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RE: =MtAK= True Mortal [Is watchin' you]

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4/16/2011 6:29:14   
The Betrayer123

Hey TM, can thorn do any tricks?
Yep! He can eat forumusers who break rules!
What did you do before drawing for df? (you have probably already answered this because im to lazy to read the previous posts :P)
I was active in the suggestionshop discussion thread :-).
Does your char feel pain?
Mmh.. What pain? Physical or Mental?
Is thorn based on a dog in real life?
First of all, it's a wolf, and second, nope :P
How many pushups can you do in the time it takes you to read this?
Over 9000
QUICK, fav ice cream?
Thats it, Bonjour
*edit* Physical.

< Message edited by The Betrayer123 -- 4/17/2011 11:14:39 >


laganum est non a subjectio.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 76
4/16/2011 6:30:21   

Well, maybe one last try. You know, I'm really not surprised at this point. The only thing that annoys me is I WAS ONE POST AWAY!
Haha xD
So, I was looking at the Epicduel Storyline here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=17037654 And it struck me as a shame it has not been implemented yet. If you are in the Underground lab and they are too, or you can contact them, could you ask how that's going on in regards to placing it in game? I made a thread but only a couple of people have posted on it yet due to all the Fame For Fame threads and Balence Issue threads that crop up... What do you think of the ED Story anyway?
I don't know anybody at ED :/
So, are Spirit Wardens an order kind of thing, or are you the only one or only one of a few of them?
Well, the only human (?) one perhaps ;-)
Are there any evil Spirit Wardens, like ones who made a pact with the spirit they are meant to be guarding for power or something?
Mmh.. Yes.
What is the difference between a spirit and a soul and have you discussed it with the rest of the team like Ghost?
Oh don't bring this up again, there was a whole thread about it xD.
What was the incident that made you a Spirit Warden?
It was a cert... Secret.
If you can't answer that, what was the incident that made Thorn your companion?
I think that is explained in game, no?
If you can't answer THAT, then why blue?
Because the sound of red tastes like angry poniez
That's all. (Fades into shadows again)
Edit: Also, congrats on keeping calm during your first real troll invasion! I would like to say me posting in the thread was a test to see what you would do about me posting in it, and let's just pretend that's what is was and you passed, you know, like a Secret Test of Character kind of thing!
Just a quick edit. Hopefully I'm not over the 15 Question Limit.
I hope you're not. *banhammer*
SUL: Secret Underground Lab. And are you there?
And why were you in Falconreach that one time? I would have thought guarding the gate was a full time job.
There were... certain obligations I had.
When can we roughly expect the TM Saga?

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:34:22 >
DF  Post #: 77
4/16/2011 6:43:24   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

hello again
i have decided
I'll be your apprentice
you inspire me. for a long time i am looking for a person that protects something none can't really see but everyone has
I do? I mean NOOOO!
you can't say no
even if you do, i still am your apprentice
Seems like I can't get rid of you huh..
ill be the raven on your shoulder
Thorn will eat you. Alive.
looking from where those on the ground can't see
Okay. That's quite useful.
i ask nothing but 1 thing of you
And that is?
aknowledge me as your apprentice
I do not take apprentices. Yet
i shall do watherver you want
Fine, but not now.
you don't have to teach me in your ways unless you want to, wich you prob don't want to but i still will be your apprentice
dot dot dot
i will not speak of this to anyone, nor will i further keep you busy unless you call for me
Right. Later then.
goodby Master

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:36:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 78
4/16/2011 7:03:55   

I don't even care that you've not done my random stuff on the last page yet.
At this point I think I'm here solely to annoy you.
Yep you are!
But maybe not. We'll see.
I see you.
So... I have nothing to say.
Told you!
Which means I'll leave you with a quote.

In the real world
as in dreams
nothing is quite
what it seems.

That's.. quite nice.
Also, seriously? not Superman 64? That game... was really, really bad.
Never played it
Also also: SUL- Secret Underground Lab.
And another question! Iff it isn't too personal.
I'll see
From which country do you hail, good sir?
I'd prefer not to answer to that questions :-).
You haven't answered stuffs yet so I get to ask more still! Yay!
...Um... erm... uh...
... Cool.
Oh, and guess what WON'T hurt your eyes anymore.


< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:38:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 79
4/16/2011 9:28:07   

Hi :P
Bye :P


< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:38:37 >
AQW  Post #: 80
4/16/2011 10:34:04   

True Mortal you say this:

"It's fun to read some of the posts here! Some really cool things ^^.
Oh.. and AugustomutanteCP, isn't it obvious? I'm the Master..."

