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RE: =MtAK= True Mortal [Is watchin' you]

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4/15/2011 12:05:04   

A new page, a new round.
I take it you didn't... appreciate my story. Perhaps I should have warned you to wear goggles.
Yes, I am pretty blind right now..
But perhaps the goggles would have done nothing.
If it were sunglasses, they would've done it.
When given three options what does it say that you must do when given five that gives you two is equal to the mean of pi?
I... pass.
Am I going in circles? No. Am I going in an elliptic orbit? Yes.
It's 2AM. My brain doesn't function well now. So you have some weird things up thar ^
Yeah.. I noticed!
I'm slowly accumalating pinkified peoples... so far I have: You, Alina, Zorbak, Tomix, Greed. But I shall get more as I can! Muwahahaha!!!!
I'm not pinkified... Not on purpose anyways D:
@Kyle: I am not a son of a blooper, thank you very much.

Wait.. what?

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 12:44:42 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
4/15/2011 12:06:33   

Why hello there Mortal one!
Haidere ^_^
You fell for their trap! Now you're stuck here with the rest of us!
Bah.. I should've noticed when I saw a warning sign 'THIS IS A TARP!!!1!!!'
Congratulations and I wish you the best of luck! ^.^
Thanks! Nice avatar by the way :-).

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 12:45:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
4/15/2011 12:08:59   

Okay, I will try to get first post on the Second page! SON OF A BLOOPER!
*grins* Haha ^^
Since you did not reply to my edit in the first page I shall put the bio here. Tell me what you think! Any constructive critisisim is welcome! I wrote it so it could be put in a story for L and L so if it does not make sense in places that's proabably why.
.. That much? *sigh*

Name : Codename Kyle (Real name Unknown)

Description: He looks like a normal person, but in somewhat spy fashion. He wears a long black trenchcoat, however, rather then look big or anything, it looks rather elegent. He wears a mask if on a mission, something like the helm war reward we got for getting the Greed meter up in the Ravenloss war except without the crown. He has a Clockwork Pistol on his belt of his own design that has been enchanted to fire unlimited bullets of differing types as needed, however if he comes across an anti magic feild of some kind, this effect goes away. But he DOES carry some normal bullets for such a situation. He also has a rapier with him. If he goes to some kind of formal party, he gets in a tux and carries a sword inside of a cane.

Personality (In battle): He will take on any fight he needs to, however he does not just rush in. Wherever possibler, like in a war, hwe will look for positions and advantages he can use and use them to formulate a plan of action. Only when he feels he has the advantage will he strike, however if it goes wrong or he is aiding an ally, he will see it through to the bitter end.

Personality (out of battle); To a casual onlooker, he may seem cruel and distant. If it needs to be done to beat evil, he will go to almost any lengths to stop evil, stopping short of evil acts. He's not agaisnt the more moraly ambigious ones though. He is trying to find a way to stop Seppy, but with little luck. He feels he has no friends, but does have some in the fellow people of the story. He will disagree with them if it comes to some things that seem moraliy ambigious, such as if he needed to steal off of someone good, he would do it dispite the feelngs of the more rightious. However, dispite all of this, if you can get him drunk, he is a real riot. It would take a lot of effot to do so, but it's always worth it to see him cheer up a little. The main reason he is so chilly is that he fell in love with someone who turned out to be a spy for Seppy. They tried to turn one another to the other's side, but in the end, it came down to a duel to the death. He won. Or so the thinks...

It's aight. Some cool thingies inthar!

