Hey, Mritha. Hope you didn't forget about me. Oh course I didn't forget you! :D Y'know, I wasn't really surprised when you became an AK. I was around when Minar and Tomix were regular dudes making comics and stuff, and Minar became an AK, and Tomix, well, we know what happened. Makes me feel old. hahahaha Your not old :) Its cool that you were around before Tomix and Minar became Staff/AK :) Well, now that that's off my chest (even though I don't know how it'd be on my chest in the first place. Taped to it, maybe?), answer me these questions three! There the other side ye see. More Monty Python! hahaha! Do you think Final Fantasy MMOs are a stupid idea? Just an opinion, I was thinking about getting 14 the other day. Actually I have never played them before, so I really wouldn't know. From random youtube videos both the graphics and the soundtrack are fairly good, dunno about the storyline. If you had to choose between a world full of purple and a purple Mountain Dew, which would it be? All of the above Giant Penguins or Giant Space Hamsters? I side with the Hamsters. Giant Space Hamsters. Cause they are in SPACE Oh, yeah, by the by, a purple Doritos bag exists. It was chili flavored or something, I dunno. Just so you know. Are you seriously serious? I have never seen those before! :D More questions? Yes. Aye If you were to die in a B-Rated animal killer movie, would it be a shark one, or a snake one? Or an Sharktopus one? It exists. Whichever one is least painful O_O Finally, what do you think is the meaning of life? Personally, I think that it's that people should wear more hats. To find happyness with what you are given, and not be down about what you lack. Oh yeah, I also drew a picture and put it on PB, but since I have no idea how computers work, I can't do a direct link, so yeah. It's the one on the left. Sucks, I know. Edit: Wait, what, it's working now? Jeez. I got a link that says "The action you are trying to preform has failed" I don't know why, but photobucket has been messing up ALL day today. :( And one last thing: It's dangerous to go alone, take this. *hands over shotgun* A shotgun, from Halo. That was previously owned by me. Please don't toss it away. Firstly, ROFL for the link XD Secondly, Halo shotgun? Saaweeeeeet! XD Thank you Neo! :D So yeah, that's finally it. See ya around, I guess. *waves* Later! Wait, Mordy just posted before me with a Monty Python Holy Grail reference?! Grr! hahaha! Great mindes think alike ~Mritha
< Message edited by Mritha -- 4/12/2011 22:09:19 >