Why you say then it is too dangerous to say who is the Master
Sssshh!! Because people can't know that I am the Master!!

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:40:29 >
DF  Post #: 81
4/16/2011 10:36:02   

TM, will whe discover the origins of your character?

TM can a dravir be a spirit warden?
Probably not. Their race is .. too direct.

COuld a spirit warden separate for example en and tropy from gorgock?
They could see the bond, and attempt to break it. Whether or not that will succeed depends on the Spirit Warden
THat's all thxs

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 17:21:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 82
4/16/2011 11:12:37   
Alder Peacemaker

Congragulations on being a staff and AK
don't really know what to post for questions but i posted anyways so...
... Okay ^_^
wait got an idea...
Letalis? which do you prefere being called letalis or true mortal?
I do not have a preference, although my close friends call me Letalis.
darn i was sure i had more questions, ah well
This happens...
EDIT: completly random question that i just thought of
favorite letter of the alphabet?
less random questions
powers that spirit wardens have?
Look in game D:?
Spirit wardens/Soulweaving any sort of conection?
Mmh.. Not directly!
do you know what S.U.L. stands for?(Someone already asked)
Secret Underground Lab.
bye again
Bai again!

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:42:51 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 83
4/16/2011 12:35:38   

O hai TM.
Say, didn't you already have archknight powers when you got intern'd?
Nope, I got discriminated!
OK, just wondering.
Do you watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
Ehrr.. no!
*COUGHCOUGH* Moving on. What's your favorite food?
Spirit Fire
Do you laik turdals?
Yiz I laik turtalz
Is this the last question?
No, this is, didn't you know that/
.. I should have!
Good bye.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:44:23 >


My sig was munched, and all I got was this stinkin sig.
Wait, if my sig was taken and I just get another sig doesn't that cancel itself out? /brainhurt
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 84
4/16/2011 12:45:59   
Dragonlord John!

My second set of questions:
What do you actually do on Dragonfable?
I iz makin' ossim art.
Did you have a say in what role you wanted your NPC to play in the game?
I'm freely to choose in how I want to organize it or what story, and I had help
What country do you live in?
^ look above
Do you have Xbox live? (if so whats your gamer tag?)
Newp I don't have an Xbox
Thanks all for now!

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:50:28 >
DF MQ  Post #: 85
4/16/2011 13:03:02   

one last question :)
what do you think of my picture? (make sure to read title and description)


< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:51:13 >
DF  Post #: 86
4/16/2011 13:16:36   

I said again. xD
Haiz again
Oh, and sorry if I insulted your wolfie. Say sorry to him from me.
He forgave you!
Intresting situation. You're gonna hurt something cute, yet if I come after you and kill you, your doggie... Sorry, wolfie is gonna be alone.
True.. ._.
Maybe he'd like it at my place? *Get's bad look from the undead cats* Eh... Maybe not.
Better not, indeed.
I'll let you of the hook for now. Just make sure you don't acctually DO it, ok?
I like the weaponds you're making for the game by the way. Even if they often are a bit to detailed for my taste.
Thanks :-)
So, undead is better then skeleton for you huh?
That's... Intresting. I must say I do agree with you. And at the same time I don't.
O.O What?
It all depends on what kind of skeleton it is. Undeads beat a human skeleton any day, but if it's a dragon skeleton... Oh yes, questions, that's right.
Ah right!
Your NPC says there are five portals on Lore. Yet you have to pass through the one you're guarding to get to the others..?
That will be explained in game
Why don't you just go straight to the others instead?
That will be explaiend in game.
Anyway, have a nice day.
You too!
I might see you again. =D

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:55:51 >
DF  Post #: 87
4/16/2011 13:35:03   
Killing time softly

Hi True Mortal!
Ello Myra!
Congratulations on joining the AK ranks!
Also Congratulations on your NPC having a permanent place in game - Stoneheart Falls looks amazing!
Thankiez :-)!
Since this is an MtAK here is a token question!
So, umm ... a Spirit Warden is basically like a guard for the Dungeon Dimensions?
Kinda, but not exactly ;-)
Bye! :)

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 16:58:01 >
DF MQ  Post #: 88
4/16/2011 14:08:14   
extreme wizard