Just out of interest, have you checked my Swordhaven Spy Saga in the Suggestions Thread? the first three quests are on page one and the rest so far are on the most recent.
I think I read a quest of that, yes.
...Dear Lord, I sound like such a noob going all check out my stuff.
Ye! U R nub! Jokin' ;-).
So anyway, stuff about you.
'bout me? Sounds good ^^!
What is your favorite AE game apart from DF?
I... there are other games besides DF? NICE!
If you eat souls, would that not make you evil?
I said I do not eat souls. I eat Spirit Fire :D.
What is Spirit Fire and can you give a detailed descrition?
Spirit Fire can be aquired by extracting the very essence of life out a living being. Yes, this can hurt.
Favorite Non AE game?
Alright, alright.. let me think... I like Fallout New Vegas ^_^
Party at your place if you get this question wrong!
D'awww! Fo' real?
What are the three main peices of the Triforce representive of? NO LOOKING!
Power, Courage and Wisdom


Courage Power and Wisdom

Bye! (Walks into shadows and vanishes)
.. Bai? Where did he go now?

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 12:52:04 >
DF  Post #: 28
4/15/2011 12:12:50   
Silver Xoven

Haidere again.
Haid... Greetings!
I love stealing your intro.
I have two.
You like it?
Am I ebil?
Thank you.
No problem.
You enjoy being an AK?
Not anymore.
Are you gonna give me a warning for stealing ur intro?
Listen' to me boy.. I'm not going to give you a warning for stealing my intro... BUT I AM going to give you a warning for posting Pink Mortal! HAH!
Do you like SCIENCE! ?

Random question time:

If I was a pig, what would you be.
Okay, that's all..
Thank goodness
...for this time! MWHUAWHUA!

*dodges warning*

Critical hit!

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 12:55:21 >
DF  Post #: 29
4/15/2011 12:41:36   
Acer DeVille

Hello, my name is DeVille, Acer Deville. (You know kind of like Coupe DeVille, Cadillac that is).
Nice to meet you!
I know you are a Sou...Spirit Warden, I am a Mage, but some people call me Slash, and they think I am a great warrior. I have no idea why. I don't have a split personality, neither do I, neither do I, BUT I DO!!!!MUHWAAAHAAHAHAHAH.
It's SPIRI.. right.. Spirit Warden.

I really like all of the stuff you have done, and just wander when we will be able to get some more of your stuff. I would especially like a suit of knights armor, with a trench coat, at least when I am a mage, is that possible?
Ehmm.. No idea ^^.
Why not?
Because I don't know :P

You are not going to be one of those mean AK's, are you? So far all DF AK's are good, there is one in particular that is really considerate of others.
I'll be much worse than your worst nightmare!

Ok, no wait that is too personal, noo it should be ok, no it's wayy to personal, no no you can't ask that, yes I can, no you can't, ok, ok. next question.
That was odd...

Well, I'm gona let you go while we discuss these questions. Bai, Bye, Bie.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 13:56:25 >
DF MQ  Post #: 30
4/15/2011 12:46:43   
Hallie Slidepath
Robot Unicorn Overlord

Duuuuuuuuude! Hi :D
Deeewd! Haizzz!
I've managed to think of questions!
Great ^_^
If you could switch lives with an animal for one day, what animal would you switch life with?
My wolf :D?
Which is the best song made in the history of mankind, and why?
The best song in the history of mankind.. well like they say, de gustibus et coloribus not est disputandum, so it's different for everyone.
If I were to perform crazy experiments and fuse a sheep, a dragon and a robot unicorn... what kinda beast would that create?
Mmmh... a shepagocorn.
Aren't rainbows like... ze best thing evar?
Nah.. *death glare* Yeaaaah.. Of course!
Do you have any crazy language-skills we don't know of? Personally I speak Elvish and Unicorn :D
I speak undeads. It really requires some skills.. *Arrroooo*
What do you think of this song?
It's... odd?
Do you know any puns that are horrible in a good way?
Not at all.. I only have ossim puns :P, sorry.
Will you celebrate Charlie Chaplin's b-day?
If you were to create a special holiday, what kinda holiday would you create?
Happy Wolf day? The day you give your pet wolf just that little bit more!
And finally... isn't it a life-changing discovery to realize that Gerard Butler plays ze Phantom of the Opera? Suddenly "THE PHAAAAANTOM OF THE OPERA IS THERE" turns into "THIS IS SPARTA!" @.@
Congratzishness, n' good luck! May ze robot unicorns be with yah ^-^

