and just because skills have similar effects doesn't mean they have to be equal, they only skill that is truly meant to be equal between the classes is field medic. Also I wish to point out that mages tend to fight long battles, assimilate can be used multiple times in one fight, while the mage regains energy. However once a bounty or merc uses up their energy for their MP draining skill, they can't get the energy back without energy boosters (or reflex boost). The bottom line is, each class is unique, and the skills are not supposed to be the same or equal in power to their counterparts. One could argue that because reflex boost gives defense and block chance AND mana regeneration, its unfair to the other shield skills. One could also argue that since mages have the most unblock-able offensive skills out of the three classes, its unfair to the other two classes. The skills of each class are meant to be different from each other, and no amount of complaints saying that its unfair that this skill isn't equal to that skill because it don't have a certain effect will change that. Here's an example of what I mean: The multi skills of each class are widely different in how useful they are considered to be, with the bounty hunter multi being the one that's considered to be the least useful. However the bounty multi can be powered up by reflex boost, which gives energy back and improves defense and block chance, but more importantly, if you multi shot 2 players and you have blood lust in your build, you gain HP from BOTH of those players at the same time. The skills work together in a combo that only bounties can use, other classes are similar in how they are made, mages have something that gives them energy back per turn, which is why their energy draining skill takes off so little energy. They have longer battles and with a skill that cost no energy to use, it would be too risky to make it too powerful, because of repeat usage. I wont try to explain it further, my point is each skill works with the class. Just because a player thinks that a skill should be made like a similar skill, doesn't mean that it will be. Infern0 once said that comparing skills is an unrealistic way to look at class balance, instead you must compare how the class preforms as a whole, and of course provide proof to backup your claims. Anyway until I actually go mage and make a build with the skill, this will be my last post on the assimilation subject, afterword we'll see just how underpowered the skill really is.
< Message edited by Wiseman -- 4/12/2011 3:52:04 >