Hello again.
Where did you learn to become so epic? I thought Tomix had the best NPC until I saw yours. (Sorry Tomix)
:O! I learned it when I was little :P
I saw that your favorite animal is a wolf, same as me. I'd get one as a pet, but it would eat me.
Yeees.. better not get a wolf pet :P
Where did Thorn come from? Or will that be revealed in your storyline?
All will be revealed later on
Will you be a guest in the future? If so, I look forward to seeing what you can do.
Can you fly? I know I can, but not everyone has that kind of ability. :P
Never tried it, but I don't think so :P
What is the SUL like? (SUL=Secret Underground Lab)
Never been there D:
Vampires or Werewolves? This has nothing to do with the disgrace known as the Twilight series, those abominations ruined the whole concept of "creatures of the night."
That previous question seems stupid since you have a wolf named Thorn by your NPC. So, WEREWOLVES FTW!
Right ^^
Do you speak French? How well?
Bah.. je parle un petit peu de français.
Est-ce que vous aime vetements noir? Ou preferez-vous bleu?
J'aime plûtot le blue.
What is your favorite food? I myself am a spaghetti person, the carbs give me energy to flap my wings.
I'm fan of spaghetti myself
It seems that Spirit Wardens and SoulWeavers are a little similar. Is there any connection between the two, or did you and Tomix just have similar ideas?
Similar ideas
See ya'!

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 17:02:58 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 89
4/16/2011 14:59:26   
Jet Silver

1. Why/When did you change your colors from red to blue?
Pretty in the beginning, it matched my idea better
2. What element, that isn't the original 8, and including joke elements, is your favorite?
Lost me there!
3. How would Thorn do fighting against Fenrir?
He would own 'em.
4. What was your favorite weapon to make?
I have fun in every weapon I make
5. Would those alternate Chronohelms in your gallery ever be released?
Probably not. I made a few, and the one I liked the most got released
6. How could Thorn hunt noobies when all of them are put in Oaklore Keep?
He has a backdoor passage :O
7. What is your favorite weapon from another artist?
I liked Tomix' Zurvana set.
8. How was your day? And did you enjoy answering these questions?
Busy. Yes.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 17:04:58 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 90
4/16/2011 15:51:35   
Tiago X

I guess being your minion woldn't be that bad.
Aha ;-)!
I mean, it'll hurt you more right?
So I acept your contract, do I get soulless or something?
Yep, you need to jump into the lava now.
Of course it will be.
Ima get to be in a cutscene :3
Yeaah.. *shizzles*
By the way, you didn't really comment the VIDEO in my sig x3
Lawl. Well I'm busy, I can't click every link D:
Farewell Master, I shall be waiting for your commands.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 17:06:09 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 91
4/16/2011 16:19:19   

*as he approaches the Spirit Warden he pulls out a deck of cards with BoH print and conjuring an arcanic table between the two spreads them out in an arc*
Pick one.
Is it a seven of Balance?
Is it a four of Mastery?
Nevermind. Bacon Icecream from denny's?
Caramel milk?
If Thorn had not the time to hunt between fights, would he accept dragon chow instead of raw meat?
Nevar! He is too proud!
Did I say congratulations?
Nope you didn't.
If not, than congratulations. if I did than... congratulations again.
like the sig? *points down*
Have you ever watched the movie 'the wall'? if not than... have you ever promised someone you would watch it? *evil grin*
I haven't. Yet :P
Thorn would have no tolerance of me if I were to try to talk to him in wolf form would he :< (I am an animorphous, NOT a werewolf...)
Mmmh.. Not even a bit :P
How does this make you feel? This ._.
"WTH" - feeling.
do you agree that all sentences/statements should be ended with punctuation or an emoticon? I hate when people do not finish their sentences ._.
Yes I hate it too wh
I can not think of anything else other than...
What is your opinion about the Scythe of Hope?
Be honest ._.
It's aight ;-).

See you next page... *achievement unlocked: stalker status!*
*edit* Let these people know I have been your apprentice before they knew your name :<
I hereby declare that you were my minion before they knew my name.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 17:09:30 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 92
4/16/2011 16:24:11   

You know Thorn looks very familiar.
Don't all wolves do?
Maybe it's because of a web comic I've seen about wolves. (or a game... most likely web comic though)
Probably then xD
May I draw him? If he doesn't try to eat me first that is.
If you can, sure ^_^

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/16/2011 17:10:04 >
DF AQW  Post #: 93
4/16/2011 17:27:01   
DF Artist