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 14:05:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 31
4/15/2011 13:47:04   
Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

*Walks through the realm of darkness into True Mortal's domain.*

Well then, long time no conversation!
Is this new occupation a way of saying that you will soon leave DF?
.. Leave... DF? NEVAR!
Do you know of any people outside the forums who play DF or any other AE game for that matter?
So, do you know of my history?
Not so much, I'm afraid
Well, then good luck with guarding this board while simultaneously drawing weapons for DF!
I might be back ...
*Enters the shadows.*

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 14:21:07 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 32
4/15/2011 13:52:03   

It's about time you became an AK
I know.. right?
Lucky for you I wasted all of my questions on Mritha :P
Good news for me!
But High five Blue Triplet!
Congrats on the AKship
OH P.S I put cake under the blue chicken
PS. I ate it

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 14:22:40 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 33
4/15/2011 14:19:59   
Kiki Cadavera

OH, hey Hi again.
Hai again!
Magic or Science?

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 14:23:07 >
DF  Post #: 34
4/15/2011 14:23:11   

Congrats. Have a cookie soul.
Cookie soul? Never had one! Thanks!
Sumone needs to make us a uber weapon set. I wonder whoo...?
*looks around* You're not refering to me, right?
From the Newsletter, it seems you'll be making an appearance this release! Yay! I'll see my favorite spirit warden!
Your favorite? More likely the only :P
Well, that's all for nao.


< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 15:57:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
4/15/2011 14:37:58   

Hello there, True Mortal. Congratulations on ArchKnightShip.
'Ello 'n thanks!
What is the best part about designing items for DF?
I can choose what weapon I want in game :D
Do you have any specific inspiration for wanting to design?
Not sure.. I just tried some things out and I REALLY liked what I was doing, so I started practicing
Are there any particular color scheme's your fond of?
Black-Blue.. Make that black and any lighter color.
You wouldn't happen to know off the top of your head who designed the Doom Knight armor would you?
... *asks* Either Cysero or Milton.
You said you eat spirit fire, which is life force. Are you discriminatory towards the life force you feed on?
Not at all.. I ask politely. If they say yes, I take their Spirit Fire, if they say no, I still take it.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 16:01:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 36
4/15/2011 14:49:19   

so im being watched right now by you?
do i have to give you cake?
but its mine :(
well the cake is a lie, it was a trap
A TARP?!!!1!!
well at least it was in portal
Oh right!
never even finished that game
You should!
so what do you do around these parts
Not sure what you mean with that.
How long have you been here? ive been here since 07, which makes me old, started this game in highschool thats wierd
I became member of the forums in '09
so do u take cookies for currency instead of souls?
i only got one soul and soo many cookies
Too bad for you :P

gtg do things bye

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 16:05:02 >
DF  Post #: 37
4/15/2011 15:05:11   

Haidere True. Ready for more tor- I mean, questions?
I'll consider that a "yes".
How can you consider "Nooh!" as a yes?!
What's the name of your puppy?
First of all, it's a dire wolf, who is pretty much.. NOT a puppy. His name is THORN. Don't ask me where the name came from. You DON'T, I repeat, DON'T want to know that!
I'm grayrrupting an army. By now, I have you, Alina, Rolith, Seppy, Zorbak, Big Daddy, Frydae, Ophelia, Valencia(Obviously), Tomix, Vaal, and more.
Now a question I forgot to ask Mritha. (Dun dun duuuuuuuun)
*epic music*
IF you had to choose between a red you, a pink you or a gray you, what would you choose?
The blue one please
Want a cookie?
*goves you a cookie made of iron*
.. That's mean!

