Okay, I will try to get first post on the Second page! SON OF A BLOOPER! *grins* Haha ^^ Since you did not reply to my edit in the first page I shall put the bio here. Tell me what you think! Any constructive critisisim is welcome! I wrote it so it could be put in a story for L and L so if it does not make sense in places that's proabably why. .. That much? *sigh* quote:
Name : Codename Kyle (Real name Unknown) Description: He looks like a normal person, but in somewhat spy fashion. He wears a long black trenchcoat, however, rather then look big or anything, it looks rather elegent. He wears a mask if on a mission, something like the helm war reward we got for getting the Greed meter up in the Ravenloss war except without the crown. He has a Clockwork Pistol on his belt of his own design that has been enchanted to fire unlimited bullets of differing types as needed, however if he comes across an anti magic feild of some kind, this effect goes away. But he DOES carry some normal bullets for such a situation. He also has a rapier with him. If he goes to some kind of formal party, he gets in a tux and carries a sword inside of a cane. Personality (In battle): He will take on any fight he needs to, however he does not just rush in. Wherever possibler, like in a war, hwe will look for positions and advantages he can use and use them to formulate a plan of action. Only when he feels he has the advantage will he strike, however if it goes wrong or he is aiding an ally, he will see it through to the bitter end. Personality (out of battle); To a casual onlooker, he may seem cruel and distant. If it needs to be done to beat evil, he will go to almost any lengths to stop evil, stopping short of evil acts. He's not agaisnt the more moraly ambigious ones though. He is trying to find a way to stop Seppy, but with little luck. He feels he has no friends, but does have some in the fellow people of the story. He will disagree with them if it comes to some things that seem moraliy ambigious, such as if he needed to steal off of someone good, he would do it dispite the feelngs of the more rightious. However, dispite all of this, if you can get him drunk, he is a real riot. It would take a lot of effot to do so, but it's always worth it to see him cheer up a little. The main reason he is so chilly is that he fell in love with someone who turned out to be a spy for Seppy. They tried to turn one another to the other's side, but in the end, it came down to a duel to the death. He won. Or so the thinks... It's aight. Some cool thingies inthar! Just out of interest, have you checked my Swordhaven Spy Saga in the Suggestions Thread? the first three quests are on page one and the rest so far are on the most recent. I think I read a quest of that, yes. ...Dear Lord, I sound like such a noob going all check out my stuff. Ye! U R nub! Jokin' ;-). So anyway, stuff about you. 'bout me? Sounds good ^^! What is your favorite AE game apart from DF? I... there are other games besides DF? NICE! If you eat souls, would that not make you evil? I said I do not eat souls. I eat Spirit Fire :D. What is Spirit Fire and can you give a detailed descrition? Spirit Fire can be aquired by extracting the very essence of life out a living being. Yes, this can hurt. Favorite Non AE game? Alright, alright.. let me think... I like Fallout New Vegas ^_^ Party at your place if you get this question wrong! D'awww! Fo' real? What are the three main peices of the Triforce representive of? NO LOOKING! Power, Courage and Wisdom spoiler:
Courage Power and Wisdom Bye! (Walks into shadows and vanishes) .. Bai? Where did he go now?
< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 12:52:04 >