Hullo! Considering you now have a whole thread for people to communicate with you...thought I might take this chance. ^^;;...
Anywho...firstly, like a heckload of other people have already said, congratulations on all of your achievements up to date! :]
Secondly, noob-chop for Thorn, and a gallon of Spirit Fire for you! (Don't ask where or how I got them...'kay~?)
Thanks a lot!
Third, you've gotten me hooked on this Spirit Fire stuff...it really is rather tasty...*cough* I mean, hate the stuff. Don't like it at all.
It's MINE D:<!
Fourth...in-game, didn't you just tell the heroes that your gate is the first one? Your NPC mentioned that to get to any other gate, one must pass through yours, so I'm shooting some guesses into the dark.
Yes, that's correct
Edit: If yes to the above question about whether or not you are the first, are you the most powerful or one of the more powerful wardens guarding the portals? Or do power levels continually build from you (the weakest) to the fifth (the strongest)? (I have a feeling you're going to say 'wait and see'...)
Wait and see. But the power of a Spirit Warden depends on his age and skill.
Also, angry Spirit Warden doesn't bode well. Why were you angry earlier? (You mentioned being red from anger, so I'm wondering why. Maybe from losing communication with other guardians...?).
Haha, twas a joke.
May I...possibly call you by your other name, "Letalis", or would I get my side in Thorn? (Yes, I know, that was a terrible attempt at a joke).
*get 'em boy!*
And lastly, very nice work from you so far! Looking forward to what might come. :]
Thanks :-)

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/17/2011 5:56:14 >
DF  Post #: 94
4/16/2011 17:56:23   
Kiki Cadavera

Cuz I'm out of the loop.... How do I get to where ur NPC is?
Travel to lymcrest, down, right, down.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/17/2011 5:56:51 >
DF  Post #: 95
4/16/2011 18:07:35   

Greetings Epic one.
I have just a Few questions for you.
Why do you look So epic???
Ehmm.. I don't know, you tell me ^_^
If i Offered you the chance to Destroy Falconreach, Would you?
Are you Planning to Be the next Tomix, an awesome guy with an awesome quest line?
Planning on doing that, yes ;-)
Have you Heard of Daft Punk?
If yes, do you like them?
Cya great True Mortal!. *Bows*

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/17/2011 5:57:52 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 96
4/16/2011 18:13:44   
Alder Peacemaker

Hi once again
I've thought of other Questions(mhahah-ack darn cold)
Is what you are guarding a remnant from the elemental wars or something older?
If you don't know what i'm talking about play the quest The Whole Truth in Willowshire
If you do know then completly disregard the above^
whats your favorite element?
Favorite instrament?
Thorn only eats noobs right...?
Yeah.. He needs something else once in a while though ^_^
cause he's looking at me funny...
You're right.. he might...
and growling...
You better leave now ;-)
ran out of questions again may or may not think up more
(hurridly leaves)
*Thorn chases him*

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/17/2011 5:59:48 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 97
4/16/2011 18:19:34   

Herro! :o
Now a few of my questions:
I saw a video and it said that is is good to have anitials that spell something nice like FUN...
My anitials are YOUWILLDIEALONEPAINFULLYANDSLOWLY. Is that a bad thing?
It definitely is.
Favorite Beverage?
Spirit Fire
Anime or Manga?
Guitar, Piano, Sketching, DF, Basketball.
~Put a banana in your ear~
Yes a banana in your ear. A ripe one too. And in your favorite ear.
I also promise you that it won't take over your brain...10% of the time.
I hope you're right!
Inslave all humanity or build homes for sweet innocent birds without nests?
Mmh.. enslave humanity. Then make them build himes for sweet innocent birds without nests.
Thats All!
*Wants to ask one last thing but can't be bothered with it
Buh Bai!
Dissapears into the rainbow and evaporates...

(I learned it at Camp Pabaloui!)

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/17/2011 6:02:02 >


DF  Post #: 98
4/16/2011 18:28:09   
Lady Aleua

What would you say is most important about you?
Me friends!
What has happened in the past to shape you into who you are today?
You really thought I would give you the answer to that D:?
Can you adopt me as your second wolf? In well behaved.
Sure. You can find the rules next to the food.
What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
Sketch :D
What does Thorn like to eat?
Spirit Fire and occasionally a n00bie
Ninjas or Pirates?
Mmh, tough one. I fought for the ninjas back then :-).
What was/is your fave. moment/event/saga/ ect. in DF?
I like all the wars. So vivid!
Me being a wolf demon, would Thorn consider me a fellow wolf and friend or want to use me as a chew toy?
At first he will think you are a new chew toy, but you have to earn his respect :P
Also, Blue Triplets FTW!!! :D

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/17/2011 6:56:23 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 99
4/16/2011 18:31:16   

I'm back
Hey chiz!
Blue Triplets unite!
haha ok I thought of some questions now :D
I thought we'd never get to 'em
Any chance of seeing any fish weapons in the future?
... I'll give you a maybe ;-)
Can I haz my cake back?
Yeah.. sorry 'bout that.
That's all for now :)

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 4/17/2011 6:57:22 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 100
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