Master K
ZOMG TRUE MORTAL! *Waves* Haidere! Now, onto the random pointless questions... Hurray Do you like the color Navy Blue? Yeah. I suppose Do you like dragons? Yap! Which is the more annoying: Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black? Justin Black Do you feed N00BS to your spirit companion, Thorn? (Yes, I know his name! B0NU$ P0INT$) Yes. I do ^_^ Were you ever an RP'er on these forums? Nope. Atleast... not that I know of :P Legend of Zelda or Mario? Zelda Do you think i'll EVER get something I drew into DF or AQW? I try and try, y'know... I wouldn't know.. If you keep trying? If you had the chance, which game would you like to have your character in? Mario, Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Sonic, or Super Smash Brothers? Zelda. Your thoughts on The Akatsuki? (You said above you liked Naruto.) My friend introduced me to the Naruto world, even though he has kinda slipped into South Park. Akatsuki is awesome, though a little bit too ambitious. Finally, If you have Shackles, what about Thorn? Did the Arch-ies get a collar/shackles on him? If so, HOW?!?!? They're still trying, but everytime they try to come near him... That is all. BAI BAI! *waves goodbye, and dashes off* Bai!
< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 7:17:15 >