*hears heavy metal music* I'm going.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 16:07:17 >
DF  Post #: 38
4/15/2011 15:09:31   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

like everyone else i say HI! and (kinda late) gratz for becoming AK.
Hai! Thankz
now i suppose i should ask you a few questions right?
You could.. of course.
of course i should,so here is the first question.
you kinda make/decide what the rewards are of a quest right?
I make 'em. Geo decides what she wants :P
if so, have you ever thought about rewards that are not items?
Rewards... that are not items?
how would you like to look like in the DF world?
Like my avatar.
can you see right through seppies soul(if he has one)?
Sepulchure is very good in hiding it. I can see flares of it, though.
can i ask a forbidden question?
Depends... does it involve tapdancing?
even if you say no, i will still ask it
Alright.. No tapdancing please.
what progress did you make to become AK?
I gave them all spirit fire!
are you gonna ban me now?
Fo sho'!

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 16:10:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 39
4/15/2011 15:14:44   

Welcome to the Devil's Deathtra DFGD!
So you like art, huh?
I like your work.
Do you like the animez?
If so what are you're favourites?
It's cloudy in the UK, what's the weather like in your country?
Sunny ^_^
Would you like a cookie?
Of course you do.
Alright then... *NOMNOM*
Well cya round then, I got places to go and people to meet (when I get to those places...) :D

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 16:12:05 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 40
4/15/2011 15:25:39   
Orange Squire

congrats on becoming a MTAK ;)
hows your mut... uh i mean wolf?
First of all, it's a dire wolf.. NOT a mut. He's doing fine.. he needs some food though. *looks at sainsabo*
your atrs awesome
I iz? Kewl!
xbox or ps3?
im bad at thinking of questions
It's aight :-)
well again congrats ;)

@ TM
you should also know i dont like it when people spell my name wrong . its sainsbo , not sainsabo!!! :P

< Message edited by sainsbo -- 4/15/2011 16:52:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 41
4/15/2011 15:31:35   

O y harro dere! Ish Darius! Nais tu meetchu! *shakes hand*
Hello there!
Does that count as stealing your intro? I tried to change it a bit from yours, so as not to step on your toes. If I did steal it, ish sowwy... :(
Nah.. this one is fine!
So, intern and AK? Nais!
Yes! P0werZ!
Does the above double duty get in the ways of each other, or are you one of those types who can multitask easily?
I can multitask. Very good!
What kinda skeelz does a Sou--erm, Spirit Warden have? Speaking in terms of a playable class? ((im)possiblity of future release is irrelevant for this question) No need for skill lists, just a general description will do.
You will find out.. just wait a few more hours :P
I don't usually do MtAKs because I can never think of silly questions to ask. I think it's because a harsh childhood killed my sense of humor, altho the punny style of AE awakened the sleeping punmeister in me.
Don't worry! I won't try to slay you with my awful puns. They usually slam into a wall of silence and chirping crickets anyway. I just find puns clever, and cleverness is funnier than stupidity IMO. What do you think? Do you like random humor, or intelligent humor?
Intelligent humor for me, please.
Anyway, I do have a question that I ask at MtAK's. It's kinda srs, but you can answer with silliness if you so choose. You wanna see it?
Are you sure? ...Honest?
Ok... I warned ya! Here it is!
How do you think the world will end? With a meteor impact? An ice age? A nuclear holocaust? A cosmic storm? Something else entirely? I don't care when you think it will end, just how. Personally I don't buy into the whole 2012 thing and all the theories about the Earth just asploding out of the blue, because some people who lived thousands of years ago made up a calendar that ends on an exact date next year.
I think it will end because I ate all the Spirit Fire.. Sad story!
Sorry for the srs question. Like I said, my sense of humor suxxs. I dislike the random humor fad that MtAK threads follow, so I don't train myself in its ways. I take stuff way too srsly... :(
Cheer up! I made it funny. I hope.
Newais, gudbai dere! Have a nais dei!
Edit: Yes, I got a chuckle from it. Thanks, I needed that. ^^

< Message edited by Darius -- 4/15/2011 16:50:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 42
4/15/2011 16:37:22   
Tiago X

You aren't? D'aww..
Your edit's made me LOL. Almost fell off my chair, you'd have another soul to watch for ;P
Good thing!
ZOMMMGSS! You liek Naruto!
Who doesn't!?
Fav. Naruto char?
Cliché.. I know.. but I REALLY like Itachi.
Fav. battle?
Sasuke VS Itachi
Sharingan or Byakugan?
Sharingan all the way.
If Sasuke were to fight "Yahiko" (all forms of pain) who wold win?
Sasuke may be strong, but.. I just don't think he can handle them.
Can we haz Naruto-based wep in-game pl0x?
Depends.. :P
Ima go for now, minion.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 17:52:12 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
4/15/2011 16:41:20   

Ehmm.. hai?
whats your favorite orb saga? :)
Let me think... I'd go with the fire orb.
why is the fire saga so HARD?!
Because it's ossim!
have you ever been table gum pwnd?

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 17:53:35 >


-The forgotten One
DF  Post #: 44
4/15/2011 16:50:41   

Hi TM!
Do you wanna have a staring contest?
Nah. You'll pass out.
That is all!
.. Really? Cool!
Before you leave read the spoiler below. Tis interesting. ;D
Curse you! My one second!

You just wasted one second of your life reading this. :)

*stares into True Mortal's soul*
Do you even know if I have a soul?

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 17:54:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 45
4/15/2011 17:00:09   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread so prepare yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know you.
Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Aight, thanks
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
How the shackles.....what color are yours?
They fit nicely.. They go well with my DF-Intern shackles! It's a bit too dark to see the color, but I assume something blue-ish.
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I'm.. *explodes*
Ready to play?
Fo sho'!
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Honor to talk to me? Cool. Don't freeze me. Don't even try. Thanks.
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Are you kidding me? You look HUGE!
Does it make you look fat?
Not fat. HUGE!
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
Read the rules. :P
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Don't have one yet
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix! May the undead penguins eat you alive! MAY THE BOH........crumble under my fins!
Yes! May the BoH crumbe under your HUGE fins!

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 17:58:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 46
4/15/2011 17:03:16   

Can i be your apretice
We're closed for the moment.. Please come back later!
WHat is your storiline about?
About.. spirits.. y'know.
Cna I touch my eyes with my tounge
No you can't. Definitely NOT.
Do you think whe should kill Justin BIeber
I don't know.. We should kill the Ficus though.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 18:00:33 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 47
4/15/2011 17:17:43   

Oh Hai :D
I Think your a realy awesome Spirit Warden :D
Thankies ^^
But your not the only Spirit Warden(DUN DUN DUN!!!!!)
I am not?
Any ways question timesz
What is your favorite snack?
Spirit Fire.
What is your favorite perk about being a Spirit Warden?
I can read people.
Can you Harvest souls?
Yes I can.
If your wandering im am a apprentice Spirit Warden(Teaching my self, i have no master :( (sadface)
Don't explode. It's dangerous without a master.
Umm TM, can u harvest another Spirit Warden's Soul?
Sometimes. It depends.

Well thats all I got for today :D
~Spirit Warden(In training) Mega
~Spirit Warden TM

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 18:03:48 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 48
4/15/2011 17:22:44   
extreme wizard

Hey there. How's the ArchKnight status feeling? (Congrats!)
Feelin' good!
Is it confirmed that you're getting an NPC and storyline in game?
What is your favorite weapon in game?
My own personal weapon.
Does the Ficus ever go on angry rampages against you? Or is it's anger aimed toward the rest of the team?
Somehow, the Ficus and I, we're really good friends ;-)
Do you like heavy metal music a lot? I saw you like 30 Seconds to Mars, and they're one of my favorite bands.
I really like many music styles ^^
Do you like this?: Here it is.
Ever tried making a drawing of it?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
You draw very, very well. Seriously dude. You make my drawings look like a kindergardner with crayons being hung upside-down and told to make pictures.
Practice I say ;-)
Well, see you 'roud. Au revoir.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 18:06:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
4/15/2011 17:26:22   

AK eh? i thought you were already an AK
Apparently not :P
How can you be watching us?
I haz m0d p0w3rz

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/15/2011 18:07:13 >
DF  Post #: 50
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